One up, One Down Steemit Networking Challenge #1

in steem •  6 years ago 

Fancy a way to meet new people right here on Steemit and not on discord? I have a new challenge to help you grow your network, your reach and your support here on Steemit.  The name of the game is One up, One Down.

Yesterday on the Redfish Power UP League posts I received this wonderful suggestion from @bashadow

“For everyone trying to grow, you all know how hard it is to grow. Take the opportunity this list provides,  and visit the person above and below you on the list, see if they have a piece of content you can vote on. Once a week supporting each other in this manner, you will all benefit, and you may find someone with like taste and content you like.”

My response was simple

“wish I had more to upvote this comment. In next weeks posts I am going to quote this from you. Thank you”

And the reply from @bashadow

“We sometime have a tendency to overlook what's right out our front or back door, (one above, one below), I just thought that they all want to grow, that by helping each other just a little bit, they help themselves also. “

But I could not wait until next week to include this in the redfish post, because it sparked so many ideas in my head, that I have now come up with the One up, One Down Steemit Networking Challenge.

Each week I will create a One up, One Down Steemit Networking Post and its up to you to get involved. 

The aim is to get to know new people, make new friends and contacts, find new content and show support to others trying to network and grow just like you.

The weekly post will contain a question, something for you to answer in the comments.  Then you must look at the commenter above you and below you.  Drop them a vote and visit their profile.  Say hi to each other and network.

Everyone that takes part in the comments below will also get a vote from me and I will visit each persons blog over the week.  

This weeks question

If there is one place in the world you have not had the opportunity to visits but would love to, where would it be and why?


You must visit the comment by the person above you, and below you.

You must vote on their comment and leave them a reply

You must visit their profile and see if they have a piece of content you can vote on

You can resteem this post to reach more people and help this idea flourish

  Are you ready? One up, One Down, lets network and grow together  


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For some reason, Steemit keeps giving an error message when I try to upvote this post. I tried from my phone also, same message :(

Then just upvote a comment

ha ha love it...nice one

I'm not really laughing about the fact that both his comments are on top of the comment section 🤔

lol @zahir52 I do hope you have upvoted other comments to support growth and not just your own :-)

i really want to visit Europe. I made it to London a couple of years ago, but it was a work trip and I wasn't able to visit the continent.

You definitely should visit! Europe is so diverse. There is something for everybody :)

Europe is very large. Don't you want to visit some specific countries? Or cities?

If you want to visit whole Europe I would say you need at least 6 months. Otherwise you can only wave to all the sightseeing points from your bus.

I suggest Paris. Because there is really a lot to see and good food.

I love to go to Paris someday. It is called the city of Love right?

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Yes that's right!

So you should bring your girlfriend/boy friend of you ever go to Paris.
And don't forget your wallet 😬

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Haha the last one is the most important advice. Forgot to bring wallet is one of tje worat thing could happen during travelling @crypto-economy1st.

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haha love it. Do you know I was not mad about Paris, did seem some wonderful things but I didnt like the food

Why didn't you like the food @paulag?

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I don't know, i am not normally so fussy. It was over 10 years ago and would you believe its my biggest memory of the trip, that I didn't like the food lol.

Maybe you should give the food another try again after 10 years. Who know that now it is better.

On one hand it's beautiful. I was led around by a local, so that probably helped a lot.

On the other hand I'm not the biggest fan of French people. They tend to be not the most kind people on earth. At least some of them aren't.

I really want to visit Europe. I made it to London a couple of years ago, but it was a work trip and I wasn't able to visit the continent.

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Hey, @josephsavage.

My wife is really interested in going to Europe, too. As I've told some others here, she really wants to visit some castles. Not sure why. :)

If we went, I'd really like to go to places along the Mediterranean. I'm thinking it would be nicer weather through there and lots of good food. I suppose there's plenty of that regardless of where you go in Europe. Good food I mean.

Any chance you'll get to go anytime soon? Or is this something that will take some time to work toward?

Not sure on timeline. We've talked about going for our five-year anniversary, which is three years away. We have a lot tied up in crypto, though. So a good bull run could open some possibilities even sooner.

Oh, wow. Two years married, eh? At least, I'm guessing that's the anniversary you're talking about. Sounds like a great idea.

Well, I keep hearing there's supposed to be some kind of run up taking place the closer we get to the end of the year. They seem pretty confident about it, too, so who knows. The fun is trying to figure out when the bull run is going bear so you can get some out at the top.

Well, I hope one way or another it all works out for you.

I keep hearing that too, but it's been a little slow to start. To be honest, I think there is still tax overhang. The 'smart money' filed extensions instead of filing taxes, to see if the guidance around crypto profits clears up at all. Technically the money is still due right away, but the 'penalties' for late payment are minimal if you pay within the six-month extension period.

Which means there are still traders taking profits (or waiting for a little recovery to take profits) to cover their taxes. That won't really clear up entirely until mid-October.

Asher lives in the mediterranean

Yeah, I threatened a while ago to just crash at his place if I somehow made it there. The southern part of California has a similar climate, which is very nice (we lived there for four years, give or take), so I'm thinking I'd like the weather a lot.

My sister has been to Ireland, my mother has been to Poland and other countries in Europe. I've been to France once for a school exchange. There are a lot of nice places to visit. My mother prefers the no guide route, where she decides on the spur of the moment where to go, where to stay, how to get there and what to do next. My dad preferred the guided tour way and to plan things out in advance. When my parents were still together is when they went to Europe. It must have been an interesting trip lol but my mom has very fond memories from visiting many countries there.

I really enjoy guided tours for the way they remove the hassle of planning everything. I also like to take my time and explore, but I tend to do less touristy things when I go that way. Like visiting little cafes or spending the whole afternoon in a record store or art gallery instead of going to the major attractions.

Sometimes you can find little gems just chilling in local areas rather than sightseeing. Both are fun to do.

Do you know I have never done guided tours. Now with two kids, most of our holidays are 'resort' and 'waterpark' holidays

Makes sense. Waterparks are fun for kids. I remember going to Merine Land as a kid, it was fun. My mom used to freak out on the little lady bug ride, screaming more than us lol

Europe - some parts are awesome heheheh Ireland is the best place

I spent a lot of my younger years in Scotland, which I've heard people say it quite similar, but I bet Ireland is a lot more green and less barren. My ex-husband's family is from Donegal, but I never made it yet. I should try to get there one day. It's just on my doorstep after all.

just on your doorstep and you have never been, well that is a pity really. Maybe one day :-)

Ireland is one of the places that my wife most wants to visit.

Ireland is one
Of the places that my wife
Most wants to visit.

                 - josephsavage

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

You are lighting up the steemits @paulag.

Africa. I spent 2 months there many years ago and I experienced more freedom there than anywhere else including the "free world" where I live such as Australia, USA and UK.

however, the price of freedom is vigilance. It is much more dangerous where there is true freedom. The price of the high level of safety we have in the west is some freedom.

Africa, my sister went there, lucky f**ker. Defo put that on my list.

I hope you get back to posting more often on steemit. Since you seem like a world traveler. Perhaps photographic and telling story behind them might be a great place for you.

While it's getting old I often refer people to look for comment on this blog Beach Wednseday that shares a lot of the different photo challenges and tags they use. Some might still be a thing and going strong. That is just one way to get back into the swing of things while having an idea about a photo to share.

I’m sure many would love to hear more about your trip to Africa and other locations you have gone to if any around the world.

I’m not really a meditate kind of person but some people are really into that. You might just need to find the right community here on steemit to get that kind of posts more exposure if you expand on that. Many are always looking for a way to deal with stress and just be more of a happier person on steemit. A lot these days seem to be rather overstressed and even depressed from how the cryptocurrency markets have been this summer.

I hope your meditation course went well in Santa Rose. Have a wonderful week!

Hi @enjar nice to read your message. I actually have a blog in the works for when I was younger. I bought a little airplane in the US and flew it home to Australia. When I get a moment I'll finish that one and get it posted.

There is a QOTW from @ecotrain this week about whether there is too much freedom in the Western World and you have just given me some inspiration on what to write as part of my answer.

Hi @hopehuggs thanks for stopping by. I look forward to reading your post. Perhaps you can link to it here to make it easier to find?

I will start the answers - I would love to go to China. Why? well there is so much I would like to see. I cant imagine the scale of some of the cities and I would love to see the wall and experience some of their cultures. Its so far away from Ireland, it would just be amazing to go there.

I hope you wish come true :)
Hei, did you ever heard about indonesia?

before I started on steemit I didn't know anyone from Indonesia and yes I would now LOVE to visit

Hey @paulag...

kami tunggu kedatangan mu nyonya di negeri saya "indonesia". pastinya disini anda dimanjakan oleh pesona surga. alam yang hijau dan laut yang biru. dan masih banyak lagi ibu. satu lagi, disini semua murah senyum.

we are waiting for you to visit my country "Indonesia". Surely here you are spoiled by the charm of heaven. green nature and blue sea. and many more mothers. one more, here all smiles.

from Google translation

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that sounds amazing and because I have made so many friends , it would be even more amazing

bukan sekedar kedengaran saja loh @paulag. ini memang realita... steemit ini memang membuat ikatan perkenalan bukan sekedar sebangsa. tapi se dunia. si pencipta steemit memang luar biasa. terimakasih @ned dan yang membantu. Ini sangat berguna

not just sounds like @paulag this is indeed a reality ... this steemit does make the introductory bond not just a countryman. but the world. the creator of steemit is amazing. thank you @ned and who helped. this is very useful.

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It is always interesting to get acquainted with other customs and traditions of the countries in which we come. In China, probably a lot of very interesting and unusual for Europeans :)

I would say super unusual, thats why I would love to go. Most of Europe is the same and the only time i left Europe was to Russia

@paulag, In this case, after Russia it will be a contrast for You :)

Visiting the Great Wall in China is a good idea.
Just don't forget an oxygen mask, when you go to China.
The air pollution is very bad in certain places, like Beijing.

Oh, yeah, I heard that too. I've seen some pictures here on our platform that reflected this fact
but, still, the desire to see this country and its attractions is not lost, heh

China sounds amazing. I have worked with some great people from there.

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@josephsavage I love china culture, his medecine and now how they are changing the politics runing to a market economy.

Dont miss the Yangtse River cruise

Shanghai in China is an advance city. A must visit place for technology. The standard of living is totally different from my country.

The only place I would love to visit is North Pole since no country owns it.

I definitely recommend the coastal areas as they are shopping havens. Of course, having a local guide would be great, then again, I'm sure you can find someone on Steemit!

You should go by feet or bike from west to east. That way you can enjoy China really long 😋😜

Seriously you are right, I also want to go there one day. To see a few things like the Terra cotta army.

OMG, I'm tempted to say that @bashadow is a genius. And so are you @paulag for immediately exploring the idea and bringing it to us.

I´m so curious to press "Post" and see who is the kind person above and below me!

I almost forgot to talk about the question of the day...
I´m still young so I have a lot of places to use as answer, but right now I would say England as my next target when I travel.

I'd definitely second England, but then I have to as that's where I'm from. Seriously, England is a great place, London is one of the cosmoplitan cities in the world, and the rest of the country has so much history and beautiful open spaces.

Exactly, you just pointed some of the reasons that make me wanna travel there.

Dont be tempted, lets just shout it out @bashadow is a genius

England is only across the water for me, you should try Ireland instead :-)

Ye, and probably Iceland too. I have a lot of places in mind, I just need time and some money in the pocket to start making some of those trips.

there is one place that I want to visit now and that is still in my dream, Dubai, the country of Dubai where almost all of the world's people are now gathered in this oil-rich country, you know why I want to go there, because my brother lives there and I haven't met again with him in a very long time, I really miss him. maybe some of you guys will take me there, really i will be very grateful. one more why is Dubai ?, because the scenery there is so beautiful as seen on television,thank you @paulag for this opportunity😁

Hi, @mrday. I've heard a lot of good things about Dubai. Never been, but it would be one of the middle eastern cities I would like to visit. For you, to see your brother would be the best part. You probably should start planning to get there, so more time doesn't pass.

Hi @glenalbrethsen , at first I think this is impossible, because I think too much, true as you say, do not waste time, I should be there, maybe our tastes are the same, thanks for being part of this, then what about you ?, maybe we can go together to Dubai, I can not wait to see my brother, the moment that I look forward to long ago

I'm interested in Dubai, but getting there is going to be a long time coming for me. There's other places to try to go first, mainly where my wife would like to go and Dubai's not on the list. I do hope you get there, though. Have you talked to him about you going to see him?

Dubai is another amazing place I would love to see

I would love to go to Galápagos Islands to see the wildlife and landscapes that I wouldn't be able to see anywhere else in the world!

Thank you for this initiative @paulag!

That sounds interesting @delishtreats. I have heard of the islands, but did not know they were a province of Ecuador, had to look it up. I hope you make it someday!

Yes, yes Galápagos Islands is on my bucket list too. That would awesome. Really I'd like to do a world tour of the best nature places. I'd be happy as Tigger!

I hope you will manage to do your tour one day! :)

lol I had to look that up on the map. Galápagos Islands seem amazing too. wow so many places I never really though of

We actually learned about them at school. As the islands are so isolated you can find there animals and plants that you really wouldn't be able to find anywhere else. So fascinating!

That @bashadow has some pretty awesome ideas, but this one is amazing!! Good job for taking the bull by the horns @paulag and turning into something even bigger :)

I've been to a lot of places, but after a trip to Japan and Hong Kong years ago, I'd love to go to China. Never been, but I love the culture and would like to experience it first hand.

There's quite a few people here talking about China as a destination. Interesting. My oldest son and his wife may end up there at some point, though, having a newborn might push that back a little. Her parents were talking about taking them when they went back to visit last year, but I don't think they went themselves. They all speak Cantonese, so I'm not sure where they would end up if they went.

I've not been that keen on Asian countries to visit, but I'm the odd man out in my family, since my youngest and his family could end up in Japan at some point and my wife would probably follow. :) There might actually be some Chinese in my wife's ancestral line because some Chinese ended up in Puebla a few centuries ago, or so I've been told. I haven't been able to confirm it, but when some people see my wife, they're more apt to guess Philippines than Mexico, which isn't Chinese, but what do people know? ;)

China's huge, though. You've already been to Hong Kong. Is there somewhere on something specific on your visiting China list? :)

I had said China, now from reading all of this, I may push that one down my list. So many amazing places and I even had to look up the map for some

There are tons. I'm pretty sure my wife and I will be gone before we're able to just get through the places to see and do in the US and Mexico, let alone leave the continent. However, if we do make it over to Europe, I've already staked my claim. Just need to make sure there's a few castles involved. :)

Sorry a bit late to the table. Saw this yesterday but forgot to comment as I got distracted with other things. Yes, sorry there are more important things in life than Steemit!

The one place that has been on my to go list for ages is Bhutan. Not sure why, to be honest. Perhaps its because they are rated as the happiest country in the world, and also they are very good in restricting tourism so it doesn't get overcrowded with too many people. And rightly so. I'm hoping I can make it there next year... or the year after....

What a great reason for wanting to visit somewhere. Happiness is contagious just imagine bringing back a little bit of that happiness wherever you go in the future. Awesome. Nice to meet you @livinguktaiwan :)

(you were my 1 up, but now I have voted on your comment you are not above me now lol)

I have seen you around @hopehuggs but we just never got round to interaction, so this is great!!! Hello at last!!!

The 1 up 1 down sequence does get messed up very soon with all the upvotes, but in a way that's great as it forces you to go through all the comments

lol I didnt think when I put the posts together that the ups and downs will move with votes lol. its got rather messy for people to follow, but fun. Thank you for engaging.

Another day and 2 completely different people Above and Below me.

I don´t know much about Bhutan, but every place on this world has its own magic and incredible feature from their culture.

ha ah this is happening to all of us. lack of though in the post from my part

The way to avoid it might be not upvoting any comment, but I think like this it makes the idea even more fun, because if you check the post everyday you will always have someone to get to know.... again :D

its never too late :-) Bhutan - another one I had to look up. this post is a global learning trip for me. some really amazing places being mentioned

I whish to visit Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The marblous city as I live already in Brazil I'm not so far.

@pataty69, Brazil is a very beautiful country with beaches and carnivals, with amazing nature and incendiary dance music. You are lucky to enjoy this beauty. I plan to visit Your country at the end of the year :). I wish Your dream come true :)

@madlenfox now I'living a dream I'm portugues and I came to Brazil in 2004. Thats my first whish.

From Portugal to Brazil it's great! Surely You got a lot of contrasting experiences :)

thats not to far at all - I hope you make it. dont forget to visit one commentor above and one below, give them a vote and head over to their profile and we can all help each other grow. These are the conditions in getting a vote from me on this post

From Portugal to Brazil surely an upgrade

I hope you will be able to visit soon. It's not that far as you're in the country already :)

I've never been to Brazil, but it is a part of South America I would eventually like to go to. Any place warm and tropical would be on my list.

How come you haven't made it to Rio if you've been down there for a while? Brazil is a big country, though, so I could imagine it would still be a long trip depending on where in Brazil you are.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

He might be around 3,000km (around 2,000 miles) away from Rio... he is in the Northeast region of Brazil and Rio is in the Southeast.

Hey, @aotearoa. Okay, well that would explain it. I figured that it could be something like that, or just always working. When it comes to traveling, it generally boils down to time and money. :)

I live in nordeste Fortaleza 2,600 km far from Rio de Janekro

Good morning @pataty69.

Okay—well, that's still a pretty long distance to get to Rio. I can see why you haven't made it there. Hopefully, though, you will be able to make it there one day and it will live up to your expectations. The possibility of me getting there anytime soon is fairly remote—my wife has other places she wants to go first—but maybe one of these days. Time and money or some way to pay for it is always going to be the problems, right? Some seem to make things happen, though. :)

lets pray for steem to moon so we can all get where we want to go :-) that would be so cool

This is a tough one, but I'll have to go with Japan. I love learning about ancient myths, specially asian ones and seeing that I'm also a huge anime fan, it makes more sense that Japan be my first pick.

Also, writing this comment just reminded me, there is a chapter I gotta go check if it's been released. lol

Cheers for this initiative @paulag :)

Japan, I know some steemians over there. Nice pick

Keeping on the nature theme, Japan has the wild Japanese macaques, so my world trip is growing :)

Just looked em up, they look so cuddly and probably just as feisty. Hahaha Yeah I saw some other places you added to your bucket list, all because of this post. Same here lol

"If there is one place in the world you have not had the opportunity to visits but would love to, where would it be and why?"

Since I never left my country (Hungary) in my life so far and I hardly got a chance, it's a hard question. United Kingdom, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Iceland, China, Japan. Almost anything goes.

You are the person above me! I don't have anyone below yet!

I´m on a similar situation, just like you! I still have so many great places that I intend to visit...

I hope that you will be able to travel in the near future!

Hi, @xplosive! That's a pretty long list of places to go. :) Being in Hungary, though, it's not that far to get to any of the European countries on your list, so I can see you getting to any of those someday. And the rest aren't so far away, really.

I've only been briefly to Canada, a few times to Mexico, and the rest mostly around the western side of the United States. Not all of us get to travel far and wide in our lives. But I know that where there is a will, there is a way. :)

"That's a pretty long list of places to go. :)"
That's just a part of it, actually. I have many more places.
For example Africa. Mainly to see Shoebill Storks.
They are beautiful and big birds.

"Being in Hungary, though, it's not that far to get to any of the European countries on your list, so I can see you getting to any of those someday. And the rest aren't so far away, really."

The European countries are not far, but most of them are still expensive for me.

"But I know that where there is a will, there is a way. :)"
Maybe except, if you don't have money to travel. I guess these travel destinations will stay as a dream for me for a very long time.

I´m on a similar situation as I mentioned before, but if the reason is money, you don´t need to worry much about it. Recently I met 2 sisters that travel during 6 months without taking anything with them, and they don't spend any money, the trick is to work to "survive" and most importantly get to know the culture of the country you are in, deeper (bigger connection).

Well, it is true, @xplosive. We definitely have priorities that must be met. Living expenses being among them. I hope you do get to travel some day. I don't know if I would go as far as to suggest you work as you travel—there is a possibility of getting stuck somewhere without work—but apparently people do it. The younger and more single you are, the easier the task can be, if you have no other responsibilities but yourself. When there's family or something else that ties you to a certain place, then it can be hard.

This is a great idea. Been reading the responses and I love it. Place I want to go the most.... Scotland. It feels like a call home. The Isle of Skye, Edinburgh, Glagow, The Highlands (everything but that gawdy golf course) The differences in terrain, the histories, I would right at home. My kids have always said if I ever step foot on Scotland or even Ireland, I wouldn't return home. They're probably right.

Hi, @tryskele.

There are Scots down one family line on my mother's side, so I suppose that would be a potential stop for me as well. I'm not hearing the call home, but I can see the allure. Plus, my wife wants to visit European castles. I understand there might be some in Scotland. :)

Do you have an idea when you might make it there? And, does that mean you retire there? :)

Hi @glenalbrethsen :)

I have always felt this way. I have always been the square peg in the round hole. It's odd no place I have lived even when I was a child felt like 'home' they have all felt like places I live. I don't know why that is.

Been working on my geneology. My mom's side of the family is fairly well documented to my great-great grandparents. It's kind of neat, I have copies of each of my great-grandparents coming through Ellis Island. This group all came from Trondheim Norway. I know I am at least 50% Scandinavian.

My father's side OMG is where I have hit my brick wall. I cannot even confirm my grandfather's information. Since I 'no longer belong' to that side of the family I don't have any contacts to find out more, so I'm on my own. With their surname it places them in Scotland/Ireland kind of the UK in general.

But yes I am a sucker for old castles (I know of 7 castles in Scotland alone) and anything historical. I loved living in St.Louis for that reason. Learning about the history of certain areas. Seeing sites that were uses as part of the underground railroad. The centennial celebration for the 1902 World's Fair, was amazing.

As for when I might make it there.....
I asked 5 years ago for my 50th birthday, that's what I wanted. I don't ask for things often and I thought 5 years would be a good amount of time for us to work on saving. I turn 50 in November and I can assure you that is not happening. In fact I get to spend the week after my birthday in glorious Las Vegas with my mother-in-law.

I really love this idea. I see your conversations with @lynncoyle1 but for some reason I haven't reached out before. Silly me. She'll just giggle and say that I don't shut up LOL Which will come in handy when become the winos sitting on the curbs staring at the street art :D

Hey, no worries on my end, @tryskele. The blockchain is pretty big and there's always lots of things to do. I'm just glad I found this post. :)

I think I'm one of Lynn's more frequent comment buddies, but she's everywhere so she pops in and out a lot. I've been to the Cancun area twice now, and once to Playa del Carmen where she and Brian are and I really like it down there. If I can get my wife to go, and we can swing it, it would be a place I'd like to retire to. Just some logistics to work out.

Well, I'm sorry to hear about not making the trip for your 50th birthday. I mean, I obviously have no idea, but are you absolutely sure, though? Don't want to spoil anything, but these are the kinds of birthdays and wishes that surprises are made of. :) Well, I guess we can always dream, and one day, you'll get there. If you're never coming back though, you've probably got some time to work on it. :)

Okay. At least seven. That should keep my wife occupied for a while, anyway.

That's kind of a sad statement, "no longer belong."

My mom has done quite a bit of our genealogy. I probably need to get my copies of things updated because I'm sure she's done more since she first gave them to me. What online sites have you been using? And have you tried any of the LDS church resources? It's amazing sometimes what they have.

My wife is in a similar situation. She never met her father, so she doesn't know any of that side at all. No one would ever tell her who he was. On her mom's side of the family, she's able to get back a few generations then also hits the brick wall. Sometimes that's the way it works until a path opens up.

I've had a similar feeling myself of never truly belonging. It's strange, but if I have an affinity for any place, it's Hawaii or Polynesia. I have no blood ties, but for some reason, that culture speaks to me. It's weird, too, because I didn't even know it until we went to Hawaii for the first time a few years ago.

That's not entirely true, though. I met some Tongans and Samoans 30 years ago and really enjoyed being around them. I'd forgotten that before we went to Hawaii. Very humble and respectful people, but highly skilled and motivated, too.

I like history, but I find myself mostly fascinated with Mayan ruins and people like George Washington and Tesla. Pretty eclectic combination. :)

hahaha @tryskele, with this comment, I can see how you and @glenalbrethsen could have loooong conversations for hours here! But considering @paulag's request in this post, it works perfectly! I have to say though that I thoroughly enjoy talking with @glenalbrethsen here; he's always got something interesting and/or thought-provoking to say!

And yes, for your 55th birthday, why not plan a trip to Mexico so we can bring our little fantasy of winos watching street art to fruition?* haha

And Scotland hey? I've been to Italy and saw some castles (always been a huge fan), so a trip to Scotland would be pretty awesome!

I can honestly say I've never dreamed of wanting to be a wino doing anything. :) So, have at it you two. Watching street art go up would be cool even if not inebriated, so I guess you can have the wine and I'll just down some orchata or jamaica or something. :)

It's probably a good thing to get @tryskele to Mexico first before going to Scotland, since it doesn't sound like there's a return trip from there. :)

hahaha Glen, it's all talk buddy :) Although, I do enjoy a few drinks, but nothing in excess. And yes, I know, "excess" is very subjective :)

I wasn't going to say anything. :) I'm way used to being the odd man out when it comes to drinking any kind of alcoholic beverage, so no judging or subjectivity going on over here. Nope. No siree. I don't even know what it takes to become a wino. Maybe getting somewhat buzzed or tipsy as you watch a mural going up in Playa del Carmen will do it. I don't know. :) Maybe you have to sit there for days afterward until you realize it's finished and you probably should figure out where home is. See, it could be all over the place as far as I'm concerned.

Spoken like a non-drinker :) Have you ever indulged?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Oh if I'm doing Mexico it will be before 55 :D I technically been to Mexico, but I don't really consider Tijuana as Mexico. I've never dreamed of being a wino either, well maybe we'll have to throw in a bottle of tequila, but since we've kind of been 'joking' about it. It does seem that we can make this happen. Thats an easy trip from here, would be easier if we still lived in California. Yay more chatty ppl like me ....I LOVE IT.

I'm not a big wine drinker, and I love tequila, but it doesn't like me so much lol. Vodka for me, tequila for you, murals for us both. Seems pretty perfect if you ask me. All kidding aside, we'd love to meet you guys in person ❤️

Where do you live by the way?

@glenalbrethsen, @tyrskele and @lynncoyle1 how amazing it is to see this discussion going on, you are making a real success of this 1up 1 down challenge.

Can't speak for everyone else, but I figure if we probably should represent Asher's engagement league a little, anyway. :) Also, we wouldn't want to let you or @bashadow down for coming up with the concept and the implementation of it, right? :) Plus, it's just a great question that we all need to answer. And then hang around for the party afterwards, apparently. :)

Thanks @paulag! @glenalbrethsen and @tryskele are two peas in a pod and just "found" each other haha so they'll keep this all going no problem...with or without me 😎

I would like to visit New Zealand, and maybe see the permanent Lord of the Rings sets. I think they have them up still. Great idea @Paulag!

Yes, New Zealand - this post is seriously giving me itchy feet. All my travel ambitions are coming back alive and kicking!

That sounds very interesting to me! I also wanted to go to the New Zealand myself but I was never able to take such a long vacation to make the best out of it. I think I would go for at least a month if I would travel to the other side of the world :) I hope you'll manage to visit New Zealand soon and that you will show us beauty of this country through your photos and stories! :)

I have always wanted to visit Australia and have a picnic on Mount Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock. I'm not sure why, it's a place I find exotic and at the same time I feel it is an ancient place that is filled with ancient magic. You can learn a lot about healing and energy just by feeling trees, rocks, and the theory that some structures of nature are old giant trees intrigues me. I feel I would learn more about the vibrations of the place by experiencing it myself.

When I was much younger I use to do a lot of backpacking and one trip we went to Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming. A couple of times we sent up camp for a couple days in one area or another and go on day hikes around that area.

On one such day trip we went up Bomber Mountain and had lunch up top. It was supposed to be peanut butter and jelly expect someone forgot to pack the jelly. Needless to say we could not wait after having our lunch up top to get back down to a river to refill our containers for some water. It was quite a breathless view and we got read and be told how the name came amount. Bit of a sad story so I won’t share that part.

I’m not quite sure where on our trip I took this photo. The views where always so breathtaking.

I hope you get have your picnic one day on mountain Uluru and enjoy the what a wonderful view it must have!

That's an amazing photo. I love the reflection of the mountains in the water.

I can only imagine why it bears that name and the sad story that might describe it.

Cape town, because of the versatility, beach and the penguins <3

I didn't know there were penguins there either. I did see the March of the Penguins documentary, but that was about the Antarctic penguins. I hope you get to go @hananali!

I hope that too, Hopefully one day I can steem being within some actual penguins. I remember watching penguins on the beach side in out door videos of our Cricket team which was on a tour to South Africa . This is about so many years ago but the love for penguins still exists within me

Nice, I'd love to go to Cape Town too. Was once in Johannesburg, loved it! But unfortunately it wasn't possible to also visit Cape town at the time. Hopefully in the future tho. Didn't know they had pinguins tho, now the hype is even realer.

Also I commented about your trip to Islamabad in another thread @hananali :)

Johannesburg is nothing less in beauty <3 You have already been to the largest city of South Africa, not bad I would say. Keep us updated when you visit Cape town, would love to end this penguins myth :D
Thank you for the comment there, I hope you will like the content i post more often :) By helping each other we can grow even faster

Hi @hananali, really you want to go there, there are most beautiful places, l love that place too

That's right, a very beautiful and naturally gifted place with a lot of options for the tourists and versatility in culture. Surely a great option

That's a good/interesting idea.
Cape Town is in South Africa. I didn't know that there are penguins there.
I thought the penguins are living only around the South Pole.
Okay, African penguins. That's something new.
Seeing a penguin in real life would be awesome! I only saw them on pictures and in movies so far.

I have seen them on the beaches, only in videos though, would love to see those in real life too.
Those are one beautiful creature

Oh! That's cool! I would also like to see there a famous attraction-Table mountain:). Good luck!

Lets make the plan, weather is a concern though

What problems are there with the weather? Rainy season? I see you're well aware. I will have to prepare carefully and read a lot :). I know there are guys from Capetown

Yes rain is the thing. Other than that, weather stays pleasant there. Its about 15 degree Celsius now in there .
Glad that you have friends there already, that is going to help a lot

I’ve always wanted to attend Eve Online’s Fanfest in Reykjavik, Iceland. I made a group of a friend when I played that game back in 2008. Many of us are still friends to this day and almost talk daily. It was something we already wanted to do together but never could afford to get that off our bucket list. We still hope one day. These days its “someone starting a family and this year is just not a good year.”

I bet when we are all old men unable to party on the top of the world like we want to we will end up going. For now, it will just be a great dream to have.

While there will be a fair amount of parting to do it’s also rather a geeky event to go to. People going in cosplay dressed as characters in the game. People role-playing as their own character. lots of presentations to attend during the day about upcoming changes to the game. While we don’t play more it just be fun to enjoy that atmosphere.

Besides that, I would hope to expand out my trip there for a little while after the fanfest was over. Lots of sightseeing to do in Iceland from sg glaciers to backpacking trips around to get to lagoons and to see many other things.

I've never been to Iceland but I hear it's breathtaking.

I totally get that friends from an online game thing. I feel the same way about my guildmates in SWTOR. Many of us don't play often anymore, but are friends on social media. When I used to play the game full time, we had Mumble where we could talk to each other. Many of us opened up and shared about what we were going through in life and could confide in each other. We were not only a guild of gamers, we were an online support group, who sometimes got on each other's nerves. I'd love to meet up with them at some point and just hang out with them all. If I make enough crypto investments and it hits high values, maybe I'd be able to fund a meetup with the whole gang. We'd probably do it in Fargo because a good number of them actually live there, so it would be simpler for the rest of us to go there.

I want to visit America. I really want to see with my own eyes some cities, such as Chicago,new York, Los Angeles. But this is a pipe dream, unfortunately: (. So here in the community, I am very happy to communicate with the guys from this country and I like their stories and photos. But in General, of course I want to support this challenge from @paulag, because I am a sociable person and I like to meet new people :)

It can be nice here in America, but I prefer not being in the cities. I've been to Chicago and New York city, there are quite a few things to visit and some things you don't want to see. I tend to like mountains and wide open spaces.

@coinsandchains, Yes, it's also very interesting. Nature is really very diverse, so of course it is interesting to visit different parts of the country to see the mountains and the coast. I read a lot about natural attractions. There are a lot of them and they are unique.

Hey, @madlenfox. There's definitely many places to visit in the United States. I haven't been to many myself, even if I live here. I guess that's what happens. My wife is from Mexico and there were places she'd never been until I took her.

I've spent my time primarily in the Western states, so Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Utah, and some in Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming and Montana. Lots of driving, and plenty of distance in between.

The places you talk about—New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles, will pretty much take you from side of the U.S. to the other. That would be quite the trip. Lots to see and do in all of those places.

@glenalbrethsen, Your country is of great interest to me. This is a large area and You are absolutely right that this trip will be very interesting. These cities I listed as the main direction, but I would also like to see the Grand canyon on the Colorado plateau, the Golden gate bridge, I want to drive on highway 66:), I want to see the moving stones in death valley: (. I understand that America is a very different country and that is its attractive force. I am interested to visit as in the noisy Los Angeles, and enjoy the corners of untouched nature somewhere near Niagara falls. I understand that it is impossible to see all this in a few days as well as people living in this country have not always visited these places. This is the same as in our country with its large territory: you can be a resident of it, but it does not mean that you have visited many of its regions.

Well, I certainly hope you get a chance to do all this traveling someday. All of those places sound wonderful to me, and I've never been to any of them, except for Los Angeles and over the Golden Gate Bridge. It sounds like you've done some research, which means you're already on your way to someday getting here.

I suppose in some ways the US is very different, but in other ways, not so much. We are still human, with our human failings, and unfortunately, we the people seem more interested or caught up in our daily lives that we're not paying enough attention to the road we're on.

I suppose as long as there are some who are kind and good, we will be preserved, but it's not like we have to go to the brink of self-destruction in the process.

I know that might sound a little exaggerated to you, depending on your own circumstances, but all governments are not representative of their people, and I think ours has not represented us for most of my lifetime, if not more. The people, however, are for the most part, still decent, but I'm afraid they, we, are losing ground, too.

@glenalbrethsen, I agree with you on many things. Governments are not representatives of the people. Even the recent football championship has proved this in many ways. Because many people who went to our country had a very different idea about us and about our country. This way allowed us to debunk many of the myths about us. I'm not a big football fan myself, but I specifically visited the fan zone to have more communication with people from different countries. It was a great experience for me. No government can impose on us their opinion in personal communication with each other . In our trips and travels, we make up our own opinion about the people, traditions and way of life in the country we visit. Of course, I hope for a better outcome regarding the visa regime between our countries. I really read a lot about the places I'm going to or ready to visit.

I think that's the best way to go about it. Read or learn as much as you can before you go. Helps with preparation and knowing when it is best to go where.

It sounds like you had a great time. I'm glad it was a positive experience. I'm much more of an American Football fan, but I think it would be fun to mix in with fans from other countries.

re: governments

Yeah, I know. Right now we've got the whole Russia meddled in the election thing going on and it's like, well, it's probably not the first time, and it's not like we don't do it too. So, instead of trying to make something out of what probably didn't amount to anything anyway, just let it go and quit trying to stir things up.

re: visas

It would be nice if all of that could be straightened out. There's places I'd like to go someday, too, that would probably need more than a visa change.

thanks for your support, dont forget to visit one commentor above and one below, give them a vote and head over to their profile and we can all help each other grow. These are the conditions in getting a vote from me on this post

I wish your dreaam of visiting America comes true. you are down to me. Nice meeting @madlenfox.

Thank you for your words @sherbanu ! I also hope that my dream will come true someday. I'm working on it :)

Ahaaa it is again very good things and good thought @paulag. It is nice to participate and encourage more people; I would like to mention a few people for their attention of getting more friend: @freedomshift, @cicisaja, @sagescrub, @sumatranate, @slobberchops, @masniaty, @nonginna, @radjasalman, @steemitcountry

My answer is: I would love to go to Nepal, to visit and climb Himaya (Everest) since I am a mountain climber I want to see the snow and feel the challenge there. It is a dream of every mountain climber in the world

What a great idea to mention other people for more attention! I hope they will join too! :)

I have always wanted to go Himalaya but I've put this aside a few years ago as I would never actually dare to climb the Mount Everest :)

Thank's for tag my name, bang. So, here i am. But, i still confuse about the rules. I'll read it once more

Caranya gampang dek: Jadi ini tujuannya untuk menambah kawan dalam bersosialisasi dalam steemit; @paulag memberikan satu pertanya yaitu: Jika ada satu kota atau negara impian untuk dikunjungi maka sebutkan nama negara atau kota tujuan dan apa tujuannya, kemudian datangi komen satu orang di atas kamu (@delishtreats) berikan upvote dan koment yang berkenaan dengan konten tulisan, kemudian kunjungin 1 komen yang di bawah kamu (saya atau @chadmichaellibby) dan lakukan hal yang sama, itu aja sih sebenrnya, sehingga dengan demikian lama kelamaan kita akan bertambah banyak teman akrab di steemit dan ini akan bermanfaat untuk membangun jaringan dan koneksi di steemit @nonginna

Ia, udah bg. Tp bingung mw vote n komen dr mana? Dr komen abang atau dr komen sendiri. Jd td udh ngevote komen atas bawah dr komen ini. Trus reply langsung dr tulisan di atas ahahah

Nepal yes... Everest, I'm ok with taking a ground picture. Oh no you mentioned @cicisaja, I think she's chattier than I am LOL

English language

"If I have" Yes I have ... I have a place that I haven't visited. That is the Republic of Yemen, which is precisely at Hedramaut. why do I want to go there ...? There I heard a country that was comfortable to calm the soul. A calm soul, a comfortable heart, a safe mind, and a struggle for others is overcome. it's about heart, ma'am


"jika saya punya" yes i have... saya punya tempat yang belum saya kunjungi yaitu "Republik Yaman", tepatnya di "Hadramaut" kenapa saya ingin kesana...? Disana saya mendengar negeri yang nyaman untuk menentramkan jiwa. jiwa yang tenang, hati nyaman, pikiran akan aman, dan perebutan sesama teratasi. ini tentang hati loh, bu...

Posted using Partiko Android

Definitely New Zealand, and then on to Australia. Theonly continentI have not yet seen other than great pics!

Those are on the to do list too!! I have had friends that have live and have lived in Australia, except for the enormous spiders they loved it. I've been told New Zealand would be another place I wouldn't leave. I still have 6 to go LOL.

Hey, @authorfriendly! I think those two places are great destinations and would love to visit there someday. I wouldn't look forward to the flight(s) though. Way too long a trip.

So, you say you've seen every other continent with your own eyes, which includes Antarctica? That's amazing in and of itself. I've currently never made if off of North America (still plenty here I haven't seen, too), but my wife and youngest son have both gone to Japan, and she also wants to end up in Europe at some point. Something about castles.

I wish you luck getting down under.

I'd love to visit China and Japan, in a long stay to learn the language and really get to know the culture

I would also love to visit these countries, but I would avoid some places (like Beijing) in China, because of the very bad air quality due to the air pollution, the smog.
If I could choose between China and Japan, I would probably choose Japan.
For example the Zao Fox Village, Mount Fuji, Kyoto. There are many places to visit.

I'd love to visit street markets and eat there, also Shenzhen and the electronics market

China might be much you want to reconsider your choice?

The food in both countries is delicious. So that causes a very difficult choice 😆😩

That is really going to be a tough task am telling you, both are languages are really tough , good luck though

I know, I've done some Duolingo lessons in Chinese and well it's just too much

You are yet to know about the south Indian languages, add Chinese or Japanese to it and you have a set of 3 most difficult languages to learn

Easy peasy 😋😜

Hey, @eggstraordinair. My wife and youngest son have both been to the Tokyo area and loved it, and my oldest son's wife is of Chinese descent (parents are both from China). So those are places that are high on various family members lists, too. I think I'd probably like Japan. I'd need to study up more on China. It's huge, of course, and since no one has been yet, there's the matter of getting around and so forth.

Just how long would you like to stay, or how long do you think it would take to learn the language? I was going to guess you want to learn Mandarin, but I suppose Cantonese is a possibility, too.

I'd love to learn Mandarin, actually I'm even more interested in learning to read and write which is even more difficult lol

I could see the writing part being especially difficult. I would think reading would be the easiest.

When I learned Spanish, reading comprehension came first, speaking it second, and I'm still lacking in the writing part of it. Writing is typically more formal than speaking is, and so it would depend on what I was writing I suppose. Sometimes, you just need a more formal, matter-of-fact, grammatically correct tone.

Anyway, that's not to say it can't be done. People do it all the time. My youngest son took four years of Mandarin in college. I think he's still working on it, but it's a complex language with many moving parts. He's fluent in Japanese, though, and Spanish.

I've read that a guy learned 3 thousand characters and still is not able to read a newspaper properly, it's a little overwhelming

hey @eggstraordinair—it sounds like it is overwhelming. I think I told you my youngest son studied Mandarin—after four years, I don't think he's comfortable enough with it. Of course, study isn't all that needs to happen. You really need to get immersed in it, which it sounds like you would be doing if you went. I think the main thing is, there are so many ways to pronounce a single word that changes its meaning based on where the accent is, and if you're off even a little in your pronunciation of each syllable, it can cause issues, too. In English anyway, you can do both and you might get some strange looks, but the word itself isn't appreciably changed.

Sounds awesome. Especially because you need to stay there a few years to learn the language.

Do you also like to work abroad?
Or just relaxing and sightseeing?

Ok, way too many to actually name. Many of the countries in Europe and several in the middle east.

@bashadow and @paulag This is a brilliant idea, when I get a moment today I'm going back to see who my redfish up and down was and get a headstart on next week.

It was just a simple Idea, and a response to a post, I think it is great that so many want to grow, but chasing whale tail may not always be the best or even the fastest way to grow. People get busy, I just thought once a week while looking at the list everyone could visit the one above and below them and help support each other. It is nice to see how many have actually looked at each other. 180 comments on one post that is a lot of people saying hi. ;-}

It was an awesome idea, sometimes the simplest things turn out to be huge. I started a Thank You Economy post, just for people to say thanks, and it seems to have taken off pretty well. Two, more seasoned people, have asked to copy it or already have started their own.

If there is one place in the world you have not had the opportunity to visits but would love to, where would it be and why?

  • Maldives.

I haven't been outside of Sweden in 18 years or so and I would love to go to Maldives. It's definitely my dream place. It looks truly amazing.

Great place!
Coincidence enough, both persons above and below me haven't travel lately...

Yeah, it looks gorgeous. It was my father's dream-destination too, but he never travelled there. I will, at some point, both for myself but also for my fathers sake.

Yeah you definitely should, in honor of him too.

Gorgeous indeed! Just checked it out and it just made my bucket list for when I start traveling.

It looks truly amazing. I can't even dream of a more beautiful place than Maldives.

Your balance is below $0.028. @dustsweeper is now disabled for your account until you transfer new funds. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

I have been to Europe often but think its time to head north to Fin Swe and Denmark

Sweden is pretty awesome actually. I'd go to Stockholm in case I'd ever visit Sweden. I like other cities more than Stockholm nowadays though, but if I never had been there, I'd definitely go. :)

That does sound beautiful @hitmeasap! Isn't this post a great idea by @paulag by the way? :)

It's a great idea, even though it's literally the basics of social media. But it's definitely needed on Steemit, so I appreciate it. It encourages and motivates people to interact with each other. :)

its very much the basics but people sometimes need a little push and reminder

Sometimes the most obvious ("the basics") things are neglected 😎

and wowseers I am so impressed with the comments and interaction. Everyone has just chatted away without much interaction from me.

It's great to see @paulag! I was thinking the same thing. You really hit on something with this one I think 😅

The Maldives do look awesome, @hitmeasap. Any place surrounded by sand, blue water and drenched in sun is amazing.

That's a long time to never leave Sweden. Must be a lot going on there. I'm sure you'll be able to get to the Maldives and anywhere else you decide, though. Some planning and some saving, you're there.

Yeah, the Maldives looks amazing, but I agree with what you said. Any place surrounded by sand and blue water is probably awesome... :D

Well, I don't know. Sure, I've had things to do but the last few years have been upside down. I've struggled with anxiety, depression and panic attacks ever since my father passed away in late 2012, and I've been trying to fix myself, along with being supportive and trying to help my mother as much as possible... And yeah well, a vacation haven't even crossed my mind.

Well, now I know why. Sorry to hear about all of that. It does, though, sound like you're working through it, even if it is just getting to the next day some days. And I'd say, based on what I see you doing around Steemit, you're doing more than just getting through things here.

I would also say a vacation has now crossed your mind. :) And maybe if you were to keep thinking about it, it would be come a reality at some point. Maybe? :)

I would also say a vacation has now crossed your mind.

Haha yeah, you got a point... :D

To tell you the truth, it still sucks but I'm trying. I'll give it my best shot and hopefully I'll be able to come out stronger and better than ever before.

I almost missed this one oh well I am always tardy to the party anyway. I think I better say Texas in honor of @janton that way I can prove to him I am quite human. Poor guy accuses me at least once a week of being robot cyborg or something.
This is a great idea. I usually pick a couple of random people to click from good comment threads. One up and one down will certainly make it more interesting.

it is interesting indeed! @headchange. its nice meeting.

Oh my goodness @paulag. What a brilliant idea! Thanks @bashadow! I'm resteeming this. And applying it. I still haven't got onto Discord. I keep getting asked to but what I do here is already so time consuming I think my husband will send my laptop to computer heaven if I were to add Discord. Love this idea.

discord can be such a distraction. yes it is really good for networking but this post proves, networking can be done right here on steemit and it can be done effectively. Dont get me wrong, I do like discord, but I like steemit more

Steemit is already a distraction! I enjoy the time reading and commenting, then further interaction. I like the way you put it though, you like steemit more....


oh yea, why? dont forget to visit one commentor above and one below, give them a vote and head over to their profile and we can all help each other grow. These are the conditions in getting a vote from me on this post

I`m not sure who are above or below me. It changes

I am a quarter Italian, but have never been there. Yes, interested in Ancient Rome remains and pizza :)

Italy is beautiful and has a lot of historical background . Nice choice

Thanks for sharing about Islamabad @hananali, knew next to nothing about it. Also, I'd love to visit Italy too, love their history and culture too, but I'm sure once there, the number one thing on my bucket list would be to try out their infamous pizzas. How cliche right?😂😂

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

haha yeah the most infamous thing in the world, Italian Pizza. A good one @ange.nkuru . Don't forget to visit Rome and the famous wall :D
Islamabad is surely a very beautiful city, its been a while since I have visited it and was kind of missing it. I thought the best thing for now would be to write about it here to let everyone know of the beauty it has until I visit the city again and collect a lot more to be shared here. Thank you for the support @ange.nkuru

Don't forget to visit Rome and the famous wall

Well of course, and of course try all their pizzerias too. lol

That's a must lol

Why you choose italy?

I guess I know why?

It's for the delicious pasta and pizza 😁

Or for the beautiful weather?

Hey, @chadmichaellibby.

I'd love to go to Italy, too. I don't know if I've eaten authentic Italian food yet (only been to restaurants), but I've loved what I've eaten and it would be fantastic to go and get some true Italian food. And I understand the scenery is diverse and breathtaking from one side of the country to the other, and that the cities are just filled with history and art and architecture.

I hope you get to go. Maybe I'll convince my wife that's where we should vacation next. :)

One of the places I've always wanted to go is Palenque, some ruins located in the state of Chiapas in Mexico. I was close once, about three hundred and fifty miles, while a friend and I were in Mérida, Mexico. We couldn't convince the rental car guy to let us drive that far. It's a long story. Suffice it to say, it wasn't meant to be that time around. :)

Mexico would be good as well I think, I've never been before, that would take me a step closer to going to all the 7 wonders of the world. Any plans to write up about your story? Sounds l ike it would make an intresting read.

Hey, @livinguktaiwan. I actually do have a post where I mention the reasons why the rental guy wouldn't give us the car to go to Palenque.

This was back in the early part of 1996, so over 22 years ago. I don't know for sure, but supposedly the roads between Mérida and Palenque were not good in some spots. We were told that we would be getting into the mountains, so if something happened, we might be going off into a ravine or something. Plus, the weather was supposed to be bad the day we were wanting to go. Then, there was the chance we'd have trouble if we ran into the rebel army that had been fighting in those areas against the federal government. We could be kidnapped or worse, the guy said.

We decided just to stick around the area for another day and use the car there. Funny how he didn't lead with the rebel thing. That probably would have saved us another ten minutes of saying we'd be careful. :)

Mexico is mostly a very nice place to visit. I haven't been to all of it, obviously, but the places I have been were very nice. And since my wife has family down there, it makes it a little easier to have a base of operations to go out and do things from.

Times have changed since the last time I was down there, which was probably 5 years ago, now. I guess it's like anywhere. You just need to be careful.

Awesome! I will be the first who comment it. 😆

ha ha you got their before me, but you didn't answer the question??????

Ha ha you got their
Before me, but you didn't
Answer the question??????

                 - paulag

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Does someone understand this bot?

I dont lol

Your a legend.

That forgot to answer the question.

But I admit that it was a very difficult question 😂😆

I really wanna visit turkey. It's my dream since in high school. I would try to fly in air baloon if i could go to cappodia. But, should saving money first hehe

Yes. In fact recently I read or listened to a post that suggested Turkey will be one of 2 "centers" in Europe. The other being Poland.

I think so. The building, culture n food look amazing there. Do yo wanna visit turkey too?

Actually I would have to say that Turkey is in the "second" group on my list. Primarily I want to get back to southern/eastern Africa.

I've seen a couple of photos from an air balloon trip in Turkey! It looked so beautiful!

Maybe it will be lil bit creepy cause the wind. But the view will be great from above

I'm really worried about hot air balloons as I've heard quite a few accidents about them, maybe I'm just too chicken. The other thing is I've seen a few too many balloon photos from Turkey on Steemit which is starting to put me off, so sadly its not on the top of my list at the moment. Not saying its not a great country, as I've also heard some great things about it, so maybe one day....

I hope you make it there one day!!

It's okay @livinguktaiwan. I'm scared too but that's the point hehehe
Thanks for the support

Another day and 2 completely different people Above and Below me.

Turkey is one of my top destinations too, but I think I will start visiting closer countries and then start expanding... Turkey is a different place!

Come n visit my country, indonesia heheh

Why not, another one to the list!
I hope if I visit Indonesia you will receive me! :D

I would really like to travel to Rome someday. If I can't go to any other place I wish that I could at least go to Rome and get a chance to see the Pope.

Posted using Partiko Android

If I have a change I want to visit to Singapore. I never been to singapre. Singapore is not a very large country. There are not many palces to visit but a lots of my friend are there. I want to meet them again in Singapore.

My biggest dream destination is to go to Borneo because I want to volunteer and look after the orangutans, see the rainforest and just take it all in.

It would be paradise.

Not sure that I won't be too old by time kids have grown up, but where there is a will there is always a way :)

I'm sure age will never stop one to do something in life, especiall when you have freedom. Just think you'll be nursing the orangutans instead of your kids, that might be a nice change!!!! ^_^

I think Jane Goodall was working with chimpanzees when she was quite old, I'm sure you are much younger than her!!

Thanks for sharing the video video with your daughters and their guinea pigs @hopehuggs. Made me smile, a lot!! And dope magic trick btw ;)

Also, as for your travel to Borneo I'm sure you'll get to go and accomplish great deeds. And who knows, your daughters might even decide to tag along :)

Thank you for the inititative , i would lile to visit Bali to spend holidays , it's a beautifull place witha. Fascinating views .

Posted using Partiko Android

Well I just learned my lesson of the day. Comment first then vote. Otherwise you have to scroll forever to find your one up person. Bali actually sounds like a great idea. especially in January when it is below zero here.

It's my problem too 😂 am struggling to find your comment in this bunch of comments ... yes exactly i miss january you know .. here in my country is too hot 😏

Posted using Partiko Android

Well you probably wouldn't miss January much if you lived here. Ice for weeks and weeks. Even the roads get icy and hard to drive on.

I would love to go to Machu Pick in Peru. I just think it is beautiful. But because it is so far away from the Netherlands, a long walk, high up the mountain and very warm. It might be very difficult to reach for my wife with asthma (is this an English word?).

yes asthma is an english word. Cool place to want to visit. dont forget to visit one commentor above and one below, give them a vote and head over to their profile and we can all help each other grow. These are the conditions in getting a vote from me on this post

I know I know.

I'm shopping with my wife 😩😂😁

it would nice if you really visit peru with your wife, sir. Maybe you should visit doctor to get some spray medicine :)

She already has medicines. But she remains frightened for the height and the weather.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Interesting initiative @paulag. The good suggestion was given @bashadow.

It's great envolving with steemians, visiting new blogs.

Here is my answer to the question,

If there is one place in the world I have not had the opportunity to visit but would love to is Saudi Arabia for performing Hajj. Which is mandatory for Muslims to perform Hajj if you are capable of doing so. Besides visiting The Holy Qaba is most desired. Our prophet born there. So it would be a great blessing if can visit at least once in a lifetime.

I have always been in love with Saudi Arabia for the architecture. From the pictures I have seen everything is so beautiful. Yours is a noble goal. I do wish you much success in achieving the journey.

Thank you for the wishes. @headchange. it would be my lifes big day . I wish your wishes also comes true.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Congratulations @paulag!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

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Very good proposal but i cannot join now, next InshAllah

Posted using Partiko Android

This is a great idea...resteemed !!

My feeling says you didn't even read the post. Neither will you react to this comment. Although I'm not sure about that last thing.

Anyways if you were smart you would have answered the question and earned yourself......

I did read the that moment I did not have the time to engage with one above and below but still wanted to appreciate the good idea by poster..

thank you

Good thing that you read this!

Perhaps you have time for it now?

Now that's not how you play the game.... Surely you would like to visit some where??

I would like to visit myself in past and give advice on life...

I think we all do at some point. Hope my comment didn't bother you. I was just trying to be silly. It gave me an easy in to interact.

not at all..let's keep it going :)

Awesome, my horrible sense of humor didn't scare someone away!! With words sometimes it is hard to convey the right emotions. After seeing the other post I was a little dumbfounded. I thought I would be playful and start a conversation that way. Like the post after mine is a on earth am I supposed to hold a conversation with a BOT??

well, you better learn to talk up with BOTs ..that is the future..

beep boop

Well I guess I could have said 1001110110

well, at least you didn't put the elephant pic in here... It's funny you're the one above me.

elephant pic in ?

The one that I can't seem to erase from my memory, that you posted in the comments of @nonameslefttouse post a couple days ago.

ahh..I see..the visual representation of the trending page...

I checked some accounts. But most of not all wrote about stuff that I'm not really interested in. So I wonder if we can do this again but then I clearly request what type of content I love to read. And if another Steemonian writes about those subjects they can reply to my comment to let me know that I should check their posts. Sounds that like a nice new idea?

sure we can look at ways to improve this, that does sound like a good idea.

Feel nice to read your blog . It will help me.