Important Changes to and Wallet

in steem •  6 years ago  (edited)

Screen Shot 2019-04-01 at 4.41.15 PM.png

Today we released new software to power now only has social features, and the web wallet (where you view your token balances, initiate transfers, power up, etc.) is powered by a separate application located at Since no longer includes any of the token-related features of Steem, this application (what you know as only requires the use of one’s Posting Key.


That means that you will ONLY be able to use your Posting Key when you try to sign in to This will increase your safety when using the site. It also means that when you navigate to your wallet through you will be redirected to which is our new standalone wallet application.

To learn more about your Master Password and private keys, check out our Steem Basics post here or watch the following video:

Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at 1.55.11 PM.png

An added benefit of this change is that because it’s a smaller application than the full Condenser, it will consume fewer resources on both our machines, and yours.

Key Backup PDF

Now that we have split Condenser into two separate applications (Social and Wallet), we are requiring that users sign in with the proper keys, which will improve user security. Those users who are inputting their Master Password for everything will now get a warning that informs them when they are attempting to sign in with the incorrect key or password, and gently guides them toward either getting the weakest key (the posting key) or downloading a PDF backup of all their keys.

Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 4.27.29 PM.png

The Mission

Our goal at Steemit is to support amazing online communities with unparalleled cryptocurrency incentives. To that end, we envision a community-centric web application that is open source and economically sustainable. Splitting Condenser into separate Social and Wallet applications will constitute a major step toward accomplishing this goal by enabling us to improve each application faster, while consuming fewer resources, and maximizing user security by enhancing the client-side signing experience.

The Steemit Team

P.S. If you encounter bugs or unpleasant UI, please leave your feedback in the comments section below.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hopefully, you realize you just locked a lot of people out of their wallets who will have no idea and no help from the UI to figure out which keys to use and whether or not they have the correct keys logged somewhere.

The first to be impacted will be stakeholders and investors who rely on wallet transactions to run their businesses.

It's an inconvenience to most of us. For some it will be overwhelming.

The way the change was implemented on the social side makes it easy to download a PDF containing all your private keys with a description of what each one does. It was implemented directly on the social site so that users which have their master password saved in the browser don't have to dig in their browser/OS settings to retrieve it. It's difficult to get users to adopt safe practices around key handling; the goal is that the downloadable PDF provides a safe way to backup all the keys and make it more straightforward to use the lowest-security key on the social site as well as the wallet. There are big tradeoffs between security and convenience and we are open to feedback on any ways to bridge the gap. Thank you for your feedback.

The security was fine for 3 years.
So, it wasn't about security, it was about the ads which is fine as long as you aren't disingenuous about it.

Really what could have been handled better was the preparations.

A notice of when it was going to drop and help on the UI's of both screens would have helped a lot. Many users aren't on discord and don't read many of the updates posted since they are written in tech talk and don't speak to exactly the audience that you needed to reach.

Anyway, what is done is done it's about Damage control now. Par for the course.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The security was fine for 3 years

Nah, it really wasn't. There was a massive (relative to the size of the site at least) hack three years ago specifically because of keys being the browser. The mechanism was changed a bit and might be a little better but the fundamental vulnerability remains. It is good that Steemit is being pro-active on this instead of waiting for another incident.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You do realize the accounts that were negatively impacted are mainstream users who are using the Internet exactly the way they use pretty much every site they go to.

Most of them have no idea what key they saved and why they have 4 of them.

In addition... you anal security freaks. They have very small accounts and don't yet have to be concerned. Just as my knowledge grew, so did my understanding of how and why I should protect my account.

If you webstie requires a half an hour training course to log in you might be failing. :)

For one site to decide to sacrifice user experience without the slightest thought on impact shows why crypto in general is not ready for mainstream and how Steem is moving away from being mainstream friendly and away from being an onboarding or gateway platform.

The timing and the fact I had ads 2 seconds after they dropped the code is a pretty clear indicator of why they choose to do this now.

This is what I was trying to say, thanks for saying it so much better. I didn't see any notice of it beforehand - people pointed out that it was mentioned, but it was mentioned in a post titled something about a "condenser split," which is techno babble to me so I didn't click on it, because Steemit doesn't translate their tech-update posts for the non-techies. The post wasn't pinned, like some other unimportant posts were, and it didn't even show up in that update sidebar for me. The post about updates to wallet mentioned in the title was posted after the fact, and pinned.
Luckily I've learned enough that I know what to do about keys and keep them all written down and the like, but immediately after this rolled out, the Steemit FB group I'm in had several people asking how the heck to get in their wallets. Extrapolate our small group to the larger user base who maybe don't have a helper group to go ask, and I'm sure there are still people who are confused.
I don't begrudge them making the change, I just really wish Stinc would hire someone who's sole job would be to communicate things to the community, making sure pertinent things were pinned, warnings went out well in advance, how-tos and guides were available, and techno babble got translated. I'm not a techie but am in that middle ground where I can go searching for resources and usually grasp it - lots of people hit a wall and say, "what do I do now??"

It sounds like you make sense and understand that minnows such as me need to be backed up on there opinions and I thank you for it. You not only apply opposition to you advisary you supply understanding to us needing the knowledge.
Thanks again & Rock On

I’m one of those who still haven’t got a handle on the whole key thing.
What a cluster pluck I had. Fortunately, the nice folks who run this place let me start over. This time I took photos and copied and pasted the damn keys all over.
So now, if I want to log in on another machine,...... I don’t even bother trying. It never seems to work. But that’s okay. I’m taking a Lion’s Mane supplement these days so I expect to be smarter any time now.

I said the first time I joined Steemit that I wasn’t here to make money. It’s the whole freedom and no censorship thing that appeals to me.

So, basically I agree with you.

Yeah... I hear you.

These guys have forgotten what it is like to not KNOW all of this.

Often knowledgable people don't know what others don't know or understand as perfectly shown here. It isn't malicious just obtuse.

Yes, you are all right. Cryptos comes from the mind of crazy math people like Vitalik Buterin or security nerds that thinks that everyone on earth knows how to deal with security online.

At the same time, if you ride a car you need to learn how to ride and the norms. I think everyone needs to give a little, Steem should improve the way they explain how to do things over here, making things more intuitive like Facebook, Google, Youtube and other mainstream social networks do to have more people onboard. But we need to help people to understand better of this new tech works. -use it, sync it with your devices - there is also web access!

Make sure you put everything in it! The chrome extension and mobile apps do a good job saving data automatically, but always make sure. Take the time out to create a manual entry if you have to.

Save everything that gives you access or identity verification for something - even if people tell you not to store the info online - a lost wallet seed is just as good to me as one that got hacked (Lastpass is very secure anyways)

I've been using it 4 years now, before Lastpass I used to recycle passwords etc.. a terrible habit to have!

Lastpass has saved my butt when I had to restore a wallet using it's seed after going 6 months without internet access, all my coins were there safe!!
Lastpass has paid for itself numerous times over the years, but did I mention all the great functionality is absolutely free?

Lions mane is great !


And this is why a few weeks aback I decided Steemit isn't for me & I haven't been back since until today.

Instead of me making an effort, I will only come on here when I have something written up on another site & just copy it over to here.

After I tried to get over 200 people leaving FB to come here & join & not ONE of them did, I realized Steemit doesn't really care at all, & this is a site purely for the geeks, NOT for regular lay people.

A shame.

I'm trying to make an effort on MeWe, but they are no longer responding to my e-mails & I think all the spammers went over there since I got almost 100 fake profiles trying to add me as a friend within 3 days.

It's true we do not handle mainstream users well.

Really Steem is a good fit for self=starters and independent problems solvers. I am not sure we will ever get good at onboarding those who need some help.

As someone who has been trying to onboard alot of people and getting very little traction because the barriers to entry I can only say, you hit the nail on the head... And the community can't be the one to fix this!

It's not that simple. Why somebody is going to move to another place if you are confortable were you are?

Well, things are going to get complicated in the mainstream world before the exodus begins.

Corporations are going to fail over and over and that is going to push cryptos like this one to the mainstream world.

Yes but there’s also the idea that with cryptocurrency, you are meant to become your own bank. In that sense, Steemit has always been a huge learning curve for mainstream users. I have no clue about the reward, I have to take Steemit INC’s word for it but the risk is very real.

Master password needs to be phased out for several reasons, one of which is that it derives to the owner key (which is meant to be entirely offline) yet many users continue to use it for logging in to, as well as a number of other apps. So this change had to happen at any rate. We did step up our communication for the rollout (many posts over the last few months) but it's evident it was not enough. While we don't anticipate any changes as big as this one anytime soon, we will keep all the feedback in mind as we proceed. The benefits of limiting the social site to posting key only are numerous. There are many other features we've had to postpone or reject due to security concerns. This change allows us to move faster, safely, and add more features that users expect from a social network.

Hi @roadscape,

Not a single Steemian is criticizing this security feature, which is of course a necessary one.

"We did step up our communication for the rollout (many posts over the last few months) but it's evident it was not enough."

We agree that you stepped up your communication, but if you would have added "If the users don't take necessary steps seriously, one fine morning they will be pushed to hardships" sort of warning like message, at least 50% of them would have surely given ears to your communication and this word of mouth would have reached some more Steemians and the like.

"This change allows us to move faster, safely, and add more features that users expect from a social network."

Yes, yes...we agree to it completely. There is no second thought about it.

Thanks for the comment @marvyinnovation. We will make future announcements about changes of this magnitude easy to understand and hard to miss.

I never saw ONE mention about this change & I was on here a few weeks ago.

Why not 2-FA
And a password that could be remembered would be so much easier

i like that idea too.

I don't know that 2FA would be any friendlier for the people that can't handle keys; what if they lost or broke their phone - they'd be just as lost about how to get back in.

2FA+password could be a solution in the future but it's much more complex from an engineering standpoint. Initially on you could simply set your own password, but we had to disable this. Many users had guessable passwords like password and got compromised. Then we raised the requirement to 16 characters; users were not happy, and it still wasn't enough. E.g. passwordpassword. Generally speaking, if you can remember your private key (password), then it's not secure.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Generally speaking, if you can remember your private key (password), then it's not secure.

The concept of cryptographic salt was invented specifically for this reason.

Store a bcrypt of the user's master password, and a long cryptographic salt. When they provide the bcrypt of their password, give the client app their salt and let it derive their keys. Rate limit the number of tries to the bcrypt-based-salt-providing-service.

Then users can use normal passwords. You could even protect the salt server with 2FA.

(Of course, after login, the user can see all of their derived keys in full without being dependent upon the server to provide the salt, thereby letting them avoid vendor lock-in.)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Yes - I love this idea honestly.

I have a few ideas that would expand upon this concept a bit also.

Interesting, never heard about this concept before.

Normal people needs user-friendly approach.

In my honest opinion, if users are stupid enough to make easily guessable passwords, then they should get compromised. Teach people a damn lesson to do things for themselves and be smart.

Hi @amethystmidnight,

Please don't get emotional. Actually, they aren't doing it wantonly and their ignorance being the reason for this mistake of theirs.

They are thinking about one side of the coin and are not thinking about the other side. A little eye-opener sort of blog post detailing the risks involved in having easy passwords, which is more of like a soldier guarding the palace gates without any armor.

After this strict implementation of this strict feature, they should be knowing now the mistake they did in the past.....FOR SURE!

When users come here they have no idea about the financial part, and how it works differently than their bank site. Which likely has more money and still allows them to save a password.

It doesn't make you sound smart to shame the end users with less knowledge, it just makes you sound out of touch with who we are onboarding.

If you are you are afraid of account compremise then use local softwere to control your main account and use a different account for posting. Delegate your steemit power to that account. Use 50/50 reward, and send the profit back to your main account.So then steem power in your posting account is just a bonus.

Amen to that I had no Problem typing in a 50 digit password. It was secure and sometimes you have to have patience for extra security.

I still can't distinguish the differences between a master password and the owner key. Too many keys, but it does make me feel safer to have all these options.

Hi @tntdabomb,

MASTER PWD: The master password is the actual password that you get after Signing up for the Steemit account and that is given by Steemit.

OWNER KEY: The owner key is the master key for the account and is required to change the other keys. This key has additional permissions to recover your account or change your other keys. It's the most important key and should be securely stored offline.

ONE MORE THING: Please watch the Steem basics video posted above between the 1:21 and 2:21 minutes duration, you will clearly understand what is what.

Hope this info gives you clarity.

Take a look at the 3rd party tracking cookies your picking up from all these ads, might make you reconsider that statement.

🎁 Dear @woodywood143,

SteemBet Seed round SPT sale is about to start in 2 days!

When our started the development of SteemBet Dice game, we couldn’t imagine that our game would go so viral and that SteemBet would become one of the pioneers in this field.

In order to give back to our beloved community, we’ll distribute 4000 STEEM to SPT holders immediately after Seed sale. Plus, investors in this earliest round will be given 60% more tokens as reward and overall Return on Investment is estimated at 300%!

Join the whitelist on SteemBet webiste now and start investing! Feel free to AMA on Discord


🎁 Dear @woodywood143,

SteemBet Seed round SPT sale is about to start in 2 days!

When our started the development of SteemBet Dice game, we couldn’t imagine that our game would go so viral and that SteemBet would become one of the pioneers in this field.

In order to give back to our beloved community, we’ll distribute 4000 STEEM to SPT holders immediately after Seed sale. Plus, investors in this earliest round will be given 60% more tokens as reward and overall Return on Investment is estimated at 300%!

Join the whitelist on SteemBet webiste now and start investing! Feel free to ask us anything on Discord


I agree you guys did step up your communication.

Hi R, Are you reachable via discord or email @roadscape? I'd really appreciate a minute of your time.

I would suggest a upcoming release note on the right side of steemit... Weeks to a- month before any major rollout with a big days till change clock..... Something like this....

It should use a graphic and stick out like a sore thumb... so everyone sees it. and it should have a link embedded so that they can follow up with details.... But tell it in simple to understand terms. NO TECH TALK......

I've been a systems designer for 30 years and the present systems out there have terrible UX, and a lack of erogonmetrics. With just an extra hour taken on big issues to take care of the ergonometrics. You would have avoided 90% of your complaints.

PS: as I have said before I live in New York and am willing to donate some pro-bono time to the staff.


Another money grab. Now we are in another limbo contest. How low can we go?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I agree I just got here and it was a struggle for the first month then I started enjoying it for the second month. Now it is back to struggling again in the third, I am to fat to go any lower on the limbo stick so lets just "KISS" that's encryption, (Keep It Simple Steemians) thanks @hawgwild out.

Hi @whatsup,

"A notice of when it was going to drop and help on the UI's of both screens would have helped a lot. Many users aren't on discord and don't read many of the updates posted......"

Of course, you are right. Before doing any such important thing like this, the users must be well informed as to what they intend to do in how much time, This would have avoided a lot of confusion and yes, now we need to go to the next phase i.e., Damage control......

@steembitblog, @whatsup... if it's good for the ads - maybe it could be nice to let participate the authors of the revenues. In addition it would be another reason to post on steem for many actors who post somewhere else now 😊 And if an 'Apple-like' model would be applied with 70% for the authors and 30% 'for the platform' it would be the biggest advertising for the steem platform itself. @peekbit

No, mobile users have no way to download this PDF

This option should show up on mobile; if not, that is a bug. What's your device/browser? Thanks!

I have a Samnsung Note 9 and am using Google Chrome.

ofcourse you can do that with a note 9 @maxblaschke ...

Just so you know I am unable to access my wallet so that means I cannot get to the Permissions to get my posting key, what the hell can I do now? I am only able to access I find this to be highly disrespectful!

Hi @masaitv,

Please watch the Steem basics video posted above between the 1:21 and 2:21 minutes duration. Here you will be taught to go to the exact location of the keys and the names of the keys and their special uses.



Hope this clarifies your doubt.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I believe I told you that I am unable to access the Permissions feature in order to get to those keys, so your response makes no sense to me, I get to the wallet but cannot sign in to get the keys. No, your All caps reply does not clarify my doubt either, face it, you guys screwed up and now there is no way to fix it, I don't even think you know how to fix this problem that you have created for so many people! Do you even care?

I am so pissed right now, you guys have completely fucked up my account, NONE of this back and forth wrong information is working, you might as well close this shyt down!

Please pardon me @masaitv for posting a wrong comment without understanding your query properly.

As far as I can tell, this video only works if you can open your wallet, which I can't.

It is all so easy for some to say, and some don't even know what a PDF is, it would seem that we are getting a river created between us and it washed the bridge out already.

How do I download this PDF?

If you try to login into with your master password, the option to download a PDF will be shown on the warning dialog.

I cannot get that pdf link to work.

The link shows, but it doesn't do anything? Or you don't see the link at all?

I see something that looks like this, but it doesn't do anything.
Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 7.20.28 AM.png

Right click - copy link destination - paste it on another tab doesnt't work?

I'm still trying to download the PDF. I can find no workable link to the download.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well that seems a little overboard.

Do you need any help?

I can walk you through it if you are on discord. My name and avatar are the same there.

Or here is a link to our chat channel. I'd be happy to help if you need it. :)


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I figured it out. But as someone who does Information Architecture for a living, it's clear to me that Steemit inc HAS NEVER HEARD OF USABILITY TESTING, and therefore it's a complete wonder how they will stay in business. This total fuck up may very well seal the deal for many that have been thinking of jumping this ship.

They stay in business because they have NO Customers who they're accountable to.

@frankbacon, that's not necessarily true. Their need to put up adverts shows money isn't coming in as fast as it's going out. And the price of steem directly impacts their bottom line. The price of steem goes up when there are a lot of new sign-ups. With crazy nonsense changes to the platform like this they're practically guaranteeing people will not sign up. Who wants to jump through this many hoops, undergo this learning curve, only to find out their account is pretty worthless unless they -buy- steem?

Posted using Partiko Android

We can create know customers to weigh other options of account ability. As for me - give me liberty or give me deft. P.H.

BTW - steem would work better to divorce the reward system from the currency and have a model where content is purchased using the currency and the rewards are not linked to the whales or other fish opinions. They whole concept degrades the media provider from the very start.

Usability testing
Usability testing is a technique used in user-centered interaction design to evaluate a product by testing it on users. This can be seen as an irreplaceable usability practice, since it gives direct input on how real users use the system. This is in contrast with usability inspection methods where experts use different methods to evaluate a user interface without involving users.
Usability testing focuses on measuring a human-made product's capacity to meet its intended purpose.

What's more, I just checked and BUSY.ORG DOES NOT HAVE THIS PROBLEM. I will be using them from now on. Steemit Inc can die a rotten stinking death. Which it will.

I was just going to suggest

I usually don't use Steemit except for the wallet. :) The interface is inferior in many ways to Busy.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

And what's with the drama token? Did you seriously try to make a dime from my all caps comment? Wasn't it you that just said "For some it will be overwhelming"? Yup, just checked. It was.

What the fuck are drama token?

They are good for your acting career and sex drive,

Yes, it is overwhelming. I agree. At least you were able to get in. :)

Sorry for the expletives earlier.

I was also taken aback by the unexpected change on steemit when trying to access my wallet. The first thought was that got hacked lol.

Steemit Inc., please make the transitions and changes more transparent and smoother.


Same experience here. I thought one second about a phishing attempt by another website as i saw the new second-level-domain, bit of a shock and not a good user experience.

There must be better solutions to communicate such things because we talking about real value in the internet here. Btw. i had no issues with using my keys, but was confused to how to switch back to my blog.. it makes it more difficult now.

Sorry, you don't have enough DRAMA.
You need 10.00000 DRAMA more for a chance to make it happen.
To view or trade DRAMA go to

Here's your DRAMA. Don't spend it all in one place!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

Ahah welcome to Steemit 2.0, or should I say, have a good time on another website.

Doesn't everyone need their master password? I was told that we could be in serious trouble if we lose that.

Yes you need to keep the master.

I think it could be debated which is more dangerous from a security point of view. Switching entering passwords ... vs. saving them. In addition obviously based on the comments, some are not that happy with the pdf option either.

I'm not sure if I like a website telling me what compromises I should make for security.

Also people should not be encouraged to log in with their Master.

Hi @whatsup I just need clarification on the new wallet, they want you to apparently set a password in the wallet. Do you know if setting a wallet password will require resetting all my keys, or will it automatically reset all my keys? I don't want to go down this path!
There is no one talking on Discord or anywhere on Steem about this!!
Until I really know what this changes I will just keep using Steempeak and Busy, wallets apparently still work just fine with Steemconnect.
Newbies will be so lost, they really need to explain this better!!


I have not checked for changes, but the last time they announced the condenser split, I tried out the new wallet site and it worked just fine using my old active key, so I expect you should NOT need to change or set any new passwords. Just try logging in to the wallet site with your usual active key and see what happens.

I give it a try, and post back......

I just tried it and It works just fine, thanks!
I claim rewards daily, and I try to limit my Active key to needed uses....... I don't really like signing in with my active everyday for rewards......
I might just stick with Busy and Steempeak for that!

SUPER. Glad you got it sorted out.


Well .. at least there's a recurring pop-up with a link ... ;)
I agree this comes all of a sudden. Could have been to national communicated before.

I couldn't have put this better myself. I definitely feel like I'm playing catch up at the best of times and I couldn't have picked a better word than 'overwhelming'.

I hope this becomes easier to comprehend as time passes, and for the amount of money I have on this site (and the amount I earn) I look at all of these passwords I have to remember and think "Is it really worth it...?"

I bet a lot of people will consider that.
The only thing I would say, is the STEEM economy is better at providing delayed gratification than instant gratification.

Meaning as time goes on both knowledge and income go up, which reduces the effort vs. reward factor.

I respectfully disagree, @whatsup. I've been using this site since early 2017 and, although I produce a lot of articles into which I put a LOT of effort, I earn - on almost all of them - $.00-.05. At this point, Steemit is just a place to put my articles until I find somewhere better because, frankly, I see some of the CRAP being upvoted and it disgusts me.

I respectfully understand what you mean.

We are not good at curating quality content.

And social media was never about quality for me.

There are many who feel differently, but obviously they can't curate it and what value does it hold to whom?

Sorry, you feel disgusted.

I hope that is the case. I always feel like I am getting somewhere, then someone else explains to me how things work and confuses the hell out of me again.

We'll see what happens, but at the moment I have very little motivation to keep using this site in regards to effort vs rewards (Not just money; interaction, friendships, possible traffic towards my books, etc...) Don't get me wrong I have spent a LARGE amount of time on this platform, but at the moment I am learning to read Cyrillic as well as writing another book, and it is getting to the stage where I'm getting bored of focusing my energy into this site hoping something will shift, and when people move the goalposts and make it more confusing it makes me wonder why I am trying to learn all of this Steemit stuff...

Hi, you mentioned learning to read CYRILLIC. Is this the language in this old prayer book?


Yep, that's the one. It's actually surprisingly easy to pick up. For example there are 6 letters that are the same (a,e, k, m, o and t) and the rest is just practice.

It does depend on the language though; some letters appear or disappear depending on the country, but in general the sounds remain the same

Don't you know "Last Pass" Password Manager? It takes out a lot of the work

No I've never heard of that. Is it like an extra plug in? I don't trust a lot of these extra apps and plug ins because all it takes is one dodgy link and all your money in your account gets wiped out...

It's a website and Browser Addon which stores all your passwords saved in a cloud. Personal I trust them more than the google cloud which can also Sync Passwords between devices.

This includes me. Where do I go to to find the PDF with my passwords on?

Yes I second that not only overwhelming if there is 1 typo anywhere we could lose our tokens or crypto's. I think it is dicey for newer steemian.

It is overwhelming for me. I've been trying to manually enter it and get invalid password every time. It's exhausting. So i'm not good at this. That's true. what to do? I'm reading all these comments and just lost.

How can I help?

You can go to or if you have your master login to the wallet with it and get them all at once.

Prior to the change how did you login? What browser do you use?

Let's start with what worked for you.

Feel free to hit me up on discord if you don't want to put this on the blockchain

Don't be embarrassed, if this had happened earlier, I would have been overwhelmed also.

Firefox. I must have saved the logins there on firefox a long time ago and then never thought about again. Never had any problem but knew somehow i was not really understanding what was really happening.

There's an ad for dating site under my comment! What???

Jepp, they have Google ads now too.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

In firefox
Under options on the menu... (upper right corner)
I'm not talking down to you.. just don't know where we are starting
search password..
click saved logins
click show passwords

Try that one on the wallet.

if it can login to wallet and find your posting key to use on steemit.

If it doesn't work you are going to have to find that picture you took and search for your Master Key.

No you're not talking down to me at all. :) I'm really grateful for your help.

I will try that with firefox now. I do have the photo with the passwords. I tried earlier to type them in and couldn't do it... they are super long and complicated so i might have messed up every time. I'm going to look at firefox now. :)

I found it in firefox. It's not one of the four from the wallet. It says generated password on the photo i took when i started here. I have photos of 5 passweords. It's the one in firefox. Does this make sense to you? Is there a way to get it or one of the other 4 in the wallet login without typing it out

I've never been to , Should i do that now? I'm embarrassed to be so clueless. I have photos off my computer that i took a long time ago of my passwords. Ohhhh man... i tried earlier to get in to my wallet here and couldn't do it.

my reply is above, somehow I missed.

We can get you through this! :)

I'm really lost in the comments now. Thank you for trying to help!

I am fairly certain it is case sensitive. I have had the same issue in the past with trying to manually type it all out.


It took a while but i kept at it and got in!

I agree. Even the sticky they have at the side doesn't mention the wallet, just says the social condenser is live. I discovered it on accident clicking on their blog to look at the older announcement on wallets after clicking on mine to collect rewards and having to log in again, then being locked out of Steemit and having to log in again to get back on the site. They might want to change the title to this post to indicate it addresses the wallet and we will be needing to log in several times now due to different sites.

We've clarified this, thanks!

Thank you for the quick action. Knowing that you are interacting with and listening to us has done a lot to improve the morale here and is greatly appreciated.

totally agree - it should be noticed before.

But the link at the side leads to this very blog post ... and the title has been changed after publishing.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I'm glad you feel good about it. You will be the first to feel the impact

I get what you are saying, I've been here for 3 years. I wouldn't have had a clue what you are talking about for the first year.

I'm sitting in a discord trying to help someone who has also been around for a while and had his password saved. He has no idea which one to use where and how to sort this out on his various accounts.

The UI doesn't give any help.. a red box... anything.

Believe me I hope you are right and I am wrong.

I haven’t tested a login via password, but if I understood it correctly, the popup should show up which allows the user to download the PDF. Did he download that one? Is there enough info? If not, this has to be improved.

If it’s a general knowledge problem, then we need to educate people.

Reduce Cognitive Overload. ;)

I'm fine with it, I just wanted to notify SteemIt, Inc that many users have no idea what happened.
They have no clear path to help.
And yes there is a pdf if you try to log in with the wrong key, that lists the keys... all of them without any tips. :)
I'm just watching in amusement. I am not overly upset. I expect that will come when no one can figure out how to send wallet transactions. :)

I actually didn’t expect that there are still users who are primarily using the password or aren’t aware what the posting/active keys are. I thought that’s basic knowledge by now (honestly) - but yeah, I’ve been heavily involved with Steem. So there’s a big knowledge difference.

But anyway, I’m sure that steemit inc would highly appreciate your experience of what kind of problems people have to get into steemitwallet.

Common knowledge and what's programmed to run on the system are two entirely different beasts.. I had a hell of a time getting things sorted out earlier, it was more of a Android Q clipboard issue than anything, but for any normie using steem as a blogging platform who only used non-active or posting keys, will be in for some manual and confusing work.... Probably call a member of a younger generation to figure out, who will have no idea since the system is drastically different then anything they are familiar with... More frustrated times ahead,.. and maybe clarity at the end for them..

But what's the target audience for steem? Crypto focused power users who have a vested interest in blockchain, or the casual user who drives traffic with friends and family ..

alot gets muddled when people think profit over usability, especially at the expense of it's users..

do you work hard at sounding like a pompous prick?

The biggest issue is with people who have one password saved and now the site wants them to use "the right one".
Do they know which one goes where? (how do they know?)
Do they know where they have them stored?

A good thing they did is allow the pdf download but it offers them no assistance in why or which key.

The first impact I can predict will show if users are struggling is a reduction in wallet transactions. Depending on what key they have saved they should have access to either the wallet or the site. They likely will not know which one to use where.

Testing generally involves testing some various levels of users to ensure that changes are intuitive and people have the ability to either find help or troubleshoot.

Again, I'm not angry or trying to be rude. I don't think anyone, even those of us who looked at it expected it to go live in the middle of the day on a Wednesday without any preparation.

It will sort out and is not the end of the world, but again, a bit messy.

I have such a problem with this method of downloading...

locate *_steem_keys.pdf

Lulz.. anyways..

Privacy and security... Everyone knows to rummage thru the recycle bin and downloads folder when doing research. Who watched sneakers and remembers a scene where they were in a garbage bin looking at shredded papers... Anyways... Red flags went off when they offered that download to me. LoL. the user in me still hasn't deleted it, and really didnt need a security breach like that....

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, I did use my password for anything within the first year also. Even though I knew about the keys. It just worked too well with the password.
A plain usability issue.

I just logged in with on the steemitwallet but there is no PDF to download. So I just saved again another copy from the single passwords. It's irritating that there should be a PDF somewhere but isn't.

I tried it and I don't get this message but stored now all my keys offline.
But the question is really if you saved password at PC or in app like Norton and you don't know password anymore because always you login automatically what to do.
I think that at least they should Annonce this change before and let members time to look for their things.

I can't use Keychain sadly, that's my main complaint here! Keychain is the best thing to happen to this blockchain.

I second that. I really don't get why they have not implemented key chain yet. Would solve a lot of issues.

This change was a necessary requirement for Keychain integration which we plan to do in the future.

@andrarchy Looking forward to that and thanks for taking the time to reply :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment


Hahahah @therealwolf, not bad. Taking some head-on abuses and yet remaining cool.

"you're" cracked me up.

Dear @whatsup

A gree with you,

I can only hope that they will realize that they just delivered heavy blow to their own platform and thousands of users will be affected. This will cause chaos on this platform :/

It's an inconvenience to most of us. For some it will be overwhelming.

It really bloody is. Steem wallet lost most of it's functionality in my opinion. Even refreshing is logging me out :/

Yours, Piotr

Did you get it sorted out.

Pro tip: Use your active key for the wallet and your posting key for steemit.

Or use another front end. :)

Dear friend @crypto.piotr

I totally agree with you and many of those who write here ... Steemit should not ignore the fact that many people have invested our time and dedication in this platform, creating a habit and goals for them to change everything afterwards and then we have to start over. That discourages and even the most optimistic doubt whether it is worth continuing with this project. I am to the expectation and I support myself in what people like you, my friends, think.

Have a nice day.

at least it should be noticed before I think.

I agree, this was stupid as hell. Fuck steemit

I am one of those completely locked out of my wallet.

Am so lost right now

Do you need help?

I hear ya, I think I have it I followed " whatsup" and his advise seems to help

I just lost my 3 years work!!!

Do you still have your master key written down somewhere?

as long as they do not forget their password then they are ok.

Only if they understand which one to use there or feel like trying all four plus the actual password.

Definitely a good point thank you

Posted using Partiko Android

ok, I will be careful next time..

Ya what you said . Is this a scam or ,what maybe we should quit while we're ahead.

There is no part of me that thinks this is a scam.

I do think there is an intelligent group of people trying to make thoughtful decisions on how to improve things.

They are missing experience (and the willingness to admit it) to deal with end-users and consider the impact of their changes.

@hawgwild hang in there, re-generate your main password just to be safe, Steemit luckily isn't Steem and so don't be put off. We have other ways to access the same platform (blockchain) like Busy (website like Steemit) , Partiko (app for phones's) or esteem who have a desktop UI as well, so we are pritty covered.

Steemit's been running many years which is a very long time in the Crypto time frame which has brought many people together since then from which other projects have stemmed from and now it;s time for a huge overhaul and revamp!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks, that is starting to make a little sense now and hang in there with me I appear to be a slow learner. I'll give you an upvote for your consultation. Do have a great week.

Dont worry I am also a slow learner! Not all of us on here are tech nerds :)

Not a scam, the post gives instructions

Sorry, and who wrote those instruction a loyal steemian and are hackers one step head of them. It is hard to trust when you can't see your adversary.


  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Some are apparently seeing ads, I don't, because I use Brave Browser.

So for users: go download Brave Browser.
For Steemit, Inc: get yourself verified as a Brave publisher :-)

Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at 00.23.15.png

Please all who check out the Brave Browser remember that it so far is a fairly centralized situation with requiring the user to sign up to only one choice of exchange. I wish more people would be vocal about this. Can be a huge thing for cryptocurrency if they would decentralize what they are doing.

Very valid point - but due to the nature of advertising and the TPS required it will be very difficult for them to decentralize the whole operations IMHO. Few months ago there was a discussion with the founder over twitter on the same lines.

Decentralize the whole operations? It feels as though it was a choice somewhere during the creating to have the coin checkout through exchange only and give no other options. Everything about it is fishy that it is an open source project that everyone is on board with all transactions being funneled through one source that I know I had not even heard of before the Brave Browser. My opinion comes from being a verified publisher within the browser ( ) who loves the project but find it damn near impossible to fully even recommend others to use it in it's current form. It is absolutely nuts to me anyone into cryptocurrencies, not just a mere 'digital currencies', but he good true crypto kind that we control. Browser is really amazing otherwise, but this blockchain is only as strong as it's weakest link and this is a huge weak link.

All I can do is when I see the browser brought up in places I'm reading and can leave a comment, is to at the very least just leave the comment and hope others research further on this issue. I do hope the founder is taking what is going on into consideration, as at the moment I know there is somebody profiting fairly nicely from being the only way you an use the Brave Browser (bye bye decentralization).

Or use steempeak.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Or just come onto DIscord @steemspeak NOT steempeak
or here is the direct discord invite

You gotta put some Respect on our necks

we are not steemPEAK its steemSPEAK a discord server, other only one people use when they have problems.... one of the only live 24/7 support discords, unlike most other steem discords where people are bored are are not there, but theers always someone on steemspeak

EOS has actual Hip Hop music videos , unlike steem where I send the money to pay for one and never get one.


Why like this?

Because he put a wrong link. The correct one is: (without additional "S" in between Steem and Peak).

No you dumb bitch, its a discord server established years before steempepak, ytou stupid bitch its just a fucking discord server, dont be afraid, here its not a security risk either @dayshot

its @fyrstikken 's discord STEEM SPEAK not Steempeak u dumb bitch

Oh, come on - there is really no need for such language, I really thought it's just a typo.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well now you know that you arent always right, and yes this is the Internet a BOYS club where we did ALL the work and then you girls want to just come in one day when you see theres some money to be made, and you wanna co0me in here and tell me about langauge on a free speech centered blockchain?

Seriously this is not twitter, and you need to remember steemit is not gonna just coast along ...

your gonna deal with me and any other voices in here because this is steem, and il fucking pay to push this comment to #1 on steem for a week if i want

These are words, text, and if your offended by the 5 letters B I T C H then fuck you, i dont care, stop offending yourself imagining me yelling at you, im just pushing buttons and you are just reading squiggly lines on a screen

none of this matters while we are bleeding users and investors to bitcoin, steem is not gonna go up with bitcoin unless poeople can actually signup

ned hasnt even sponsored the creatoion of a instant account faucet so peopel can sdignup same day liek if they have reddit or facebook accounts

Also a good suggestion. For now Google search and other ‘links’ often point to though, so I still use it a lot :-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Could also open the post from google and then use the amazing @steem-plus quick switcher function to easily switch interfaces :)

I agree, Steemit should become a verified publisher. It’s relatively easy (a lot of verification steps) but once you’re set up you’ll be able to collect monthly payments/tips from users of the brave browser. Highly underrated, I’m glad I took the time to add it to my own site! Brave ads in the future will allow users to opt-in and then we’re off to the 🌙

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great pro tip regarding @steem-plus @khaleelkazi! Another one many Steemians might overlook :-)

Yes, Brave/BAT might go big and it would be super cool of a website of the size of would be one of their early adopters, right? Shows we want and are able to look outside of the box :-)


You’re exactly right! Us crypto projects ought to band together, brave/bats success would =’s success and vice versa! Good publicity is always good publicity, I would think that brave would be stoked if Steemit joined the ranks and brought some major traffic!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good thinking!

I believe Brave (and BAT) has a bright future ahead of them, can't hurt to use what they are offering!

I will be reaching out to people behind brave to form some kind of collaboration with our Blockchain

Great idea! When i jusread the terms and conditions it says i need a new wallet. Would be nice to be able to use my Steem wallet!

Would be great to see that happen!

@nathanmars : good idea .. they are verey responsive over Twitter

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yes a bright future for MEOS browser and hopefully a steemk browser like @eesteem.surfer to completly copy and anihilate OR, Brave HAS to conmvert to EOS as i believe they will be anyway

but steem coul dhave a browser, i dont see why we cant start replacing ALL google ads wioth steem based ads, from and we can replace google if everyone stops using chrome and uses or steem based bowser... or brave.. which i just started trying today... i cant complain when a browser helps me make crypto... needs to be eos based tho now .... and steemians need a browser to compeet with brave

ned needs to support that Worker proposal when i make it to fund a brave browser alternative that uyses steem and that has just limited steem functionality so we dont sacrifice steem... it can be just a brave browser clone but with steem and with all the steem dapps built in etc . can load emn on a Steem Pi Rasberry pi by default

HEY IF STEEMIT INC doenst have to fix THEIR mistakes, Why should i fix my typos?!!?!?!

:( :( IMA GO CRY IN THE POOL NOW :( ;;;........

Oh well, it was handy having that wallet built right in there. Reminds me of when messenger split off facebook and everyone got pissed!
All we need is a link back to our blog from the wallet and I would not notice any difference.

I still prefer Firefox over Brave due to customization and add-ons. There is also the Vivaldi web browser which is almost as flexible as Firefox.

@ackza I don't understand what you mean... Are you in favor of change or not? :?

no one ever does

They bait and switch you as a publisher. They confirm you are verified, then a week later they come back asking for even more information for Uphold. Sure it's a great idea, they are implementing very poorly with the bait & switch.

yes offcourse brave is a great browser tracking adds and also sppeed up browsing and the BAT is also intersting

Lot of us have been sending tip to steemit but so far they are not setup (AFIK) to receive Brave payments. Perhaps steemspeak can take advantage of Brave + BAT.

Thanks for the heads up @soyarosa, I use ad blocker so don't see anything. I'm just gutted that the whole reason Steemit was set up in the first place has been thrown away.

I wonder if they've had the goddamned common decency to at least take out the bit in the Whitepaper where it says Steemit will not be like the others and won't exploit you by making ad revenue on your content.


It's good you write down your thoughts here @cryptogee, I'm sure all input is monitored as for now they are experimenting with ads to see what it does financially and within the community. If they appear to be counter productive I'm sure they won't stay :-)

If they appear to be counter productive I'm sure they won't stay :-)

They will make money for Stinc so I'm sure they'll stay...

I'm sure all input is monitored

Monitored and ignored.

Anyway I'm excited about Dan's - the father of Steemit - announcement that he's writing Steemit 2.0 for EOS and it will be bigger and better!

Good to chat, hope all is good :-)


I get that advertising is oversaturated and people are ignoring them now, but I feel a lot of people are being overboard about this. Advertising is a natural and necessary part of an economy. You can't just put up a website and tell nobody about it, you would go out of business in no time. Any form of self-promotion, getting the word out, or buzz is indeed a form of advertising, and its a good thing.

Economies are a system of constant circulation, like a bicycle wheel, and advertising is like greasing the wheel so that it circulates smoothly. Active circulation is healthy for interdependent monetary systems and unless all essential things become DIY, well, self-promotion still needs to exist.

I use ublock on chrome. It works pretty well for youtube.

uBlock does a good job (on my Firefox) also. :)
I had it activated before but deactivated it for it blocked some content at @steemillu.
I will probably retrieve my rewards via from now on.

My laptop is just 4gb ram. Twice I've installed brave browser, and it made my laptop very slow so I had to uninstall both times.

I run brave on a machine with only 2 gig of ram and it works fine so it’s weird that you had that problem. Brave uses less internet due to all the scripts it bypasses and it protects your privacy as well. I find it’s great. Have you tried searching for the reason it ran slow after brave install?

I've not really searched, I lost interest after the second attempt. Will try again today.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for that addition. I was already eager to give this browser a try but my machine may be too small then too.

I hear there's a new version so you could give it a try. I tried it a while ago and I'm yet to try the new version

Posted using Partiko Android

They recently launched a new version of their browser - it replaces the 'old' one. Don't know if that helps!

Would certainly give it a try later in the day. Hope that one really works

Posted using Partiko Android

same problem I have with my old android phone . it lags too much when using Brave.

Seems like there are new versions now, so maybe you should give it another try

Posted using Partiko Android

Does Firefox make your computer slow like Brave did? I tried Brave, Vivaldi, and other web browsers but I prefer Firefox. I use it on Ubuntu (my OS).

I've switched to brave since reading about it months back, and its usually smooth, was using firefox but decided to support brave and bat so I switched and only sometimes I need to use chrome for certain things.

Bro, v@ned should have already made a partnership with Brave, OR found a way tpo support @esteem.surfer more to make iut a fuill browser, we should all have steem email addresses and we shoudl all be using our own steem browser, replacing all google ads with steem ads from @dclick i mean we could replace adsense ads for all of our users.,.. steemians are ready to use a steem browser... and Brave is a Proof that yes you CAN make a new browser.... i mean chrome is all based on what was once all open source stuff anyway right? Where is our Steem Browser... well I mean they cant even make an App... Why cant Steemit fire everyone and pay contractors who knwow hat they are doing?

All @ned has to do is spend the money on an actual consultant and app developer who knows how to actually develop a nice app... honestly Ive seen developers come into steem and basically learn everything in a few weeks and then build something in a few months.... developers LOVE learning steem when they are real pro FOSS and are the types who like using GIMP over Photoshop

steemians are the types who dont mind putting up with a few extra steps. So we really should all be uysing a steem version of brave...

OR AT LEAST we should just use Brave, and with that $70 a year we can earn , estimated $200 they can make next year...and then use that to buy steem... I feel like theer are dozens of things everyone looking for work at home gigs could use, and pI think there's a way for everyone to earn an extra $1000 a year to be saved in a nest egg.... Godang imagine if your steem Wallet actually helped you save money and had pop ups showing you hoiw much you COULD save etc , id love constant reminders on my wallet showing me how much I could have if i save a certain amount oif steem every day ...

I believe Chrome is based on Chromium which is still out there and is still separate from Chrome. Yeah, more people should work on independent open source web browsers. Yeah, we should work on email systems if we have not already, like Proton Mail which I use. I still use Firefox for its customization options and add-ons and bookmarks and everything.

I don't have a problem with Firefox, and I've not used the others before. It's just brave I have a problem with

Posted using Partiko Android

Brave seems to be harder to use for me too. But I hope it gets better in the future.


Posted using Partiko Android

I'm using latest version of FireFox (66.0.2) and I see no ads.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yep, gr8 call Rosa. I hold BAT as I'm pretty confident that they're a crypto project that has a very strong future application. I can see them possibly becoming a competitor or even replacing Google, long term. They solve a real issue with the way they tokenize advertising attention.

Brave and steem should 100% work in tandem. I'm not sure if it is possible for content creators to opt in to advertising to earn BAT yet, this is something I need to look into. I am using brave browser though, and have been for a few months now 🙂

While I enjoy Brave myself, promoting it in this topic is rather misplaced. It's like asking Coca-Cola employees to drink Mountain Dew

As an employee of Steemit I strongly disagree. We are two very different protocols offering two very different value propositions. Clearly, a lot of Steemians like Brave's product offering and we shouldn't ignore that there is a way for all of us to benefit from working together. The beauty of open source is that we can all benefit by working together. Brave is trying to be a next generation browser and ad network through the integration of blockchain technology. We are trying to be the best blockchain for powering web applications. There's no reason those two projects can't work together synergistically. Who knows, if we support them, maybe they'll switch from Ethereum to Steem ;). Open Source development is not about "us v. them" it's about "us + them."

Thanks so much for your participation in this valuable conversation. While I disagree with you, I am so glad that you thoughtfully engaged on this topic. I'm not even saying I'm right, I'm just glad we're having a constructive conversation :). Thanks again!

Can you compare Brave with Vivaldi? I have tried Brave and it was ok but I still prefer Firefox. Also, Vivaldi was ok too. I probably should try to support Brave more. Yeah, we should work together as much as possible, Steem, Brave, etc, like you said.

Definitely agree with this statement. I would like to see (hinting here...) Steemit built integrations with Brave so that Steemit bloggers on the Steemit site can earn BAT. This would be awesome and boost the value of both STEEM and BAT.

I'm not even saying I'm right ...

You are right. :)

I see it more like "Hey you know what goes great with a Coke, a bag of Doritos!" you can have each separately, however, together they are great.

To me it seems that Steem should always show ways that their own coin can be showcased. In this case selling advertisement. Using another coin seems counter intuitive. Someone that is interested in Steem and is thinking about buying some, seeing that utilizes BAT would give me the shivers. Hell, as someone that already purchased Steem it would still give me the shivers (and maybe more rightfully so than with the former). Then again, it might just be me

I appreciate your input - I personally see a future where all kinds of projects integrate with one another - too many people are thinking 'one is going to win' (not saying that's you here :D). As there's no real overlap between the two projects now I believe it would be a win for both if they started working together. If STEEM could be utilized for ads in the future, for example integrated in a browser, I would be thrilled :-)

excellent idea for all, I also use it and it's great

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Arent ads supposed to help steemit?

That's the hypothesis Steemit, Inc is testing now! :-) And I hope it does. But people have disliked ads forever, so most will find a way around it. With 'Brave' users can find a way around it in a way that Steemit, Inc can profit from :-) #winwin

I also use Brave...and I love it!

I am using it as well. I was just reading posts about adds and was wondering why I don't see them. Now I remembered that I'm using Brave for a few months.

yup - I am seeing some ads

agree, i also use brave browser, and there is no ads, unless if you want them


Yup! I use BRAVE BROWSER also!

good point!

I have had brave for many years on iphone ... but it is not really compelling to me

Yup ads are everywhere

Steemit just died

or use firefox, safari or chrome with ghostery and abp plugins which are free abd been around for over 10 years!

Okay, @soyrosa. I opted to the Brave browser just now because I do like using Steemit for a lot of things, but having ads everywhere was getting to me quick. :)

hah i also use brave and send bat to my website :) it's just they're doing airdrops often :)
some of us also won their first internet money, clicking ads :) and this is being said to come soon with BAT :)

Hey, @trayan.

I've received some kind of airdrop/gift from Brave. And some of it went somewhere, since I had it set up to pay out automatically to where ever it was I must have visited. It's just not that detailed yet. I like the concept and everything. It's just not all in place.

I currently have more BAT on coinbase, since I went through their tutorials they have set up now for Stellar Lumens. And BAT has been going up nicely over the last week or two. I'd like to start earning more, and I'd like to be able to collect it all into one safe place. :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I see...
you can configure your Brave on auto~attention... or manual... I just give tips :D
yeah you know! ;)

XLM stellars are very good indeed! ;)

In a way it's 'old skool' in a new shape :D

yep :P~

Good for you! I love the Brave experience - they have a bright future ahead of them.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The BAT has been going up, which is kind of cool. I would like the Brave browser to be more than just the browser, though. Any idea when they'll have more sites ready to accept the BAT, or when we'll be able to earn them through ads or something else?

I haven't seen any specific dates, I know they are doing a slow rollout and don't particularly like that BAT is being traded so much. They have different goals :-) But earning ads will become a reality and is quite high on their priority list as far as I know.

Okay. I guess we'll just keep watching and waiting and see what happens then. Not like we haven't been watching and waiting for things to happen ahem cough here or anything. :)

I believe if you download the "beta", "dev" or the "nightly" builds instead of the stable release, you'll have access to brave adverts.
I downloaded the beta and turned them on but haven't seen any yet...

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey, @sisygoboom.

That's good to know, thank you. It says I have the official version, so that would explain things, although it sounds like the beta version doesn't have them either. Anyway, I'm looking forward to being able to use/earn BAT in some fashion, especially since they seem to have some good ideas and backing behind them.

Same here. Brave browser is a must to resolve ads issues <3

I hope people don't take your advice because, while I think Brave is very cool, you can't use steemvoter in combination with it. And I try to encourage people to use steemvoter because its the coolest thing for Steem since delegations.


There is a lot of effort.
However, this operation seems to have a major problem with the encryption key.
Is my account hacked?
There seems to be a problem with the system.
This is a very important story.

How the fuck do you take STEEM out of Steemit? This is why we ought to do something about open source.

Only issue I've had thus far is that any time I login to wallet using my active key, it logs me off any time I hit refresh... have to keep logging back in unless using owner key.

This should have been done the other way around. has everyone's trust, the new domain hasn't and creates a massive phishing loophole right now. You guys should have put the wallet only site on moving the social site to

It's cool that security is starting to get taken more seriously, but messing with established trust pathways, opening up massive phishing pathways truly isn't the way to go.

Please reconsider this move before bad shit happens to people's money.

There are security concerns with a shared domain, however we will be working to make the experience more streamlined.

not Blindly but Highly appreciated your decision as being an owner & CEO of Dapp I can understand that managing all the things would not be easy sometimes.

Loving that atleast steemit is not being afraid from making decisions I see many people doesn't like this decision but then too you people have believe on what you do 😊, I hope or maybe I can say definitely their might be some good intentions behind this :) .

Wishing you people all the luck😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Please remove the wallet option from profile. I cant stop clicking the option 🙄.

Hi all. I just like to point out some constructive comments about this recent update about Steemit.

I will agree. there should have been better form of information and notification of the changes. I understand there is a blog on this. however many of us are also just casual users of steemit, just post sometimes here, we may or may not spend much time on the platform as it is. therefore spending time to looking for the posts that mention of important updates. There should be direct replies or emails to everyones accounts regarding the change

the new update. I understand there may be bugs, and bug happen in transition times. However right now the changes are a negative. many people had steemit as auto login from chrome and may have forgotten their keys. so now many are locked out of their accounts and funds. not good

also to transition back from steemit to wallet, it is much harder now, more complicated.

so perhaps i put this forth and maybe further updates can be made on this
again these are meant to be constructive comments and not to be taking as direct complaints. thanks for your support

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I thought this was a PHISH earlier. Had me asking around.Can't you use KEYCHAIN for this? Why does this feel so dirty?

If they are going to treat us like this, at least they should integrate keychain to both Steemit and Steemitwallet so we automatically use key with the lowest authority

You just planted 0.11 tree(s)!

Thanks to @ucukertz

We have planted already
8347.19 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 24742.87
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yeah man, um, I just found out that now that they have us using a fucking posting key for a wallet site, no one can get into their internal market... wow, just retarded...

Im glad I have vessel, the new wallet page doenst even work or send money, wow good job @ned again you showed your front end people seem to not even use steemit ... how can i go into my permission page now when its using a posting key, how can people even get their active key/ LOL this is a MESS

Yeah man, um, I just found out that now that they have us using a fucking posting key for a wallet site, no one can get into their internal market... wow, just retarded...

Im glad I have vessel, the new wallet page doenst even work or send money, wow good job @ned again you showed your front end people seem to not even use steemit ... how can i go into my permission page now when its using a posting key, how can people even get their active key/ LOL this is a MESS

I ride around with a dumb bitch (Steemit) Only cuz im stupid rich 9In steem-engine tokens

What the fuck is wrong with you @ned You just locked out Most of your own users from using the steemit wallet. Who the fuck is in charge if this update? Fire them immediately. Ned you have to hire from within if your incapable of finding anyone who even knows how steemit works. Youre just fucked up steemit in a CENTRALIZED way because you demand to keep stemit this nasty central front end so when it stops working, steem crypto currency ESSENTIAL stops working because most whales use, you YOU ned REFUSE to do the work to actually fucking PROMOTE OFFICIALLY wallets like VESSEL which YOU SHOULD have made the OFFICIAL steem desktop wallet a LONG time ago YEARS ago but you are doing WHAT? WHO KNOWS

What the fuck is wrong with you @ned why are you so complacent? Dont you wonder why every other altcoin is up 20-30% and Steem started goinG DOWN today?

You can sign into the wallet with any of your keys, have you tried it? And as always, your active will be used to make transactions. :)

There is a suggestion in the box to log in with your "posting" key, I assume to get users in the habit of using it. Then when you go to complete a transaction that requires a higher key, it prompts you to do so.

I just went through the whole process to walk through it.. seems pretty straight forward, just something new we have to get used to.

So you can login to the wallet with your posting key also? I didn't try it (why should I if I want to retrieve rewards only? ;))

I think it's pushing users away from and its wallet a little more.

You can log into the wallet with any key. The goal is to always use the lowest authority key possible on each action. So, you only need your posting key to login and see your wallet. If you attempt a transaction that requires a higher authority (as example a transfer) it simply prompts you to enter the specific key. It’s pretth straightforward but I’m sure will take some getting used to.

Um you can log in with a posting to to the wallet SURE but you cant SEND ANY STEEM or SBD unless you alrteady have your active key

Ive already been using vessel this whole time, i have 10 ways to use steem, im being agry for all the VOICLESS users who ARENT as adepted at steem as I am

You have ALWAYS needed your active key to SEND ANY STEEM and many other transactions. So, as someone who also tries to be the voice of the community and ensure the information is out there in a way they understand, I felt the need to correct your statement.. as it was incorrect.

Thanks for showing your distaste for facts by flagging my comment though.. it's clear you are only here to scream and give false information.

So sorry I interrupted, carry on.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Your comments arent even flaghged, what are you TALKING about

And you are UNAWARE that steemitwallet TOLD everyone to Login with POSTING KEYS ? And then Locks everyoen out who tris using teh PERMISSIONS PAGE?

ALSO you cant even click the BACK button! its like locked in like old school scam pages from google results that didnt let you click BACK button! whatkidna shit is that?

Do you even work officially for steemit inc? If you do why dont you have any more steempore than like me? What the hell why are YOU answering steemit incs questions doing THEIR job when you are just a volunteer? Why arent they actually Paying you or someone to be able to handle people like me?

I AM A NORMAL RESPONSE to this incompetence!

I live in california where we have STANDARDS in our Tech companies!

maybe @ned thinks being in Austin texas means hes in teh wild wild west?

EDIT: Ok i was just trolling to get drama tokens and push Steem to new levels

and it worked look steem uis up 15% finanlyy

cpome to the discord and get FREE STEEM TIPS WOOOO

I cant sign in my password is saved in a browser extension that only works when its on halp me how do I move chromes password autofill to the new website??

You will have to manually enter your password (or copy/paste) just as you did the first time you entered the steemit website. Then your browser will give you the option to save your password for the site, which you then can do for future use.

Let me know if you have any further questions. You can find me on discord, telegram etc with the same name.

@llfarms If I may ask? I have just gone into the wallet and logged in with my posting key. But there is no "Redeem" tag showing anymore?
What's next to do?

Hey @papilloncharity! By "redeem" do you mean to claim your payout rewards? If so, you will still only need to be signed in with your posting key to do so. I just tested it to be sure. It might just be that you don't have any unclaimed currently. I see you have a post closing later today, possibly check back then?

Thank you so much for your kind help and I have managed to sort it out with the proper key. I tested the "redeem" and it worked fine!

I only have my wallet passwords saved in the password manager and no where else, can I copy it from there? Or am I just completely screwed with no notice!

You should be able to recover them on your side yes, and then I would suggest saving them in multiple places as well as using a password manager plugin possibly.

Ideas for keeping keys -

I don’t know which one you have been signing in with, so I don’t know what is saved in your browser, but once you have them all (Master, Owner, Active, Posting and Memo)

  • Label which is which (and what you need them for)

  • Save them to a pdf (if you enter your master in the Steemit site, a pdf will actually now be offered to you).

  • Print multiple hard copies and keep them in safe locations

  • Save pdf on a thumb drive and keep it safe

  • Use a password manager for daily use. (Ex. LastPass, 1password or keychain.)

Okay thanks for backup ideas but I don't have a clue how to get the passwords out of the browser to reuse :|

Here's your DRAMA. Don't spend it all in one place!

To view or trade DRAMA go to


Posted using Partiko Android

I just avoid the hassle, and use SteemPeak :D

I use vessel by @jesta (After of course changing te settings to add as the main RPC server thanks to @ausbitbank for without him Vessel just wouldn't even work.

Vessel? Another app?

uh yeah go google it github vessel by our own @jesta @vessel go look at its posts

The wallet site doesn't even have the same css so it was really confusing at least

I thought so too! (that's how I ended up here)

me too! Fancy seeing you here 🎶

Ya it felt like Phishing I had to do a double take

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Fo real. I'm switching to

steemit is phishing us :D :D i feel like plankton :)))

Sadly, I cannot check your wallet anymore to find out whether you are. ^^

Why? I check yours..



WORLDWIDE CYPHER JAM!!! - Now in its 73rd week!!!!


"I think he said he does music for termites or something like that..."

We really should get sponsorship from a national brand name chain of exterminators and pest control firms, at this rate...


Interesting what to do to all people who didn't save their passwords?
What you will advice?
I think there are many people who didn't save them.
Not the best desicion for today!

Posted using Partiko Android

How do I now find my posting key?
I can’t find where to download a pdf of my keys?
I used to find these under the wallet tab but now this has changed I can’t find it.,.. any help?
Thanks :) 🌅

if you attempt to login with your master key, the site will give you the option to download the pdf


How do you usually log in to
Which browser are you using?

Please check out other comments above, some advice has already been given.

Thank you :) I have checked above and seen how to use the new wallet to find keys etc :) 🌅

I logged into the new wallet okay, I think. I went to the market and tried to buy steem as I usually do but my transaction didn't work. What am I doing wrong, please?

Goodness, I found out how to do it at last. I had to change my password back to my main password. I hate all this mucking around with passwords.

This new site is soooooo lame. It suuuuuuks

I’d urge a bit less ad “density” in feeds. Looks like I’m seeing an ad insert about every 8 posts. I think this should be at least 12-15.

On the other hand, in favor of ads... please, please, please, revamp the official promoted post system to do the exact same thing you’re doing with Google Ads! That’s an ad system anyone can use and everyone benefits from via the burn mechanism! (Promoted post content is also valuable to advertisers & brands as it dodges ad blockers, incentivizing them to purchase & burn Steem to participate)

Thanks for the feedback! We do have some updates planned for the promoted post system to really make it shine.

just my opinion... i got a habit to click wallet tab.. after this update, somehow make my browser tab increase and look messy because i do a job that require open alot of tabs on browser, it's took a bit of effort just to check my wallet then click my previous tab again to go back to main page/blog page conclusion; not so conveniece, i know.. it's seems minor problem but.. kinda miss old way when i click a wallet tab without creating a new tab on my browser.

It might not be so convenient for you but majority of people really get confused with Wallet and money. They can’t simply be thier Own Bank

Please use @steempeak like myself to avoid opening two tabs

Couple of problems here...

First of all, when you click on your "wallet," you're taken to the new site...and then you can't go back when you click the back button.

Fix that.

Secondly - when you try to change your profile settings/info, you need to go to your wallet to do that. So you're not separating the social part of the site from the wallet. And then, to make things even soooooo much "better," when you change your profile info via the wallet site, it only changes that info on your wallet site, not your actual social media profile on

Fix that.

Once again, in your attempt to make things "better" and "safer," you've made things more complicated, more broken, and not actually "safer" at all, because now you need to sign your keys more often just to view/adjust the same things you could do before on one site.

So, congratulations. At least your "development" is consistent, even if horrid.

Thank you for the feedback. Are you still experiencing issues with profile data not being reflected on the social side or did it finally update?

Yes, that appears to be working now. Thank you.

Question for you...

Were you the person working on the Communities project? If so, do you have any updates on that, or has it been shelved for now?

Yes, and we'll have an update soon.

You stole this text from my brain. How did you get the private key to my brain!!!! Am I being haxxored by this new update!!!!


Serious Part Below

But yeah, so far this update is REALLY annoying me, I'm so in the habit of clicking wallet, but now I do that I'm stuck on this new website, no integration to the blogging part. At least set the html target to open a new tab?

i feel you.... :(

Yes, First World problems 😉

Ha ha! I think I've done that several times already! I need an electric shock each time so I learn not to just habitually tap on wallet without a good reason!

I've probably done it like 30 times now. 😭

Only 30? I think I always habitually tap replies, wallet then feed. Now I'm continually screwed up! Anyway, I have moved over to Steempeak mostly anyway, it is just on the mobile that I do that. However, I really do miss the drop down menu for transfers in SteemPeak

"He got the private key to your brain because you used the wrong active key to post your posting key to access your master key to get your password"


but no foreal I hope this smooths out. "TRUCE"

Just wait for the real phishing attempts to start happening sometime in the near future.

Unfortunately you are right, best defense we have if nothing changes is to educate as many as we can. Truce.

No doubt SERIOUS problems!!!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Not exactly user-centric development, this. Maybe they should hire a proper IT architect.

But there are other condensers.

......but at least there are ads

Same thoughts. I think it's bullshit 8(

This is actually a very great idea as it will help one's tokens to be more safer and secured.

Can anyone give me an insight on how I can generate my posting keys because I haven't saved or backed up my posting keys unlike my password.

I will be glad if anyone can be of help

When you log into with a master password you will get the option to save a PDF containing all your private keys (posting, active, etc).

Thanks for your lovely comment... I will try that

The level of ads and content are no longer appropriate. I feel like we have been sold out.

Why fix something that's not broken? I know, right! BUT!!!! i will say this. As we progress into software development hackers are progressing along with it. So I can sorta see why your changing the format... It's just a pain in the butt and hard to just trust and do another thing... So Im 50% 50% on this. I DID FREAK OUT AND THOUGHT THE WORLD WAS GONNA END BUT....

Excellent! Using the minimum amount of sensitive information, only the posting key, is a great move to improve overall account security. Nicely done!

Yeah the current implementation is a cool idea and also "community-centric web application" is a good idea as well! Anyway we can step forward to that, but I think first we should bring SMT. It's urge requirement to compete in current market!


resteemed with love

You can't go from your wallet and back to steemit seemlessly like before! Having to open a new tab is a right pain in the the ass.
If it ain't broke don't fix it! Springs to mind.

The wallet is now a separate website. I can understand that it feels clunky at first, being used to have things in one website, but give it some time and I’m sure you’ll get used as well.

It’s actually very similar as if you’d use a local wallet (like vessel or a local condenser). Also keep in mind that ease of use and security-first don’t always go hand in hand.

The added security benefits are good I agree.
I just feel that the functionality and ease of use has been overlooked a little bit.
Thanks for your comments.

I'm reminded of how the government is always forcing "security" on us, making us pay for it, and saying "functionality had to be sacrificed to keep you safe". I'm sure this is nothing like that, but still, ew.

Actually, that crossed my mind as well.

Deciding FOR me whether I get to choose security or safety, did ruffle my feathers a bit.

:) Just remember we have many options when it comes to front ends.

they have a link from to but why no link from to

I agree. Also, now that I'm forced to use separate passwords for the 2 different sites, and the financial password is to be kept offline for security, there's going to be a lot of popping in zipdrives, copy-pasting passwords, and other security risks involved. I feel like it was both easier and safer for me before.

Upvoted for gratuitous use of the word 'zipdrive'.....those were the days :-)

Hi, thank you for the feedback. We will work to streamline the experience.

Thanks for the reply.
Streamlining the experience will definitely help. Its not just wanted by thousands, It's needed!

It seems to be working just fine for me , thank you for the information @steemitblog.

@steemitblog @ned I still can't reveal my posting key or my active key or my memo key, this steemitwallet site is glitchy. It doesn't work. It says to login again to reveal, but you enter your key and nothing happens. I am not overly happy with this update. If I am having this issue guaranteed there are others as well.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@Steemitblog, please take the time to get aquainted with these concepts as these are important tools missing from your tool belt.

This new change has been a little confusing, but I think it's a positive change. There's been a lot of people who got phished and lost money by logging into steemit with their master key and accidentally gave it to hackers by clicking on corrupt links, now that looks like that won't be a problem anymore.


You can find your posting key in your wallet by clicking on the keys and permissions tab.

Edit: now that I've calmed down I have somewhat figured it out: gotta have TWO FUCKING KEYS TO ACCESS MY SHIT. FUCKING DUMB!!!!

It's been suggested for a long time, I think since the very beginning to use your posting key to post and to not use your main key, so.. For many of us we were already using two separate keys. It's not dumb in my opinion especially as someone who runs a community where you can give people permission to post but not to withdraw from the wallet.


It really seems like you're blowing this out of proportion, it's a relatively minor change that I think will save a lot of people a lot of money by preventing them from getting phished/hacked in the future and if you dislike it so much you can always use or steempeak as well or partiko or one of the other front ends. Steem is so much more than just the front end you use to access the block chain.

Price of steem: $0.45

Yeah, I'll be back in 13 weeks.

Do whatever you wanna do, but maybe you'd have a better experience if you worried less about the value of steem and just appreciated interacting with interesting people on a less censored network.

BUG? - I pointed the link on my wallet profile to a condenser, then after a day or so the link on the condenser changed to match my wallet profile. Now, I can't edit the contents in either site?

Update: Correction, I can edit it in the wallet now and it mirrors those changes to the Steemit condenser, yet, I'm not sure if wallet is the correct place to put the Public Profile Settings? My guess is, you put it there because it requires an active key to update, but it still feels a bit off.

Please put out an easy to understand instruction post about this new
I have no idea about the password, there is no explanation about it.
if i set a wallet password will this require a change of all my keys????

Use your POSTING KEY to log into and when you click the wallet tab, it takes you to to access wallet functions. Use your ACTIVE KEY to login to, they just separated the wallet function and made it a different site to help security.

I was wondering about the wallet password they want you to set, this is new. Will setting a password cause a reset of your keys????

You are not actually "setting" a password, you should be "entering" your current ACTIVE KEY to log into the wallet site. This will not reset/create new keys. If you do NOT have your ACTIVE KEY, you can use your MASTER KEY in the prompt that pops up on and it will let you download all your keys in the form of a PDF file. This also will NOT reset or change any current keys you have.

Thank you so much!!!
Thats what I was wondering, I read a post a while back when it rolled out as a soft start that someone got locked out .....It just kind of spooked me!

Glad I can help, good luck!

I didn't upvote this post because you declined payment anyway. Thanks for informing us anyway.

No disrespect to you or anything like that but it feels like "the government" here already.

Although several witnesses did mention about the changes that's going to happen, there was no public consensus (are we supposed to just accept everything from you nowadays?)nor PRIOR AND PROPER ANNOUNCEMENTS on HOW THIS NEW WALLET OPERATES nor an idiot proof post on HOW THIS NEW WALLET OPERATES has been written.

Please be reminded that many Steemians don't have English as their first languages so please make posts like this on layman's terms, we already are aware that you're all smarty pants, tech savy and intelligent. The words in CAPS are just highlighted words, not yelling btw.

So, please let me clarify a few things because your post just kind'a declared that there's a new wallet and that we only need to use our posting key to post in Steemit.

This is actually inconvenient compared to how it was before - we log in and just claim our rewards then post and cast our votes with the knowledge that we have been powered up but now it would take two logging in, first on the wallet to power ourselves up and then to to post. Is it really no longer possible to also claim our rewards at so we will just have to access our wallets when we want to power down, up or withdraw some steem or sbd? EDIT 2: On the other hand, it may work against vote buying .. or I wish lol!

  • To log in which key do we need to use? EDIT 3: I just clicked on it and it's actually suggesting "ideally your posting key yes? And then we can do any transaction we want which would work the same way it did back then okay, am getting the hang of it!

Btw, we appreciate that you're all doing your best to provide us the best service there is, we see that but this one is one sort that surely provides inconvenience as well. Once again, no offense but I for one, really liked the old system but maybe this new system has been designed for security purposes.

edit 1 : comment upvoted for visibility

EDIT 4: I have no problem loggin in, atm, I have managed to collect my rewards but that's all I did for now, since you're on a test phase. I also noticed that the other features which I would not mention here were also put there. Now, I get it why this post says Steemit is really just - if I may word it - purely for posting, upvoting and commenting now!

Nice touch with the google ads... That's gonna go over real well with the community at large...

Edit: On second thought, at least give us the ability to embed iframes so we can do the same with our posts.

I was actually looking for you the other day...drop me a line in discord

  ·  6 years ago (edited)
  1. Do you plan to apply Keychain to Steemit?
  2. Too many ads on a webpage.
  3. I hope the Wallet page will open as a new page.
    The wallet on my page will not open on a new page.
  4. I think I need a special interface for steemitWallet.
    I don't think there is a difference in the interface, so I think you can get hacked.

"Important Changes to and Wallet, click here. x"

Thanks for the notification, but it's slowing down every Steemit page I load. I clicked the x to get rid of the notice, but it just reappears immediately.

Could you make it so that if people 'x' (close) a notice, it stays closed? (Otherwise, what's the purpose of offering the little x?)

Hello, @steemitblog I only have my Posting Key. I am now locked out of my wallet. I am sure others are in the same boat. What can be done to solve this situation?

Trying not to panic

If you only have your posting key then you were always screwed as you need your active key to transfer funds.

The difference is he could actually access his other keys beforehand. Now they're inside the wallet, and he needs them to get into the wallet.

So no, not quite the same. Now basically a lot of people who had their keys on their keychain had them moved into their locked house, which said keys open.

Thank you, Guy, for your sanity, patience and help. Mercifully, I'm back in. Keeping keys in a safe place, I hope...

I support the move - you can't have enough security nowadays.
However I have two things to complain about...

Unannounced changes like these are not really a good thing... Lots of people were stressed this morning (or night depending on the timezone) I don't check my wallet so frequently so... didn't even notice the change until I was called upon -whats going on.
Speaking of which - here is the second complaint. With a single click - I can go to wallet however there is no link/button on the page that leads back to blogging.... I find that very poorly done.

Other than that I support the move. The only constant is change!

It's so stupid to have to go to a different website to use your wallet. Oh look at that my dark mode doesnt work so I have to take a solar flare to the eyeballs every time I want to interact with the wallet. Thanks but no thanks.

PS: I love how the wallet is in a foreign language and the configuration page doesnt allow me to change that. Thanks

Clicked wallet ends up taking you out of steemit id rather prefer it opening in a new tab? its kind of annoying going from wallet back to steemit at the moment.

Good point! Thanks for the feedback.

welcome and thank you for all that you do great work on this so far!

Yes this is my problem too. You explain so clearly. I can get to wallet, but I cannot get back. Its a 1 way street.

Posted using Partiko Android

Reeeeeally not a fan of tabs, and hoping to not have them forced on us here.

Please start doing something useful instead of making the end - User experience even more complicated..

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow. WTF? This is stupid. Goodbye new users!
If you wanted to kill this chain this is a bleeding wound that will fester and kill STEEM.

Good job. I had hope and this dissolved it completely. I no longer have faith in your process. I am done here after 2 years of painful loyalty.



Even if a front end would massively fuckup, it wouldn’t kill the blockchain - far from it. Not sure what you’re on, but non-constructive criticism isn’t really helping.

If nobody uses it then what good will it be?

People didn’t need to use it before today’s launch. So we will only know if people use it, if we give it some time. If people don’t use it, steemit inc needs to find out why and fix that. Which is why constructive criticism is so important.

True. I can level with your reasoning. You're a solid dude.
I am tired of the disorganized manner in which they disribute the information. The broken promises. The disregard for the average User.
C'mon Core Team come down off your pedestal and look us in the eye and talk with us not at us.
Ya know?

You're upping the drama to new levels! Have a DRAMA.

To view or trade DRAMA go to

Very Nice approach to implement more security in our ecosystem. Good stuff 🙌🏼

The comment section in this post is hilarious.

The sheer amount of people who only have their posting key and think that this ui change is the thing that has screwed them over is beyond belief.

Welcome to steem, where 90% of users don't understand steem, which is actually a good thing as steem managed to do what 90% of other cryptos can't.

It's a bit difficult to get used to. Instinctively, I click on the wallet and now it complicates a bit.

For new users, it will not be encouraging. An additional difficulty.

Incase you are new to Google ads and adsense they will cancel the account as soon as someone reports the NSFW posts.

yes, I think so

I'm amazed that you think this was a good idea. Also, zero warning. I was thinking my browser got hacked. I was getting forwarded to the wallet all the time. Getting to my blog is not really possible after you've been forwarded to the wallet. Steemit is going down with management like this. At least that's what it seems like :(

I'm not a fan of the change but understand the need for it. Hopefully it greatly enhances the long term viability of the Steemit platform.

I for one and very very upset by this change.
A. I am no crypto expert, I don't normally access Steemit from my phone, and last night went to my wallet and couldn't get there because I have no clue how to access the keys from my phone.
B. I did not sign up for steempeak or partiko or esteem or any of the DOZENS of things I've seen suggested in this thread, I signed up for, and grew to LOVE STEEMIT, which has now morphed beyond recognition.

Install an adblocker. I use uBlock and I didn't even know there were ads on Steemit.

I've had Adblock Plus forever just not enable on steemit because it wasn't necessary until now.
Now it is necessary and now it just turned on

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The Wallet should have links to, but it's great. :)


When you open the wallet you cannot use the back button to navigate back to You are stuck on

Definitely needs an easy link to return to if it isn't automatically opening a new tab in the first place.

Because it opens a new tab.

@cryptosharon it doesn't open a new tab, it just redirects the same page. Or at least for me on Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera..

Oh I see what you mean. If you use the link in the dropdown menu yes it opens a separate tab ( by the way that link is actually unsafe.. ).

If you go to your blog page and click on Wallet instead it redirects you to and you can't go back. The back button does not work and there isn't a link to go back to! Bad UX.. =[

Ahhh, I see! Yes, really bad.

I've just tried powering up 54.814 STEEM. The wheel is still spinning for the past 5 minutes at least. If I login to steemitwallet on another page, I can see my steem power balance 2245.710 is still the same, but the steem of 54.814 that was supposed to be powered up is now showing a balance of 0.01. So, I would say that something is definitely wrong. It seems like I just lost 54 steem and have a wheel just spinning in another window under the "convert to steem power" screen just stuck spinning. Its probably been about 10 minutes since I started writing this while this power up was supposed to happen.

I don't like what I see. This makes me feel like I should be powering down. What is wrong with the power up process? It used to take 1 or 2 seconds at most.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Actually, now that I am reading about this more. I logged into steemit wallet using my posting key and it let me start the power up process and now it is just hung, but it took the 54.814 steem. Apparently, I am supposed to have used my private active key? Maybe this is why it is hung, but the page says that if someone uses the posting key, there is no risk of losing tokens, but apparently, I've been able to do a power up and lose my own tokens. I don't know what to do.

EDIT: The wheel finally stopped spinning and froze. I closed the window and the 54 steem is just gone, the steem power balance didn't go up, and there is no transaction in the history to prove where the 54 steem even went. This is not good.

EDIT AGAIN: Now there is a transaction in the history saying 24 minutes ago Transfer 54.814 STEEM POWER to inspire1 - but the steem power balance is unchanged, something is really wrong.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The behavior when clicking the wallet link is different.

Click the wallet linkAnother tab
Click the wallet linkThe same tab.
The tab disappears.

I think that another tab is good for the and the
Thank you.

I hope to see a wallet app soonish!
I think splitting the condensers is a major step towards that milestone.
Keep on the good work

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Horrible. This is not how you get new users to the platform.

And don't even get me started on the ads.

Thank you for giving me yet another reason to use SteamPeak.

Steemit is NOT Steem.

Thank you for alerting me to this posting.

Hi, how about making the open in a separate tab?

I noticed that after I click wallet on my steemit page, it open in the same window, but then when I want to go back to my blog/feed, it doesn't let me.

I can’t log into using either my posting key OR my active key. Is this an iOS bug?

Edited: after clearing cookies, my active key worked just fine.

Thank you for clarifying things, and for the innovative effort to improve Steemit! I have used Steemit since early 2017 and always found aspects of it confusing, unwieldy and/or in need of improvement. The video helped me to understand at least the 1st and 4th keys.

With that in mind, I would like to request:

  1. A better editor. This basic editor offers nothing for novices, especially since many of the documents created 2 years ago about using HTML and MDL are now partially or entirely incorrect because they either suggested HTML that is no longer usable, or they suggest using styling features that the editor no longer possesses (which is everything). Using HTML and MDL can be hit or miss, and not just because of the conflicts between the two languages or the limited amount that can be used, but also due to the lack of documentation and links that users can click to learn how to format their work. I had to research and write several articles on editing here to help ME remember it all and help others. One article I wrote the other day, in which I made a list with MDL, had to be rewritten because of that conflict, forcing me to switch the entire, lengthy, list to the HTML ordered list tag, which has its own problems.

  2. A 5th key that can be used for up/down-voting and resteeming but NOT posting and editing. The reasons for this SHOULD be obvious but, at the risk of seeming condescending, if someone gets your posting key because you gave it to a voting bloc, 3rd-party website or 3rd-party app, Malicious Owners have the power to not only down/upvote where you wouldn't agree, but to also create false posts, trash existing posts by changing the text, including spam and libeling people, which can result in the person whose posting key was abused to lose rep, be flagged and so on, which can have potentially long-term consequences. Worst of all, such deleterious actions could be done by a bot app, so the MalOwn wouldn't even break a sweat. Thus, the 5th key would be at the bottom of the hierarchy.

  3. A way to delete messages (active key?).

  4. A list of all available keywords or, better yet, a tree categorization system that will reduce unintentional overlap/duplicate categories (due to different spelling/ounctuation/words, such as golden-oldies/goldenoldies and food/cuisine). This has long been a problem for me, because the list shows popular keywords - not all of them - and many are related to cryptocurrency, which doesn't help those of us who don't write about that. This inadequacy in Steemit makes it very easy to associate your article with "dead" keywords that will not help you get an audience.

  5. Tied with this should be a counter showing how many posts are in that category to help people avoid dead zones.

  6. Finally, an option for curators to suggest categories for articles would allow people to help in SEO of writers' articles, with the authors making the choice of which keywords (aside from the main one) to use, and which to discard, which could increase their audience

  7. System-wide announcements like the one I saw for this article. This is the FIRST Steemit-wide alert I've gotten since 2017. I honestly do NOT know where to look for updates from the people who control Steemit and the onus is on you guys to alert us to changes. Sure, we don't necessarily use best practices for security but, then, I didn't even know until relatively recently that there are now 4 keys!

  8. A flag for plagiarism and a flag to show you don't own what you're posting (the latter prevents the former and also disables payment on upvotes). I have seen a lot of people earning money on here by ripping off someone else's work, including photos, and putting them on Steemit. That's like compilers on YouTube who take other people's clips and put them together into a large compilation of funny stuff, and then get rich off other people's clips. I find it to be unsavory at best.

If someone puts up someone else's work, they should either turn off payments or produce something substantial with the piece they grabbed being a supporting portion of the article or video instead of the whole focus, and also give credit to the source. If it is free-use material, they can still give credit if they want to support the creators, or not.

If you have any questions, please let me know! I hope you'll read this!

These are great suggestions and a few of these items are already on the radar. Noted, thanks!

Great, glad to help. It'd be nice if Steemit became a place where legitimate users like me can earn a living. I don't earn squat right now, but I see people posting garbage that took them a minute getting lots of money because they are in a voting bloc.

One more suggestion: Have a setting so we can determine how many comments are shown. This post has so many comments that it slows down my computer, which has 16GB RAM.

BTW, you should hire some customer svc/spt/success experts to help. I'm available. ;)

So when will Steemit role out an original idea of their own? Asking for a friend.

To be fair, Steemit, Inc. was rather busy removing the disaster called "chainbase."

Where can I find the Larimer quote?

You won't find them on Steemit that's for sure... they censored him and EOSIO so much here he left. Simply join the EOSIO Telegram channel.

How does one censor the founder? Or am I wrong in thinking that he is the single most influential figure in making Steemit a reality?
btw.. joined.. much thanks.
had forgotten to add telegram after getting a new computer..
funny coinciding with the running of the cryptos

You can't censor someone on Steem! 69 rep and still sounding like a noob.

Yes, you can remove content from display at the frontend. Has been done before.

rep 60.I'm ashamed on your behalf.

It's not censoring if you can still find it on the blockchain.

Steem is not Steemit.

General public on-boarding could care less about the 'chain' through explorers. When the flagship front-end allow censorship and rampant abuse of stake to silence people that is what they see.

Ned got called out for it when he was interviewed by Bloomberg. They saw it, enough to bring it up on live tv.

He went so far as to say in one of his "guitar videos" that he never intended this to be "censorship resistant".

A ton of communities and Apps that could have been built on STEEM and integrated into Steemit have left and launched their own chains or Apps on other chains.

It is what it is.

You mean Jo Schmo isnt digging through explorers to see what someone may or may not have said? Preposterous

So demonetizing content and content being hidden from rankings in social media isnt censorship? Ask youtubers. It appears that a rep score doesnt really mean much when it comes to common sense analysis.

What’s the context of the quote? If you want to troll, I guess your comment is fine, otherwise there is some crucial information missing.

The context is Dan giving his thought about Steemit on Telegram. It's no secret, he does this almost daily in the EOS channels.

The wallet/posting key feature is the best idea ever. Surely THAT is one of a kind. 🍿

Nope, did it already.

Not the posting key part......thats the part thats clever,😉


The devil is in the details.

100% Agreed on the Brave Browser comments,

I have been using Brave for a while now and loving it, as @soyrosa said it would be great if @steemit collaborated so we could use our steem wallets, I had to setup a brand new "Uphold" wallet, which I really did not want to do, but was forced to.

Brave browser I think will really be the next best thing to happen to browsers.

check it out

apologies for shamelessly plugging my link, lol :-)

I had some issues before when trying to login so when I am at my desk I will try again.


Some more warning before this change would have been great but we are moving forward. I worry about all those who have already lost their keys, and those who will lose them in this process. Thanks for the update, the more information you can put out for the average user, the better. When i joined in 2016 there was very little how to info. Steem is getting so much better. I will resteem this for my followers.

If they still have their master key then they will be ok.

I had trouble trying to recover my keys, on one account the wallet wouldn't let me access two of my 4 sub keys. Hopefully it is all smooth now.

Posted using Partiko Android


Login does not reveal. Try again and asks you to login, still does not work.

Way to go. Why not, instead of making things simpler, make them more complicated. Thank you Steemit.
I would also would like to thank for the ads too. Very innovative way to monetize. And improves my user experience by so much. You are brilliant.

Use an ad blocker. I never see ads. :)

Gawd I'm so confused!!

Hvala za to posodobitev varnost mi je vedno na prvem mestu

Bye steemit. This new "change" is for the worst. Now with ads. Yeah this is now too much, goodbye.

I wish there was a warning. I now don't have access to my owner key. I only wrote down the original password because that game me access to all my persmissions. I don't know how to reveal my owners key at this point. I was only able to get my posting and active keys through a long arduous process. not pleased right now.


I saved the password like it said to do. When you use the password it gave access to your wallet and persmissions. N

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

What theater???
If has no more desire, then switches off!

With the HF 20 you neutered new users,
with the Condeser you castrated the API and everyone involved in developing tools.
With the advertising you are now also frightening away the last user.

If you intend to drive Steemit against the wall, then congratulations, you are on the best way. I can't believe it with the speed you're currently showing to scare away the steemites that steemite is experiencing the year 2020.

Was fur ein Theader???

Wenn keine Lust mehr hat, dann schaltet ab!!

Mit der HF 20 habt ihr neue User Kastriert,
mit der Condeser habt ihr die API Kastriert und alle die am Entwickeln von Tools sind.
Mit der Werbung vergrault ihr nun auch noch denn letzten User.

Wenn Ihr vorhabt Steemit gegen die Wand zufahren, dann Gratulation, ihr seit auf den besten Weg, ich glaube kaum das bei der Geschwindigkeit die Ihr aktuell an den Tag legt um die Steemiter zu vergraulen, das Steemit das Jahr 2020 noch erlebt.

Why Steemit, Why? Everything was working perfectly fine before and you had to go and change things. I guess we all have to go and reset our master passwords now and write them down again.

What you mean, you must make new code ????

I'm just a little concerned with the changes and think the right course of action is to reset all my private keys. I don't believe what Steemit did with them and think a change is prudent. Partiko works fine for now.

Posted using Partiko Android

Here comes all the 'im leaving steemit because of the ads' posts... Funny, I reported about the changes before the official blogs!!
Love it. Keep up the good work guys. Don't focus too much on that Fiat monetization though... Kinda goes against the grain and not in the good ways. Ideals man.. ideals. (;

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the feedback. We're not focusing on fiat monetization as much as focusing on ensuring that the organization can survive while continuing to put out free and open software. Blockchain developers ain't cheap yaknow ;)

I say get in where you fit in. Ideals don't pay the bills.

Hey, that rhymes....sort of.

Can we get updates on MIRA soon, and some decent tutorials on how to set up a witness / node using MIRA, RocksDB and all those wonderful pieces of engineering that have been going on, so that, as a community, more nodes and decentralisation can flourish, thereby reducing your costs on nodes? :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Survival mode is never a good place to be, I totally get it. But blockchains are supposed to be cheap ya know, for the people by the people and all that..

I love steem, I love and appreciate steemit, more than letters on the screen can express. But I feel a lack of focus.. and maybe that's because of the whole Ned and Dan drama, maybe Dan was the real visionary and Ned was a marketing guy, I don't know, most of that history is long before me, and it really doesn't matter. What matters is now and the future.. the blockchain doesn't need steem inc, steem inc needs the blockchain. If costs are overloading steem inc, shut down some nodes and ipfs shit on the aws side of things, and offload it to the greater community, sure, it'll suck for some days or weeks, but the community will figure it out. We need a "RIP steemit inc, long live steemit inc!!" moment....

Anyways, I'm ranting... I'll leave it at that for now. But please, don't take any of what I'm saying as an attack on steemit. Just another perspective from my stream of consciousness. Namaste.

Another way to look at it is that putting more fiat into the hands of people who are likely to put it back into the blockchain is never a bad thing. For what it's worth, I would be more in favor of supporting those sponsers to swnd a message to the world that this blockchain deserves attention and investments.

Hey, @sn0n.

I'm in agreement with the ideals part. I don't know what the answer is myself, but there are folks here who are all for the ads, so maybe there will be some helpful return from it. As for myself, I'm not quitting Steemit, but I am using the Brave browser until they decide where they're going with the ads. One of the reasons why I came to like STEEM is because ads didn't seem to be apart of the experience, but there's still choices on how to access the STEEM social media platform, so while that is still the case, life goes on. :)

Ads shouldn't necessarily be part of the crypto or blockchain experience imo... but steemit isn't steem, it's a platform on top of steem, so I can see how they might have a splinter group in marketing saying "we need ads",... To each their own, as long as ads don't bother me, as they are currently not on mobile as far as I can see, it's a non-issue.
I do understand having to diversify their income, but I'd rather see collaboration with other blockchains for deeper integrations, instead of a focus on fiat. I haven't looked into steemincs finances, but I'm sure there is a lot of room for infrastructure improvements, outside of the blockchain itself, on the http and physical world side of things...

Posted using Partiko Android

It seems like they're main focuses have been reducing costs (layoffs, reworking of code, adding things like RockDB and MIRA), and finding something to generate income, and have at least begun with the ads idea.

It's true, Steemit is not STEEM, but I'm in full agreement that it does go against the grain. Whether it's actually fiat money being earned or not (which undoubtedly a good portion must be), it just seems part of the old system of earning that the blockchain and the new attention economy is supposed to get away from.

re: ads not on mobile

Well that's something. On the website, on your personal feed, it will show banner ads at the top, one on the left and a smaller one on the right, and then there are more ads in the feed. If you go to your blog, there will actually be a banner ad on top and others where your blog posts are.

Yea, this is the current mobile experience..
And with desktop mode enabled, you'll see the ads like this..

Ads not being present on mobile is nice. As for the desktop, there are far better options then steemit,... Including desktop applications. Which steemit inc should be promoting, so they can offload some of their server side work to other nodes. Which will enable them to start the cleanup process from AWS and maybe towards a better community hosted ipfs or whatever system. The more steemit promotes steem and it's plethora of dapps, the more it will benefit as a whole the steem ecosystem. Collaborative measures. I mean, they are already running public API nodes, so they are enabling them.. may as well help them run full nodes also.

It's a business it needs to generate income to cover costs and to hopefully also increase the value of the steem coin. Otherwise Steemit is just a major sink hole of money flowing out of steem. I fully support ads as long as they are not super targeted and taking peoples information.

Why are there so many content creators on Youtube? Because they get paid big bucks from ads on their videos.

I have a feeling 95% of people would rather watch an ad to support a content creator then fork up $2 of their own money.

Hey on mobile, I can't seem to return back to my blog or anywhere else after visiting my wallet. I just have to close the wallet tab and reload my blog. This is so inconvenient, I am not sure you guys had a proper testing before implementing this dumb wallet.


agreed, there should be a button to return to steemit. it is annoying moving back and forth from one to the other opening different windows :-(


Why, just why??? the more I am using this the more it frustrates me, as if it were not hard enough, now you have to add yet another barrier for new people to get on here?

really not a good idea. you may end up losing people because of this added convoluted system. aaargh!!

@steemit Just tested this new system, just wondering does this mean you basically have to open 2 seperate windows to work between steemit and steemitwallet? so you cant toggle between the 2 in the same browser window. :-( why not just have a button on the steemit wallet page that goes straight back to steemit _self, that way you can move between the 2 same as before except it still uses the 2 different systems/platforms?

Would be nice to implement a "Back to" Button or in the dropdown of the profile...

Everytime I go to wallet I can't navigate back to and have to open it in a new tab...

Comes to my mind:

Maybe you refrained from that idea because not all people using the wallet also use Steemit to access the STEEM block chain...

Anyway for me personally it would make things easier :-)

Further I am happy to see that there is still worked to improve Beta and obvisiously there seem to be many plans to really make it great :-)

Thanks for the feedback, we will streamline the experience between the two sites.

one of the main things i liked about steemit was there were no ads.
th money was just a bonus.

but now . . .

i may as well just go back to facebook

How much money you make on facebook?

But rando charto

check out or one of the many other frontends.

Good to know it was a legit change and not what I thought. If you would take a suggestion, try to put a pop-up dialogue box or something telling people it's a new thing so they don't get paranoid like I did. LOL

I am seeing ads while logged in. Is that normal?

By separating out the wallet functionality from the social application we can now show ads to signed in users without compromising security. We are currently experimenting with this feature, yes.

I don’t want to see ads when I’m logged in unless you’re compensating me for it. If you’re not going to do that (as I suggested to Ned two years ago), I’ll use another interface that will.

I’ll also use another interface that doesn’t make me sign in multiple times to use the same blockchain.

I suspect others will be doing the same.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

They are also ads that like to track you. I don't see them myself, but I do see this in the console:

The resource at “” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.

The resource at “” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.

The resource at “” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.

I also noticed that Steemit doesn't set cookies in Firefox, but does on some versions of Chrome, without a warning, which is against the law in some jurisdictions; 6 cookies and some local storage, to be exact.

When I remove these cookies, Steemit logs me out; when I block Steemit from setting cookies, I can't login, because:

app.c0f8216….js:1 Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.

Such fun.

So are a part of the ad revenues going to the content creator, or only to Or is a part being dropped in the reward pool. I do remember how much people were all looking forward to the ads, and ad revenue. (I was not one of them BTW). Are ads going to be placed mostly on the popular post those that make the trending page, It think that is where they should start first since it was people who thought of themselves as bloggers that wanted the ads to begin with.

I think all those people that wanted ads are going to be sorry they got what they wanted.

I think it depends on what generation steemians you're talking about.

Many early adopters are quite comfortable using other front ends, so they can easily avoid the adverts.

For the new guys joining, it will just be the norm and they many never venture out to other platforms keeping in mind the complexity of signing in etc.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think it's rather the other way. Newbies are using Partiko from day 2 on.

Interesting, well I am all for experimentation. It would be interesting to know how much traffic steemit gets from non-account holders who come to browse the content.

Steem posts have always managed quite high Google rankings.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is now

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I don't see any adds on Firefox, which probably means the adds use tracking cookies and the like. Checking the concole:

The resource at “” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.

The resource at “” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.

The resource at “” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.

Such great progress.

Awesome update! It is a bit confusing at the start as I can't get back to steem it once entered in to the steemwallet website!

Another step in the completely wrong direction for Steemit....

a lot of app ask posting key.
why we can't easily copy it?


Double click to copy

OOOHHHHHHHH!!! Thankyou for that!!!!

Glad to help.........I had heaps of trouble copying ...... kept getting the red circle so I just clicked the shit out of!


lately steemit is a hostile NOT USER FRIENDLY place... alot of us have not too much savey and this entire change was not handled well

i have no clue what the hell you all have done to this site it usta be fun

so no one can access their wallets with 2 cents big deal this was not as this site was sold we were suppose to be paid and rewarded for our time and participation but instead you have taken the 2 cents we never really had

there my 2 cents

What the hell??? states to keep the keys safe and copied to a safe location but you cant get to the keys!...I click on view and am prompted to sign in so i do then i click on view again same thing! can not view the keys to copy them to a safe location...not gonna work from my point of view..people are locked out of certain functions...i only got signed in because I just happen to keep one key copied on my phone cant get these copied cant get it to show them to me


Thank you Steemit! You have successfuly got so confused that I really dont know where to start with all of these. Some of us here arent full time blogger, so why make things more complicated.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I don't see any way to change language on "", also, I want direct link from menu to go back to my blog:

No matter what You actually do, just be mindful that there are steemit users who struggle to survive. Who can't quite make a living, but keep betting on steemit to be one means to secure funding. Whatever You do regarding the availability of these funds at any - for a bad example: Western Union, who fleece those in need of funds movement. When small funds are moved, there are always problems. When I want to move a billion dollar - see how smooth that goes.
Thank You for considering the severity of all matters related to members' funds.

HELP! I have tried reading all the replies here to help but there are too many and nothing I've seen really answers my problem. None of my keys allow me access to my wallet. What can I do?

Do you have all your keys written down? If not, when you try to sign in to the regular site, not the wallet, with your Master, it should give you a link to download a PDF which has all of your keys in it. Do you get that notice when you try to sign in to

Thanks for the reply :) I have all my keys, but none of them work when prompted to use the posting key. I tried the posting key first, but tried others incase I was getting something wrong. I don't get that notice when I sign in to

Did you by chance write down the "keys" that show when you first went into the list, that are all displayed at the same time? I did that the first time, not realizing that I had to individually unhide each key separately. If you saved a working key to your device and hand wrote down the list, perhaps you did the same, and if you (correctly) saved NOT your master to be the working sign in, then it wouldn't give you the PDF message - I think that is only triggered if you sign in with your master key.
If this is the case, I'm not sure what to do, except maybe try busy - I think someone in the comments above said you could still access your wallet using that front end. I haven't used it, but on Partiko and SteemPeak, I could claim my rewards, but not use the market. I wonder if I can see my keys with one of them? I'll test it out.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's the first time.
The changes are very inconvenient

Its quite confusing since you can not get back to the STEEM IT website once you got in to the wallet. Only way is editing the URL again :( I don't like changes, I guess we need to get used to it.


Just let us enter the wallet as before to beck up our keys !
You can not make such a important update overnight without worn people!


This is awful!

Unsure on this update does not seem useless yet, kind of does.
Makes it harder to go back to Steemit not movable between the two.

so just to clarify... the main purpose of making the wallet site seperate ( which i have to log into with my master password to get my other passwords so i can log out, and put in the right password ) is so you could have ads on the main site?

yeah, i see a lot of people about to leave, and steems price plummeting to 10c in the next month or so

Come to! :)

Come to :)

Could have left a little warning before autosigning everyone off maybe they can't log in now since they lost their keys ...

Back to Narrative its day 1 and has working devs ^^

WARNING! The comment below by @yasu leads to a known phishing site that could steal your account.
Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.

Hello, please review my comment .

I'm not abuser.

P.S. If you encounter bugs or unpleasant UI, please leave your feedback in the comments section below.

I just commented.

Nerd and steemit team, you do a good thing. I like the memo pair key which is SUPERSTAR for the whole blockchain industry.