I bought into steemit as a dolphin around 4 weeks ago.
Actually I bought steem earlier because I thought it will go up and wanted to sell it. When my steemit account finally got approved, I took a closer look what it is all about and powered up my steem around 2 hours later.
You can say I came for the money but stayed for the community. But to be totally honest I also stayed for the money.
I could give my own posts and comments some cents and my introduction post made something around 10$.
I was hooked and started to buy some more steem and powering it all up. At this point steem is a large % in my portfolio and by having it invested for at least 3 months I will go to the moon or to hell with it.
I have read mixed opinions about upvoting yourself especially after the fork, some say it is fine some say you shouldnt do it give back to the community and only upvote others people content and your own posts.
As much as I like the steemit community and becoming a part of it, share my thought and learn from others, it is still an investmant and I would say most if not all people having put a couple of thousand $ into steempower see it this way also.
I want to earn some money while I am helping others and I actually do with the curating system). I upvote comments and posts from others. I upvote a lot of comments of people who are commenting my posts to keep them engaged and hopfully come back to my next post also. I upvote introduction posts to make newcomers feel welcome.
And yes I upvote my own comments also. For several reasons.
As you can see in my blog my most of my posts doesnt make a lot of money (my vote is worth around 7$ now but I bought more steem yesterday before it was around 5$)
As I stated I am taking a risk here and I want something as a return. Upvoting myself is this kind of return I am looking for, it is my mining and my insurance to beat the inflation steem will have.

I usually put a lot of thought into my comments also, since I dont have a big following commenting is my tool to get my name out there and if it is a post of a prominent steemer I want my comment to be a bit higher so people see it earlier and hopfully engage with the comment also, since I am usually not just writting for the sake of it but I want to exchange opinions and experinces or add my 2 cents.
On the other hand you can be sure if I wrote a comment on your post that I upvoted it also.
I would love to give you an exact ratio which I think its fair but I just lack the experience and on some days there comes so much good content out I just make my 1 or 2 posts a day and the rest of my voting power goes to others people content. The next day it might be the other way around.
To sum it up I think upvoting your own comments is totally fine, especially if you starting out and dont have a lot of follower, since you wont have many people upvoting your content. By upvoting myself I protect my investmant and it can be stratetegly clever to upvote on certain posts. If we are honest everybody here wants to earn some crypto and how I see it, this will be achieved between a healthy mix of giving votes to others and yourself.
But dont make just a thread to waste your voting power for the day where you make 5 comments and upvote all of them with all your voting power. It makes you look like a selfish dick and you propaply are.

There is so much good content floating around which deserves some love.
Give and recieve is the slogan which will hopfully shape my experience here.

If you have a different opinion or an good article why I am totally wrong feel free to share it
Thank you for this post. I just started here yesterday and I really know almost nothing. Totally new to crypto markets too although my partner started to invest a while ago but we are still searching. So your post gave me some more info in the direction and more questions. Would you please be so kind to help me out? If I want to buy steem do I buy it externally and send them to my wallet here? Which one do I buy? Do I grow my power? I think I understood the more steem I have the more money goes to the content I vote at. If I vote do I lose steem or just power? I think it is stupid anyway to vote at posts like I saw yesterday of some girl who wrote 4 sentences and mentioned being single....looked like kind of scam I often saw at fb accounts with very young asian girls. If I reply does it influence my SP or something? I am sorry if you feel annoied by my asking I am very unexperienced with things and words like here so I would very much appreciate if you or someone else would take a minute to help me out with this. Even in chat if it's preferable. And also pls if you like to visit and read my first post it would be really amazing as well....anyway I am going to follow bc I like your way of thinking on this matter. You know if you get into some dangerous life situation you always need to help yourself first in order to save lifes and thats a good rule for other life situations. It doesn't make you selfish. The more you have the more you can give and the more you can get. It's the intention behind our behavour which gives the meaning to our actions. If your intention is pure then it doesn't matter how many upvotes you give to yourself you will always balance it elsewhere. I think....Robert Kyosaki says always pay yourself first....I think it's good realistic rule. To many ppl out there are faking their kidness by always giving never taking....but again the intention is all which really matters. Have a blessed day Nika
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He and welcome to steem an crypto.
I like to send you here
I hope you enjoy your journey. There are also very well written guides in the steemit tab. I hope that helps. If I stumbel over one I will reply here again.
Dont rush yourself enjoy the ride
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Beautifully said about intention - I find steemit amazing and also confusing so I am going to focus my attention on it being "amazing" ...much love.
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Thank you...I think I feel same here....I'll wait and see what it will bring. I think it needs some time to get in 😁
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This is way more overthinking about upvoting than I have read in a post in a while lol. I upvote anything I can, I do it blindly as far as what my steem power or whatever that is, and I have never reset my percentage or what not where it gives a post more or less money, it will just give whatever I can at the time. I also throw @randowhale on other peoples posts AND my own posts too. There is enough real life issues, I know whenever I am upvoting someone on Steemit I am happily giving money to someone who is using Steemit like myself, the numbers will work themselves out, there will always be selfish people and people that take advantage of crap, but those people will probably be unhappy even if they were rich so it really doesn't matter.
I got a $20 comment the other day, and that is more valuable than most the posts I make, if I sat and over thought about that I would only be making comments on posts instead of doing my own content and it just seems like a negative path. Good post @flipstar , hope people tone down attacking other users on what they think or don't think this site should or shouldn't be, because Steemit is whatever you think the site is combined with every other person's using it vision of the site is, even if those two people don't agree
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live and let live
I like that a lot.
Yes I tend to overthink sometimes ;-) but I read an article before about this and just wanted to give my 2 cents about it.
Thanks a lot for reading and especially taking time to make such a comment. Those make my day
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Overthinking isn't a bad thing (well not all the time, I could overthink about this comment and re-word it but I better just move on lol). I'm glad you made the post, lot of newcomers to Steem it feels, plus hard fork does have a different frequency of posting from people I have followed for a while to new people I follow, so this stuff will come up until it is either automatically done for us or they just take the option away from us. I think the programmers left it like this on purpose to just mess with people.
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hmm taking away the option I totally dont like.
that would just create more self jerking off circles imo behind "closed" doors.
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I think the system needs a update, 10 votes are way to less and open the unfair play by the big players, I saw 80 Dollar comments with 3 words! We need 50 or 100 votes so that the power of one vote is not so big.
We small players hurt ourself by giving away the possibility to curate and find good content, by wasting votes for own comments. As you said, if you take the time to make a good comment then you have all right to give it a vote and a value, I see no problem in it.
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yes I think 10 votes are a bit to few also. I think 20 would be better and 100 a bit much since you can still scale your votes.
Well I mean this is still up to us or the minnows themselves right, if they want to curate or upvote themselves. And if you dont invest anything you cant be mad that you cant have all what the people have who are invested.
The more you risk the bigger your reward.
I dont agree with 3 word comments which get 80$ also. But nobody can stop them doing that. I think there are 3 kind of people here
-1 the minnows who start from nothing or next to nothing
imo they should not care about their votes too much anyways and more on commenting, making connections
also they have nothing at stake so they cant complain too much if they dont get too much but as they engage and grow they get more and more so instead of money they have to invest time and effort
-2 the people who are invested and willing to put in work to create followers and engage with the community
as I see it they are risking something, they have their money in the system for at least 3 month and putting in work, which should be rewarded
-3 people who are invested and just want a passive income but no real interest to build up or engage with the community
those are maybe the 3 words 80$ people not engaging but still risking something which will also deserves a reward
This is propaply too simplified but I hope you see were I am coming from( it is almost 1pm here and I am getting tired ;-) ).
But it is a system were everybody gets what he deserves I feel. Of course great content gets overlooked everyday but thats were consistency kicks in.
In the end you are free to vote on whatever you want and I think there will never be a solution were everybody will be happy.
Tbh I dont have a real solution to that. For myself I feel the fork felt very rewarding but of course the whales still hold the power as they are the biggest stakeholders. It is still a company after all in a way.
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Totaly agree to you.
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this is also a comment I would vote up myself maybe hahahah
but I am out of power for today
have a good night time to sleep here now in thailand
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ha ha ha !
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Well said!
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I actually just saw somehting like this as well, i saw someone post a photo of them with an ice creme cone saying they were going out for a walk
two lines
they upvoted their own thing and made $101
im personally not knocking them for it...
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Personally I find it not very fairplay. Upvote are contained ok but comments I prefer to let readers choose.
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as I stated I also see this from a investors perspective and I want to see it grow and especially beat the inflation.
If you have a big and engaged following you can give with open arms but for now most of my SBD and SP comes from my own votes. If in the future this would change I will vote more and more on otheres peoples content.
Also I do this a lot already. I dont have a ratio and as I wrote it changes daily.
As I dont want to put out just a picture of me sitting on the toilet just to be able to upvote something for myself I dont mind upvoting my comments.
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This is the kind of posts That I told you you should do. And definitively I love it. You are sharing your experience from an extremely sincere point of view, and that's amazing.
There's one post that actually got my attention in relation to this:
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I just saw his video this afternoon and it made me think also a lot about it (and actually made me buy some more steem).
This is also what I meant if you already have a big and engaged following you depend way less on your own votes and can give more carefree. If this is not the case you kind of have to look after yourself a bit since nobody wins if we both poor ( i know it doesnt work this way here)
thank you a lot of making me write this, it is to this point my most succesful post and I had fun writing it.
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After HF good content drowned in the sea of flood. People desperately trying to catch upvotes so post anything. I mean litteraly anything (I saw a picture of pooping cat on Steemit).
I don't see anything bad in upvoting your posts if its not a pooping cat lol
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I really hope the shit content gets filtered out. Thats what is flagging for imo.
Then I think it is even better to greet a newcomer and give your comment 100% votinpower then spamming shit like this
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A few others have brought up this point, It seemed that the consensus was about 25% self upvotes is appropriate, with the rest building the community. Obviously there are no rules on this...but that seems to be what some others are thinking.
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nobody will control what you you have been voting for and in the end it is up to you how you want to handle it.
As I said I am quite new here and still learning everyday and maybe next week I see it totally different but as for now I think thats fine.
I also think it is depenedable on your following. When you grind your way up to be a dolphin or whale, you will be very likely have a big following which will do the "voting for you". When you buy in and dont have a youtubechannel or whatever you start as a minnow just with more voting power but nobody cares what you write
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Great Article. Made some great points. I agree.
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thank you
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I completely agree with you except for the case where some guys:
1: only vote their own comments
2: make 10 posts a day without much content
But you already stated that so yeah, as i said, I agree with you!
Greetings :)
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This post received a 2.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @flipstar! For more information, click here!
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I do it lol but does it even help??
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well propaply depends on your steempower
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everyone is free to upvote what he wants to
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this is also true
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For some reason, It automatically upvotes my own comments...
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Im going to give a very strong "yay" on this one
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have a very strong thank you
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A thousand and one kind thanks to you
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@flipstar yeah dude the more steem u have more better for u i turned my 15sbd to 200 steem in last nights pump and dump in bittrex made more then 50 transections inbetween bittrex and steemit
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I am new to the community and still getting the hang of it. Please do share a few posts that can help me understand SP, SBD and other things.
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Hope this helps
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I am sry I dont have any bookmarked. But under the steemit tag should be plenty guides were everything is explained very well
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I feel there is no problem in upvoting one self specially when you have put a large part of your investment into Steem. Everyone in crypto needs an ROI otherwise why would be in it :). You paid for SP with your own money and I think you can indulge by upvoting yourself sometimes. I really see no problem in it. Upvoting oneself and contributing to the community are not mutually exclusive. One can do both.
I vote for myself too sometimes but I vote a lot for others too. I voted for your posts too. I am only at a few cents but even if I have more SP I am not going to stop voting for others and sometimes vote for myself
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Always vote for yourself.
This is an issue that has been on Steemit for ages https://steemit.com/steem/@steemrollin/steemit--do-you-vote-for-your-own-posts and the end result usually is not only do people feel you should vote for yourself, but it should be done automatically as well.
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Great investment @flipstar... you got the right way of thinking of upvoting yourself and other peoples comments. We just seen hF19 and only time will tell what the right strategies are, we all in the testing phase again lol.. Great Post my man!
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Liked your comments and am going to start voting myself number #1.
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As a newbie I appreciate your clarification on updates
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I believe it is OK to upvote your own content, as long as you aren't abusing it. I think it's fair to save 60% of your daily upvote power for the community.
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This post has received a 19.71 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flipstar.
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Great post! Stay for the community, and also for the money.. hehe. ;)
You are right, good content deserves some love and not just get drowned there.
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