The Truth About Welfare: Past, Present and Future

in society •  7 years ago 

Presenter: Stefan Molyneux ( @stefan.molyneux )

Date: 15 August 2015

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good info, i find a huge differnce betwin our contrys politic in this subject .

Where do you see the difference?

Omg thats like a hole novel lol lets see if i can short break it down^^
First of we see poverty 2 diffrent ways, High poverty is what you guys see as poverty, we have 0,8% of that here and mainly elderly and immigrants . Secondly we pay higher taxes here 30-36% depending on yearly Income. Wer not using charety as you do, we use the goverment. We are trying to readjust work if you get sick , instead of giving sickleave money. Immigrants get swedishlessons early on, so they fast get out to work and their edjucation can be used. As we pay High taxes so we get free meds and doktor care after 1200sek per year is spent.
I think wer now +- 10millions and at todays low rated poverty is under 1.3million . Do note low rated poverty means, they can survive but cant save or buy new things.
Goverment pays out 1500sek per kid and month until they turn 20years, sooo for example singel moms actually can afford life. Plus if your low Income taker , you will get help with rent ontop of your healtcare benefits. I think its Income under 13500sek=1520 usd per month and before taxes