George and dragon Silver Statue Free Giveaway

in silver •  8 years ago  (edited)

George and dragon Silver Statue Free Giveaway, just up vote and leave a reply and add follow me and you have a chance of winning this unique prize.

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Wow what a beautiful silver statue, excellent detail! Would be very happy to show that off at my place! Subbed on Youtube - 1Grizzman

get ready draw for statue 29th July

So Excited!!!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 1 can you reply you got this please

For the draw for this prize you are Number 1 can you reply you got this please

Good Luck to you all and lets all congratulate the winner when it is announced

Fantastic silver statue. Would love to win one!
Upvoted, liked and subscribed. Thanks, Regal.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 2 can you reply you got this please

#2 Got it! Thanks again for the astoundingly generous giveaway.

Oh, and please follow me thanks!

Up voted and re-steamed my friend

For the draw for this prize you are Number 3 can you reply you got this please

Don't mind if I do...
Yours Truly

For the draw for this prize you are Number 4 can you reply you got this please

Upvoted, here's my reply, and already following, so I would like a piece of this action here...

For the draw for this prize you are Number 42 can you reply you got this please

love their work. I will order that one and the Libertad

For the draw for this prize you are Number 7 can you reply you got this please

sorry late reply, anyway congrats to the winners

I would Love to WIN this @stokjockey and I up voted this and Resteemed it and Followed you

For the draw for this prize you are Number 9 can you reply you got this please

That statue is absolutely gorgeous. What a giveaway! I have subscribed on your youtube channel for a while and just followed you on steemit. My youtube name is: Nick Legege.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 8 can you reply you got this please

Yep thank you! Steemit doesn't show any notification when you get a reply or anything like that. I wish they would notify me when someone reply to my message.

Wow... Seeing George and the dragon brought to life like this, in silver, is remarkable!

The craftsmanship of the statue is in a league of its own! You can clearly see the muscle tone of the horse and scales on the dragon... Any sovereign collector would love to own this.

Keep up the good work @britcoin, steem on!

good luck whoever wins will get a great prize

For the draw for this prize you are Number 13 can you reply you got this please

Hi @britcoin ... I've read this message and am looking forward to the draw :D

Steem on!

Well done Dr-Physics you have won the silver Statue, 13 must be your lucky number, please send your address to [email protected] again well done

Wow! That’s amazing, thank you ever so much for putting this prize draw on Steemit :D I’m really surprised to have won this because I rarely enter competitions, let alone win a prize from one!

I thought I would give this one a go as the statue really is fantastic, and what do you know, it seems 13 isn’t unlucky for everyone :)

I’ll send my details to the email address above, along with proof of account, in-case someone else tries to claim it also.

Thanks again @britcoin

Steem on!

Congrats, @dr-physics and btw your levitating frog post was fascinating. Did they ever scale up that method of mag-lev over water to anything industrial? Or was it just not efficient?

Alright managed to get my account going, Crown Collector here, count me in please, great GAW !!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 17 can you reply you got this please

How do I Vote for you?

Whats up Regal did you get my vote? I actually signed up, so I have my own Steemit account. Still dont really know what Im doing yet. Can I vote for you again?

I followed you also.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 16 can you reply you got this please

This would be an amazing thing to win for Stackers!

Volnus – Fallen Angel Statue, is another brilliant one.

wow what a piece of history this is , thankyou mr Regal stacker

For the draw for this prize you are Number 32 can you reply you got this please

hope I have a chance to win one of these giveaways, I forgot to put my name in for the 10oz coin hope you can count this can count for both. My name is Stephen (pronounced Stepven). thank you for doing this giveaway.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 15 can you reply you got this please

good luck whoever wins will get a great prize

This is a stunning statue, thank you for the chance to win it, extremely generous of you.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 18 can you reply you got this please

Yes I understand! thank you again and good luck everyone!

I'm here from YouTube and couldn't miss out on this incredible giveaway.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 43 can you reply you got this please

It is a nice silver piece I like it. I did a St George and the Dragon painting on my post here one steemit if you care to see it. gunni55 on Steemit

For the draw for this prize you are Number 5 can you reply you got this please

Thank you ... I like number 5.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 44 can you reply you got this please

I got my notice from you on the George and dragon Silver Statue. :)

Can see painting can you send me link

Here is the link to St. George and the Dragon that I did on steemit

Wow, that's awesome! Subbed to you on Youtube.
I like how you ended your video too! LOL

For the draw for this prize you are Number 6 can you reply you got this please

yes, got it!

good luck whoever wins will get a great prize

Upvoted. @thatsweeneyguy

For the draw for this prize you are Number 10 can you reply you got this please

#10. Got it.

Crossing my fingers

Wonderful offer!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 12 can you reply you got this please

A beautiful sculpture and well portrayed. Good luck with your Steemit venture and I hope you get plenty of visits. Marko

For the draw for this prize you are Number 11 can you reply you got this please

What a fabulous statue of Saint George and the dragon. Great artwork and True craftsmanship. I love Sovereigns. Any sovereign collector would be Chuffed to win this competition. I would be proud to display this stunning piece. Count me in please.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 44 can you reply you got this please

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

count me in Regal Stacker @lanceoa

For the draw for this prize you are Number 14 can you reply you got this please

Very nice prize ,great contest

For the draw for this prize you are Number 49 can you reply you got this please

very nice prize

a very nice prize


What a beautiful piece. Would love to have one like it. I definitely want in. Reposted/upvoted

For the draw for this prize you are Number 50 can you reply you got this please

I want in! Upvoted

For the draw for this prize you are Number 47 can you reply you got this please

Got it 47 thanks bud

comment: awesomness

Would love to win love your videos

For the draw for this prize you are Number 31 can you reply you got this please

Thank you for the video , I know I am going to win this !

For the draw for this prize you are Number 19 can you reply you got this please

I love soves
Would love to have
Good luck to us all :)
From youtube Sovereign_uk

For the draw for this prize you are Number 33 can you reply you got this please

Great job friend.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 34 can you reply you got this please

Owen Watkins, count me in please Regal Stacker :)

For the draw for this prize you are Number 35 can you reply you got this please

Generous giveaway. Thank you! Count me in!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 36 can you reply you got this please

What a statue!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 37 can you reply you got this please

Thanks mate

A beautiful statue, please count me in :)

For the draw for this prize you are Number 38 can you reply you got this please

I got my draw number thank-you.

seeing this classic design on 3D really is breath taking! Just recently found your channel you have some great content, thank you. :)

For the draw for this prize you are Number 39 can you reply you got this please

Amazing statue, a beautiful rendition of Pistrucci's St George and the Dragon, would love to be entered to have a chance to win! Great upcoming channel!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 40 can you reply you got this please

Platinum skies
Thanks for doing this giveaway

For the draw for this prize you are Number 41 can you reply you got this please

Beautiful piece, great giveaway! Upped, liked, subbed, followed, commented... I think that should do it, no? :D Good luck everyone!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 20 can you reply you got this please

We had to reply? Bugger... :D

I got this to work!! Awesome giveaway my friend!!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 21 can you reply you got this please

An incredible statue and an amazing giveaway! please count me in:)

For the draw for this prize you are Number 22 can you reply you got this please

yes received mate thank you:)

Fantastic GAW!! I have already commented over on youtube, but man this is awesome and prompted me to get an account!!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 23 can you reply you got this please

Yes sir I got it and thank you so much for the chance and I hope that it pays off!!

What a great piece. Keep up the good work.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 24 can you reply you got this please

An amazing competition and very exciting just to have my name in the hat. Good luck everyone (and by everyone i secretly mean me lol) But thank you for doing this Regal Stacker and i hope you have as much fun as we all will taking part.

For the draw for this prize you are Number 25 can you reply you got this please

I have my number. Thank you.

Gorgeous statue and please count me in!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 26 can you reply you got this please

Done and done

For the draw for this prize you are Number 27 can you reply you got this please

Recieved and thank u for the chance 👊😎

so great to see george and dragon in 3D, Sov.

Once again, an incredibly generous GAW! I appreciate the opportunity so much, and am thrilled to see this community grow with the support from people like you! Best of luck to you and your future successes! (From Silver Future on Youtube, and a fellow "steemian") Keep it up friend!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 29 can you reply you got this please

Absolutely =] Thank you again!

Another Giveaway, I thought one was enough but both of the prizes are beautiful. Thanks for the chance and good luck to everyone!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 30 can you reply you got this please

Yes I did

A beautiful silver statue. I have a place reserved for it on my working table. SOV.

That is a beautiful piece of work and very generous of you Regal!


Count me in please :D Woo Hooo!

For the draw for this prize you are Number 28 can you reply you got this please