SocialChains - Social Media Environment Descentralized

in socialchains •  7 years ago 

The purpose of this archive is to share information about the operations of Social Chains, Inc. and social communities around the world and to introduce Social Chain Tokens (SOCT), as recipients consider participation in SOCT sales. Confidential statistics are closed, and it is hoped that this package will be used sincerely for the above causes. This is not in the consumer or public interest.


About SocialChains


Socialchains is a decentralized, user-driven social media ecosystem of verified, trusted users that finally puts an end to the "falsehood" that exists in all other social networks. Our platform respects and rewards users for their membership and participation by offering tokens, points and a share of the company's profits based on the user's level of activity. Tokens and points are interchangeable with cryptographic or fiduciary currencies.

Verification allows users to participate in public forums and feeds, contribute publications, add contacts and finally buy and sell products and services on the platform. is effectively a secure global online community.

Verification allows users to participate in public forums and feeds, contribute publications, add contacts and finally buy and sell products and services on the platform. is effectively a secure global online community.

The community will own 60 percent of the tokens issued, giving users voice and vote on the platform.

Problems Present in the Present Time


The users of the current social network structure are not installed. This has resulted in the spread of false notes and false payments, which occur due to lack of negligence among customers and ineffective advertising and marketing costs and advertising and marketing through agencies.

In addition, the profits from sophisticated social networking systems, particularly from mining information on their customers and no longer use clear monetary benefits for customers.


Solutions Offered


SocialChains verifies all customers through traditional verification techniques, through the use that requires the U.S. identity issued by us. We effectively provide a social environment in which all clients can be extraordinary when interacting with real people and businesses.

In cutting minimizes once again to join and use SocialChains.Io, customers get tokens, elements and earn a percentage in corporate profits, thus taking into account the distribution of social wealth created on the platform.

 Opportunities with SocialChains


In addition to its vision of eliminating all forms of fake accounts and making the platform healthier for commercials, it also offers incentives to all its users for their participation or activities by awarding 33% of its socialcoin (SOCT) to any user who looks at other people on its platform. For example, the first 511 million verified users will get a 54.4% share of the token of their one billion available currency. The first 1 million users will get 10 tokens each, the next 10 million users will have five tokens each with many other packages.


How does the Platform Work?


When you wish to register on the platform you must do so through the verification process. This verification process will collect name, phone number, e-mail address, state issued photo ID and a selfie for facial recognition. On social networks, you will receive rewards for spending time on the platform. The first 511 million verified users would get a share of 54.4% of the 1 billion chips available. The first 1 million users will each get 10 (ten) chips. The next 10 million users get 5 (five) chips each, the next 100 million get 2.5 (two and a half) chips each, the next 100 million get 0.625 (point six, two) tokens and up to 0.3125 (point three one two) five) for the future 100 million users.

People who verify their identity on the platform using KYC (Know Your Customer) also receive points on the platform. not only offers a monetary value for the user's time, but also rewards them for the value derived from their data and data generated through the use of the platform. Users get a share of the profits from the platforms by creating a social economy for the users of the platform. Users of the Social Chains obtain economic value from their data. Our platform implements permission marketing where verified users mention the products and services they are looking to buy.

Using blockchain to put users in charge of their data and eliminate centralized intermediaries who benefit from user data. Social networks as a blockchain application allow users to derive, manage and monetize their data.

The product platform is ready and incorporating users. In the coming months, we will continue to invest in the platform and deploy enhanced capabilities in line with our revenue stream demands.

We focus on permission-based Ad Platform and P2P E-Commerce completion.


Token Distribution


Total 1 Bn. Safety data sheet issued.

10% of tokens offered for sale through ICO.

Only 5% of the tokens are available for sale in the first half.


ICO Timeline


SocialChains is a Texas company and launched an ERC20 token called SOCT using Ethereum's intelligent contract. Massive Pre-ICO sales, and ICO rounds. Public Ethereum is used to issue tokens after the closing of a sale.




Tema Ann:




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