Steemit Emptying With Price, but They’ll be Back

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hey guys,

Well Steemit has certainly emptied out now that the easy author rewards are gone, hasn’t it...

Check out the following chart:

STEEM/USD 4 Hourly


Yes it’s a horrible bear market.

Yes the overall trend is down.


No new lower low has been made!

They’ll be back soon enough. 💰😎


@forexbrokr | Steemit Blog

Market Analyst and Forex Broker.


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@forexbrokr want to understand about easy author rewards. I never heard about it and would appreciate if you can explain and make me understand about it.

Hopefully, can you explain what you mean by easy author rewards? I'm fairly new to steemit

The best thing is if the market don't make new lows, and start making Higher/Higher and Higher/Lows.

Yea, the bear market has affected everything, but just like you have said, they will soon be back :)