Simple Meditation for the Modern World

in spiritual •  7 years ago 

Meditation was something I never tried until my early 40’s. It looked very uncomfortable to me. I could never sit in the lotus position that long. I could never keep my mind from wandering. I never could silence my mind. I was always a very active person. Even as a child I could never sit still. Since I began my spiritual journey I knew meditation was essential to spiritual growth. It doesn’t have to be as formal as you think for you to reap the rewards.

The truth is you don’t need to sit in lotus position in silence. You can still benefit from meditation without being uncomfortable. Meditation is doing anything that brings you peace. It could be painting, gardening, listening to music, walking in nature, writing or your own way of meditation. It doesn’t have to be for hours. It can be 10 or 15 minutes a day. Never has it been so easy to meditate in our modern world.

I do guided meditations. I can keep my mind occupied and not wandering by listening to a person guiding the mediation. This keeps my mind from wandering. There are many guided meditations available through apps and Youtube. Binaural beats work well too. These are beats with different frequencies, each frequency has a different purpose. From balancing chakras to healing. . You can also just listen to calming music or meditations.

For beginners and those who like their laptops, phones and streaming devices. There are a lot of apps that can make meditation a breeze. I have an android device so the apps I talk about will be on GooglePlay.

Insight Timer- This app makes mediation easy and is free. It’s like Facebook for mediation. You just pick what meditation you would like and how long to mediate. From 5 minutes to 30 minutes or more. There are a lot of meditation apps on GooglePlay.

Youtube- Youtube has a large amount of guided meditations. You can pick meditations for chakras, sleep, anxiety, abundance, healing and more! I use earbuds or stream it on my Firestick on my tv. There are apps on the Firestick for meditation too.

I meditate laying down on my bed with an eye mask on and earbuds. I am comfortable and relaxed. There is no rules on meditation. It is anything that calms your mind. It also doesn’t have to be for hours. Even starting at 5 minutes a day is beneficial. If you only have 10 minutes a day to meditate. That’s ok. Do what you can do and have no guilt about it. You can meditate anywhere. Your car, your office, outside, inside, it doesn’t matter where just that you are.

We do not have to be uncomfortable to be a spiritual human being. We do not have to deprive ourselves to be a spiritual human. Do want brings you joy, happiness and peace. Then spread that joy, happiness and peace. To your family and strangers be the light. Be the example of the calm within the storm of life. It only takes a few minutes a day to change your life.

Love and Light,

Dawn Bailey

I am a magnetic energy worker, lightworker. My journey has taught me that there are many different energies available for lightworkers to work with on the Tree of Life. I have recently been guided to work with animals. I do energy work on animals especially abused ones. Which also leads to energy work on their owners. My mission is to help all life on beautiful Gaia. You can find me on Facebook or my blog or email [email protected].

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