in seo •  7 years ago  (edited)

seo steemit


Yesterday, I wrote part 1 of this series about doing SEO on Steemit. In it, I layed down the ground work and the planning that one must consider before building an SEO optimized blog using Steemit. If you enjoy the content of this series, I suggest that you follow me as I am trying to publish daily on the topic of SEO.

Disclaimer: You don't need to do any of the things I talk about in order to earn good money via the steem blockchain. It's more about those people who care about ranking for keywords in particular niches by using

Step 4 - Publish High Quality Content

What is the point of ranking for a keyword if people don't enjoy reading the information you provide to them? Coming up with good copy that people enjoy reading takes a lot of practice. This is why I suggest anyone who is serious about becoming a good content creator to publish daily.

Practice makes perfect they say!

Also, if you are serious about writing good articles, consider buying a class on copywriting. It will pay dividends down the road. As much as possible we want to procede with L-U-C-K (Labor Under Correct Knowledge) right?

Good Content Is Also Good Formatting

steemit seo writing.jpg

Short Paragraphs

If you want people to be able to read your articles with ease, you have to consider leaving a lot of white space. Huge blocks of text are really hard on the eyes and makes life difficult to your readers.

Liven Up Your Posts

There is an excellence articles by @xeldal on how to liven up your post using markdown. I highly suggest you learn how to have headers, bold, italic, underscore, bullets points, etc. They help your content to be more dynamic, they help you highlight the most important part of your content. On top of that, they also help the search engine know what your post is about.

Hooks and Calls to Action

It's great to have people click on the search engine to get to your article...but as you know, people have a really short attention span and they don't have time to figure out if they will find the solution to their problem on your article.

You can reassure them that they are in the right place by placing a hook at the beginning of your article. Here are some simple templates:

Are you tired of X (major pain point)? If so, I suggest that you keep reading as I am going to explain how...

If you are looking for XYZ, you've came to the right place.

Calls to Action can be placed throughout your article. Ask yourself what is the #1 action you want people to take. If you are a real estate agent for example, you probably want them to send you an email. If you are selling a product, you want to send them to your product sales page, etc.


If you like the content of this series, follow my profile. I try to publish daily and tomorrow I am going to talk about the SEO of headers, anchor texts diversification, and other goodies to help you do some good on-page SEO.


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I guess 'calls to action' might cover it but I find that it is good to encourage a dialog by asking your readers opinion by asking them to leave a comment.

These comments not only add to your post, but the discussion that happens there can turn a casual reader into a follower

@fiveboringgames - yep, I always do that with my posts (I briefly considered linking to one here as a shameless plug, but I won't 😝 )

I've been here less than a week, and nothing against authors since many post are extremely well researched and written, but I already think some of the conversations that have sprung up on the side have been more interesting and illuminating than the original post. It's really cool though to be a part of such a dynamic platform!

I absolutely agree. :-)

nicee :)

I think number 4 is the most important. Without good content, the rest of the article will fall flat. A great hook and a fantastic picture can bring a reader to your article but if the content is poor, everything else ends up as wasted effort. Love this series of articles @cryptoctopus . Keep them coming.

Awesome! Yes as a newbie one of the things I know I need to learn is markdown.. which is definitely more aesthetically pleasing to reader's eyeballs However, I'm not 100% clear on how that helps with SEO... does it give more weight to the words you put in bold/as subheaders? Thanks for clarifying!

As a side note, I definitely want to refer to ( later.. is there some way to bookmark posts in steam for later reference?

I wish there was bookmarks. I resteem and it gets in my feed for later reference. When it comes to markdown/headers SEO, I will be talking about this tomorrow.

Amen to that! Now that I'm following you I hope to read it then :) :)

Can you dumb it down please? I am smart general IQ, but I am no blog wiz. There will be more unsophisticated people like me to read it in the future. Also, I only use Apple, I don't know what I don't know, but I know that sometimes it is way harder on a Mac os. Sorry if I am an anchor, but damnit I am trying. Thank you Mr. ? do you prefer Mr. Crypto, Mr. Octo, or Mr. , Thanks, thanks again. Haha.

My article is targeted for advanced bloggers who want to rank on google with their articles. Take your time and don't rush into that kind of stuff when you get started. I've been blogging for more than 5 first, I couldn't take it all. Just take your time.

took me this long to find your comment and reply. I will get there. I may not be financially successful at it but just about the time it is obsolete I will probably understand it somewhat.

SEO Images with MetaData as well. I bet less than 1/10 of 1% of Steemit users do it.

I actually was looking forward to Part 2 after reading part 1 yesterday . I agree , this is all very important because a human eye is what is attracted first , structure is very important @cryptoctopus

Nice tutorial you got here, waiting for the next series tomorrow.

Upvoted and also resteemed :]

Awesome article it really helps us alot.

That is helpful man! Do you think adding the source of photo make the post looking more professional?

I'm curious on how the tags affect our seo. Would this affect your silos since the 1st tag becomes part of the url? I'm just wondering if we need to be more strategic with that first tag for Google.

That's a very very good point.

Thanks for the advice. I'm constantly practicing and trying to improve my game here. I see so much value moving forward

Would you have any objection if I link a topic I wrote in the comment section for constructive criticism on how I have laid out my post? I have been trying hard to make the post more dynamic and create a good post but I am not sure I am succeeding.

Go ahead and shoot! :-)

I see everything is in header or bold. That wouldn't be good in terms of SEO. More on that on tomorrow's post.

Thank you - I look forward to tomorrows post:)

Yes, amazing and informative post

Spot on mate! Didn't know bold letters have an SEO effect!

good man . i like it

I really liked your post @crytoctopus. By the way, if you like reading, then you are invited to visit my page @vinaypsychich.

seo guru here. great article!

Very Interesting !

Just read the part two of your SEO series. Thank you again for sharing!

Will it improve the quality of our post if we add a video to it?

Liking this series and the fact that you take your own advice!

Thank you for this! Super helpful SEO info :)

Thanks For Sharing ....

Thank you for sharing my friends .. Greetings know :-)