Make sure you get the full message by paying attention to body language. This contributes subliminal messages that can give you an insight into what is really being said.
Remember that if you interrupt a person less and listen to what they are saying, rather than just hearing, you will cause them to feel that they really matter to you.
When you meet new people act in a friendly manner to ensure that you achieve effective communication.
When you smile and make eye contact you make yourself more approachable. This will encourage people to talk and connect with you.
If you have something to say, don't beat around the bush. Be clear and concise and people will appreciate and respect you for it.
One way to make a good impression is to mirror the other person, but don't overdo it. Once or twice will make them feel that you are connected and on the same wavelength.
Don't make group meetings last too long. Once or twice a week can often be more effective than an all-day meeting.
Genuine, gentle eye contact is important when communicating. This will encourage others to open up to you.
Communication, by its very nature, is about sharing. When you find yourself focusing on yourself too much, turn it around and focus on the other person.
Everyone is different. Sharing your similarities and differences can lead to some interesting conversations and learning opportunities.
Remember that texts and emails can easily be misunderstood, whereas verbal communication will ensure clarity in what you are saying.