RE: SOUND MONEY... "Edited"...

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SOUND MONEY... "Edited"...

in ssg-membership •  5 years ago 

There are 2 concerns I have with your post.
1.) No one can time anything and for you to say this will happen in July...tells me you are starting to become one of those pumpers. I know you are not selling anything, but people get on that Hope Train when people express dates. I would be careful with that.
2.) I don't see how other countries would trust or want any of our money during or after a reset. This country has nothing but lies to stand on. Plus, we as a country are nothing more then consumers, we don't really produce anything. Yes, I am aware of all the products we do produce and export, and Nat Gas, etc. I'm just saying we are not the country or the leaders of the future. This makes us weak moving forward. I can understand a reset, but I don't see how other countries will jump on board with our "new" currency. Especially when it will not be a Reserve Currency going forward.
I love your posts, but I'm sorry, I just don't see you words in this post and I feel for those that put Hope into your "July" timeframe.

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You'll know right away if I'm wrong about July First, being the Starting Date for the Monetary Transition... If you hear nothing at all, about the 12 Federal Reserve Banks being "Occupied" by U.S. Treasury Agents, then everyone reading this will know, I was wrong about the Starting Date...

I've said many times that my P.C. Theory comes Straight from my Wild Imagination... Same goes for the Starting Date, I set... I picked the Date that makes the most sense to me and my Wild Imagination... I think we're less that four weeks away from a Major Monetary Event, that no one sees coming... If I'm wrong, no one lost anything... Perhaps a few Cents worth of Interest, if they had the same amount of Money in the Bank... That (in my opinion) is a very small price to pay for the possibility, that I might be Right... If I'm Right, that tiny risk of a few Cents in lost interest, might be enough to change a Persons entire Life, forever... Think of the possibilities of not paying interest to the Central Bank Owners for the "use" of "Their Money"... I see my Theory as the only way to Break Free from the Chains that Enslave us... I believe I'm on the Right Path going Forward...

Why wouldn't the World accept our Money, once it's backed by U.S. (Precious Metal) Bullion Coinage...??? And when I say, "Remove and Replace," what Countries are going to hold onto the Old Money, knowing it's about to lose all Legal Tender Status after the Redemption Period... As We remove the Old, we will at the very same time be Replacing it with the New... And Yes... Our Money will become the "World Reserve Currency of Choice"... We're not going to Twist their Arms to use our Money... I see World Wide Prosperity, the likes of which hasn't been seen by a Single Living Person... I'm not seeing the Doom and Gloom others think is heading our way... I'm very Troubled by what Jim Willie and the other Financial Guru's are saying... None of them see what my Wild Imagination is seeing... Have a wonderful 4th of July...

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for your follow-up... I trust President Trump completely... I believe, he really does want to return the Power and Control of Our Government, back to We the People... We the People, will be in Charge of the New Monetary Tools, and be their Legal Owners... We the People will all Benefit from that Ownership... I’m not sure what you mean by XRP being a Reserve Currency, but if I were a Betting Man, I'd say our U.S. Coinage will beat the Pants off of any XRP Reserve Currency out there... I believe our Money, will be the Currency of Choice, World Wide... I’m a big believer in Free Choice... By the way... The Trade Dollar turned into the Trade Cent... The One Hundred Cent Certificate, will be the Largest of our Paper Coinage... The Bullion Coinage will be for the Bigger Trades... Then, there's always the U.S. Crypto-Coinage for Very Large to very Small Transactions... I like the thought of having the Choice to use either Physical U.S. Paper Coinage, U.S. Coinage, U.S. Bullion Coinage or U.S. Crypto-Coinage... And yes, we'll still be able to write Checks or use Debit and Credit Cards... I Visualize a very Smooth Transition into our New Monetary System...
June 7, 2019... @pocketechange