A Quick, Easy and Dependable Way to Create Happiness at Any Time

in spirituality •  8 years ago 

Yes it’s true, with only about 10 seconds at a time or 90 seconds of time investment a day, you actually can feel measurably better. This isn’t a gimmick, keep reading.

There is a type of meditation called Metta Practice. Simply defined, Metta Practice is the wishing for others to be happy. It can be a longer practice or for only 10 seconds and still be effective.

I first learned of the longer practice with Pema Chodron and it really made me feel good. Recently was listening to an interview Chade-Meng Tan who worked at Google teaching meditation and mindfulness practice (on one of my favorite podcasts 10% Happier with Dan Harris) and again found it to be really helpful.

The exercise I want to share with you was recommended by Meng because of its simplicity and effectiveness. It was regularly and successfully used at Google:

For all day tomorrow or for the rest of the day today, one time each hour close your eyes and think of a person and wish him or her happiness and wellness and then think of another person and wish him or her happiness and wellness. That’s it.

It’s that simple. Many people reported feeling much better all day and the next day. I’ve found that doing this even just a few times a day makes a difference or if I just do it once an hour for 1 day a week.

You can either think it silently or say it out loud.

Because I’m specifically reaching to have a higher baseline level of happiness, I like to first begin with myself and say the words aloud: “I wish to be happy and well” and then I think of another person and say “I wish happiness and wellness for {this person}” This takes about 10 seconds and if I can and/or want to, I’ll keep going with more people.

Given that we are the most social species of mammals (alongside Naked Mole Rats who are also Ultra-Social), we are built such that to be on the giving end of a kind thought is intrinsically rewarding. It makes us feel good and is a lasting kind of good that builds over time if we do it often.

What I really wanted to call this post is The Miraculous and Magnificent Metta because it is so easy and so powerful and so effective that it seems like a miracle to me.

I hope you try this and enjoy this very simple, very powerful, very rewarding practice and if you do, let me know how it goes.

If you’re interested in a longer Metta or Loving-Kindness Practice, here is one I really like by Steven Smith:

May I be free from inner and outer harm and danger. May I be safe and protected.
May I be free of mental suffering or distress.
May I be happy.
May I be free of physical pain and suffering.
May I be healthy and strong.
May I be able to live in this world happily, peacefully, joyfully, with ease.

I say this out loud and then if I have time, I’ll do it for another person too. It can be used for people you love but also for people with whom you are struggling and it can help. If it’s hard to do you can preface with “to the best of my ability, I wish that xxx is free……etc…

Love to hear how it goes if you try it!

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This made me happy today, @natureofbeing. So right. Such a simple thought can transform your life. Imagine, then, the power of negative thoughts. Wishing someone else peace is a higher calling sometimes, especially if we ourselves are hurting inside. But it's quite true that you have to start somewhere. Just do it. Little by little, you will feel a calmness come over you. This also works when you think about all you have to be grateful for. I'll sometimes think of a beautiful rose or a hummingbird. I am grateful for them. And then the list will grow. It's like the Grinch at the end. His heart grew! That's the secret of life, I'm sure of it.

You are so right about gratitude...it's a superpower!!! xoxo

Have you seen "A gentle blessing on Utube?"

I haven't but will take a look, thanks!

there are many "gentle art of blessing" videos, but not A gentle Blessing....can you post a link here?

Also, I just looked at your blog and would have liked to comment but with older posts, one can't comment. In any case, thanks for the advice about what info to provide and make life easier for those you leave behind, your post is a very good reminder! I have a living will but it's more than 8 years old and one must keep these things updated. I'm so sorry about losing your wife also. keep posting!!!

Beautiful, I wish happiness and wellness for Ruth :)

:-))) you're the best, and I wish happiness and wellness for Chase


I love the idea! I'll try it tomorrow. Thanks for this wonderful article!

you're so welcome and I'd love to hear how it goes for you!

I love this, such a simple idea to implement. Not to make light of anything but it's also nice to learn that we share a podium with the naked mole rat, how cool :D.

I wish you happiness and wellness to you @natureofbeing

glad to hear this resonates with you and I too smiled at the Naked Mole Rat association ;-
I wish you happiness and wellness to you @handsolo!

Big Smiles :D

This is a nice message, and I believe you that this sort of practice would be effective! I will give it a try :)

let me know how it goes!