Tips to get good sleep

in sleep •  8 years ago 

1.) Decrease your room will sleep better if your room is cool
2.) Take a hot shower or warm your body before will give you a good sleep
3.) Don't cover your head with blanket.if your head is kept cool you can have a deep sleep
4.) Smell some herbs before sleep.use lavander oil or use lavendar flavour face mask.
By following these steps you can have a good and deep will increase your productivity if you have good sleep.
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Reducing your exposure to light and completely turning off all lights will help you have a better night sleep. Blackout curtains are worth the investment to block streetlamps and other lights. Calcium is required for sleep, a glass of milk and a bedtime routine can do wonders to prep the body for sleep. Melatonin 40 minutes before bed can also do wonders.

Yes it's true.thanks for informing.