Goodday guys, shout out to @healthsquared and @sweetsssj .
I will be preparing muesli and its a very healthy desserts.
I will be listing the ingredients and then after the steps of preparation, then i will add the pictures i took last.
Okay the ingredients needed are:
Fresh fruits
Nut and seeds
Dried fruit
Grain flakes
Now i wiill be taking us through the process I use in making the dessert
- Firstly, purchase the ingredients and the grainflakes should preferably be an oat grain, dry fruits, nut and seeds
2.find a clean air tight container to store the muesli as it needs a proper airtight container to maintain it freshness
3.Mix the muesli ingredients to get he and shake properly
If you're making muesli intuitively, ensure that the bulk of the muesli is grain, with the other ingredients added in amounts that suit your needs.
Mix properly,it os better leave some space at the top of your container, then close it tightly and slowly turn it upside down. Turn until well mixed.
And our home made muesli is now ready to be enjoyed.