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My bags are already packed! 4 years from now, we may say Justin was the best thing to happen to Steem because he was the straw that broke the camel's back.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I'm completely in. Staying tuned for further announcements!

disclaimer—my self-upvoting shall not be misconstrued to be self-promoting without express written consent of Tronit, Inc. but rather an embracing of the new downbote-free vision of Steem in which spam rules supreme!

I fucking support you and what you outlined in your post

I'm glad to see some measurable movement in this direction! Since the beginning of this whole fiasco, I knew it would end in HF, and was getting a little worried that we wouldn't get rolling quick enough to collect on the focus & agreement we have as a chain right now, much more than ever before.

Finally everyone is seeing that this was the only real way from the moment Ned sold us out....

Fully agreed. Dumbass should’ve played ball with us for mutual profit. It would’ve been the only way. His choice.


Hive is the future of a new steem decentralized...!
I will be there to design if consensus witness and new project want it ♥

Time to hard-fork away...?

Seems like it is the best option

Soft might be done for, just check your fav. ‚movie‘ sites. Everything is hardcore nowadays.
How do you like the name? Going Hivepress then?

Jsun, do you feel the bern?

lmao XD

OmfG ;7


Downsteemy. Disagreemix on Shitcoin Rewards.

See ya on Hive. High Five ;)

Literally made my day! Thanks for investing in the new chain and handling the logistics Bernie 🙏🏾🤞🏾

Bernie is tha MAN! (The Steem Bernie at least :)

Hey @berniesanders, here is a little bit of BEER from @benedict08 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Thats great... !BEER

Posted using Partiko Android

Im not gonna lie, I became a little Justin Fan Boy when I first heard the aquisition news. But now I realize I was cheering for a Slime Ball.

At least you realized it now!

hi @berniesanders realized it now!

I’m in, enough of the BS around here. Time to break away. Thanks Bernie.

I agree with you: behind this debacle there's a lot of money at stake. We must join forces. There's a group of people who won't sell out or give up. Freedom

I am ready to move.

This is a very good move, but it creates a lot of new questions... maybe you can give more info to the community, what should we do with our stake a liquid steem/sbd? It's going to be burned?

There will be no burning. You will receive equivalent stake on the new chain. Do as you wish with your steem/sbd, however, keep in mind they need to remain in your account at the time of the snapshot if you want credit on the new chain.

@berniesanders how will the Delegated SP be treated at snapshot time?

All delegations will remain in place, excluding those from accounts that are not being included in the fork.

Ok I get it, thanks!

What happens to what I have on Steem engine? Apart from all the tribes I have about 55 Steem, do I move that to my Steem account?

I'd suggest speaking with @aggroed about that one. I do not know what the plan is for steem-engine.

All the data on Steem-Engine are recorded on the Steem blockchain. To the nodes (servers) that run the Steem blockchain that data/transactions are just user-defined random data that nothing is done in response to. Steem-Engine transactions are processed by servers (currently only one) that are a completely separate set of servers from the Steem blockchain nodes.

I hope that cleared it up for you. The main thing is that a copy of the record of everyone's Steem-Engine tokens will exist on the new chain. It's up to the Steem-Engine team to update their nodes to use the new chain.

Understood... I had doubts about that. I'm interested in maintaining and growing my voting power, I hope it works out well for the community. Thank you for replying. I am giving resteem to all the publications you are doing as witnesses and community leaders to spread the word.

I also think there is a great lack of communication with the Spanish-speaking community. I would like to know if you give me your permission to publish your posts translated into Spanish from my account to inform this community.

Yes, feel free.

Hey @berniesanders here I translated @blocktrades announcement. Need some upvote help so it ACTUALLY reachs the Spanish speaking communities. Already asked @cervantes but it seems he is a lil unresponsive. Anyway it's about visibility as STEEM price is gonna go REKT before payment. cheers.

Por que yo no pactare con Justin Sun (1 de 2) - @blocktrades
Por que yo no pactare con Justin Sun (2 de 2) - @blocktrades

We need the Spanish community to know the move so to get them on the new chain ASAP. Thanks!

@traducciones Cervantes no va a ayudarte a aprovecharte de la situación, los hispanos siempre pueden usar el traductor de Google, no necesitan tus 2 publicaciones abusivas para enterarse, y si no quieren usar el traductor siempre pueden venir al servidor de cervantes y se les explicará la situación

@loreennaa You are making false statements there. 1) STEEM price will go REKT by the time any current upvote could be cashed out because the real community will be at HIVE not here.

  1. There is no such "abuse", the translation of @blocktrades long post was made in REAL time and is a HUMAN MADE translation not a cheap Google one.

  2. Because it was a human made translation and in real time, I had to divide it in 2 chunks, so that Spanish audience could have at least the first part ASAP. Time is a very important factor.

  3. Now because of the non-supportive actions towards the Spanish users, a lot of users are still unaware of the new HIVE fork coming.

That's not how a fork is supported, that's just selfish missuse of SP in the like of what Justin Sun is doing with his own SP.

I will keep translating anything that I see as a service for the Spanish audience. If non supported, fine, it's not me who fill suffer the consequences, it will we Spanish users unaware of the situation.

Si tanto español sabes, por que no me respondes en español, es una falta de educación responderme en otro idioma del que te estoy hablando cuando se supone que hablas los dos

And by the way, I resteemed all key translations done by OTHER members of Steem on my own account. Talking about "abuse", LOL.

what is the reason you made two posts?

Speed, I have a life too and needed to have it done ASAP. Any other spanish translator could have done the 2 part if I couldn't when I resume the translation.

Now I don't know the reason for not upvoting and give visibility BEFORE the transition to HIVE takes place. I don't want any Spanish speaking Steemian been left behind.

Are there any plans as to timing of the snapshot? In the coming weeks?

justin ludovic.png

Let's go! Pretty sure we are all ready and willing, so flip the switch and let's dump the shit.


You have just been bro-fisted by the guys in the man cave and now have 1 more BRO. Enjoy!**

For more info, please give us a look in here:


With that being said, I won't be sticking around much longer

I don't blame you. This shit needs to end already. It's clear where this is heading, but we're just fucking around at this point. I'm already powering down my stake, mostly in the event that we see a pump as a result of BTC's halving, but I'm done with Steem while this CCP fuckhead shits all over the chain.

Steem Classic, neosteem, steem 2.0..?


Yes we need some positve vibes... Reblogged!

One final solution for the @ned problem.

The only solution.

#Hive5! Justin seems to think "cooperation" means "do what I say or else." You'd think a crypto mogul would know about forks,and you'd think he'd have done his due diligence by trying to understand the community he was trying to take over and rule. He might have noticed that attitude is unwelcome.

Great. See you in the new chain. We will all need each other there ! ☺

What will happen with steem-engine tokens? Airdrop also?

same question


Posted using Partiko iOS

Ready to join in.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

i really like the news. There are more information about it?

Which devs follow to the new chain?

What are the roadmap/ plan for the future?

What is with the coins exchanges frozen? Will ne there a way to get a airdop too if the tokens on exchanges?

Is already some discord channel for the new coin? :)

IS there a date for the snapshoot?

All of this information will be released tomorrow, stay tuned.

Now we're getting somewhere! I am on board!

This break up was a long time coming, I think this crazy bunch of people will make the right choice offer the fork and let the people decide! I’m just glad we can move forward and also stick it to that arsehole!

The answer is yes we want to fuck you! Fuck you off our chain

I’m in!

this sounds so super promising, getting really excited! :))

I think fork will be better if it doesn't called as anything realted with steem.

I'm definitely in with this!

!giphy together as one

Posted using Partiko Android

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Yup, time to get the show on the road. After four years of waiting for "someone" to get the party started, people are finally seeing that WE need to be the ones who get the ball rolling.

All aboard!

I’m so lost. Can’t understand a thing.😞

It's a good thing. You may need to switch sites though. If you use at the moment, you'll probably need to use a different site instead.
We'll know more tomorrow :)

Stay tuned with either bernie or blocktrades. Essentially steem is switching to a new site. All of your content will be transferred to the new site and once it is running you should use it instead of Steemit. It should be quite simple, just keep tuned for the updates until it launches :)

I'm on board with you here, after all it's just a ChainID.(Do users even care what ChainID they run as long as their data is saved and currency is worth $?) I asked the same question you are asking now to many Steemians the 4-5 past weeks and i believe they (majority) are past ready to hardfork to protect #freedomtechnology .

By deploying now, we teach the communists how decentralized technology works, and if Justin Sun continues to Sybil attack (semi-democratic) systems trying to cheapen our technology and immutability "features" , pushing a lot of fud on our consensus mechanic's abilities, he will pay the ultimate price of owning a network that no one uses and no one gives a fuck about anymore.

The big decision

Option 1

Keep everyone's data in the chain, only remove justin's / steemit's stake

Option 2

Don't keep the social data, only airdrop steem to the users who hold steem today, start chain from scratch (without user data)

Arguments for each side

Swap Chainid without data

Not storing ALL Steem data will restructure the blockchain fairly and potentially keep it very decentralized because more nodes can be ran, more witnesses will be operating.

Swap Chainid with data

Keeping the data would be nice , because so many creators trusted Steem data, it's a root/tie to potentially 500,000-1 million actual people. Immutable data can create a platform enabling time - period immortality if the system carries on with adoption and keeps up with maintenance into the future

This is the best news on here and I am just getting up! Power to you guys, lets go....

But then, what will happen to the drama token?

Yes! This is freedom.

Ready for this :)

Sounds good to me. How would normal low income steemians get involved?

You will get an airdrop based on your current holdings.

From what I understand, you support by posting over there...

Interesting. I hope they will support the minnows over there. I think that is the best way to assure some growth.

To receive the airdrop will my Steem need to be powered up? Or is liquid form okay?

Liquid is good as well. It will be 1:1 for everything in the account.

Sweet. Thanks.

I am all in!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is the tip of the iceberg.
I salute this new endeavor.
#Hive will be lit.

Promise me you’ll never change...

Posted using Partiko iOS

I wish someone could explain this to me in easy words. Anyone? Thank you in advance.

Posted using Partiko Android

We pack up and move with our belongings to a better bigger home, freedom!

Except it seems they will be doing all the packing for us. They are even migrating all our old posts. We just kind of show up over there and do our thing.

Thank you for explaining. 👍

What will the token be called?


what will the token symbol be ?

Dear friend i am ready to move. But i have a question...Should i continue to power down to sell the steem i have, or should i keep it for some reason? thanks for all youve already done and thanks in advance for everything that is to come.🤗

You should keep it right now. Any steem you have in your account, whether it is liquid steem, sp or sbd will be airdropped to the new chain, but only what is currently in your account. So for now it might be best to hold off selling if you want to have the same amount in the new chain.

Thanks for the advice my friend!🤗 I'll power down and hold.

Bernie really cares. I've never really imagined him to be this way tbh. This is so refreshing and the future looks bright

Do we power up this account so it can give the final death flags?

I would just be focusing on exiting if you want to exit. The fork and airdrop info will be posted tomorrow. You won’t have to wait long at all.

Good deal, I've been looking forward to this day.

Can I keep my keys as is, seems a pain to change them :)

Your keys will not change on the new chain unless you change them. Everything will be the same as it is on Steem.

Once the fork happens, whatever you do on one chain will NOT occur on the other.

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

This is excellent news. I'm wondering how the airdrop will work. I've got about 30% of my SP delegated right now. I'm sure they factor all this in but just want some clear direction. I'm ready to go!!!

Do we power up
This account so it can give
The final death flags?

                 - freebornangel

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Just like @ned, @justinsunsteemit has no plan to honor the original intent of this ill-gained stake

Lest us not forget that almost every whale on Steemit today (including yourself), was given some of that ninjamine by being part of an exclusive group of early miners.

So, I assume you're giving back all of yours?


You’re a fucking moron.

Don’t be so jealous of what others have that you never will.

Okay, I was expecting an adult answer to a valid question. I guess your response speaks volumes. You consider your ninjamined stake to be different because... because well, it belongs to you. Lol.

You and the rest of the cabal are a bunch of hypocrites.

Flag people who disagree with you, fork from people not in your club.

Take care old chap, and don't forget to throw your fawning acolytes a few crumbs to keep them on side. Lolz


hi @berniesanders I support you

Go ahead !! We are also interested to move 👍

As a corona outbreak, I can only hope that this bad situation soon passes.

See you on Hive!

I’m in.

Nice one

Posted using Partiko Android

Seems like all the "big guys" are in on HF?

With that being said, I won't be sticking around much longer.

Of course you will, you love the drama really.

I posted this question to @blocktrades post as well, but I doubt its getting longer and longer, and I may not get an answer. So can you answer ?

So holding the steem for now is going to help us as well as the community ? The reason I am asking is that I was powering down, after all this started. But then I powered them up to support the witness voting. If the price of steem is going to dump, then will we not also loose there ? I understand the equivalent air drop of the new coin will help, but how retaining the old steem will balance that ? Because we bought them. And based on the read, I think, its not wise to buy more now ?

And to add to the above, may be we should power down now to have them in liquids so that we can sell and get something ?

If you plan to continue on the STEEM blockchain, no reason to not be powered up. If you plan to move to Hive, it probably makes sense to begin powering down.

You can look at my accounts to see what I'm doing, if that's any help.

I have heard (long time back) that you got many accounts, may be just share a few to look at ? I started powering down though.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Hope you can answer this because I'm a nobody but genuinely curious.

No insta-mined staked to be dumped on markets

Are you talking about all the mined stake here? What about other people like


Yeah that guy, do you mean actual freedom or that we're bringing him along as well?

Carpe Diem!

Let's do it and kick some ass.

Let's just do it and get it over with.


I'm eagerly waiting for the announcement!

I’m intrigued and listening 👂

I‘ll call my mama right away, she has to make some sanwitches and pack my stuff. I‘ll be busy carrying commentboxes and posts.

I am ready to move.
community is, what does matter here at steemit

I used to really enjoy posting on here. I stopped because making the images for my posts just took too long. I was never in it for the Steem, but couldn't find the community I was looking for as the people here generally wanted someone to reinforce their daydreams of becoming rich, not someone who would burst their crypto bubble.

I am ready for Hive.... finally True Leadership from @blocktrades

I was onboard as soon as blocktrades made the announcement. It has indeed been a long four years, and I think that we need this.

What you said

Posted using Partiko iOS


I got my bagpack ready Sport! Let's fucking go!

Good sign, but it becomes difficult to understand. For an average user, Steem's problems are more sentimental than technical aspects. I would support @blocktrades in any step I can take, but actually I would like a more explicit documentary to find out how they plan to solve.

"The faster you can get rid of it, the more value you will get from gullible buyers who think they are getting low priced coins, not understanding that the coins they are buying will never get their value back, because all value will go away (more on this point shortly.) Time is not on your side in that garbage dump, because the more information people have, the more they will realize that it is not worth buying what they are selling. "

I just read this in the post attached to this post:, I think that if the fall of Steem is irreversible, so the new token and the new platform should be promoted at once and we should place our trust in it. Of course, what little confidence we have ... Sometimes I feel that what I am publishing is going to be lost. It is difficult for me to think about leaving steemit, but if the order is to go somewhere else, I would like to know: Where to ?, so as not to waste another minute of time.

PS. I would love for someone to answer my concern with absolute clarity.

This is a grand step for the community!

However, it is not the end, thus why blockchain as the principle it represents must be represented by the community it supports on a day to day basis.

Layers of hierarchy exist within human nature and this is the crux of it. Here is one symbol of totalitarianism going down, what will be the next subtler symbol that sits on the next layer of hierarchy. Kindness and egalitarianism is the desired outcome but power corrupts regardless of how benevolent the next 'owner' or 'leader' is.

This is yet another beginning and yet another exciting step, however we must never let our guard down. As we move forward, lessons are learned through experience and this truth solidifies as action. It is not just a blockchain but the world that is governed by these principles. So we execute our kingdoms in a microcosm that represents our greater macrocosm.

True decentralization is a lofty and valorous dream! Good luck to us all!

I am in. let's do this for real

Wow, I hope you get along with everyone now, I kind of missed your sense of humor but not some of the drama that followed it

So long and thanks for all the fish, so sad it had to come to this!

I've begun powering down, goodbye and hello!

Many thanks to those that have the resources to save our community. Let us all keep up our momentum. Some have left over the 2 and one-half years that I have been a member of STEEM and then there are those that have stayed and fight on.

This entire SNAFU has shown that STEEM is not all about the money, but about a community. G-D bless us everyone!

Me too Bernie...
The hive will be buzzing like never before
!giphy move on

Posted using Partiko Android

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!


Where would be this new place?

Mostly on the moon, gangsta. Mostly on the moon.