#share2steem This is a video showing one of the first #lighteningnetwork #bitcoinATM allowing people to buy btc with small amounts and change potentially since fees are so small, but it's not real bitcoin and you should just use #steem and #eos as the second layer solution. Why use a database like LN when u can just use a faster blockchain for the second layer over bitcoin and use #IBC #InterBlockchainCommunication to allow bitcoin and eos to communicate and you can allow people to buy small amounts do bitcoin using an EOS account and using eos tokens pegged to US dollar so EOSD and pegged EurOS so many fiat currencies will be on eos in its decentralized exchange
Original video from reddit user @liongrass and video produced and posted by #BitcoinAssociationofHongKong #bitcoinassociationhongkong #bitcoin #btchongkong #hongkongbitcoin #bitcoinlighteningnetwork
I repost my instagram feed to Steem with Share2Steem.io which I see as a gateway for people to bring content to steem and to bring millions of new users to steem to get paid for existing social media
