Splinterwars first alpha and public API released

in splinterlands •  5 years ago  (edited)

That's it!

I have now officially uploaded the first alpha build of Splinterwars to the game jam!

I had fun including the whole 113 creatures of Splinterlands...



... and making new screens where you can choose an enemy stack...

Home screen

Some menu

Choose an Enemy Stack

Choose a Summoner

Choose your Troops

However, the build itself does not show much. It shows nothing of what it means to add PVE and indirect PVP features to your Splinterlands cards, and being able to fight new stacks of enemies in events, challenges and campaigns.

Maybe the best feature is that it shows that Splinterwars is there to last and continue. It is not just a 2-week experiment. It is already a Steem token (SPWALPHA), a server, an API, and this very short alpha build.

Where to play it?

Just head to the Splinterlands game jam page, and discover the projects there!
There are only a few entries, but very cool ones. Not speaking about mine here :D

So am I happy?

I am very glad that I had the chance of taking part to the game jam...
and errh... considering I uploaded the build only 2 hours before the deadline...
... yes, that was INTENSE!

I am sad because I could not demonstrate, in this version, any final gameplay.

Let's not pretend: this is a short alpha build will a few screens, but at face value any player won't feel enough. Splinterlands is a finalized game; Splinterwars 2-week-build is a very short demo, hinting at something bigger than what it is currently, and showing misplaced texts and stuff.

There are a few screens, a few features, and certainly more bugs than features.

I am sorry for the short demonstration this makes.

I guess this is what happens when you release a 2-week build of a project of this scale!

OH, and Splinterlands is releasing an awesome and IMPRESSIVE update this monday too.
It adds new creatures and features.

So, I don't expect Splinterwars to have much traction before at least a month.
That will give me the time to make it better!

But in the meantime, you must notice that I made all webservices, database, detailed simulation (which produces an action log, but when it will be fixed and produce an animated result, I believe you'll be impressed).

Want to test its Public API?

Sure, you can!

Please note that because it's early, formats are expected to evolve.
I'll make news once the formats become permanent.


Player API :

(once you have accessed the demo and created your account, or imported an account)


You may use "elindos" as username if you would like an example:


... I will share much more information about all this in the upcoming weeks.

Stack API:

Find random enemy stacks for a player:
(for instance: https://splinterwars.com/player/elindos/find )

View details of a given stack:
( for instance: S234-812-796-elindos )

Import API:


This will read this player's public Splinterlands collection and create it as new AI defense stacks.
His collection may then be read with the player public API.

For instance:

This page currently does not send feedback, it is a very late issue, will be improved asap.

Transaction API:

(for instance: https://splinterwars.com/player/dadzo/transactions )

Displays the most important transactions, such as account link and creature creation.

These transactions, along with battle start and outcome, are available publicly and will be decentralized to the Steem blockchain all at once when the project will be mature.

You will see more and more transactions and transaction types coming, but it will still be only the only required transactions to recreate all Splinterwars environment.

Early Alpha-transactions may be discarded, because they are there for testing, but late Alpha and Beta transactions will become permanent.

Guys, I have to fall somewhere now.
I did not sleep. :D

Please forgive any typo, I am a non-native english speaker.
I like you all... and wish you a happy gaming! :D

See you soon in Splinterlands and Splinterwars!

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I missed your post up until now. I will check it out sooner rather than later hopefully.

Thank you mulletwang!

Working on it tiredlessly.
I think in a month it will be playable, and the very right time to jump in.

Please stay tuned and follow if possible!

Additional note:
Fix - The import API now displays its feedback.
Fix - Fixed a bug with the new cards released to Splinterlands this monday (they won't be imported but should keep the system stable)

A reminder of the process when testing:

  1. Launch game.
  2. Click on Existing Collection,
  3. If you are afraid of using Steem Connect with a new dapp, you can use my account as steem id ( elindos ). It will skip steem connect vertification (you click and it validates immediately).