What were the real points of contention causing Pelosi to tear up the speech?

in sotu •  5 years ago 

C'mon people. This is a decent rhetorical response by the White House, but people are smart enough to understand that she didn't tear up the speech in response to those points, but rather to the parts of the speech on which there is real disagreement regarding policy.

She ripped up Limbaugh, tax cuts, becoming business friendly, repatriating manufacturing, jobs, minority prosperity, market and wealth growth, energy independence and lowering gas prices, fair and reciprocal trade deals, allies who pay their fair share, killing terrorists, Israel Peace Deal, military spending, immigration reform, building a wall, preventing illegals from getting health care, protecting families and religious freedom, reducing food stamps, adoption not abortion, liberty and responsibility not dependence and entitlement, school choice, and he called her state Stanktuary!

I can see how this puts Pelosi in a box and villainizes her for being opposed to those symbolically sound parts of the speech. I don't like the tactic but I can at-least see the point.

We should be focusing on the key issues raised and be comparing and contrasting them. Don't become bitterly partisan as she is. Don't get lost in the weeds. Stay on message.

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