Why Steemit will fail, I am back from the future with some advice.

in steem •  7 years ago 

I have been hanging around (as far away from the trending page as possible) on steemit for the better part of a year now and I must say that I am quite fond of the place.

I have found myself with 800+ followers (some of them might even be real people).

I have posted a few articles that got some big upvotes.

I have posted some articles that disappeared into the steemit abyss.

I have messed around with selling my vote and collecting interest on my stake.

I have paid some vote bots and was pleased with the results.

I have gotten sucked into the drama and infighting.

There is so much to do here, and read, and comment... it is too bad about the future of steemit though. It really is too bad.

For those of you without a time machine, please let me bring you up to speed. Steem, like most other blockchain based digital currencies, fluctuates in value rather wildly for the next while and does gain some steem (see what I did there?). Then... everyone loses interest. They don't stop gaining interest on their steem stake, but everyone loses interest that is on steemit, and 5.5% of nothing... is nothing. Steemit ends up another famous internet footnote like napster, myspace, ICQ, MSN messenger, webcrawler... you get the point!?

Now is not the time to power down just yet. There is still another year to milk this rigged shithole before the whole thing goes up in glorious flames. The SBD rewards are going to keep on paying more than double, and better than that ;) and the voting bots and master node style delgation possibilities are still ripe for the picking. You can mine a whole bunch of steem, send the SBD's to bittrex every week and start your power down next May and make it out just before the whistle blows 13 weeks later. GAME OVER!

Suggestions for maximum exploitation:


Upvote yourself often: You don't need to write big articles to upvote yourself. One word comments are enough. If you are shy about upvoting yourself, you can comment to one of your own articles and reply to that comment and let the upvotes fly.

Lease some steem: Do the math on a steem lease and think about how much better you could do by upvoting all of your comments if you had more steempower at work.

Buy some steem: Remember that steemit is doomed, but it is still the best way for slackers, tranqs and lowbo's to make a dollar with zero effort. Just remember to power it down before next May. It is a good investment ONLY if you have an exit strategy. This floating gravy boat is not going to last, but to not take advantage of it while it is here would be foolhardy. Buy some steem, get greedy, but not too greedy. Mark the power down date on your calendar (Early May 2019) and make sure that you set an extra alarm so that you don't forget to power down and take that steem to market ASAP. Trade it for your favourite, sustainable, digital asset that will stand the test of time. Bitcoin is a safe bet. That Dan Larimer is a smart one... smart enough to build steem, smart enough to leave and design EOS, smart enough to milk the programming here and power on down and sell that steem... so maybe invest in some EOS. Maybe privacy coins are your thing, z-cash, zencash, monero? Do some homework and pick your favourite crypto or 3 and trade all your steem for it.

Sell your SBD's to give yourself a weekly income: I can't guarantee that the timeline that I jumped forward to will be the timeline we end up on, it should happen, but a whole lot can happen when there is a time machine kicking around (ya dig?), so it is a safe bet to sell your SBD's to make sure that you at least get something for your troubles. Keep some to reap some rewards from the voting bots and resteem services. Get up on that trending page and look like a real big winner with the rest of the real big winner's. Make sure you sell some of those SBD's for your favourite currency just in case steem goes down the crapper quicker than anticipated. It would really suck to waste all of your time and effort pillaging the programming here for all it is worth just to have the rug pulled out from under you leaving you with a metric fuck-tonne of worthless steem. Sell your SBD's to make sure you at least walk out of here with something to show for your time.

You can even ask nicely for a whale to delegate you some steempower. Begging is also good. It makes this place a little bit more adorable if there are at least a few comments per page that include people begging for help, steem, money, love or something else. It might even work sometimes? What do you have to lose - steem? Nope... you only have steem to gain my friends. Beg on!

Some people like to play the altruist. That is a good one. They know that without new money coming in, their stake is doomed to fail... so they rally the troops to go outside of steemit to bring people here. The thing is, altruism is a very lucrative business here on steemit. People love giving altruists top notch votes and won't bat an eye at a massive vote bot purchase if it is for the good of the platform (AKA our investment).

Sometimes, you gotta hit the like button if you see a post from a top trender before they get all the love. Don't bother reading the post, really, what are they gonna say... blah blah blah, they are just milking this rigged rat-race too right? But try to beat all the others to the punch to collect more of the curation rewards. That is a good payout for NO WORK (isn't that the point here?)

There are a whole bunch of other ways to make off like a bandit here on steemit and you don't have to look very far to find out how. Just go onto the trending page, pick a trending article, click on one and look at the upvotes and who upvoted it. Then go to the wallet of the trending author and see what they did... do a bit of digging and you will find out how easy it is to make a whole bunch of steem here on steemit.


The beauty of this whole party known as steemit is that it is guilt free. Everybody is doing it... so why don't you? Some people go around preaching about how bad vote bots are while upvoting themselves every time they comment. Some make rules about how things need to change while upvoting their comments with massive steempower behind them. Others create 40 accounts and just vote for each other all day. Some start elaborate guerilla war campaigns and collect sweet upvotes at every shot fired whilst amassing a huge following just because people like watching the drama. It doesn't matter what part you play while completely taking advantage of the programming... just don't forget the real reason that you are here... TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE PROGRAMMING and make fat stacks of crypto bullion.

So... I am sure you are wondering how it happens? How steemit meets its doom?

I will tell you, but it is not going to be pretty. It might even shatter the very foundation you have based your whole steemit existence. Read the above article again and think about it as a what NOT to do article and know this truth: Any group of self serving jackasses pretending to give a shit about others just to make a dollar is destined to fail. When new people (with new money) come to steemit to see nothing but a bunch of self serving jackasses providing nothing but a steady stream of steem into their own wallets, they will not want to buy steem -- They will see steem as worthless. When the demand for steem goes down, the price goes down. When the price goes down and the demand has not gone up, the price goes down more. At this point, many exceptionally greedy and delusional people will decide to buy the cheap steem. (Hopefully you have already sold it all by now and you are already on the EOS version of steemit ready for round 2 ;). The problem is, that the price keeps on falling because nobody wants to be a part of it any more. The gig is up and the game is over for steemit.

I have come back from the future with this warning. Please... take heed. If you want to keep on making money until this whole shitbox explodes... the timeline is (should be) there for you. Pick your best strategy to get all you can before it is too late. If you love steemit and want to see it survive, it is not too late. But what you need to do is care about it. Care about what you write. Care about the people that are reading your articles and commenting. Care about how people are going about their "business" on steemit. Create quality content and use your upvote to reward others that are creating quality content.

To simplify... give a shit.


(I cannot take credit for this image... I found it on brightdrops.com)

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It's a future fork away from squashing self comment voting. Bots are popping up like wildfire to fight them also. Bots will solve a lot of issues.

To suggest that the content market has no value, is preposterous. Facebook, Google and YouTube are pretty solid evidence to prove the contrary.

Oh, and DTube is the fastest growing website in the history of mankind thusfar.

I'll stick with my opinion to stay long term.

And I'm gonna 100 vote this comment lol

I will follow you though, you've got balls, I like that.

I think steem is great too. I just wanted to air some of my grievances. I am going to stay long term too... but I am going to pay attention and perhaps watch for signs of the foundation cracking... Steem on!!!

And... Thank you!

Pretty cool post man! I've been on here for 10 days so far, and have to agree with almost everything you've said. I guess the difference is, is that it hasn't scare me off just yet. Somewhere inside of me I believe that consistently posting quality content, and being a decent human being in my interactions with others will have some kind of payout. Maybe I'm fooling myself, but for the time being I'm believing it.

I think that is a great way to be and I also think there could be room for a long term raise in steem... it really just depends on how people (as a whole) operate. Thanks for reading and commenting. (I really don't think it is as bad as I made it out to be... just painting a picture to provide some food for thought)

DTube is the fastest growing website in the history of mankind thusfar.

That's awsome! Where did you get that info? I always just look at the Alexa ranking.

Amazing bro

I agree, long steem is gonna pay off.
Does anyone follow @shadowbot?
Tell him I sent you !!
100% ur comment

I think improving the UX of Steemit would go a long way to keep the platform viable. It doesn't need perfect cryptoeconomics to survive, it needs better tools for content creators and users.

It seems like the programming is set and this is it. We have the final version of steemit and all the kids know where the keys to liquor cabinet are.

What would you suggest to improve the UX?

For one, content creators need to be able to set up channels for different types of content, so that their content can be better organized. Two, there needs to be a notification and subscription system so I can know when a person I follow posts something new. Three, content creators ought to be able to edit posts after the payout. Edits would not garner any new rewards, and previous versions could still be visible, but sometimes things change and it is better to edit an old post than make an entirely new one.

Those are just the few off the top of my head.

Very interesting thoughts. Thanks for your time.

Just wanted to get this message to you buddy. Thanks for stopping by page the other day :) Will try to get another Travel Pro Gear post up for you soon! lol I know you like those! @chosunone thanks for lending me your page to reach out to my friend here on one of his recent comments! Keep the great posts!

Similar requests in a way:

  1. On my feed, I want to be able to mark certain accounts as being my favourites so that I see their posts, instead of getting drowned in posts I do not care about as much.

  2. If scrolling, even on my home pages, when I get to the bottom. I get the little green swirler, but 8 times out of 10 I cannot get to view the next page. If I can clck on "Next" in the follows list and go instantly, why not on all the pages? I never have that problem at Gab, so it is a problem of steemit.

  3. Followers (in both lists) if I click on UNfollow, then I want it to disappear (even if only after 3 days). As time goes by I have a longer and longer list of NOT followed links which means I cannot be bothered to go through them anymore.

  4. If I mute someone, then it means I do NOT like them. Why should my homepages be open to them? If muted, by me or them, we should then not be able to see each other's pages.

  5. Recently, when clicking on a reply, I no longer get the page where the reply is, but an abbreviated page. To see the full page, I have to click again. Then, to return to my home page, I have to click back two times. Part of the fun of going to read the reply is seeing who else has commented and what the reation of others is to that - especially when there is a war going on. I am not saying this facility should not exist, I can understand why many would like this innovation, but set it as a choice in my Settings page. A common problem ofr people who use their computers for hours per day, is a very painful condition known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I put up with the pain when I click to write a message, but these extra clicks for nothing - I resent them. I foresee my making my posts and not being able to communicate with others because of this new setting.

A point or two:
a) My browser, when I open a page, shows me all the links it goes through for my page to open. Why do I see google and facebook urls every time? I am not on any of the mainstream because of their tracking and censorship rules, but Steemit does the job for them and gives them my data? Why?
b) I saw that when we have a new message, the tab is supposed to display a marker so as to make it easy for us. It works on Gab, but not on Steemit. Perhaps the programmers here need to communicate with the coders at Gab to help them get it right?

Just vpn up. There is a reason I never access Steemit without one. Heck I don't really use the internet without one. Screw google and the likes, if information is power I do my best to not empower them anymore.

I agree with your blog but its disappointing. I am worried for its future. Its good information provided to the steemit community.

I wrote this not to disappoint you... I wrote this to perhaps motivate you to keep on doing what you are doing... or to think about how to do things better. The future is unwritten and there are a ton of good things happening on steemit and I did not mean to discourage you from all of those.

You got a 8.64% upvote from @thebot courtesy of @thedawn!
Please delegate us Steem Power & get 97% daily rewards share!
20 SP, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500, 1000 or Fill in any amount of SP.
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Oh my what's happening around here now? Honestly, I haven't updated myself on all the problems and greed stuff here on Steemit. I don't even look at the trending page anymore. It sounds like things are getting crazy here! I used to post a lot about voting bots and all the steemit drama but I think I have stayed away from all of that for too long. Maybe it is time to give a shit again....

I think you are the model steem citizen. You don't need to worry about anything... I just wrote a dark warning to shake people up a bit. The vibe on here I have gotten lately has just been self serving with no regard for the people that are here. You are and always have been just writing your articles and commenting with your commenters... Although... you still could be caught holding the hot potato having done nothing wrong yourself. (AKA steem plummets due to excess greed and shitty content and you are left holding onto a whales share of worthless steem power). Let's hope that doesn't happen.

I have been busy that I have no time to care about what's happening around here. But before I have more free time to notice those things. If I try to wake myself up to reality again, I might feel discouraged to write. So I guess I'll just keep on doing my stuff here, and hopefully it will inspire other Steemians.

2 thumbs way up!

@awolesigideon read this!!!!

This is one of the greatest responses I have received. I hope @awolesgideon takes you up on this suggestion... Thanks for your support!

Hey I'm a bit late to actually "give" you anything for it, but thank you my friend for this post. It's the one I've wanted to write, but have not had the time to. I try to throw in my two cents... err sorry one cent about it, but it doesn't really seem like many care. It's such a great platform with so much possibilities. It just turns out in a free market if no one cares about anything but them self, the market is doomed to fail.

Thanks for the laughs, and I'm very glad that people actually saw it. Who knows perhaps it has influenced a few people to rethink their Steemit behavior.

Thank you! It is not my overall sentiment of the platform... but it is definitely a statement about some of the things going on... and you nailed it by saying self interest will cause any market to fail. I am glad you read it and enjoyed it. I hope to find time to write some more soon.

Thanks for the encouragement

glad to be of service!

Oh no, they are sending FUD from the future now, all the FUD in the present is used up, soon the inter dimensional FUD portals will open to do battle with Bitcoin and his trusty altcoin steeds. - The Great Wars of FUD - 2017 - 2021

My cover has been blown... initiate FUD robot self destruct sequence.

"Any group of self serving jackasses pretending to give a shit about others just to make a dollar is destined to fail." .. exactly this ..
@ned and management are solely focused on SMTs and letting Steemit fall apart .. everyone is looking for the next big thing and ready to drop you like a hot potato in a second .. that's a big problem with cryptoland: It's filled with con artists and tricksters and nobody wants to be the one left standing when the music stops. Great post .. many thanks.

Thank you!!!

The old musical chairs, rug being pulled out from under you while trying to catch a hot potato. The threat is real. I don't think it is too late to save this ship... but you never know what the captain is thinking... and which con artists are influencing its route. I am just another minnow in the dark but I have dug around enough to at least know what is happening and can see the general why ($$$) as well. Eyes open not attached to my steem power too much... let's see what happens.

This is quite the sobering perspective, thank you! :)

I painted the picture darker on purpose. It just brings things into a bit sharper of focus that way. There is tons of good going on here.

Yes I completely agree! I feel you expressed that well as that is what I took from it. It definitely had a sense of bravery and an unwillingness to give in to any kind of victimhood or pessimism :)

Why do you give it a year? Why not two years?

I would have thought with all the facebook drama people would prefer to migrate to a platform like this...

Time machines don't lie...

But in all seriousness, I had to pick a time for the whole thing to end... and that was the date I picked for the article. I got no clue what is going to happen here really.

Funny to read this now 😂

LOL... I will need to take a look at it again... how did I do?

i suppose you where a few months wrong ;)

Timelines are a fragile thing...

I find this article great, bots sure are popping up all over nowadays!

I can't tell who is real or a robot these days... it's crazy.

Thanks for checking it out... and thanks for your all too real comment. You sir are not a robot.

Lol, no I am not a robot, just an Irish chick enjoying your articles. Thanks

Thanks! NOT a robot... got it ;)

I just came across your other post "The next attack on Bitcoin: Energy consumption of Bitcoin and Proof of Work Coins" and I really liked it.
I decided to check your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)

In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

If you will reply to this message (that would allow me to believe that we may develop mutual engagement and help each other) then I will upvote your post and follow you as well.

Cheers, Piotr

Sounds great! It's always good to meet someone on the same page on a few things.

Very nicely you show future possibilities of steemit platform
I believe in your prediction this is not gonna last long
Soon we can see saturation point in steem it
Upvoted and resteemed

Thanks! I hope that this can last a bit longer or be a household website in 5 years... but we shall see. There are a lot of steemians influencing things and it is tough to know what way it will go... I just wanted to warn people about how it could go down if everyone only cares about getting more crypto.

I personally believe that there is number of people that care mostly about building reach and their follower base. Not everyone here seem to be all about crypto and making profit. At least this is my impression as a newbie.

Your impression is a good one. I was merely painting a picture about the mindset that will destroy steem (and the world, the oceans etc...). There is a lot of great things happening on steemit. There is also a lot of greed that does pose a threat to the long term success of the platform. It was only a warning... for now ;)

world? oceans? so much destruction ....

Greed is a destructive force.

greed is what drives humanity forward too

I think it is the far end or excess of desire, which does push humanity forward. The excess ends up doing damage to the progress of humanity. The desire for success, new heights etc is healthy. Greed is an excess of that desire that causes more problems than good. My opinion on it.

Would you mind sending me short email to [email protected]? I would love to be able to keep in touch and support each other on Steemit.

I don't believe in the future, all the advice is flawed. Steem will be better in a few months. I hope it goes insane, becomes unrecognizable. Where you have no idea who would be trending next. Greed sucks, it's so boring. I don't think I will ever buy a whale vote, do autovoting or lease out steem power. I don't care about those that don't care and think it's about greed. I feel something way different.

That advice in the article is totally flawed. It is a what not to do list if you want to see steemit and the people on steemit flourish. I hope to see the changes that you listed in your comment. A trending page that is not boringly predictable would be great.

Nice way to let of some steam Steem. I liked your little analysis of what's going on here. There is much to do and diversifying the apps, platforms and niches in combination with SMTs will make Steem distribute upvote much better in the future.

Thank you for stopping by and commenting! There is certainly a ton of potential and a ton of good happening at this very moment. Sometimes you gotta blow off some 'steem'. Thanks!

What steemit needs is a faster sign up process! Period. The end.
Ps smart contracts are coming here too so what’s the real difference between eos and steem other than the obvious and that being STEEM IS A FUNCTIONING idea whereas eos is still a codeless idea.

EOS is functioning at this point as well... but it is still in testing. My whole point in mentioning EOS is that I have heard that there will likely be a steem-type social media built on EOS. IF it is designed to fix many of the issues with Steemit... there could be a mass migration. Think Myspace ---> facebook.

Steemit's signup process is the worst. I started buying accounts for my friends so that they don't need to go through it.

Smart move buying accounts!
Follow @shadowbot they are gonna have a Facebook type social media called shadowbook. Hopefully gonna be in beta in April or may. But I have no idea

I like your writing despite the fact that I don't agree much, but can you elaborate why the May next year should be the doom month?

I like that you don't agree much. I don't really agree with much I said either. I picked a date to enhance the article and make it more time-travell-y... All I really wanted to do was illustrate the attitude that threatens to destroy or at the very least, devalue steem. I love this place and want to see it flourish in reality. Sometimes people need a dose of my special FUD to see things from another angle. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Everything you brought up is real and may pose a risk to the platform. It all depends on the value steemit brings to it's users. And I mean a content value, not monetary value. If people come here for entertainment, relax, social interactions and less for reward then I'll call it a success. Over time majority of users won't get real monetary rewards. The inflation will cease and it majority of users won't really see any gains. If they come and stay despite not being rewarded much then I'll call it a success.

That sounds like a plausible outcome and a successful long term vision for steemit. Perhaps even slight growth in your "wallet" could be achieved in a sustainable and successful steemit. If facebook is making billions, we, as users of steemit should potentially get to share in that... and that is something... It is not bigtime gains like many are hunting for here on steemit, but it would be a gain nonetheless.

I completely agree.
Im here because of content. And I believe many others will come here for that very reason. Steemit is pretty much the best place to get a good content I found so far.

Interesting read, can't say I agree, but you do bring up some of the pressing issues facing the platform. Just curious why did you choose May 2019 as the final sell out date?

Just a shot in the dark. COugh! I mean... I travelled in a time machine and saw it with my own eyes.

I don't really agree either. I just notice a mentality that certainly can destroy or significantly devalue this platform and its currency... figured I would make a creative rant.

thanks for share this.realy great work.

Thank you!

Well, that is some perspective. It is hard to say for any crypto currency as if they are here to stay or not. It is all matter of time and people who have invested their money on it. Still old crypto currencies have better chance at surviving than new ones. That is just my view though.

Thank you! I can't tell which ones are going to make it to the top. I love steem but hate to see it go in the direction it is going. It is like watching environmental destruction. It is good for the wallet but damn... those forests were awesome!

There is a lot of greed on this platform - but also alot of genuine people who are keen to help everyone out. I dont agree with being able to self upvote comments, in the long run it really doesnt help anyone.

Interesting article - I wonder how accurate your time machine is.

Lol... me too.

Thanks for reading. I am really a big fan of steemit and the people on it. I just sometimes need to vent frustrations and it turned out like this. Take it with a grain of salt.

I don´t know if you´re right or not. You´ve same chance to be right as the one that says Steemit will be a total success. The truth is that being blinded to the bad possibilites because of faith is foolish, and you raise awareness to some issues with this post. Let´s hope you´re wrong and the future is ours to change and make it better. :)

I am merely pointing out the mentality that will cause failure. I am hoping for its success too... and that is why I felt like writing a doomsday prophecy. I doubt any doomsday prophet actually wanted to see doom... they just wanted to warn people about the behaviour that would bring on doom. Steem on!

Steemit is so small still. It is growing though. Isn't it closing in on 900,000 accounts? So what if greed and capitalism are the current dynamic. There is still a chance for this platform to become a real ecosystem that empowers writers/content providers. I would HODL until the crypto space moves from infecting the establishment with fear to one that garners respect. After all, how long did it take Facebook to monetize. Now its like untouchable.

900,000 accounts but only 10% active if even, and most of those 10% are new players so its a revolving door ... With the downturn in the value of crypto I dont expect Steemit will ever grow much, sadly.

Certainly, users come with high hopes and leave without putting in much effort. That's the crypto story. But until EOS aids a competitor, Steemit is what we got. And it is my understanding that Steemit eagerly awaits EOS.

I joined about 45 days ago.

My ID is ~707,000
After 30 days there were ~800,000
Now there are 878,911
Estimated for my next 30 days is ~ 950,000

If Steemit is in exponential growth, I can't see users of FB, Twitter, and others not recognizing the advertising problem. I figure at 10 million users, which can occur by next year.
The biggest factor I believe is the ongoing growth AFTER the fall of Bitcoin prices in January.

You really have a lot of followers .. I can see how in the end its a numbers game and the more followers, the more upvotes .. just simple math .. I'm focusing on my obscure content no one really cares about but no one is following me, I think you're strategy of following 10,000 people to get 1,000 followrs is a good one. Did you use a bot of some sort to follow people?

No bot on the followers. I think Steemit devs did away with some of that (i.e. @steemfollower). I followed a bunch of people early on. Thought it a good networking idea to follow the people some of the big fish do. I'm from NJYC metro so I always seem to juggle a bigger friends list than most. I am extremely adept at managing large groups without programming, bot or logistical assistance. Have been reading high speed information wires for decades- ever since delivering papers from the metro streets on a BMX.

I say I read content first in about 10% of my followers. The rest are like recommendation of others follow/follower lists. For instance, Ned, Dan, Stan, anyone in aviation, etc. I noticed my followers tend to grow on days I post content. I always use all five tags. Usually my content rolls off of stuff happening on Steemit. Then there are things like contests, Steemjet, and @artzone. I also use @smartsteem, and am on Discord with @curie, @minnowsupport, and on Telegram for new ICOs and stuff.

I respond to my share of comments and always reply.

If you have obscure content, and need to reach people in the alleyways of the Internet, then try starting you own hashtag. Just send me a link to your post once you get a game plan of of how to lure flies to your zapper. #Steemjet did this well. It is quite liberal in promoting the Steemit platform. In contrast, #eos enforces EOS only content.

from pixabay

Im not sure if I agree with you.

Im a social media marketer and I realized that common believe "more followers = better" doesnt work here.

You want quality followers. Those that not only are active but mostly those who have some solid steam power. I rather having 500 followers (knowing that 50% of them have some solid SP) than 10k followers which are beginners.

Contact me on: [email protected] and I will be happy to help build some reach

There is a great chance for steem and I am cheering for it. Sometimes you just need to paint a dark picture to make everyone more aware of the shadows.

yes,sir @allcapsonezero...
this is shy impact..
Greed must hamper the morality..
they don't get respect so,,,
what you things so,this is not seemed as reality..

Thank you! It is just a warning at this point.

They are many alternatives as to not crash steemit. The platform will be implementing advertisements and this will get them more money and flow of the coins and keep the economy flowing.

I really hope that ads stay far away from steemit. It is so peaceful here without real ads... There are a lot of people advertising stuff as a part of their hustle... but not ads. Say it isn't so!

In my own opinion, we needed ads such as for dtube. This will really help the earnings and the marketing of dtube.

I read this as a relatively pessimistic newbie because a lot of what you say is true, this format seems destined for failure because you are correct, so many self serving greedy people on here just to make money, only to make money. There are so many restrictions on new people that most probably leave before they’ve been here very long anyway out of frustration from not making huge sums of steem for posting as promised by their recruiters. But it could survive if enough people join who don’t worry about the money.

Thank you for your perspective. I think that Steemit cannot grow without new people that see value in being a "player" on the site and investing in the currency. If new people are trying to grow without an initial investment it is going to be a long LOOONNG and likely frustrating experience (unless you don't care about the money at all). If new people show up and see that the race is rigged and cannot see a reason to stick around... this place is not going to grow.

But I have some valuable IP that I'm not givin' up for free. Should I hold it as a trade secret, give it to YOYOW, or post on Steemit?

That is a really good question... I don't know if I could answer it.

Thanks for the word of encouragement it strength my mind and inner peace to reap reward for the harvest sow

You are very welcome!

i want in on that time machine :P
And a whale to upvote my posts lol

Time travel is serious business... make sure you read the manual in full before you take a trip.

Don't we all want whale upvotes? When you figure it out... let me know.

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Thanks for the update.

Gracias ,seguiré animándome, te leere para siempre estar informado@pedrolavado

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