RE: How is @haejin and his sheep so ignorant?

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How is @haejin and his sheep so ignorant?

in steem •  7 years ago 

And that's an answer I'd be willing to reward. Thank you.

I can totally understand that many people cannot afford to invest. That is why I still haven't been able to reach a dolphin or whale status. If I could afford it, I would invest. It's that easy.

However, like you said. Followers of his are claiming to earn thousands of dollars per month. 10K. 50K etc. Yet, most of them have not bought any Steem power at all.

  • I think that is very odd.

And that he himself haven't bought a couple of millions worth of Steem Power is strange. With that power he would not have to ask others for their SP and he would be able to fight berniesanders with his own SP for starters.

On top of that, he would also be able to spread his wealth and support others, by upvoting their content and comments and he would also be able to reward himself even more.

But he doesn't seem to care about those things. I might be wrong here, but it seems to me that he is selfish. At least when it comes to Steemit.

And for being such a rich guy who doesn't care about the money, he shows the exact opposite when he is picking a fight with berniesanders.

The whole haejin-scenario is weird and strange. Everything about him and this scenario just feels odd.

Thank you for a superb comment though. I appreciate it! (That shows that there are haejin followers out there with a brain after all).

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I'll be honest . I have mixed faith in Steemit after seeing Bernie's manipulation of the Steemit. It is pretty clear in the terms of sevice that bots are not allowed.

Since the uncertainty surrounding the platform and Haejin's use, I've been exclusively tipping him directly to incentivize his posts. That's how I encourage it, and I will continue as long as he makes calls.

Read the entire sentence. In context there. Robots are not allowed if you are using them to extract data from the website.

That doesn't say you can't make an upvote robot.

Everyone is using bots. Most whales and/or dolphins have multiple accounts. 85% of the users pay for votes... Dolphins, whales and minnows.

I can't see why that makes bernie a bad person.

He's complaining somebody is gaming the system while gaming the system. It doesn't really matter to me (nor should it to you) that other people have bots, as that's not justification for what is going on. Haejin has fans. Call them whatever but I am one of those people and have seen 0 evidence that Haejin is using bots to game the system to the degree Bernie does, and it's clear to others that his success came from the use of bots and clearly not to the contribution of the community via posts of substance (probably why he hates on @haejin so much)

I have never said that I have anything against haejin and I've never said anything except that I don't personally believe that he is worth an average of $280 per post, 10 times per day. (When 90% of that money comes from 1 user).

That's my opinion, and I don't try to defend @berniesanders. (Trust me, he doesn't need my help.)

And I am still being flagged, by you and others... - Why is that?

You (and I'm not talking about you specifically. I'm talking about all the poeple who've been flagging me due to this haejin/bernie drama) are entitled your opinions and you demand that I should listen to what you say... But all of you ignore the things I say because you love haejin.

  • That's BS & a terrible approach.

I'm done with pathetic people like the ones who've been flagging me today.

I love Steemit and I have no problem to discuss and/or debate things. In a civilized manner. Until these flagging people starts to treat me with the respect I deserve as a person, I won't have any more discussion with such people.

Thank you :)