Chart analysis
- There are 13332 authors, were rewarded with 80523.255 Steem Dollars
- Plankton - 11196 (83.978%) got rewards - 30919.642 (38.398%) Steem Dollars
- Minnows - 1690 (12.676%) got rewards - 27596.715 (34.271%) Steem Dollars
- Dolphins - 402 (3.015%) got rewards - 16145.446 (20.05%) Steem Dollars
- Orca - 41 (0.307%) got rewards - 4628.93 (5.748%) Steem Dollars
- Whales - 3 (0.022%) got rewards - 1232.52 (1.53%) Steem Dollars
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N | Author | Steem Power | Steem Dollars | Posts | Rating |
1 | @haejin | 156.681 | 346.366 | 7 | 745.031 |
2 | @happymoneyman | 138.488 | 308.775 | 1 | 661.69 |
3 | @abrockman | 114.685 | 261.365 | 1 | 554.155 |
4 | @adsactly | 114.844 | 257.162 | 2 | 550.107 |
5 | @blocktrades | 97.133 | 213.487 | 1 | 460.798 |
6 | @acidyo | 83.658 | 186.45 | 5 | 399.611 |
7 | @mrsadman | 82.121 | 183.37 | 3 | 392.887 |
8 | @abusereports | 83.19 | 181.311 | 3 | 392.715 |
9 | @ourdailyboard | 80.553 | 179.87 | 5 | 385.064 |
10 | @traf | 78.482 | 174.956 | 4 | 374.928 |
11 | @jcbit | 76.039 | 173.292 | 1 | 367.42 |
12 | @cicbar | 76.257 | 168.288 | 1 | 361.912 |
13 | @stimp1024 | 71.943 | 160.906 | 5 | 344.113 |
14 | @burnpost | 71.634 | 158.617 | 1 | 341.118 |
15 | @darksaint | 71.651 | 155.314 | 4 | 337.046 |
16 | @steemcleaners | 65.146 | 144.247 | 3 | 310.22 |
17 | @themarkymark | 55.703 | 125.75 | 3 | 267.844 |
18 | @muratkbesiroglu | 52.041 | 116.929 | 1 | 249.692 |
19 | @cryptogee | 51.612 | 113.734 | 4 | 245.063 |
20 | @vcelier | 48.551 | 109.263 | 3 | 233.055 |
21 | @hanshotfirst | 49.719 | 106.684 | 1 | 232.784 |
22 | @ejemai | 48.731 | 106.434 | 2 | 230.14 |
23 | @anadolu | 47.955 | 107.487 | 3 | 229.706 |
24 | @honeybee | 47.307 | 106.633 | 2 | 227.297 |
25 | @gooddream | 47.303 | 104.636 | 2 | 225.041 |
26 | @fyrstikken | 46.461 | 103.415 | 1 | 221.615 |
27 | @twinkledrop | 46.007 | 101.327 | 2 | 218.303 |
28 | @flamingirl | 45.34 | 100.336 | 3 | 215.826 |
29 | @kusadasi | 44.807 | 100.518 | 4 | 214.841 |
30 | @worldclassplayer | 43.825 | 97.243 | 3 | 208.904 |
31 | @shabbirahmad | 43.384 | 96.82 | 29 | 207.439 |
32 | @slowwalker | 42.975 | 93.481 | 1 | 202.497 |
33 | @jannat | 41.377 | 94 | 2 | 199.793 |
34 | @czechglobalhosts | 41.418 | 92.535 | 5 | 198.042 |
35 | @exyle | 40.928 | 91.435 | 2 | 195.84 |
36 | @kingscrown | 40.547 | 87.459 | 2 | 190.209 |
37 | @eveuncovered | 38.879 | 86.452 | 3 | 185.403 |
38 | @me-tarzan | 38.729 | 85.349 | 8 | 183.888 |
39 | @theuxyeti | 37.842 | 86.239 | 1 | 182.85 |
40 | @whatageek | 38.11 | 82.701 | 5 | 179.394 |
41 | @omersurer | 37.582 | 81.625 | 3 | 177.107 |
42 | @lpreap | 36.952 | 82.572 | 2 | 176.769 |
43 | @ghayas | 36.606 | 81.617 | 1 | 174.902 |
44 | @mindblast | 36.699 | 80.475 | 3 | 173.649 |
45 | @dzivenu | 36.162 | 80.423 | 1 | 172.344 |
46 | @africa | 36.162 | 80.281 | 2 | 172.343 |
47 | @ripa | 35.772 | 79.454 | 5 | 170.464 |
48 | @teamsteem | 34.536 | 78.265 | 1 | 166.529 |
49 | @buildawhale | 32.554 | 72.778 | 2 | 155.826 |
50 | @jrcornel | 32.451 | 71.856 | 1 | 154.531 |
51 | @milaoz | 32.257 | 72.091 | 2 | 154.382 |
52 | @yoo1900 | 31.848 | 70.431 | 1 | 151.468 |
53 | @velimir | 31.356 | 70.512 | 1 | 150.57 |
54 | @sammosk | 31.588 | 69.944 | 1 | 150.421 |
55 | @cryptopassion | 31.388 | 69.011 | 2 | 148.964 |
56 | @shinternational | 31.096 | 69.638 | 9 | 148.917 |
57 | @platinum-blue | 30.73 | 68.9 | 2 | 147.132 |
58 | @honoru | 29.855 | 66.637 | 4 | 142.671 |
59 | @bert0 | 29.615 | 66.219 | 2 | 141.679 |
60 | @vishala04 | 29.718 | 65.658 | 4 | 141.34 |
61 | @sharil | 29.449 | 65.818 | 2 | 140.832 |
62 | @officialfuzzy | 29.511 | 65.569 | 2 | 140.766 |
63 | @bycompoundfilms | 29.39 | 65.518 | 3 | 140.417 |
64 | @leohira123 | 29.185 | 65.058 | 4 | 139.371 |
65 | @chinadaily | 28.993 | 64.769 | 4 | 138.687 |
66 | @phoneinf | 29.003 | 63.931 | 5 | 137.591 |
67 | @broncnutz | 27.662 | 62.962 | 1 | 133.496 |
68 | @metama | 28.03 | 62.063 | 1 | 133.476 |
69 | @chronocrypto | 27.059 | 59.596 | 5 | 128.473 |
70 | @krnel | 26.866 | 58.938 | 4 | 127.288 |
71 | @k-a-s-i-a | 26.485 | 59.281 | 4 | 126.783 |
72 | @dirkzett-english | 26.566 | 58.292 | 2 | 125.827 |
73 | @opheliafu | 25.958 | 57.788 | 2 | 123.844 |
74 | @meansteemachine | 25.545 | 57.276 | 1 | 122.309 |
75 | @koreaculture | 25.743 | 56.556 | 2 | 122.053 |
76 | @venalbe | 25.45 | 55.957 | 1 | 120.782 |
77 | @jarendesta | 24.923 | 56.26 | 2 | 119.925 |
78 | @communitycoin | 24.222 | 54.395 | 2 | 116.134 |
79 | @hyperfundit | 24.019 | 53.549 | 1 | 114.759 |
80 | @deepdives | 23.91 | 53.221 | 1 | 114.05 |
81 | @t3ran13 | 23.928 | 52.84 | 5 | 113.61 |
82 | @amylee | 23.72 | 52.882 | 1 | 113.33 |
83 | @wefund | 23.699 | 52.084 | 1 | 112.425 |
84 | @incomeincome | 23.518 | 52.066 | 7 | 111.967 |
85 | @uncommonriad | 23.39 | 51.955 | 16 | 111.552 |
86 | @thabiggdogg | 23.331 | 52.151 | 11 | 111.541 |
87 | @crypto.hype | 22.906 | 51.508 | 1 | 109.993 |
88 | @atiqadnan | 22.888 | 50.6 | 15 | 108.879 |
89 | @roxane | 22.585 | 50.351 | 3 | 107.892 |
90 | @cheetah | 22.371 | 50.698 | 1 | 107.872 |
91 | @luckystrikes | 22.534 | 50.346 | 3 | 107.774 |
92 | @writesbackwards | 22.513 | 50.134 | 2 | 107.396 |
93 | @healthsquared | 22.501 | 49.822 | 1 | 107.149 |
94 | @beastlybanter | 22.318 | 50.041 | 1 | 106.857 |
95 | @wahyurahadiann | 22.387 | 49.712 | 2 | 106.755 |
96 | @techtek | 22.037 | 49.409 | 1 | 105.512 |
97 | @uwelang | 22.108 | 49.236 | 3 | 105.485 |
98 | @martinphoto | 22.212 | 49.016 | 2 | 105.42 |
99 | @stackin | 22.087 | 48.844 | 1 | 105.045 |
100 | @xyz7 | 21.87 | 47.666 | 11 | 103.243 |
101 | @cryptoletter | 21.643 | 48.15 | 2 | 103.189 |
102 | @myndnow | 21.392 | 47.573 | 4 | 101.979 |
103 | @digitaldreamer | 21.322 | 47.536 | 1 | 101.873 |
104 | @donnadavisart | 21.315 | 47.524 | 1 | 101.842 |
105 | @krexchange | 21.677 | 46.642 | 4 | 101.64 |
106 | @sourcherry | 21.067 | 47.332 | 1 | 101.076 |
107 | @arunava | 21.132 | 46.49 | 5 | 100.274 |
108 | @anomadsoul | 20.746 | 47.278 | 1 | 100.243 |
109 | @tribesteemup | 20.867 | 45.862 | 1 | 98.992 |
110 | @mydays | 20.652 | 46.043 | 1 | 98.672 |
111 | @coruscate | 20.696 | 45.866 | 2 | 98.505 |
112 | @semasping | 20.561 | 45.84 | 1 | 98.237 |
113 | @cervantes | 20.555 | 45.587 | 2 | 97.839 |
114 | @alperblacktshirt | 20.571 | 45.394 | 2 | 97.628 |
115 | @sndbox | 20.054 | 44.403 | 1 | 95.494 |
116 | @papa-pepper | 19.883 | 44.382 | 4 | 95.024 |
117 | @fatkat | 19.681 | 44.797 | 1 | 94.98 |
118 | @cryptoctopus | 19.884 | 44.029 | 1 | 94.687 |
119 | @ygmraykt | 20.04 | 43.611 | 2 | 94.484 |
120 | @investorsclub | 19.645 | 43.654 | 2 | 93.597 |
121 | @memesplease | 19.577 | 43.458 | 2 | 93.3 |
122 | @brianturner | 19.517 | 43.44 | 1 | 93.093 |
123 | @james.anthony | 19.708 | 42.867 | 1 | 92.861 |
124 | @reddust | 19.674 | 42.796 | 1 | 92.703 |
125 | @rgeddes | 19.227 | 42.865 | 1 | 91.863 |
126 | @abuzaki | 19.218 | 42.849 | 1 | 91.823 |
127 | @zulkiflisaadan | 18.992 | 42.671 | 1 | 91.123 |
128 | @therealthrawn | 18.955 | 42.5 | 1 | 90.755 |
129 | @axeman | 18.947 | 42.323 | 7 | 90.645 |
130 | @oflyhigh | 18.811 | 42.365 | 2 | 90.317 |
131 | @puneetsuthar | 18.694 | 41.766 | 5 | 89.419 |
132 | @karmachela | 18.728 | 41.647 | 1 | 89.254 |
133 | @michaelleeld | 18.222 | 41.629 | 1 | 88.267 |
134 | @kevinwong | 18.592 | 41.026 | 1 | 88.234 |
135 | @steemcafe | 18.464 | 40.848 | 2 | 87.851 |
136 | @zikra | 18.339 | 40.786 | 2 | 87.412 |
137 | @andrianna | 18.159 | 40.813 | 2 | 87.16 |
138 | @cha0s0000 | 18.167 | 40.505 | 1 | 86.801 |
139 | @nkraft | 18.166 | 40.224 | 1 | 86.505 |
140 | @toddjsmith1979 | 18.109 | 40.3 | 3 | 86.442 |
141 | @onealfa | 18.058 | 40.16 | 1 | 86.063 |
142 | @theaustrianguy | 18.004 | 40.184 | 2 | 86.015 |
143 | @michiel | 17.962 | 40.046 | 1 | 85.819 |
144 | @purepinay | 17.711 | 40.461 | 1 | 85.791 |
145 | @photovisions | 18.037 | 39.67 | 3 | 85.603 |
146 | | 17.936 | 39.434 | 1 | 85.121 |
147 | @watwrongwitunews | 17.507 | 39.845 | 1 | 84.485 |
148 | @jerrybanfield | 17.418 | 39.692 | 1 | 84.16 |
149 | @oldtimer | 17.849 | 38.296 | 1 | 83.566 |
150 | @area-55 | 17.49 | 38.93 | 1 | 83.426 |
151 | @learnguitar | 17.242 | 39.291 | 1 | 83.31 |
152 | @dumar022 | 17.354 | 38.99 | 1 | 83.263 |
153 | @steempower | 17.301 | 38.575 | 1 | 82.663 |
154 | @nunojesus | 17.127 | 38.399 | 1 | 82 |
155 | @foodphotoblog | 17.002 | 38.233 | 1 | 81.643 |
156 | @ezzy | 17.084 | 37.837 | 2 | 81.365 |
157 | @dunsky | 16.761 | 37.657 | 1 | 80.416 |
158 | @nanzo-scoop | 16.795 | 37.351 | 1 | 80.044 |
159 | @joseph | 16.555 | 37.69 | 2 | 80.039 |
160 | @simran123 | 16.578 | 37.499 | 4 | 79.841 |
161 | @baranpirincal | 16.742 | 37.072 | 1 | 79.725 |
162 | @mickeybeaves | 16.697 | 37.163 | 1 | 79.642 |
163 | @alexanderfluke | 16.567 | 37.397 | 2 | 79.604 |
164 | @doitvoluntarily | 16.841 | 36.534 | 3 | 79.275 |
165 | @sultanmr | 16.382 | 37.039 | 6 | 78.878 |
166 | @dobartim | 16.546 | 36.711 | 6 | 78.868 |
167 | @socky | 16.552 | 36.496 | 5 | 78.626 |
168 | @dtubestars | 16.69 | 36.189 | 2 | 78.542 |
169 | @podanrj | 16.424 | 36.616 | 1 | 78.471 |
170 | @trapcation | 16.543 | 36.29 | 5 | 78.326 |
171 | @scottdphoto | 16.349 | 36.354 | 2 | 77.914 |
172 | @anbpt | 16.187 | 36.332 | 2 | 77.591 |
173 | @votingbot | 16.219 | 36.198 | 4 | 77.532 |
174 | @ruchit786 | 16.344 | 35.904 | 4 | 77.44 |
175 | @kyeongah | 16.232 | 35.976 | 6 | 77.338 |
176 | @ericet | 16.25 | 35.933 | 1 | 77.281 |
177 | @apon6431 | 15.934 | 35.61 | 11 | 76.197 |
178 | @nv21089 | 15.821 | 35.548 | 2 | 75.923 |
179 | @tarazkp | 15.991 | 35.181 | 4 | 75.889 |
180 | @steemhealthcare | 15.683 | 35.692 | 2 | 75.682 |
181 | @gritata | 15.699 | 35.247 | 2 | 75.271 |
182 | @scaredycatguide | 15.723 | 35.05 | 2 | 75.068 |
183 | @krystle | 15.65 | 34.986 | 2 | 74.848 |
184 | @fabiyamada | 15.502 | 35.282 | 1 | 74.809 |
185 | @creativecrypto | 15.613 | 34.569 | 1 | 74.345 |
186 | @darsico | 15.564 | 34.221 | 1 | 73.866 |
187 | @loteem | 15.32 | 34.262 | 3 | 73.303 |
188 | @b0y2k | 15.312 | 34.136 | 1 | 73.157 |
189 | @banjjakism | 15.177 | 34.106 | 3 | 72.856 |
190 | @rvilov | 15.134 | 33.51 | 1 | 72.067 |
191 | @mathworksheets | 15.006 | 33.736 | 2 | 72.032 |
192 | @hatu | 15.028 | 33.473 | 3 | 71.735 |
193 | @springmelody | 15.022 | 33.379 | 2 | 71.657 |
194 | @gmuxx | 14.996 | 33.366 | 2 | 71.569 |
195 | @planetus | 15.047 | 33.205 | 1 | 71.412 |
196 | @brian.rrr | 15.074 | 32.788 | 1 | 71.028 |
197 | @olegnator | 15.19 | 32.533 | 2 | 70.994 |
198 | @natureofbeing | 14.935 | 32.956 | 1 | 70.878 |
199 | @queenmountain | 14.798 | 33.176 | 1 | 70.85 |
200 | @spenceryan | 15.069 | 32.577 | 3 | 70.831 |
201 | @nadin3 | 14.868 | 32.875 | 2 | 70.705 |
202 | @ernick | 14.897 | 32.752 | 1 | 70.698 |
203 | @nuoviso | 14.821 | 32.83 | 17 | 70.597 |
204 | @tysler | 14.758 | 32.848 | 1 | 70.395 |
205 | @hansikhouse | 14.963 | 32.106 | 1 | 70.055 |
206 | @charles1 | 14.699 | 32.548 | 1 | 69.996 |
207 | @teamhumble | 14.571 | 32.607 | 8 | 69.725 |
208 | @auliausu | 14.619 | 32.511 | 1 | 69.673 |
209 | @alol | 14.586 | 32.464 | 1 | 69.572 |
210 | @twinbraid | 14.465 | 32.523 | 1 | 69.457 |
211 | @techblogger | 14.593 | 32.165 | 2 | 69.235 |
212 | @adamkokesh | 14.269 | 32.597 | 1 | 69.118 |
213 | @oldstone | 14.569 | 32.017 | 1 | 69.112 |
214 | @iamthenerd | 14.707 | 31.502 | 1 | 68.739 |
215 | @kirkins | 14.488 | 31.812 | 4 | 68.649 |
216 | @choya | 14.479 | 31.468 | 2 | 68.221 |
217 | @aggroed | 14.394 | 31.338 | 2 | 67.88 |
218 | @fotosedjarah | 14.133 | 31.753 | 1 | 67.807 |
219 | @tngflx | 13.932 | 31.572 | 1 | 67.177 |
220 | @news-today | 14.072 | 31.288 | 2 | 67.122 |
221 | @zord189 | 14.022 | 31.26 | 1 | 66.994 |
222 | @research-mind | 14.084 | 31.065 | 2 | 66.935 |
223 | @hphabib | 13.875 | 31.098 | 10 | 66.492 |
224 | @makerhacks | 13.951 | 30.799 | 2 | 66.237 |
225 | @mandela | 13.882 | 30.897 | 1 | 66.214 |
226 | @ngos | 13.877 | 30.685 | 1 | 65.995 |
227 | @ericvancewalton | 14.08 | 30.208 | 1 | 65.919 |
228 | @errymil | 13.788 | 30.739 | 1 | 65.876 |
229 | @oendertuerk | 13.813 | 30.719 | 1 | 65.832 |
230 | @danizaharie | 13.589 | 30.927 | 1 | 65.577 |
231 | @andyluy | 13.892 | 29.75 | 4 | 64.929 |
232 | @abialfatih | 13.509 | 30.437 | 8 | 64.897 |
233 | @mindsoul | 13.536 | 30.226 | 2 | 64.765 |
234 | @runicar | 13.503 | 30.245 | 3 | 64.625 |
235 | @btcvenom | 13.587 | 29.858 | 1 | 64.453 |
236 | @dannystravels | 13.371 | 30.04 | 1 | 64.15 |
237 | @silentscreamer | 13.415 | 29.907 | 1 | 64.093 |
238 | @bigram13 | 13.383 | 29.836 | 1 | 63.941 |
239 | @buddyup | 13.291 | 29.63 | 1 | 63.501 |
240 | @richardbmx | 13.054 | 29.819 | 1 | 63.23 |
241 | @chbartist | 13.362 | 28.996 | 2 | 62.955 |
242 | @v-hp | 13.002 | 29.462 | 1 | 62.692 |
243 | @kr-marketing | 13.043 | 29.328 | 1 | 62.629 |
244 | @strawhat | 13.15 | 29.117 | 1 | 62.62 |
245 | @karenmckersie | 13.302 | 28.662 | 2 | 62.364 |
246 | @makesushi | 13.024 | 28.838 | 1 | 62.019 |
247 | @dimensco | 13.05 | 28.682 | 1 | 61.908 |
248 | @flauwy | 13.098 | 28.651 | 2 | 61.882 |
249 | @spangler | 12.879 | 28.958 | 1 | 61.842 |
250 | @terrylovejoy | 12.766 | 29.163 | 1 | 61.835 |
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