RE: Important Changes to and Wallet

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Important Changes to and Wallet

in steem •  6 years ago 

dude teh fact steem is letting peopel doiwnload apdf with keys shows their utter LACK of basic common sense security.
#1 they should have had peopel WRITE IT DOWN, just Sepoerate the 24 character key intoi groups of 4 letter/numbers at once, its not that hard, if peopel cant write down 24 characters, or 6 lines of 4 fucking characters each, tthen they cant be using crypto.... The fact that @ned is letting his employees get away with the joek of having a PDF with all youe fucking Steem Private Keys DOWNLOADED to a REGULAR desktop environment into a fucking downlaod folder is the most unsecure method ever. teh fact that they dont know that you can always recover a file off a hard drive, or that no matter how many tiems you deleteit from yoru recycle bn, an experienced hacker can look for the ghost of this file. you have to do a LOT to actually REMOVE data, and so just DOWNLOADINg it to your hard drive downlaod folder like thatw here it just gets lost and anyoen can scan for a document cointaining eitehr the text or even if it was an image file of some text, its still so easily hackable

Realklky fucking inexcusable and @ned MUSt step down after a fucking failure THIS terrible, wtf is he even doing , locking out everyone form tehri wallets via a fucked up faulty upgrade that NO ONE even tested... fucking hate steemit inc right now man after 3 years of hard work working for the steem blockchain more than 99.99% of anyone hgere I fucking get this shit to wake up to while were syuppose dto eb CELEBRATING the bitcoin bull run....

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Just use busy... Ned is not the CEO of Steem. He is the CEO of SteemIt, Inc

doesnt matter he still has the largest stake in steem so bfor all intensive purposes he is Ghost CEO of steem.