7 Deadly Sins Challenge

in sevensins •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is not your typical 7 day challenge. This is a seven deadly sins challenge. The object here is to take one of the seven deadly sins and write a post about 1 sin per day and how you are either guilty of that sin or how you view yourself as not committing that sin.

This is a test to see how well you know yourself and what you choose to admit or hide, even from yourself.

Do you even know what the seven deadly sins are? Do you understand what each sin means? Do you realize that even nonreligious people accept them as wrong?

Do you accept the challenge?

I will be offering some incentives to those who play. I am just not sure what that is yet.

The seven deadly sins are: Pride Envy Gluttony Lust Anger Greed Sloth

Use the tag #sevensins for each post and nominate one user you'd like to get to know better on one of the seven days.

(Not one user per day but one user during the whole challenge.)

I know many are against 7 day challenges but I think this one is a great way for us to get to know each other as well as ourselves.

I will start my day 1 after a few accept the challenge so no need to nominate me, I will be doing this.
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If I was not a heathen I would accept the challenge but I am of pagan beliefs so I will be side stepping this one. As it wouldn't be right to participate since I don't share the beliefs

Can you not relate to these words by pure definition? They still pertain to life outside of the church. I am not a church person myself but I still find value in these seven words.

Some of them but the adultry one. I never cheated on anyone but because I have been married before the church sees me as one.

You're thinking the ten commandments, totally different.

Lmao see I am not even qualified

Now this is an interesting challenge! I will see how I can do this :)

I accept the challenge I am in for this @erodedthoughts

Challenge accepted

I will be honest, I don't know if I remember all 7 of them. I am sure I am guilty of all of them though.

Pride Envy Gluttony Lust Anger Greed Sloth

yep, got em all covered