There are times in our lives when we go through very difficult times and the opinions that others have about us affect us much more than they should, we worry too much about what they say about us and today we will see this according to the life of Juan, who learned to make use of peace and strength even when there were difficulties.
Juan is 35 years old and always made an effort to express kindness, until one day he paid close attention to what people were saying about him. His colleagues were making negative comments about the way he worked. At the beginning of your comment, it caused some concern. Juan wanted to be seen as someone trustworthy and competent, but all the negative comments and opinions they had against him hurt his confidence and self-esteem.
He had a big challenge ahead of him, according to negative comments, instead of ignoring them, he decided to put into practice filtered listening, which consists of paying attention only to positive and constructive comments, while discarding those that were totally the opposite, thoughts that carried absolutely nothing positive. This allowed Juan to find an opportunity in the face of criticism from others, an opportunity to improve and grow constantly.
What did Juan do to overcome this fear of other people's opinions of him? Juan immediately began to remember all the good things, the achievements he had obtained in his best moments and the strengths he has to face them, this has allowed his self-esteem to recover and heal, Juan used a phrase daily that said "if I respect myself all the noise from the outside loses strength."
Juan also overcame this fear because day after day he thought and accepted that the people who gave him opinions were only seeing a small part of his life and everything these people said about him would not define who Juan is because Juan decided to be who he wants to be. In this way Juan began to see things differently, he had greater clarity in his objectives and sought support from those people who helped him improve, he surrounded himself with positive people and this helped him feel much more confident in himself and to continue forward even when the criticism did not end.
Throughout Juan's story we can learn that he learned something very important, which is that: what others say about us does not define who I am, it is only the perception of those people. In this way, he began to downplay people's opinions and focused on achieving greater growth and cultivating inner peace. All of this strengthened him exponentially, allowing him to achieve goals never before achieved.
Now my question is this: do you know anyone who has gone through or is going through a similar story to Juan's? Always remember this: your worth never depends on what other people say about you, you choose how you want to see yourself. Do you dare to apply what Juan applied to his life?