Thanks for the explanation, but let me say that when fear leads you, you can't make clear decisions.
I would say the same about anger and rage.
The old witnesses were just looking for someone to blame for the plan they'd already made.
I don't really see evidence of that. Why would they need someone to blame? Blame for what?
I would say the new witnesses were looking for someone to blame. Blinded by rage, they even blocked an exchange. All because they were mad that they didn't get any Hive. This is evident by the way they crafted their announcement.
And whether many more will defect to you, that remains to be seen I personally do not believe in it.
Well, you do have a point there, as many have already left including many of the dapps. Still this latest stunt upset many who were against Hive. Again, you are going against the wishes of the community. The result of that is that many will leave.
But all this is still no explanation why some have lost their stake, in contrast to those who never raise their voice and never speak their mind openly, but rather lick the boots of the witnesses and their supporters
Many who are on Hive were outspoken critics of the softfork 22.2. The witnesses still receive a lot of opposition over there for both the initial softfork and the exclusion list. The critics all still have their Hive. There is a difference between speaking out against something you don't believe in and outright supporting forced subjugation. Here, when blockbrothers chose not to run code they didn't agree with, the centralized authority which the people on the exclusion list helped, simply removed them and elevated someone else that would do his bidding. Being happy about that is the definition of boot licking.