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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Everybody do not give up, madstacks might get sick or meet someone when he goes to the optitions as he now needs glasses watching the screen 24/7 LOL

I love the Celtic Triquetra on the logo size of their rounds.
I think that's Celtic knotting amidst the rooster too.

I think he uses the app and has notifications on, sadly the app won't work for me

Yeah there are two apps that claim to do it. But the eSteem app only tells you about your own notifications, not someone you Follow. And the Telegram-based 'Noteefi' just ended up spamming me every few seconds to ask if I needed any help.

Steemit is still in beta, I guess.

So beautiful and I am still looking to pick up the Merry Consumerism round. Thanks for sharing!

Third Nice I refresh every 20 seconds and still can't get in first I am guessing people comment before they watch video

Well obviously KK haha u have to wear a diaper or have a device in your hand all day too yo. Phone rings, someone's at the door..don't answer it! Focus!

You dont need a diaper!! just move your bedroom and fridge into the bathroom and your good to go! put a sign on the front door saying "come back in three weeks" and you are set.

Yeah. I will admit I do that. Then watch it. Then Edit the comment to suit the video, which I am still watching as I type this.

Big fan of the silver shield releases, thanks for sharing.

Madstacks AGAIN!!! It can't be healthy sitting in front of your computer all day! Go get some fresh air and enjoy what little summertime you have left!!

New follower here. Golden Arms sent me. Thank you and take care.


the nazi bride is really cool!

First post

I like a lot of the silver shield designs, never owned any though, the rooster looks particularly good and they seem to have a nice finish on them:)

You should go for a walk or something madstacks. I'm getting worried about u

Hahah:P by day 4 I will be getting confused by whos posts are whos, by day 7 I will be seeing things that arnt even there, by day 10 I will have invented a new type of self sustaining superfood to keep me awake all night, by day 14 I will have ground my chinese wari balls into BB sized peas.

Seriously though, I do actually sleep:P

You're British too aren't ya? U can sleep while Regal sleeps. His posting schedule is my work day so I'm outta this. I did well day 1 tho. Pretty proud about that

I am British yes, you did I saw that! I have also seen Regal make a post at 3am so i don't know? games very much still for the taking but I respect the fact work has to take priority over a bit of fun.

dont worry golden arms your the only canadian in the canadians only giveaway i think you might get lucky there :)

Shhh lol

What's this?


I always prefer to come second, dam thats when I'm with a women

I look at it like a race..and i always win 🙌

If you get tired, you can pass the baton to another hand, then it's a relay race to the finish.

Gaaaah, how did you reply so fast?! Yep. I give up. May your impressive page-loading speeds prevail, sir! :P

I just click and type like a madman lol:P games very much still up for grabs mate, like you say three weeks of this day in day out! I might have a nervouse breakdown in a few days in hahah

LMAO. Good sport.

Split Created BCH bitcoin Cash , and it has reached 500$ in value

Damn haha, spent too much time on YouTube. When I see your notification for there I'll just have to come here first haha

Tim u have to stay on Brits page all day and keep refreshing every 4 seconds if you're gonna beat madstacks :)

But then I can't watch my favorite channel 😉

Lol my channel is pretty sick 😝

Probably every 1-2 seconds at the rate madstacks is going! lol

whatt is that really what hes doing just refreshing the page all day long

I think I created a monster we will have to call him monster stacks now

Nice coins, I like them. Silver shield does some quality work indeed.

This post received a 2.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @britcoin! For more information, click here!

British royal family Nazi? National-Socialist is a compliment they do not deserve. A little more Nationalist and they might not have sat back and allowed Britons to be replaced, raped and murdered in all their large cities. A little more Socialist and they might not have allied with the banking interest to stifle social mobility and render the wealth gap almost infinite.

Well another quality product offering from Silvershield!


Silvershield coins are always top products. SOV.