This project has everything in the bag... they have the software for privacy crypto and they have the funds of a successful eos coin with lots of liquidity on they only have to announce updates once in a while and release the privacy coin wallets and that's all they have to do... #monero is successful as the coin of choice for #darknetmarkets because it just WORKS.... As #peos gains popularity and the tech is focused on, we will even see people from #bitcoinprivate who wanted to invest in the next big privacy coin, jump into PEOS since BTCP was a total failure and ended up with coins being stolen due to a broken blockchain... #bitcoincash also has been 51% attacked after its fork and so maybe we will see people ditching bitcoin cash for darknet markets and using PEOS instead once PEOS has its wallets out
Getting people to switch from monero to PEOS is easy once they see how much faster @peos is and how slow monero is...
#blockchain #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #privacyeos #eos #blockone
@bytemaster7 how is the private enclave for eos going? @block.one_official
I repost my instagram feed to Steem with which I see as a gateway for people to bring content to steem and to bring millions of new users to steem to get paid for existing social media