Dragon Shakti Breathing

in shamanism •  6 years ago 

If you ignore the dragon, it will eat you. If you try to confront the dragon it will overpower you. If you ride the dragon, you will take advantage of its might and power.
~ A Chinese Proverb

Dragon Shakti breathing in a powerful form of 'feminine' breathwork. My experience with this work first came when I was leaving a toxic relationship with my children's father. During the weeks that I was preparing to leave I also began practicing this breath work. It was recommended to me by my mentor in order to help me have the will to follow through with what I knew needed to happen. This was my first shamanic experience where I was able to really move through the veils and enter into the 'feminine' dimension as it is sometimes called. This is the 'unconscious' realms that live deep in our cerebellum.

One of my first experiences I was quite worked up with the circular breathing and was full on drooling and heaving. I began to feel imprints of genetic manipulation and kept breathing through that. I also felt phsyiological imprints from childhood and many other sensations and impressions that passed by too quickly to recall fully. Then after I finished and laid down I began to 'travel' and see the aurora borealis and other incredible places on Earth through my belly and womb. It was incredible and life changing to experience this and it is something that has continued to bless my life even when not in an active practice. dragon-238931_1920.jpg

"In all ancient traditions it was known that the feminine Serpent or Dragon was the birther and dissolver of all worlds, and that she herself had directly birthed from the Great Womb as an emanation of the infinite primordial power of Creation.

Breathwork to activate the feminine ‘Dragon Lair’ – the Feminine Crown – is the key of all keys. It was one of the core practices for initiates into the Grail Mystery Schools of Europe, and the near east, and also the pre-patriarchal alchemical schools of the east.

Feminine breathwork, also known as ‘archaic techniques of ecstasy’, have been forgotten, persecuted, hidden, denied in the last 1,000 year cycle – other than in the secret confines of the underground mystery schools who have sought to keep the Feminine Womb Mysteries alive, to pass on to a new generation of ‘Dragons’."

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