RE: As Steem grows, so does the presence of the trolls

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As Steem grows, so does the presence of the trolls

in steem •  8 years ago 

How is me saying we'll have a nice chat threatening? If we ever met, and I do believe we will one day, I do believe we would in fact have a nice chat.....we will have a nice chat when we do meet. Is "curate" your favorite word? You like to use big words and form big sentences and give your big opinion, so obviously you care quite a bit what people...well no, just what I think of you on the internet, otherwise you wouldn't keep writing stupid ass things to me that just make me laugh and feel sorry for you. Oh, and dipshit....caring what people think is a pretty normal's part of being human. If you deny you care what people think, then you'd be lying, or you wouldn't be human...I'm starting to think the latter might be true. You might not be human, but might in fact be an actual piece of shit that can somehow talk?

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Have a nice chat is a euphemism bad guys use in all kinds of scripts, to mean that you will talk to the "boss man", which equates to bad things.

A veiled threat, you can deny it but it's there for everyone to decide, was it a nice chat, or was it "we'll have a nice chat" as a well known euphemistic threat, a veiled threat.

Is "curate" your favorite word? You like to use big words and form big sentences and give your big opinion, so obviously you care quite a bit what people...well no, just what I think of you on the internet, otherwise you wouldn't keep writing stupid ass things to me that just make me laugh and feel sorry for you.

That a long rigamarole, and about the third of forth pedantic argument from you.

Oh, and dipshit....caring what people think is a pretty normal's part of being human.

Then why did you just call me dipshit, if you care what people think? Is it to save face in front of some people at the cost of insulting me? People do care about a lot of stuff, but generally people don't form their cares around what strangers think of their stuff on the internet, you are why it's "generally" the case.

. If you deny you care what people think, then you'd be lying, or you wouldn't be human...I'm starting to think the latter might be true. You might not be human, but might in fact be an actual piece of shit that can somehow talk?

Yeah I'm sure that all makes sense in your world where "I don't give a shit, I ACTUALLY CARE A LOT BECAUSE I AM HUMAN" You cannot have your cake and eat it to you hypocrite, either you care and wouldn't call people names and attack their character, troll or harass, make petty threats, and deny, you would invest actual care, yet you didn't do any of that, you said I ACTUALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK, which is obvious by your actions, not just because you declared it so. Now the story changed to I am inhuman because you are so human and you care so much, because I am denying I care what people think, because that makes me a non human.

You really just aren't smart are you. You think that somehow the more words you write, and by using italics, that it will make more sense, and that you'll sound like you know what you're talking about. Also you keep saying things like we're having this conversation in front of others. An audience?For everyone to decide?! UHHHHHHH...who the fuck are you talking about? Yes...there's 100's or 1000's of people just reading everything that's being said right now. I'm sure it's really going to affect...well...absolutely nothing even if there more than just 2 people reading through all these posts. On a serious note, how many times have you gotten the shit beat out of you? Or were you bullied as a kid? You're that annoying little fuck that no one wants to hang out with that just talks and talks and talks thinking maybe he can talk his way into having friends at a party or at a bar...but no one likes you. It's obvious you have no friends, no girlfriend, and I'm guessing your family even hates you. Regardless, I'm watching a movie now, so go fuck yourself. I don't mean that in a mean way....I mean if you go fuck yourself, it's probably the closest you'll ever get to having sex, so just go for it and have some fun. Let your hair down and enjoy your hand up your ass!


82 comments, must be an interesting conversation:

Lol for whoever wanders into your denial and internet victim you claim. Good investment, I mean bad investment but I won't take it out. LOLOLOLOL

LFMAO. Poor little bitch. Just noticed you're powering down. Looks like someone needs some money? Tough times? You've account is only $800, so you must really be struggling. That sucks..hang in there. I'm assuming you're on food stamps and can't hold a job down. By your profile picture you look very sickly. Hopefully the $200 you get from powering down helps you in your time of need. God bless

LOLOL ok, troll on mr Internet is Harming me.

You need to work on your creativity. You've literally said that exact same sentence at least 20 times now. "Mr. internet is harming me". A. It's not as funny as you think. B. It's not as clever as you think. C. Please do your wife a favor and go suck her balls

Seems you're mad because I keep repeating what you said "the internet is harming me". I hope you're not mad at the internet because it's telling you things that you don't like to hear, guess what, you can mute me or stop trolling me, either way, you can troll under your own post all day long, still trolling.

I'm not here to be clever, mr I votrubate because I care about the community.
I'm not here to follow your orders, or care about what you think, I am here to point and laugh at how much it sucks being you, that you get angry at the internet.

It's pretty funny that you're doing exactly what you're criticizing others of doing because you think your opinion is like the standard or something. I've read like 10 different people you've chastised because they get upset over what someone says on the internet and you tell them not to and go off on your high horse on one of your little rants about the Internet hurting people. You were that kid in school who got picked on obviously, and because you were a weak and scrawny fuck, you couldn't fight back. Now is your chance when you can talk as much shit as you want and no one is going to beat the fuck out of you. Wow! You're a real big boy now! Look at you!!

Yeah but that doesn't really hold up, considering you're literally saying the exact same thing like 60 times. You must really love hearing yourself Mr. I love writing the same thing over and over and reading what I wrote because I have no life. Ok Mr. I like to use the word voturbate. After reading all your stupid ass blog posts, seems like you're getting upset over the fact that other people get upset. Quite hypocritical Mr. I'm retarded and just don't know it. As far as trolling, pretty sure you were the one who started this shit back up today. You have issues Mr. I like calling people a troll when I'm actually the troll. Lmfao. Such a douche

There's been 42 views on this since about the time you even commented, and there's still 42 views on it. I know you think people care about what you think and are going to waste their time reading all your rambling, but sorry to say, no one gives a fuck about you, on Steemit or in real life.

Good job, must be feeling so great telling people that you don't know that nobody cares about them, I mean nothing like fulfilling your day with trite commentary directed at people you never met.

Oh you're back? Trite commentary directed at people you've never met? Ummm isn't that exactly what you're doing with the last 4 posts you made?! You seem a bit obsessed. Pretty pathetic

I'm not the troll you're the troll, all over again? Glad to see someone is using their voting power to curate content, that they made, nice job votrubating.