in spirituality •  7 years ago 

This is DAY SIXTEEN of the daily devotional.

I am releasing a 50 day daily devotional about the end-times as revealed in Scripture. Along with the text, I will be providing a video where I cover the text of the day, and @verbal-d will be providing an audio version of it. That way, whether you want to read, watch, or listen, you'll be able to enjoy this study as you wish.

The plan is to release this devotional over the next 50 consecutive days, but life may "get in the way." We will do our best, but please be patient with me if I fall behind.

The SoundCloud Audio from @verbal-d

The YouTube Video from @papa-pepper

The Text I Originally Shared on the @narrowminded Account


We know thus far that believers are not appointed to wrath and that the “Day of the Lord” is a time of God’s wrath. Therefore, believers will not be overtaken by the “Day of the Lord” at all. Why then do we read the following?

“But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” (1 Thessalonians 5:4)

I believe that there is significance in this added phrase “as a thief”. A thief tries to sneak in and catch people unaware or off guard. An event that believers will not be here for cannot catch them off guard, overtaking them “as a thief”. However, if the Bible teaches that the same day that the righteous are delivered (the rapture), is the same day that the “Day of the Lord” begins (and I believe that the Bible does), then this added phrase would make sense. When we evaluate how the “Day of the Lord” is said to come, we can then draw some interesting conclusions.

“For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” (1 Thessalonians 5:2)

“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night:” (2 Peter 3:10a)

We are clearly and repeatedly told that the “Day of the Lord” will come as a thief in the night. This does not mean that it will be able to sneak in and catch everyone by surprise, after all, “But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up” (Matthew 24:43). I had one pretribulational pastor actually write to me and claim that the “Day of the Lord” could not “come as a thief” if it had to be preceded by other events. Based on the following, I dismissed his claim as inaccurate.

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.” (Joel 2:31)

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.” (Malachi 4:5)

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

Based on these verses alone, I would conclude that multiple events would have to occur prior to the “Day of the Lord” if the Bible is to remain accurate.

Point #1: The “Day of the Lord” will not overtake us as a thief.

Point #2: Technically, this period of God’s end-time wrath (the “Day of the Lord”) will not overtake believers at all; they are not appointed to wrath.

Point #3: The “goodman of the house” may be able to know “in what watch the thief” will come.

Point #4: The “Day of the Lord” is preceded by specific events.

Point #5: “Coming as a thief” does not necessitate “no warning” or signal events occurring prior.


If anyone is really interested, I did post the entire volume through an alt account over a year ago. I did so as an experiment to see how hard it would be for a new user to get noticed on steemit, so I didn't let anyone know that I was doing it. You can click here to a post that has links to the entire 50 days of this devotional if you really want to read ahead. That information has always been available there since I first posted it. It is not the purpose of this series to just copy all of my previous work, but instead to transform it into some new outlets by releasing it in an audio and video format, to broaden the reach that this work has.

Again, though I will certainly never claim to know it all, I do believe that many are being lead astray by some popular beliefs. I hope that this project will be able to help many others understand the end-times more accurately. Thanks!


Just in case you are new to this series and wanted to check out the previous audio or videos, here are links to the posts from each day of this series.

Also - A special thanks to @allforthegood for helping design my cover image!

Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely


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I don't want to skip ahead because I'm enjoying the video presentation, but I did check out your other blog... Doesn't look like your experiment as a "new" user went well. The content over there is much more overtly Christian than most of your "papa" posts, though, so that's probably the biggest reason.

You've done a great job of getting followers on this account, though. I'm glad to see you're using the "fame" to spread a little gospel. Keep up the good work.

BTW, I'm sensing a pre-wrath conclusion here, but I'm going to try to be patient and stick with this series as it unfolds.

though i am following another religion actually it is good to know about other religions too..this is a real help for that :)

this nice activity @papa-pepper.
keep on sharing.

Thank you for posting this for us to better understand. It is my thoughts that those that do not believe in Jesus, The Day of the Lord will come as a thief, catching the whole world off guard.
Very interesting post. Thank you.

Thank for information. Good.

So even though no one knows the exact date and time of His coming, there are signs that's it's nearing. I think that's what you're saying here. That actually is a little comforting.... Can't wait for the next one....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

When a thief comes into your house. He comes unaware to you. It could be that your door wasnt properly locked or it could that you locked up well. In the end, if he will be able to enter into your home is determined by that factor.

I think God made that statement to tell us to always be ready for his coming. Its simple, He is saying i can come when you sin and have not asked for forgiveness. I can come that moment you fall for the devils temptation. Do you remember how unexpected test in school comes?... when you have barely read that course?... thats how He will come.

All we have to do is keep studying and make sure we understand the course before every class.... every minute. He may come before you blink an eye. Be prepared at all times...

Stumbling on teaches like on yiur blog makes me to be happy and more joyful knowing thatyou are a good follower of christ even while steeming. You a good role model to some of us here. For that, may the lord expand your coast.

Good post

Great post.....
@papa-pepper , plz can i ask a question?
JESUS said in......

Mark 13:32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

Now that JESUS is in Heaven is this still the same?

Because I have heard preachers still saying this in their preaching.

Please explain.

Thank you

Are you asking what Jesus knows? That's a pretty tall order, don't you think? I think the best one could say is that at the time He said it, He didn't know. What He knows now, however may be a different story and unraveling that would entail complete understanding of the Trinity. Good luck and let me know if you ever figure it out!

As a christian we should be prepared at any time for the coming of jesus christ, so that he will not meet us unaware! God bless you @papa-pepper for this lovely post.

Amen! Accurately dividing the word of truth. Glory to God!

Thanks for the info , i never knew you were saved man , i believe we are in the end times.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

He is one of the leading role models as a follower of Christ and fellow brother here on Steemit, he has done so many great things and our Heavenly Father gets all the glory. It is a beautiful blessing. We are indeed in the end times. Happy New Year in faith

happy new year as well what can we say may the almighty king bless him and expand his territory.

Yes indeed, God bless him and you all

Awesome Thanks For Sharing!!

You're most welcome, God bless

Hey are you on FB, can I add you? I think we have mutual interests.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am on FB but I am barely on it. But we can definitely connect on here or Discord or Steemit.chat. If you have those let me know. Facebook is too much of a cesspool of negativity and drainage for information lol Appreciate you reaching out

Now you know!

indeed now i know , that's why am a big fun of yours i knew there was something behind all the giving,

They have been saying this for a millennium or more. Hagee said it was going to be with the Blood Moon Prophecy and jack happened. Iam not trying to be a debbie downer but if you do your research you will see people or some group of people have been saying it's the End of Times almost every decade ( like I said for a millennium or more) Your best bet is to wake up each and everyday and give Thanks for breathing and being alive and not go worrying about the End of Times. The odds are we will be dead anyway before anything like that happens. Love your family and live life to the fullest and give thanks to God, imho

@robertandrew I am glad you believe in God and the reasoning behind papa pepper is just to inform guys of what will happen in those times as it is written.NOT to create fear or anything of sort , remember even if it takes another 2 millennium it will still the best thing you can do for yourself is stay on geard at all times, live ,love and thank God at all times.

Paul says that those in the faith will not be unaware. We must be aware of the Father's timeline and not our own. Jesus (Yeshua) fulfilled the Spring Feasts perfectly and He will do the same with the Fall feasts when He returns. (If you are not sure what God's Feasts are please read Leviticus 23.) God's calendar is not the same as the one that is used by the world, that is the Gregorian Calendar.

Some signs will show to know that the day of the Lord is near, just that no one knows when it will come and how

Thank you for posting this for us to better understand. It is my thoughts that those that do not believe in Jesus, The Day of the Lord will come as a thief, catching the whole world off guard.
Very interesting post. Thank you.

Yes boss

Wow @papa-pepper I couldn’t have ever imagined that you are so spiritual and your spiritual senses are alive. Great info relayed here.
You really made ma day. God bless you