11000 Posts Thank you post

in steem •  7 years ago 

11K Posts Thankyou post

Today I wanted to show my gratitude to all my followers and friends on Steemit.com. I have been on the Steemit.com Platform since 2016 and met so many people all around the world, it has been such a great ride.

It has not been all great on Steemit.com, there were many fights of different group (there still is) but I am happy to not have any big disagreements with other users (I am actually to busy helping the JP community to grow at the moment)



These 2 pictures I shot in Berlin a while ago are the current state as I see Steemit.com (its still night) Once the sun raises I predict that we will see double digit Steem prices, that the point when everybody will come to join our awesome project. With 500K Users right now, anybody still has the chance to grow and be one of the top authors on Steemit.

Again Thank you guys helping me reach this milestone

How many post do you have in total ???

I am blogging about the following topics :

I travel the world (Travel and Restaurant Blog)
Exposed (Uncovering Stories you need to know)
Lifehacks (How to save money,etc) 
SPOTTED (Limited Edition Food, Drinks, Gadgets)
Steemperlen (German Version, Series Ended)
SQUEEZE (Interview Series) 
COOKED (10 Episodes Cooking Series)
Working anytime, anywhere (New series for freelancers)
Frequent Traveller (New series about Travel Hacks and FFPs) 
HEAVEN (NEW Luxury Travel Magazine)
German Sausages

ABOUT ME: Some insides into my Steemit life
Presented by TokyoM Ltd. Singapore

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wow...thats a lot of posts

Hahah I know!

if the year 2016, so my friend has 2 years in the world of steemit, congratulations good friends always in the game steemit, I am only 3.5 months, now I am a follower of a loyal friend, I upvote and resteem yes.

Dear friend, I really appreciate your support in this steemit world, all this would not have been possible without all of you!

my very best friend, in this world of steemit we really need a faithful friend, I am very grateful to knozaki2015, for having appreciated my comments, thanks again many friends.

congratulation for 11000 post

Thanks a lot my friend!

Congratulations! I have a out 2000 post already and I joined in January.

Man thats a good number, keep doing your best :)

SO nice picture....Thanks a lot for nice post.

glad you liked it pal :)

Congratulations! Its a big achievement ,thanks to share with us that people will be inspired from you.

Same here, all of you inspire me a lot to give my best!!

Wow 11000 post.!!!
Congratulations for this achievement

Its a lot right? :)
Thanks friend

I guess I am catching up 😂
Have been around the Steem blockchain for 125 days. This will be 2434th post!
Writing mainly about:

  • cryptomarket
  • steem related content
  • a little about my offline life
    And will start with some sports betting content!
    So far I do enjoy it here! Yes it has flaws but like you wrote the sun still needs to come up!
    I do believe that we need more interaction. We only average 2.5 comments per post which is ridiculous compared to other social media!
    Keep it going!

Hahah keep posting my friend and one day you will catch me im sure :)
I think the important part of steemit is writing and posting only about thinks that you love, the quality of the content is really good when you post about something that makes you happy :)

an heartly congratulations to you its realy been so epic ...your blogs always entertaining and gives us a lot of information .....coming blogs gonna to be on fire.....please check mine blogs too i have been inspired from you a lot

Dear @amanrazz, im really glad that I could inspire you in a positive way, thanks for your support :)
pd: I promise that when I get the time I will check it out!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@knozaki2015 photography very beautiful friend with you are one of pride for me

Dear @mimam, im super happy that I could inspire you in some way :)

thank you for his information because you are a good person so have no enemy, good job friends

My dear friend, its really a relief to get along well with everyone in this beautiful world of steemit :)


Congratulation for your achievement, you deserve it, I also hope to make an achievement like you. a pride for me get to know you who have long been in steemit.com.
Good luck @knozaki2015

Dear @akar-rumput, I really appreciate your support, all this would not have been possible without all of you, so thank you man :)

I wish you all the best.
Wish you could support me too

Hola amigo como estas me considero tu amiga y de verdad te doy gracias, son pocos los que sigo con los que siento que tengo una amistad y tu eres uno de ellos, 1100 publicaciones amigo eso es genial por lo menos yo admiro mucho tus buenas fotos y en cada viaje sabes que viajo contigo. Te felicito por el gran trabajo que haces en esta plataforma.
Amigo pasa por mi blog por favor publique sobre mi país Venezuela es algo muy pequeño pero quiero que lo veas

Jenni muchas muchas muchas gracias, tu tambien considero mi amiga querida porque siempre eres muy amable y buena. Espero que estas muy bien y contenta, feliz y que estas bien en tu vida. Estes feliz querida Jenni muchas gracias one more time :)

Congratations, I have 2007 post for now. One day I will get to your height.

11,000 is really huge

Im sure my friend, keep posting and well meet very soon :)

I've done 11000 posts. Could you imagine having 11000 seperate bits of post in the morning through the letter box?

for this comment I will punish you by making another post featuring you!


毎日色々な投稿 色んなところにアンテナ張っているところ尊敬します♥

Oh mine mine... This is huge!


I know haha :)
Thanks a lot!

wow, my friend is a good person in this steemit, and i have followers @knozaki2015, new time join in this steemit, have followed you, still not feel disappointed with you, good luck my friend always and in good health always @knozaki2015, and do not forget me, my best friend, and if a friend does not believe my words, please check your old post, and see if there is my coment in my friend post.

Dear @masril, you are also a good person, you have always shown me your support and im super greatful!
I hope you are doing fine, always stay positive and happy no matter what you do :)


Feliz llegada, a 11000 publicaciones, se escribe fácil, pero cuantas historias compartidas, cuantos seguidores a lo largo de ese increíble, numero mágico, en realidad soy nueva seguidora y fans de tus publicaciones, sobre todo lo que se refiere a los viajes y comidas, contigo he disfrutado a lo largo del poco tiempo que tengo siguiéndote. Más de una vez he disfrutado viendo tus publicaciones, y siento que he conocido muchos lugares a través de ti.Eres mi ejemplo a seguir cuando me desanimo, me contestas de una manera que renueva mi fe y esperanza de crecer en esta gran red, y me das mucho animo sobre la situación país que estamos atravesando los Venezolanos. Por sus frutos los conoceréis, dice una de las parábolas de Jesucristo, y te conozco con la humildad y la sencillez de contestar cada uno de los mensajes y apoyar a los que te siguen. De mi parte recibe un gran abrazo en la distancia, amigo, @knozaki

Mi humilde regalo para ti, la inmensidad del mar que nos separa (Playa de Chuao, en Aragua, Venezuela.)

Querida Perlana, me gustaria poder hablar escribir el espanol mas bueno para poder responder a un mensaje tan lindo con mucho mas detalles. Me alegro que digas que el post mios te dan felicidad porque es muy bueno para mi saber que puedo tener un impact en ti :)
Espero que acompanes muchas aventuras mias mas!!
Tu foto es hermosa, el mar que nos separa es muy hermoso!
Muchas gracias por tu support, eres una grande persona!!

Whaoo this is great 110000 you simply a steemit legend grate work

Thanks a lot my friend, its because of the support you all give me that reached this number!!

That is indeed a great milestone achieved.The images are indeed very great.

My post counts to 13 k plus ;)

Dear @rehan12, thats a big number my friend :)
Thanks for your comment!!


Thanks a lot dear @yadamaniart

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your help, both personally and with the Japanese community.

Congratulations on 11k. That's a lot of work.

Hope to meet someday. 🍻

Brother you are welcome, always happy to help :)
Thank you for your support!!
me too pal

11000 Posts おめでとうございます。🎊


Hi,Congrats :) Please support me I am new bloger :) see my profile when you can

Dear @redas121, thanks a lot! I promise you that when I get the time I will check it out :)


Thank YOU!!

I want to be like you in your steemit so my role model may be more successful and can post more

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Congratulation, dear @knozaki2015!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinen 11k Postings, was für mich ein sehr bemerkenswerter Termin ist.

Du, als Gründungsmitglied der Guild #deutsch, bist einer der wichtigsten Männer unserer Community. Alleine das zu wissen, ist schon ein Privilleg und selbst zu den 2016–er Steemians zu gehören, die als erste von deinem genialen Schachzug profitiert haben, ist für mich persönlich eine kleine, historische Sensation.

Vielen Dank für dein segensreiches Wirken auf dem Steem, das sich für mich persönlich zu sehr angenehmen und lukrativen Bedingungen hin entwickelt hat. Du bist für mich einer der Großen und ich sollte dich wirklich mal öfter voten. Wenn ich doch auch so herumreisen würde, wie Du! Dann wären deine Artikel auch genau das Richtige für mich.

Ein Glück, dass mir dieses Jubiläums–Posting nicht durch die Lappen gegangen ist. Du weißt schon, das solcherart Postings in der Guild nicht gerne gesehen waren, bzw nicht gevotet wurden? Ich bin hier gelandet, weil mich @freiheit50 in diesem Artikel zwar gevotet, aber angekäst hat über Artikel, die man besser nicht schreibt. Freiheit50 hat Eure Regeln noch voll im Blut! Was für ein Glück!

Noch einmal: Gratulation, lieber Knozaki2015 und Danke!