Seeking arrangements spreading like an Epidemic.

in sex •  4 years ago 


Prostitution with another name is still Prostitution

Yesterday a friend called me asking for my help battling against another kind of epidemic. He said that his step daughter had been caught up in the sugar daddy app called "seekingarrangements" which apparently has caught on like wildfire among sororities and he fears it's even worse on the campuses of big universities. I'd never heard of it, but the details he shared with me are heartbreaking and infuriating, and it's obvious the whole thing is nothing more than pimping app that turns girls into whores (ahem "escorts") for rich older men under the auspices of graduating college debt-free.

This sadly, is one of many in a long line of things that will soon be regularly acceptable in our depraved society. Shame went out the window long, long ago.

Re-thinking education and University

We've created an educational system which prizes a person's self-esteem over their self-respect. With this increasing prevalence of the culture of narcissism, the capacity for intimacy and the respect for sanctity is lost. We've turned our universities into playgrounds and our dormitories into brothels where more and more students are being buried with debt but fewer and fewer are graduating with a degree that will enable a successful career.

This is the logical outcome of a society which has lost its relational competency and which values the cash nexus above all; a user mentality which does see the other as an end in of themselves with inherent dignity, but rather as merely a prospective customer or a means to achieve one's own goals and acquire gratifications.

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