You want to get straight up schooled on what your brain does when you sleep\what sleep deprivation does to you? You're in luck!

in sleep •  7 years ago  (edited)

Do you usually get enough sleep?

How much do you usually sleep? Is it hit and miss? Always scraping by with just a couple hours? Well if you're lacking, you're probably doing a ton of damage to yourself. Myself included, I usually have some weird sleep hours; most of the time not enough, that's FOR SURE. Most of us are just slowly dying. BUT, its never too late to change that. Turns out what matters the most it what kind of sleep you get instead of how long.

For all the night shifters -

I remember reading somewhere that, your chances of getting every type of Cancer increases by 50%. Some fact check me. Lol

Sleep Can Repair Your Brain, But Only If You’re Doing It Right

What Sleep Deprivation Does To Your Body

Subscride to these guys. Uploads constantly.......

Thanks! I hope we can all change our sleeping habit, we would sure probably feel a lot better all thee time. Follow me @intrepidthinker and keep up with my stuff.

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Great one @interpidthinker really enjoy your stories.keep writing,waiting lessons here.
Benefits post.

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Birds sleeping while flying lol !that was a good way to end it in that first video an also I liked the sleep hygenie reference no doubt that , thats a thing we all need more focus towards , sleep is definitely crucial towards overall health and mindset! The second video was super cool they tested drunk people and sleep deprived people too Great post !