Are Cryptocurrencies Part Of The Transition To 5D Consciousness?

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

This post is going to utilize some esoteric terms to describe some of what I talked about with the uplifting of humanity.

For those who follow this type of stuff, there is 3D, 4D and 5D consciousness.

The 3D consciousness deals with the physical realm. What we see is all there is. Life is nothing but polar opposites. There is good and bad. Competition is commonplace since we are looking for happiness outside ourselves. Money, the opposite sex, recognition, titles, etc... are all sought after. The one with the most toys wins.

This is the basic outlook presented by most of society. It is what the majority of us, at least in the west, were raised in.

4D consciousness is often filled with anger. We are upset that we were lied to. Understanding that the 3D consciousness is not all there is, we begin to look beyond it. The mind takes on greater importance hence making one fearful of anything to do with "mind control". We start to see the control and manipulation around us. As people evolve, the "ego" becomes the enemy. More knowledge is sought as a means to higher consciousness.

Ironically, we see this with some conspiracy people. They see beyond what is presented albeit not from a spiritual context. Often they understand that controlling entities operate on a different dimension and, many, begin a quest to understand this.

5D consciousness takes on an entirely new meaning. Labels no longer are important. Love is the only power that exists. Judgement takes on a different meaning. Instead of being used from a moral or valuation standpoint, we simply use it to determine who we are to spend time with or not. We start to see what people mean when they use the terms "God", "Universe", or "Source". Fear in all forms starts to diminish. Ultimately, we realize that we are beyond control of others and all we experience is within.

These are some basic overviews of the different levels. Obviously, there is a lot more to it than that but, if one is a novice, it is enough to go on.

Which brings me back to cryptocurrency.

The 3D consciousness is the world we live in today. This is what the banksters created. As mentioned, some conspiracy people believe the enslavers of humanity understand the spiritual angle and intentionally hide it from us. They use the scarcity created in a fiat world to ensure we have to focus upon the base levels Maslow mentioned in his hierarchy of needs.

Our present system is based upon finite resources. When it comes to the economy, the main resource is oil. Ultimately, all our fiat is valued versus how much oil it buys. Those who have the pathway to this resource enjoy a high standard of living. Of course, those in areas that do not, are poor.

As we all know, fiat is debt. Any new money issued is created through notes. This enslaves someone as soon as the money leaves the bank. It is this one idea, the fractional reserve system, that enabled the banksters to wield power for all these decades.

Cryptocurrency changes all that. Being an open, public ledger that is decentralized means that no one entity or group can control it. The creation is limited to what is originally set out in the blockchain. While more tokens are emerging, the expansion of a single token cannot take place beyond what is programmed. Cryptocurrency is not tied to the price of any finite resource. Many attack it because it is not based upon anything tangible yet that is what makes it so revolutionary.

In short, cryptocurrency can become as valuable as the market makes them...without limit.

Cryptocurrency allows us to bypass the corrupt banking system. It is based upon greed and squeezing as much profit out of each transaction as possible. Billions are made simply by moving money around. Banks create nothing but debt yet we value them like they actually are major contributors to society. Even the service of providing capital which helps in economic expansion comes at a price.

Finally, we are seeing a system that is based upon the value of trading goods and services. Profit from transactions is removed for the most part. While most blockchains have some fees, they are miner in comparison to what the banks charge. Also, these fees are provided to those who are responsible for running the blockchain in the form of compensation. Even though it is often an incentivized system as in the case with mining, this service is vital to the security and operation of the system.

The move to a higher consciousness will be evolutionary. It will not happen overnight. I use the term "Age of Abundance" although there are many names for it. Basically, we are seeing the foundation laid that is outside the control of the banking and governmental systems. This is really causing dismay around the world.

Nevertheless, for the first time, people everywhere, as long as they have an Internet connection, can participate in the economic activity and "banking" system we are creating. People still want to apply competition to blockchain not realizing they are looking at it from a 3D consciousness. There is no competition, only choice. It simply comes down to what people freely choose to use.

Cryptocurrencies are going to open new avenues from many areas of economic life. Not only should they eliminate poverty around the world, but they will also provide new sources of funding for any type of research or charitable endeavor that we need. How many breakthroughs did not take place in the bankster run world, breakthroughs that could save millions of lives, simply because those groups lacked funding? Under the new system, that will not be the case.

Greed stems from fear. It is buying into the belief there is not enough. This is one of the biggest lies perpetuated by the media. There is more than enough of everything on this planet. The problem is that the resources are in the hands of a few. And the ones who control the resources have the power.

What we have is nothing more than a distribution problem.

STEEM is the forum for us to exemplify our evolution towards this 5D consciousness. Do you believe in scarcity? Every couple weeks I post how the distribution of STEEM is changing. So far, after researching the past 6 months, it is always the same. A greater percentage is spread around to the many. Yet we still encounter many who feel the system is unfair.

These are signs that one cannot see past the 3D consciousness. Limitation is prevalent in this realm. People find it unbelievable when I say one SP can be worth a Ferrari. Why can't it? Simply because one buys into limitation. There is a finite amount of STEEM available but no cap on how much that can be worth in fiat.

Are we afraid that someone else is getting more than we are? Do we believe we are in competition with others on here for the finite resources? Are we trying to grab all we can at the expense of our integrity, consideration, and love?

Certainly, I am a believer that we each should amass as much SP as we can. I consistently write that I am powering up as quickly as I can and suggest everyone else do the same. The reason I do this is because I know that even 500 SP is going to change a lot of people's lives. I want each person on here to be able to focus upon the higher levels Maslow discussed. Naturally, that is a lot easier when people are not stuck slaving away at a dead end job 50-60 hours a week for little pay.

Nevertheless, in the meantime, we have the forum before us. How we act on here is how we act everywhere. STEEM is giving us all feedback about our beliefs. We see a lot of competition, attacking, and warlike mentalities from people who claim to be operating from spirit. Unfortunately for them, there is no way to marry the two. Fear in all its forms is 3d consciousness; spirit is 5D. Cryptocurrency is providing a pathway to 5D yet many are still grasping to the beliefs of 3D.

The Internet provides abundance yet most still want to fight it. There is more information available to us via web searches than we can read in 10K lifetimes. We can communicate with almost 3.5B people and growing each day. The methods we have at our disposal are virtually unlimited. There are 1500 cryptocurrencies available with new ones being created. We are getting airdrops. There are faucets. Crypto can be earned by listening to music, doing web searches, or posting online. Heck, with Manna, crypto is given freely simply for signing up and verifying.

And yet people still cling to the belief of scarcity. As much as we complain about it, we relish their 3D consciousness. It is comfortable and familiar. Letting go, we are taught, makes us weak.

Keep this concept of consciousness in mind as you interact on here. Cryptocurrencies are providing a pathway for us to look at ourselves. Since money is one of the most emotionally charged items in our system, it has tremendous influence over what people will do. The scarcity aspect of things is going away. Now that we peel away that layer, what is exposed? In my view, our beliefs suddenly are on full display.

And from that, we get feedback as to how we are evolving.

Trust me, this is much more than just another social media site.

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Yes. Crypto is part of our evolution. Transparency, Equality and Freedom are Blessesary so that we may expand and begin to take back our power. : )

Take back our power from whom or what?

As we all know, fiat is debt.

The words after the comma are true, but I’m not at all sure about the words before it. I would argue that the vast majority of people don’t think about fiat as something other than something they want more of. I think very few people understand that fiat is created via debt, which is after all crazy, if you stop to think about it. But I really doubt that most people do stop to think about it.

Very true...I should have said "As all of us on here know"....

You know, I've never heard of 4d before - at least that I can remember. This simple description puts a lot of things into perspective. I'm definitely living like this right now; in 4d. I'm angry at most problems I can clearly see have solutions but aren't being solved within our societies today. Knowing about this consciousness just now, I know, is going to help me strive towards reaching 5d. Looks like I've got a lot more work to do:)

For cryptocurrencies, I think it's just the beginning. Blockchain is going to move us in such a different direction for the better, nobody will even recognize it, I'm sure. Currency, food, electricity, water, elections, policies, laws, supply chains, travel, mail service, etc, etc. It's all going to be changed once the Blockchain gets ahold of it. Hopefully, we get the first tier sorted out quickly and the other tiers fall into place as a result.

I agree with you @stephen.king989. Blockchain is one of the most powerful forces that we have seen.

What we need to do to realize what you describe is to promote the idea of decentralization and the benefits of it versus the enslaving of centralization. Most are not aware of this. It is something that few realize but must. We tend to promote the idea of money when we talk about STEEM....we should add in the idea of no tracking and the lack of censorship. These are equally if not more important.

4D is the transition phase. It is when one awakens with knowledge. You can think of it as awakened by not enlightened. We havent quite gotten out of the head and into the heart. The head is at least aware which is progress from 3D but we still hold onto some of the beliefs (and fears). Letting go is the solution but it is tough to do. The move from the head to the heart is a tough one.

I appreciate this well-thought-out post. What I'm experiencing is a lot of great people who have an opportunity here to really shine with their abundant hearts. They brought their hearts with them but this is a place where they can practice the Abundant Heart. What a fantastic thing. What an incredible opportunity to expand ones consciousness. Blessings. REsteemed.

I am amazed to find more awake people on steemit than anywhere else. It is all a matter of digging through everyone to find the like minded spirits who understand what is happening before all of us. I am glad I came across you today as I did.

I was reading The Gene Key yesterday and part of what iread reminded me almost exactly of crypto, even though the author obviously had no idea. It was a big sign that this place might be where a big revolution is occurring. Even the people here who don't talk about spirituality seem to be quite spiritual. I think you are right, crypto is right in line with the consciousness shift

What an interesting post! I have always tried to live my life in 5D, I just never knew to call it that :) But you are correct in your observations that many people on here are still lugging the 3D mentality with them, and it only manages to hamper the true spirit of steemit. I think there is a certain mentality for people who call it 'unfair' , to be stuck in a daily game of comparison, focusing solely on their potential financial gains compared to others. It's a bit child-like...wah it's not fair! My father taught me that life isn't, so just get on with it. But I love your ideas here, because if everyone could embrace the 5D mentality, comparisons would naturally fall by the wayside.

Greed stems from fear. It is buying into the belief there is not enough. This is one of the biggest lies perpetuated by the media. There is more than enough of everything on this planet. The problem is that the resources are in the hands of a few. And the ones who control the resources have the power.

I used to spend a lot of time discussing this with my senior students when I was teaching; the idea of fear mongering as a form of control, used by the media especially but also governments. What a great way to control when you can simply convince a entire population of a terrorist threat for example, and that it would be in their own best interest to give up some confidential rights of privacy, in return for protection. Or your idea of hoarding because sooner or later we are going to run out of stuff. But it's all nonsense!

What we have is nothing more than a distribution problem.

Bingo my friend!

Keep this concept of consciousness in mind as you interact on here.

In the end, I love how you've suggested a way of being, that is quite possibly new for a lot of people, but also your post acts as a cautionary tale, and for some, upon reflection, they might not like what they see in the mirror.

Keep this concept of consciousness in mind as you interact on here...Cryptocurrencies are providing a pathway for us to look at ourselves.

So well done; I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and contemplating! Cheers :)

Oh, I hope so. Funny, I have often read of the shift from 3D to 5D, but have never before seen anything about what 4D (for me, the skippedD!) was. In the end it's pretty simple. Just be. Trust that's there's something bigger out there or not. Like yourself, Love yourself and then just treat everyone around you the same. The End.

It is the stage where one is awakened but not enlightened.

One begins to know what is going on and realize there is another level yet knowing and being are two different things. One is operating in the head, not the heart.

It is much better than 3D but still has a lot of hanging onto the belief system (and fear) from there.

4D is a transition phase.

This is a little out there, but I can see it. The 5D consciousness thing is a strange concept to me, so I will have to do more to understand it.

Best way would be to actually experience it, but that requires a lot meditation.

It's hard for people to understand the beauty of crypto unless they spend a couple months on Steemit and witness for themselves the potential of this blockchain. Banks are screwing us daily with more fees and less service. They don't even want to send you statements, without charging you. The fact that I can transfer SBD to Task for free, for his great articles, drives in the advantages of this blockchain. This is the place to be in 2018. Task says it, and I believe him. 😎

Can I owe you Task? I'm a little short. 😂

Very interesting perspective, as usual!

Thanks to @josephsavage, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Again you shine bright!

Your analysis is spot on for my tokens :)

And interestingly ~ just in case you are unaware, I speak to spirit and it was the spirits that drew my attention to both Steemit and Crypto in general.

The light spiritual realms are excited by the possibilities blockchain and crypto offer humanity to even the playing field, defeat corruption (the dark) and allow every man, woman and child the chance of true freedom.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Couple of points about this post that I lightly disagree.

  • "Do you believe in scarcity? Every couple weeks I post how the distribution of STEEM is changing. So far, after researching the past 6 months, it is always the same. A greater percentage is spread around to the many. Yet we still encounter many who feel the system is unfair."

This just makes me to want ask a question about what is equal? Is it something where strongest is 100 times more powerful than weakest? Or should there be some sort of upper limit? like 15 times stronger, because that is already a lot.

I think that cryptoes are here to expose that banking system to large masses with social media and information of course. In sense of it creates counter force against fiat system that forces corruption become completely visible.

To summarize what i'm saying is that cryptoes are more of a stepping stone towards higher spirituality than part of it.

You are nailing it! Yes, there is much more to say about 5D and the integration happening. I guess, everything I do in my daily life at the moment, is to find out, how 5D can be integrated in 3D reality through the power of Love and "my" personal gifts.
I just found one brave young woman @nanuberks here - I think, you will like her video - she is one of these Indigos, who are the spear front of this new consciousness in action.Thank you!

Greetings: I appreciate your vision and insight, especially viewing cryto and Steemit as vehicles that might lead humanity to increasing levels of consciousness. I am relatively new to the platform but it's already apparent to me that Steemit is a fantastic community in which to openly share our thoughts and hopes, just like you have here. I too see a vision for Steemit, one in which we indeed can find the Abundant Heart (as I call it) within ourselves. In the world at large none of the "isms" are the answer. Our only hope, not just here, but for humanity is to rise in our consciousness above our ingrained survival instincts. That is my hope and one of the major reasons I love Steemit. I sincerely do hope we can chart a path to a new reality for humanity. Blessings. I've included a link to a bit of visionary writing I did when @ned posted his update a couple of weeks ago. I spoke of the on going development of Steemit as if we were creating a Galaxy.

I am not sure about all the 3D or 5D consciousness, but what I agree with you is the potential crypto has in changing the entire world and improving the lives if millions and millions of people.

Technology is what drives the world forward and the change in mentality blockchain can cause in people can be a big surprise for all.

I can see how blockchain extends our consciousness

Wonderful Post <3 @taskamaster4450

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Thank You! ⚜

People find it unbelievable when I say one SP can be worth a Ferrari.


I’ve been in 5d since about 2012!

I actually think this might be the best thing I've ever read on Steemit. I've never heard consciousness labeled as 3D, 4D and 5D before, and that was cool. Also, you put into words what I could not at this early phase of me in the crypto world. But this is something felt. And wow, what you said about the war-like mentality of people on Steemit with their fear based beliefs about most going to the few.... thank you. I'm going to keep that with me.

Thanks for the interesting post.
It seems to me they are and will play a part.
Much growth to come.
Power and good energy to you.

Fantastic job! When I first began to grasp cryptocurrency (Actually, I'm still just beginning to understand it..), I also saw it as a system that could assist our transition into 5D consciousness. However, I have a few speculations about your use of a dimensional classification systems for states of consciousness.
Personally, I have never viewed 4D consciousness as a state that humans could reside in for too long. I've always viewed it as a transition space where there is a "door" to 5D consciousness. From what I understand, physicists define 4D as a space that outlines distance (a grid). Therefore, I see 4D consciousness as the state of "knowing there's more, but not quite sure of anything else".

Although, I have seen many people become angry when they begin to see all the things that have been hidden from them, but once they have submitted to the frequency of anger, I believe this places them back in a 3D consciousness. I could be wrong though.

Thank you for this high quality post.
Love & Light


Wow, this is what Ive been looking for.
Steemit is now blowing my mind. Ive been missing a proper discussion of the implications of the acceleration of the consciousness shift and the correlation with Crypto and other digital innovations. Never would I have thought to find it here on Steemit.

I am more used to the general vibe of online platforms being more conservative, but the crowd here seems really open to cutting-edge thinking. I guess its something that comes with the crypto-nerd crowd, which is a cutting edge topic in itself.

If psychedelics is, where science and spirituality meet, maybe crypto can be the meeting of economics and spirituality ;)

Dream on!