The Seven Day Beer Challenge # 1

in sevendaybeerchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)


When I returned home yesterday evening I rushed to my computer (as one does) to see what was going on on Steemit. And here it was, waiting for me, @trumpman’s latest idea : A seven day beer challenge! 😫

You may ask ‘why the face?’ Well, because of this:

As for Abi, I think she hates beer

This is what he wrote on his post. He knows this, he knows I am busy at the moment; yet, he nominates me to a challenge that calls for purchasing and tasting seven beers on seven different days. 😒

Then I asked him frustrated “how can you do this to me?” only to hear his reply “have some fun woman”! Now, @trumpman is one of my oldest buddies here on Steemit – from when I started ! - and we care a lot about each other. So, this is the only reason why I said yes to him. Can’t wait to see the end of this! 😌

Anyways ...

These are the rules I will have to keep in mind (or not 😉)

  1. You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days
  2. The beer must be something you have never tasted before
  3. You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it
  4. Nominate someone every day
  5. If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink!
  6. Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.

For me to comply with rule number 2, I could just close my eyes and pick up any beer in the supermarket, really. Because I have never drunk beer in my life. Still, because today is Monday I am going to start with a beer sans alcohol 😇

General Info

This is a German beer. However, this very tin I bought was made in Sintra – I love Sintra :) and It is rather sugary 4,1 g of sugar per 100 ml (so, I am glad I don’t drink beer). Ah! It costs €0.29.

Not surprisingly, this beer has a sweet smell. As for the taste, I put some on a tea spoon and gave it a go. Well, it didn’t taste as sweet as I expected, and to be honest, I thought it is quite watery. Tangy watery in fact. Gosh, I am such a connoisseur 😅

Would I have it again?


Who is going to be my first nomination?

Well, I happily nominate @lucylin, who is a most interesting person with a life worth of writing a book about. I had the pleasure of having his participation in one of my posts around New Year, and since then we have come to respect each other as well as each other’s work, despite our different views.

So dear @lucylin I am looking forward to hearing whether you will be accepting this challenge. Please let us know here in the comments!

And the countdown begins! Cheers everyone 😊

Original photos :
Photo 1 – Taken with a Cannon 70D
Others – Taken with my husband’s smart phone.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You have never drinked beer before? How the heck can you say you hate it then? 😂😂😂

Did you finish it all, or just had a teaspoon ? :)

Funny! How would a teaspoon of beer taste?

It will be tasteless cos beer taste sweeter when you've had some more bottles and still order for more. Lolz

Hey @desmonddesk :) Thanks for stopping by!

I might revolutionize the way people drink beer. Let's all drink it on a teaspoon from now on :P

Nope! Never had a beer before. I had a sip of a Brazilian beer about 20 years ago. It tasted and smelt like vomit. That is my story! :*

Oh ... and no, I did not finish the beer. I poured it down the kitchen sink.

LOL. I'm not a big beer drinker myself. I do sometimes add a can of beer in a pot when I'm making chicken stew. And, since you have 6 more to go, you may want to add it as an ingredient.

Good tip! :)

Lol looks a funny challenge anyway when i saw your post i think that is a topic not a challenge

Oh Godh! So sorry to disappoint you @soufianechakrouf !!! @trumpman is the one to blame for this mess :/

Lol @trumpman cheers then let's have fun @abigail-dantes leave the seriousness for another time 😂


I suppose a teaspoon technically means you've fulfilled the requirements of the challenge, but swigs (or perhaps chugs) are the preferred method for the beer drinker's palette. At least you're soldering on for the sake of the Steemit community :). Who knows, maybe you'll find a beer you like.

I suppose a teaspoon technically means you've fulfilled the requirements of the challenge,
LOVE THIS! Ahahahahah Thank you! Ahahahahahah

What don't I do for this community .... 😫

Thank you for stopping by and having a laugh with us here @tking77798

All the best :)

I know that this is going to be fun, but I hate beer.. I don't know why, I prefer to take wine.. Have fun.

Me toooo :D
Red wine is the way to fly!

This is an awesome challenge. Going to join it with my wife!!! Thanks for sharing, following you because I think we will be on the same page. haha take care

Please do! Hopefully it will go viral and hopefully people will remember this shit started from me. Maybe there will be a history book one
day about steemit, and my nickname will be written there (with golden letters!) as a true pioneer !! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Hahahahaha I promise that I will keep your name in mind!!!! Keep up the great work.

I don't know why, but when I read "golden letters" I just burst into laughter! Had the beer been an alcoholic one I would have put it down to that 😛

That No 5 rule makes this contest one of the best on steemit 😂

And since I came up with it, by extent it makes me one of the best (and modest) on steemit!

No dispute here. You own the crown ✌️👍

You have always been incredibly modest (NOT!).

@trumpman this is a very interesting challenge. I will be happy to introduce these to my friends who adores beers more than their girlfriends. hehhe.

Green, do you drink beer?

@abigail-dantes, I still prefer water :) I drink lots of water. I may try beer....only if I could do it with one part beer, ten parts water :)

Just don't drink before you see your patients... or at least drink with them :P
With so many good portuguese beers! Sagres and Superbock are a must! And you should try them from an actual bar! They lose some of the good taste when ou drink them out of the can!

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH Imagine that! A new way of practicing clinical psychology 😂
My husband bought a bottle of Superbock! I will buy the other one you suggested (Sagres). Thanks for the tip @teutonium :)

very nice. wish you win the contest

It is not a competition @ridoykhan22 :)

so thats just a challenge.!

This is Fantastic!

I like it when one takes a challenge for the sake of friendship. Now I've got to know @trumpman has been your day one buddy on steemit.

As for the beer, it didn't taste sweet because you didn't have it to its fullness.
Beer is sweeter when you get HIGH ... You'd have asked for more.

Yes, @trumpman is very dear to me :)
But .... shhhhh .... don't tell him that!

Que bien que no hallas tomado una cerveza, ademas espero que tengas exito en el concurso amiga.

Gracias @calitoo 😊

No me gusta la cerveza, pero tomarla a cucharadita seria bueno. como una medicina asi seria divertido, y me gusta mas el vino

Me too @pedval25, I prefer wine. Red wine! :)

I'm afraid I must respectfully decline this challenge... for a couple of reasons.

Firstly to be really boring - and dispel any of those 'interesting' accusations thrown in my direction.😂

Secondly I find all this interest in tasting beers and wines a little...

When I'm definitely more....

In the spirit of adding something, I can tell you it is 9:30 a.m, I am still slightly inebriated from last night, where I drank 3 types of beers. (Chang, Heineken, and Singha)

On top of this, some sickly strange red stuff (I have no idea what it was called but I hope it has a radiation warning in it. vile).

I also had quite a lot Bells scotch whiskey.
Some of which was imbibed from the belly button of a particularity attractive girl...

I also have a very mild, dull headache.

I am still slightly inebriated from last night

I drank 3 types of beers.....On top of this, some sickly strange red stuff

I also had quite a lot Bells scotch whiskey.....from the belly button of a particularity attractive girl...

Damn! You must be a rock-star @lucylin

lol - Well, I do feel like a piece of basalt right now..

Lolz.....I can relate to that.
A nice "Last Night", you had, all the same.

Just hoping that girl is your girlfriend! 😩

It's a friend of my girlfriends, silly!

(although my girlfriend did pour the whiskey in said belly button)

Yes, you are a rock star 😎

I play with toy soldiers!

Very funny you were nominated for this little beer tasting challenge. Somehow I had a feeling you were not a big beer drinker. Perhaps you could skip this challenge? Much love my friend🐓🐓

Hello dear :) The problem with me is .... when I start something I just cannot stop midway 😕😅

You are in trouble now. How many more days do you have left?
99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer, you take 1 down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall. Lol! 🐓🐓


Lolz....I really do like this challenge @abigail-dantes. Not sure I could go on a 7-day beer binge myself. But i'm eagerly rooting for you. lolz.
Can't wait for "today's beer tale"...😅...... Cheers to a Liquor filled week @abigail-dantes.

Cheers @rickie! Thanks for stopping by and having a laugh with us :)

Last weekend, I drank 1 beer and I got dizzy, as if I had taken a box, my head hurt and my stomach hurt too, I'll never drink one again, lol. It is a punishment, because I love it!

Gosh @karinavb, I cannot even imagine how I would feel if I had a whole beer!! You are strong 😅

Well, if I tried beer, but I do not like it, I prefer wine, my son-in-law would love this challenge! Hahaha

Hey @luisateresa :) I also prefer wine! Red wine 🍷

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Try to get this one, it's one of the best I've tasted, it tastes a bit like malt.

Great photo! 😃

this 😷😳😵 . LOL.

Hi miss abi @abigail-dantes , now i am laye, your post is not really fresh, i wanted to see it you posted just like up to 30 minutes go, but, on no!!! it was 6 hours ago, im still sleeping that time , hehe

about the beer, i have tasted that before , but not into alcohol too,though my husband loves that during occasions haha.

I am gladi can see you post a different thing too, but i am missing the long read hehe

All the best for you always miss @abigail-dantes
though you're busy, don't forget to inhale to the nose exhale from the mouth ,shoukd have small opening only, close your eyes,pray , open your eyes and smile . and take care always
Much love from us 😘❤️❤️❤️

Hello my dear @zephalexia 😂 Can you believe this?? Ahahahaha Well, we are having a breal from mental illness for the time being, I suppose! I will definetly keep in mind the breathing exercise you recommended here. Thank you my dear 😘

Really dear? Well,it's your time to drink beer if that's the case.Wine is way much better than beer if you'll ask me and vodka too. One of the best ways to get drunk. 😉

Ahahakhahahaha Can you believe this Sakura??
Oh also ... the idea is not to get drunk 😂😘

Hahhahha actually I really liked the idea of drinking beer from a teaspoon. I will tell my dad to do it. Let's see if he wont scold me from this cool trick. hekhek. 🤣


A fantastic challenge for beer lovers. @abigail-dantes Now you have the opportunity for the first time to try seven beers ..

Maybe you have an exciting week writing publications with a beer by your side hahaha Regards

Ahahahahahah writing while drinking beer! That sounds almost bohemian 😅🍷

I was referring to something like that, maybe they give you a lot of creative thoughts. ¡Until writing a book, a story! For example hahaha

Hi ms. @abigail-dantes, at long last after almost 2 weeks I've read a post from you... 🎉😊😊
Me and my sister were wondering last friday.. ohhh why ms. abi don't have any post it's it is midnight and saturday already in her country then we got back to your last post and then we realized you said every other friday 😊😊😊😊

I never liked beer too, but you are very nice for accepting the challenge....
I will be waiting for your next beer 😁😁😁

Hugs and kisses ma'am 😘😘😘


Well a different beer daily for a week, I would like to do this challenge, now I have never seen anyone take a spoonful of beer, it would be like taking a cough syrup, hahaha.

You are so right! AHahahahahaha .... that is how it feels for me anyways .... as if I am taking medication. That is how much I dislike it :)

You never know, this "challenge" could possibly make you more amenable to beer. From my experience, beer is an acquired taste and exposing yourself consistently to various beers may actually modify your palate on a biological level. Good luck!

You are right! I didn't like wine before; but, little by little I acquired a taste for it and really enjoy it nowadays. However, always with a meal! :)

Most types of beer contain al-kohol and intoxicating, And the beverage that bastard even though his content very low it remains haram.

One of the hardest restrictions by rasullulah is to drink a khamr or a drink that can bite the soul, beer, wine and other types.

Kind of drinks in bandrol with a cheap price. That is one of the triggers of many people who drink this beverage. Hopefully this type can be made by yourself, why rasullulah very important people to drink this illicit drink this one? In because people who are drunk because drinking a khamr will lose consciousness.

For example there are women around him could be people who rape him unconsciously, killing and many other bad things are all done unconsciously. Truly this is a very dangerous act.

Therefore religious teachings prohibit it especially Islam. However, for those of you who like it your rights, I must respect it. Sorry if my comment is not welcome .. Thanks.

You are welcome to express your opinions and beliefs @jamalgayoni, as long as you are respectful :)

Hola mi estimada @abigail-dantes! jajajaja me parece muy divertido el reto, de verdad yo tampoco ingiero alcohol, de hecho si quisiera participar aquí en Venezuela no llegamos a 7 marcas de cervezas, espero ver sus próximas experiencias con las otras 6 marcas, por lo visto el creador del reto usa cualquier excusa para poder beber jajajajaja, un saludo, que le aproveche y salud!

Ahahahahah Thank you so much for stopping by and having a laugh with us here @javisem! Yes, it looks like Trumpman just wanted an excuse to drink his beer seven days in a roll! :P

Good challenge but here in Venezuela we only have one brand and one type of beers, even if I want to do it I can not love @abigail-dantes


Oooh !!!!! if it would be a good way to consume beer, @ abigail-dantes I support you in fact I do not like beer either. Good challenge, I hope soon publish and your articles of psychology that are so educational and edifying for me.

I will soon be posting about psychology again @mili2088. Thank you for stopping by anyways my dear!

Seriously Abi? Non-alcohol beer for your first day?

I thought it is quite watery

of course it is, it is not even actual beer, it is the vegan meat of beer :P


Of course it is!


Im sorry @abigail-dantes, that really made me laugh, thank you @ruth-girl! :D :D

I don't think I could find 7 different beers here, let alone ones i've not tried! That's a challenge in itself!

Oh yeah?? Get ready, I am going to challenge you through the week!

Hehe! ^_^

If you can't find 7 different beers, just order some from the Internet :P

Oops .... Never knew that! Good analogy, though 😂

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

hahaha looks like a very interesting Challenge :p
I wish you best of luck!

You are very polite @abdulmanan. Interesting is not the adjective I have in mind for this challenge 😜

@abigail-dantes doing a beer challenge! 😱

Well, big thanks to @trumpman for nominating you, this is fun for me and I hope you'll have some fun too, woman! 😊

I'm looking forward to reading you reviews of some alcoholic beers also (and counting spelling mistakes made in the process). Cheers! 🍻

@abigail-dantes doing a beer challenge! 😱

It looks like you know me too well my dear! AHAHAHAHAH I foud this so funny !!! Can you believe it?

Brace yourself for the specialized reviews I will be sharing with you this week :*

Thanks for taking the time to have a laugh here with us.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Al igual que usted amiga @abigail-dantes no soy amante a las bebidas alcoholicas, pero he tenido la oportunidad de probar algunas que tienen mas alcohol que otras, en reuniones he tomado para compartir una que otra vez . En mi pais la cerveza polar es la mas comercial dicen que es muy rica yo particularmente la consigo un poco amarga. Las artesanales de la Colonia Tovar las recomiendo son muy ricas. Saludos!

Hey Lívia ... it sounds like you know quite a bit about beer, even though you are not a big fan! Thank you for stopping by to have a laugh here with us :*

I might have the opposite problem as you — trying to find sevem beers I haven’t tried!


An interesting challenge for you! I think, it will be great fun ))) Good luck to you) The most unusual beer, which I tried, was cherry beer in Turkey, it was very tasty

Cherry beer ? I am curious .... Well, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to wish me luck. I will need it this week :)

Your review may be askew as drinking beer from a teaspoon may not give you the full flavor of a gulp or even the mental clarity of chugging. 🤣 Awesome @trumpman for nominating you. hehe

@karencarrens 😍
A gulp of beer? No, no, no ... I will perfect my teaspoon beer drinking style for a more accurate judgement of flavour :)
Lots of love to you dear!

Jajaja interesante desafio, particularmente no soy de mucho ingerir cerveza y ningun tipo de licor, mas sin embargo existen algunas con sabores realmente increibles, y porque no animarse a tomar alguna de vez en cuando! como dicen en mi pais UNA, UNA VEZ AL AÑO NO HACE DAÑO... saluditos...

Hello @andre15501 :)
Thank you for taking the time to encourage me on this !!! Ahahahahah
Ps: I do like red wine! :)

Wow, beer without alcohol? Interesting! Good luck in your challenge, as you do not like beer I leave you a tip of help: take it very cold! its flavor passes less bitter

Oh thank you! I will keep that in mid @jesusagon. The one I tasted today was room temperature.
Oh nooooo


This sounds like so much fun but I don't want to be you right now because I know I won't be able to keep tasting one daily.

Have fun darling 😍😍😘😘😘

Seven days!! Seven days!! 😩

funny; good luck in your challenge all

Thank you @benainouna :)

Teaspoon beer drinker! Any excuse is a good excuse to see you post before Friday. I guess this means that we shall be receiving two posts from you on Friday. It is so good to see you, Abby! And Oh, have some fun.

Can you believe this @churchboy?? 😂 Let's just hope that all this teaspoon beer drinking don't make me too drunk to write :P
How are the baby boy & your sister-in-law doing ?
I send them all my love :)

I'm sure that a teaspoon everyday for one year won't be enough to make you drunk. It is amazing how you keep track of everything. Yeah, my sister-in-law and the baby boy are doing fine. Tomorrow is circumcision! Oh well, I am sorry for the little bugger. Some pain awaits him tomorrow.

Lots if love from all of us down here. You're still my favourite part of Steemit. ❤️


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I once tasted Heineken and i must say it was one of the most horrible things i tasted. It was so bitter i couldn't bear the thought of drinking beer anymore.
How did you drink it Abigail? I will like to believe my tongue is very much okay. Was it sweet in your mouth?

Hey @adelota, I am glad to hear someone shares my opinion about beer here! Ahahahah
Nope, it did not taste sweet at all, it smelt sweet. At least this one. As for Heineken ... never tried it :/

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Mayynnee!... You are so missing a lot. I wish this were times I could drink beer. I would have loved to join the challenge

Ohhh beer is also for me one of worst tasty drinks :D

Tell me about it! :P

I would have loved this challenge when I was younger it would have been 7 beers a day though!

I dont drink now so I can keep up with your challenge instead :)

Thank you for your support @conradt! 😂

I am surprised you dont drink beer. Almost many spanish people around me like cerveza. Have fun while you participate.

Turpsy, I am Brazilian! Not spanish 😉

Ooh rule number 1 sounds so easy for someone I'm thinking about, @petvalbra The without challenges or anything, regardless of the day or time a different beer is taken every day, which gets on the road hahahaha

This is going to be a loong week @cthkrn 😅

What a hard job you have placed dear Abigail, seriously the beer you tasted today had the taste of cleaning products?

Someone said beer?

I remember those days when I used to have a couple of beers on Friday afternoons in the company of friends. if it's about sharing, a few beers are ideal.
And remembering a little, I read about some benefits when consuming these:

Stronger bones
A healthier heart
Healthier kidneys.

Among others. I do not know if it's a marketing tactic or it's real, but a couple of beers do not hurt to share for a while ... cheers!

Cheers!! :)

Why is there a sample of urine next to the beer in the second photo?

Oh My God!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Wow is made in sintra. I always wanted to know this place in sintra. Greetins @abigail-dantes


hello @abigail-Dantes drink a spoonful of good beer, here in Venezuela we only take in spoon the medicines hahaha, and if you ask me I take it for boxes and more in this country than we are very takers. regards

I think in the evaluation of beer you need to take morning sensations of your body and mood.

This contest is very interesting @ abigail-dantes, but if at the end of this challenge; the desire to follow this challenge is activated every day 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

All the best fir the contest.

Greetings from Venezuela. It's an interesting challenge, I do not drink liquor but the idea of ​​experimenting new flavors seems fun to me. It would also be fun to try different types of food. Greetings again.

Saludos desde Venezuela. Es un reto interesante, yo no bebo licor pero la idea de experimentar nuevos sabores me parece divertida. También sería muy divertido probar con diferentes tipos de comida. Saludos de nuevo.


What a great challenge ! I can't believe that you hate beer ?!
Anyway... this fact makes the challenge even harder for you.
Awesome idea @trumpman !! Congrats !

Hola @abigail-dantes, en realidad no sabia que habia cervezas sin alcohol, pues aca en venezuela todascontienen alcohol, ademas son pocas las marcas que sobrviven en la actualidad, agarrare esa idea para cuando quiera beber cervezas varios dias y mi esposa no me reclame jajaja, saludos amiga y suerte.

Saludos mi bella amiga, estuve un poco ausente pero entre mis hijitos enfermos y cosas del hogar no he tenido el chancecito de visitar a mis amigos de esta red maravillosa.
En cuanto al reto jajajaja primera vez que escucho de alguien que toma por primera vez una cerveza con una cucharilla, casi me muero de la risa!. Pero bueno, asumo eso es lo que te hace especial a ti abigail que eres original en todo.
Un fuerte abrazo mi estimada amiga y a seguir disfrutando el reto con mas cuharillas.