Technical Analysis Proves That STEEM Will Either Go Up or Down! Click Here To See More ... Charts Provided! FREE!

in steem •  7 years ago 

Technical Analysis Proves That STEEM Will Either Go Up or Down! Click Here To See More ... Charts Provided! FREE!

STEEM is on the path to the moon ... or possibly not...

Things have been going absolutely crazy in the crypto world lately. Even STEEM is not immune to the wild market swings.

This is the STEEM / USD (calculated chart) for Bittrex

Isn't it obvious?

Here, take a look at this selection of data

The varied trading follows a zig zag verticular pattern with an angling convergence. I know I know .. "Thanks, Captain Obvious!"

If we continue further, we will see even more bullish signals

Through the completion of the triple down triangle amplification in the midsection of the trough, we can tell that the price swing is just beginning. STEEM is on track to some value tomorrow that may be different than today's value.

The trajectory is insane ..

By superimposing the Charlie Lines and Circle, we are able to track the ACTUAL growth to be expected. If you haven't already purchased STEEM, what are you waiting for ?

Finally, we can piece everything we learned together

The addition of the black line indicating the peak influence immulsification dilation proves that something will happen. Most likely.

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Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**

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The addition of the black line indicating the peak influence immulsification dilation proves that something will happen. Most likely

hahaahahaha the best chart and explanation ever

from this chart i can see that ejaculation to the moon will happen really soon hahahaha

ohhhh fuck, I spit my beer over my keyboard laughing!!!!

That. Was. Beautiful.

Aww I'm so blessed! Thanks for the support. I love your content too.

Fuck The System!

My analysis clearly indicates with consensus that the consensus of my analysis is clearly indicated ! ... more news at 11:00 Phil & Stacy !!

I'm still laughing, how could I not support that hahaha! You're a bloody riot.

Steemit saves you years in the psychology classroom

Imagine the rich people watch us? We're such CUTE pets

so whats gonna happen now

Amazing thanks for sharing this content .if visit to blog i will very thankful
Merry Christmas enjoy you holidays.

What's this @netuoso, are you drinking the heydjinn kool-aid these days?

People have made a lot of money on my predictions.

I am up voting this cause I love sarcasm. That is all.

Esas personas que se roban las ideas o las propuestas ya antes planteadas son fracasadas a futuro como persona, ya que no tienen imaginación e inteligencias para diseñar o crear algo por si solos

Asi será.

@netuoso you are such a legend! I am still having a good laugh.

I'm new to this would you say that it's better to buy steem coin over steem dollars? Thank you for your time sorry if you've already answered this in the post

@ranchorelaxo should upvote this gold nugget of wisdom.

"hey-djinn"..... fuck that was beautiful...

Somebody noticed


of course i will... LOL

He is a genius! i only joined Steemit to follow his advice!

sad you joined for that reason alone...

The art of sarcasm is a really fine one,sir...

I know :P Sir, imma Kid dude... Remember?:)


I'm going to buy some right now !!!!! thanks for the great charts, TA and EW my friend. This is amazing. I joined Steemit because of your analysis.

You joined Steemit because of me?

Shit. I hope I don't let you down!

Too bad. Was hoping my dick charts sold you.

I forgot this was my first one.

Hahahah It was awesome dude! You had @lyndsaybowes and I almost crying we were laughing so hard. :) Thanks man

someone said dick charts

This thread is gold 😂😂

That's so priceless @battleaxe!

lol, thank you kindly :)

Nice post, i am following you and i vote your post, please i am new here follow me and upvote my post. Thanks

hahahahaha literally a couple of minutes ago i was thinking to create a parody like that too hahahaha i hope more people to see this, more people need to see this. Now what's left is to post in another hour again :P

Never expected the outpouring of serious comments. I am going to do this a few more times and see if the humor lives on. Once it looses its freshness I will give up.

Got to mine those rewards. Only way we can compete with the "pros".

Please, do.
This is way more interesting to read than that other shitstorm.

I was thinking of doing a parody like that as well, but when @netuoso does it--it is way funnier because he has enough clout and followers to get upvotes. These upvotes drive up the reward for the post which helps illustrate the absurdity of what is happening right now.

Your analysis is flawed... Price may NOT go up or down, but may stay the same for a long time 😜

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Follow for follow is not the way to succeed on Steemit. Write good content, build your network and people will follow you for your quality.

:-D hahahaa yeah omnipotent baby! Love it!


Clearly based on your in depth analysis the market appears to be gently probing to find the right spot. It appears that the tip is pushing forward, just a little bit, just to see how it feels.

LOL Have ya been samplin the mulberry squeezin's again???

Sarcasm at its finest! The first pic looks like one of my 5 year olds drawings! Market will go up or down by tomorrow at noon. Hehehehehe

Still it does the job regardless his drawing skills :D He presented what he wanted on a very creative way

Funniest shit I've seen the whole day, thanks for the laugh! :)

From my point of view, Steem will be flying high and I'm late and I think he has come in 2018
We will see it in a special wish for more than $ 10
What do you think you are. @netuoso

The price tomorrow might be different from the price today

Of course no one controls the market
But we hope to steem big numbers that reach very large bro

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If the volume picks up with this move, we are going up :) and that one with trajectory HAHAHA

That's a straight penis shot right there! My favorite TA signal, no homo.

Hahaha haejin-arious :D

lol helarious :)

OK ... STEEM to the moon.

I love your analysis and your chart representation. This is the best time to invest in Steem. I really believe in your prediction.
Thanks for sharing this

Which one of the technical formulas did you enjoy the most?

The second one; Imulsification dilation

Ah yes. This is a trading methodology created by the great Lars Scina at MIT.

That's pretty cool.

Nice post, i am following you and i vote your post, please i am new here follow me and upvote my post. Thanks

Hahhaha, That is hilarious. The funny part is that a person can basically profit more by just drawing the lines and acting like everything is going up. Then the people who are invested will be reaffirmed....... LOL

I have upvoted a few of the elliot wave things on coins I was already invested in..... but yeah Technical analysis is BS for all practical purposes especially in crypto.

Hahaha you killed me nice one !

Sir, can you update us on Steem's TA plz.

I would love if after this post the price of Steem would stabilize to the current value and stay there forever.

Phenomenal analysis. @netuoso clearly is the master in all of this.

I think the tri-angular semi-trigonometric radial curve signal you see in his first graph is indicative of STEEM rising to $4.321 then falling down to the price -3.

You can analyze it all you want,but when some whale starts his pumping bots,then will go up.It will happen,sooner or later.No need for analytics. :)

Umm my charts are expert trading guidelines here and can be used by anyone. No whales necessary!

This trading methodology is called "The Elongated Member"

Not the Pinocchio effect?

Clearly your calculations already factor in the use of pumping bots...

Your analysis seems most likely true. It’s been acting Bullish lately and I hope it does rise abnormally in a short time. We’re in for greatness.

My analysis is most definitively true. Can't you see this?

Lol I can. But anything is bound to happen that’s why I used “likely”.

I like you

Lol you must. Good analysis btw.

My analysis is good. It's the best analysis. The one thing about my analysis is the fact that it is indeed very not bad.

Hehehe. I like how you defend your point. I’m not against it anyways. There’s much potential to your analysis. We stand a change to gain. 😉

Make technical analysis great again

Alright cut it out. @andrekweku in case you haven't realized it yet, this post is a parody. Can't you see the penis and testicles drawing? And that chart analysis that doesn't make sense whatsoever? 😂

😂😂 I thought as much.

He's been pulling your leg LOL

Lol. Thanks for pointing it out to me. Let me even follow you.. heheh

Wow, very good. You are one of the few that really understands technical analysis. LMAO.
btw the price can go sideways aswell.

@netuoso, are you a witness? I'm voting for you right now! This is very helpful and solid argument. Shet, I did make a loud fart in front of my dog following my compulsive laughter reading this brilliant technical analysis.

I need to read this again because it's a little more technical my nose is bleeding by those fancy jargon you use, particularly the superimposing the Charlie Lines and Circle and angling convergence.

Punyeta! This is a pretty much badass analysis. But wait, watch me. I will surpass your technical skills.

I have talked to Deepak Chopra regarding this matter. And he told me that it is also possible to analyze the pattern using Quantum Entanglement at the Event Horizon leading to the unexpected collapse of the wave-particle superposition.

I am indeed a witness. And I lost a vote from this post!!! I'm off to go drink myself happy again

Lmao! But wait a minute, we need your daily updates on TA. FYI, I only joined Steemit in order to follow your advice.

I will vote you now to replace the subtracted one. Lol

this is professional but the news play a big role than technical analysis from my point of view

I have studied TA for 42 seconds to be able to bring this formula together. I am extremely exhausted


I laughed pretty hard at this, hahaha

nice chat, really helpful

Wow.... it's Amazing bro....

Unfollowed, downvoted, and you just lost a witness vote.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good riddance. If you can't take a joke, you should REALLY not be supporting me.

Pssssst.. I never took a side here. It is called satire. A parody. Poking fun at a situation that so many people are taking so fucking seriously. Kind of made evident by you thinking I give a fuck about this besides the memes.

I wanted to get an idea why this post hurt your rear end so much .. I found this ...
Screen Shot 2017-12-21 at 11.16.24 PM.png

Lmfao, get out of here with your begging bullshit.

Kind of made evident by you thinking I give a fuck about this besides the memes.

Uh, no -- your giving a fuck about this is made evident by you putting the time in to create this attack post. You can call it satire if you want; this was my earliest remembered lesson: my dad said "you can call it anything you like, but people aren't going to understand you."

"Begging"? LOL, you seem to also lack reading comprehension.

@haejin rewarded me with a free half-hour consult, but I wanted to give it to someone else. That's when I sent him that 1 SBD. If that's begging, you're twisted.

I requested a coin to be analyzed, with the other tiny send. I did it this way because he had communicated with me this way, thanking me for my upvote, as you can see in the screencap you so generously spent your time on. "Begging", you're a hoot.

I did talk to him for a half hour last weekend, after he rewarded me with a second half hour. Great talk, actually we went over, spent 45 minutes or so.

Lmfao, get out of here with your begging bullshit.

Right back atya, sir!

So again .. you further my point. You are emotionally involved in this situation through your "connection" with your buddy. I am not.

This post took me less time to make than frying three thick bacon strips with a couple of eggs and two slices of buttered toast. Damn, making myself hungry.

I think your downvoting and unvoting me and being a meanie beanie is more of an attack than my silly chart. Btw, my prediction held true ...

As far as me saying you were begging, eh, maybe you aren't. Maybe you put your money where your mouth is. Maybe a cat shits in the woods. Maybe a lot of things. What are we talking about?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Are you seriously asking me why I spend time participating on Steem Mr(s) 43k SP holder?

Why waste your time commenting to me?

Why do you post about religious shit on Steem?

Your motivations are CLEAR!

Do you not grasp that I am just having fun here? You are internalizing the damage based on the fact that you were bullied growing up.

(I'm not a bully, despite the dick chart .. that shit is just FUNNY, dammnit)

On a serious note ... my full time job is Steem, programming, marketing, making websites, and generally working for myself. If I can make money on a joke post (I didnt expect I would but it appears when this post pays out, at current rates, it will top ~$850.

I just may continue posting this kind of stuff (satire relating to ridiculous Steem based drama) if it keeps paying out with literal gold bricks.

LOL, @netuoso's the king— also his trigonometric curve radial analysis in the first graph shown is very deep. Further analysis on the up and down waves can help triangulate the price of Steem /s

@libertyteeth I'm not sure what the argument is but it's pretty clear @netuoso's just trolling/joking around :) Just have fun!

Hmm... You are talking to a friend of mine. He is a very sensitive and caring person. I am not sure why it gives you so much joy to hurt people, but surely you realize that you do not hurt dicks, they are dicks and do not get hurt. You hurt sensitive people. It makes me sad that you find that entertaining. Just sayin'

Your very sensitive and caring friend of a person responded to my post with an attack, calling me out for something I am not doing, and by unvoting and flagging me.

Yeah, I am going to go out on a limb and say he doesn't seem so caring. But of course that would be my opinion.

If you are hurt by a joke post like this, I really suggest you just mute me and quit reading my blog. I didn't attack anyone. No one needs a safe space here.

Quit making this more than it is; satire.

If the person I was making the parody about is being "hurt" by my words while they make $30k a day then maybe they should use some of their money for therapy and gaining self esteem.

It is called self esteem because only YOURSELF can control it.

I came to this post while reading one of your friend's posts in which he said that @netuoso accused him of being a woman.

I was curious what he found so insulting about being mistaken for a woman.. what insult was leveled that made it an accusation.

What I found was @netuoso being aware that he might be addressing someone of either gender and used Mr(s) to avoid offense.

Seems the only sensitivity your friend has is due to overly thin skin that looks for offense where none is given.

The post is satire, a form of humour that borders on real while not being real. Usually should be best read with people with a sense of humour and apparently thicker skin.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hehehhehehe that's definitely the best analysis I have read in a while and I must say... It makes much more sense than the usual stuff. I will be following for more! @logic brought me here btw

Good Post☺☺☺

But no crypto currency is stabiel

Nice post, i am following you and i vote your post, please i am new here follow me and upvote my post. Thanks

really like it, man. its entertaining.

I think this also applies to real life. Thank you for the headache ... :)

great post. Thanx a lot :)

Hmmm. Sometimes I like the lines and colors. Other times I try to apply the analysis. In other words, I agree :)


up it is...

Do you personally think its gonna go up or is it gonna go down ? Always enjoying reading your articles.


I honestly just shit my pants ;)
When you read this post, you know there is more talent on this platform. Sarcasm, grumpysteempolice and wistleblowers just made my entire freaking month! Cheers. I followed and liked "him" in the past. Because I trade myself (and use trade signals) and wanted to see what he could bring. But so much greed, I cannot believe.

Do you need new pants?

I always need new pants. Free international shipping?

That was truly some excellent analysis.
The yellow lines say it all...

Steem will 100% guaranteed, go up or down!

Not the technical analysis we asked for but definitely the technical analysis we worth.

Your use of that quote fits well alongside these charts. Thank you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


My god you just made me make millons right this instant! Thank you for you selfless and giving wisdom!
You are the most intelligent Crypto analyst to ever live!


Brilliant analysis! LOL

Wow, r you serious... Definitely price rose and fall but I am sure SBD won't fall more than 12 and it would rise back up in 6hrs most after it falls to 12

Your information is of the same quality as mine. Keep up the good work.

Thank you... Following you and upvoting


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are really retarded dude. Open a math book or even better read the books haejin recommends.
ALL mathematics are easily explained when applied, what haejin does is some kind of geometry, if you apply the theory it's simple te explain it in 2 sentencces and some draws. The hard part is applying it. If you want to know how much 325 * 785 does you can easily know by using a calculator and answer people with 252770. If you do not, have a calculator you need paper and pencil and make the math, then just make the same answer to people : 252770. You can even show them what you have written, and it will make sense to people that understand what you were doing. You just do not know the math theory behind his charts, so you think it's easy made and useless. But it is'nt and it's for free, it implies that your post is not really funny in this context.
Applied to chart analysis in general could maybe be a lol ...

It's a joke dude. Try not to turn into a sensitive ball of mush. Try to just laugh and move on.

This post is brilliant. Definitely linking it up. Thanks for the inspiration!


I too am sure that with a little massaging, the candles will become more erect and spit out a lot of profit😜

I completely agree. I see too many of the TA posts, that reach the conclusion that Coin X is either going up or going down.

I try to comment on the insightfulness of the analysis, whenever I see that BS posted.

Particularly infuriating to see all the accompanying comments - GREAT ANALYSIS !!

Dude, that coin is so last year, be sure to get into this ICO, it's right up your alley



I would like to see an additional graph illustrating your predictions,in a white-ish or cream color to indicate hypotheticality, you've indecated that there could be a good spread. Perhaps we will see it shoot to the moon, or there could be a series of downward candlesticks dripping down the drain. Come what may

this is really great analysis.

ahahahah :D Hilarious! I am pretty sure you will get this right...
Those charts show exactly what will happen, or is happening... It will be down or eventually up for sure, but for now it's down, just like your last chart! ahahah ;)

you didn't mention anything about the frog fractal formations mimicking the clouds. How do you trust a guy who doesn't see the obvious frog-leap formation ?!

lol, the charts analysis is so amazing, that yellow cock is obvuisly trying to show us how steem will grow to infinity, or not. Thanks for your valuable info, you forgot to ask to follow and upvote and resteem, or not.

Best technical analysis EVER!

ha ha!

If I have entertained you feel free to share that final witness vote you have ;) No pressure but if you don't do it I will probably just quit Steem for Facebook!!

But what if that shit don't go up or down, but straight sideways?

@netuoso, You should write another article immediately in which You prove that analysis was perfect prediction. The market has chosen to go up or down - as You predicted! Great AT skills so far ;)



Good to see my suspicions about the veracity of tech analysis were confirmed..excellent!


I have made sooooo much money off your projections!!

Thank you @netuoso!!!

follow me, @asnawi93

10/10 would hire you as Chief TA and Hedge Fund Manager.

Thank you for the post, I have learned a lot of great info from your works!


I am an @haejin follower, and coming from technical analysis this post made me laugh soo hard! I really needed that! :)

Now I understand what others see when they read one of @haejins posts, this was hilarious and still very thought provoking!

Very well written and super creative!

Wow this is unbelievable.. I think the post $ is well I can make a correct choice to seel all my steem....;-)

The distinct phallus pattern is worrisome. Time to sell? ;)

So beautiful..

I like the way you think! Reminds me of a Mel Brooks movie and his theory of yes or no:

Price will go up, or price will go down! :D

I'm just going to opt out of a big yellow dick......thanks.

That means steem is going to stick it to all the other currencies and the system and it's going to shoot something alright!!, hahahahahaha , really hilarious!!

Super bien m gusta este tema. Es real

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

For real?


am new i followed and voted for u, pls upvote me also. thank you

Lol. you have no idea how many people will come up "enlightened" just reading the building up of this dick charts. if they don't know the reference, they wont get the joke and they just think they're in a serious lecture room.

Steemit is truly a great place to have some great laughs!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment