Bajai Life Camp 18.15: Day 527
Thursday November 15, 2018
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
28.86% wintery
So far, I feel like I spent the whole day sitting around, except for the part where I went out to shovel and sweep snow. It's the first snow of the season and it's a snow storm. I didn't have any plans. I trained a lot yesterday. I thought I'd hit the gym, but not necessary. Probably not wise.
The fronts of my shoulders are sore. Close to pain. They move, but they can't take the weight of a pushup. It's unusual. I've been doing unusual stuff to the Bod. We need more recovery time.
I was thinking of dating, but as usual, it's too much trouble. I'm not yet willing to take the inevitable "bad" that will come with the "good." It's my attitude. And since no one's pushing, expecting or even suggesting that I find someone, there's absolutely no pressure.
People don't "worry" about me in regards to my decisions about life and how I live mine. That's a level of freedom I appreciate.
Did I watch a bad movie? It wasn't in English so I don't know.
Today reminds me of Leila.
Of course I stayed up too late, but at some point I took the winter nap in the chair, rather, it took me.
Greg Hunter is waking up. He was visibly nervous and angry in his last report. He's still a spaz in my book, but the info he shares is worth it. Oh, he decided he can no longer watch Fox News. But I bet that's a tough habit to break.
I'm keeping an open mind. Or so I think.