From Instagram to Twitter to EOS to steem these guys are everywhere and should be a top 20 block producer to be able to hire full time economic formation team from SUCCESFUL startups and who can show these guys how to make their new experimental cryprocurrency PROFITABLE with working on the ground businesses expanding on the existing ones eosvenezuela- in a very hard working industriously fashion has already started like a VPN a localbitcoins style exchange cryptolocal a familyeos charity style program which can use steem tribes with scotbot https://steem-engine.com
After a VPN and Exchange the PSO will also work with many vendors and gift cards in Venezuela so Venezuelans can use it directly for goods and it's fixed supply needs to be distributed over time using a smart contract .
@eosvenezuela is already on steem and thus it makes it so much easier to promote the crypto Peso token to places like #team-venezuela on the palnet.io discord https://minnowpond.org
When we help eosvenezuela get to the top 20 eos block producer position they can earn over 700 EOS a day or $4,200 USD or $126,000 USD a month or 1.5 Million USD a year so @eosvenezuela could end up hiring a whole new government and financial powerhouse and banking system for Venezuela using those funds. By the next few years that will become billions of dollars. We will be able to replicate this system for developing nations all over the world and for example @eosghana I am trying to form with @mcsamm @tj4real and other steemians from Ghana ANd also @eosnigeria will need a mechanism to ensure the block producer funds are distributed the most fair way and then we can replicate it in countries all over the world
What @eosvenezuela is building with the Crypto Peso PSO will allow for a crypto governance system in every part of the world with private companies like decentralized hotels and taxis with reputation scores- businesses will link up- Venezuelan PEOPLE will recieve investment like a massive ICO
#neoxian #pal #busy #eosvenezuela #pso #cryptopeso #eosio #eos #venezuela
I repost my instagram feed to Steem with Share2Steem.io which I see as a gateway for people to bring content to steem and to bring millions of new users to steem to get paid for existing social media
