Modern shamanism

in shamanism •  6 years ago 

A shaman is defined as a person who acts as intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds, using magic to cure illness, foretell the future, control spiritual forces, etc...

In this digital dimension we are divided by space and time by moments expressed through packets of information flowing through the ether in waves of electronic expression. The idea of the shaman is lost in the materialistic nightmare of prepackaged simplified samples of spirituality sold at cost from those willing to release it to the masses.

What are they really feeding us? How can we know the truth of spirit and dimensional travel with a mine field of misdirection and confused information?

Can one weekend sweat lodge free your soul and reveal the secrets of the metaphysical levels of reality just out of view? Probably not, but who knows... Anything is possible.

Who are the teachers and how can we trust them? What gives me or anyone else the authority or right to call ourselves shamen?

What is enlightenment?

How do we know it when we are there? Can we even know the extent of it? Would you realize it if you were it right now?

That may be the jumping off point for this discussion. What is enlightenment? Spiritual seekers, gurus, and masters of all faiths call this nirvana state the ultimate goal of spirit. They also tell us we are already there and are at all times. How can we feel and be in that infinity at all times and not realize it? What are we missing? What has blinded us from the shining perfection we are perpetually immersed in? How can we free ourselves from the shackles inside of our mental caves we have been trapped in? What is this secret?

 Is it the perfection of realizing the connections of our imperfections follow synchronistic and sacred dimensions wrapping us in the infinite now?  

Can we be in this enlightened state yet function in this realm? Saving the masses with our vibration, we seek to move this plane of being further toward the eternal peace lying just beyond the veil of existence.

The modern shaman must be one who can tred this fourth way and be in both worlds, yet not of either...

An old Buddhist saying goes, "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." Finding our peace and still existing and pushing through the mire and difficulties of the world definitely seems like the path least taken.

Disengaging with the world does not free us from it, it only shields our being from that which may help us to express and grow even further from the experience of being in the doldrums of our reality.

Why are adversities powerful and necessary? Simply because they foster growth at its most raw, unfiltered form. It pushes us to bend our envelopes of experience to have the most vibrant and most rich depth to our power and magic. It strengthens our resolve to be pure and impeccable.

Our modern mysticism manifesting miracles with each breath focused to the now...

Let us begin our journey to here...

Light for your path...

Just be.

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