Competing with Steemit's free account faucet

in steem •  6 years ago  (edited)

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That won't last long, though. There are 11 discounted accounts left on my pool for the christmas giveaway. Make sure you use your gift codes before it's too late. :-)

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Nice one. Hoping the dapps will pass @steem the same way the steem dapps will start passing others in stateofthedapps. :)

Hopefully! :-)

Prior to hard fork 20 Steemit was making thousands of accounts per day.

Thousands per day?

At times (many times) yes.

Right, 50% of the time, it happens every time.

The accounts were created every few days, (mostly weekly) and each time it was usually more than 7000 accounts, which puts it over 1000/day. It slowed down quite a bit up to HF20 and nearly stopped after. I'd say it's a fairly accurate assessment.

Because I don't like to talk out of my ass, nor do I like to be accused of it. I'll back it up.

The average daily over the last 1000+ days is 1172.042532/day.

The statement, "Prior to hard fork 20 Steemit was making thousands of accounts per day," is misleading.

On it's face, that statement implies that 2000+ accounts were being created each and every day and then suddenly stopped at HF20.

Then you "clarified" it to mean "on average", and sure, if you take the entire life of the blockchain. But then, what are you saying? Steemit is still creating greater than 1000 per day, right now. Because average.

It's much more accurate to say, "Prior to hard fork 20 Steemit would regularly spike thousands of accounts in one day."

The fact it hasn't made thousands in months is skewing the average downward. I didn't know the exact number, I just knew it was over 1000 a day, it just didn't actually create accounts on a daily basis, they were done in spurts. So it obviously can't be specifically daily.

Steemit is still creating greater than 1000 per day, right now. Because average.

No, it's not. I did average because it was the quickest way to get an answer and they didn't make accounts on a daily basis, so to say one day they created 9K, another 1k, another 7k, and another 21K is kind of silly. Multiple days more than 20K accounts were created. The only way to make sense of it is to average it out. But it's obvious if you look at since HF20, these rules don't apply anymore. The amount of accounts created is much much lower.

Prior to hard fork 20, 5K-20K+ on a weekly basis was normal. After, 5k is the highest, and it only happened once and three times for 3k.

Also average works in favor of both directions, much of the bulk account creation was done in 2017 and early 2018, so averaging the entire time (post hf20, and 2016) actually brings the average way down. I'd say 2016 isn't even good data to work off and removing it would be more realistic of current times, which would bring the average well above 2,000.

Either way, I wasn't exact, but I wasn't far off at all and the point is still accurate. We created a ton of accounts prior to HF20 on a regular basis, after not so much.

Another quick way to mislead would be to say that Steemit hasn't created more than 1000 per day accounts since May 27th, 2018, because average + cherry-picking right after that last May spike:

I wonder what happened in May?

(hint: nothing, I picked the perfect date range to make it average below 1,000/day)

ha ha. I should claim an account just to run up your stats

I have 2 codes.
Do I have now 2 accounts or do I have to create them now?

You need to create them :D

That's really cool, thank you. Btw. This is avilable only for witnesess right?

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If I could turn back !BEER