If You Really Want To Stand Out On Steemit, Do This!!!!

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

There is a principle that many success experts suggest called "act as if".

The basic concept here is that if you want to be a particular way, act as if you are already that way.

For example, if you want to be a successful writer, start acting as if you already had that success. What actions does that person take? How long is spent writing? What approach is used to writing? How does one market the works?

By mirroring that actions of that which we want to be, over time we mentally see ourselves as such. In addition, we also start to get some of the same results as that individuals since our actions will create them.

I bring this up because many people on here want to be heavy hitters. They look at the accounts of many and see 50K SP; 100K SP; or even more. Since that is what most of us aspire to, we should look at the behavior of those individuals to see what we can learn and model.

Yesterday I posted a topic about my results with commenting. As I shared, there is great value in commenting. Over the course of a week, I made $235.


Not only is commenting a great way to make some money, it is also a path to getting some followers. Posting comments enables people to learn about you. Through some interaction, people will visit your blog. This all aids in helping your account grow.

There is one other aspect to this. If you goal is to start out, there is another action that can be taken with comments to aid in this. It is also a behavior the heavy hitters exhibit on a regular basis.


If you truly want to be recognized as someone different from the masses, start upvoting the comments of other people. This is something that is rarely done by minnows yet it is one of the easiest ways to stand out.

The post I linked has 130 votes in it. With so many upvotes, it is hard to see anyone but the largest of voters (who appear on the top). After that, the list just goes on with many of the smaller voters not even appearing on the drop down when I click on it. Therefore, many people will be lost.

However, the situation is not the same in the comment section. Very few people voted for comments. Those with multiple ones mostly contain upvotes from the author and, perhaps, one or two other people (one of them being myself). Doing a quick scan, I do not see any comments with even close to 10 votes with 6 being the most I saw.

From a competition standpoint, upvoting comments on a regular basis will put you in select company. Few people do it to a large degree. Posting regular comments will catch my attention.....upvoting my comments on a regular basis will really grab me.

As I said at the beginning of this post, acting as if is a great way to begin to create the reality of what you are desiring. Many heavy hitters will upvote a number of quality comments in posts they are reading. This does not apply to their own works. I noticed a number who will come through and upvote 5 or 6 different comments of an article I wrote. To me, this carries a lot of weight.

Give it a try. I know it is tough in the beginning when you do not have the slider bar (logging in with Busy.org will fix that). However, this is one of the easiest ways to get on the radar of other people.

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I handed this tip out multiple times yesterday for the reasons above.

And in addition to that, users will lower SP (< 1000/2000) are likely to receive more rewards in curation from the comments they vote, when compared to being in 200th position in voting order on a post paying 200/300.

This, as far as I am aware isn't common knowledge, as I suspect not many larger accounts wish to state 'don't vote for my post it's not worth it, I won't see your vote and you will receive 0.001 or nothing in rewards!'

What they will see though is a solid comment/reply and a vote on their comments.

As always, sound advice for the new recruits here, cheers :D

That is an amazing point that I didnt think of.

To make your curation somewhat more valuable, start upvoting posts. The fact that you stand out also means that you have less of a pool to share with on that comment.

This is a fact that needs to be spread around some more.....curation rewards are still something that is misunderstood...I know you are doing your best to bring it to light.

Yeah, most of the time it could be just your single vote on a comment = all the curation reward is yours.

A vote of 0.01 on a huge post could mean your reward being less than 0.001 which is the lowest that can be paid.

I'd rather see newer accounts focus on engagement over curation rewards, and I'm willing to pay the best engagers each week as you have probably seen :D

It is a great idea @abh12345. And yes I am aware you are paying through your curation reward league...it is something I will have to take a closer look at.

You words here this morning reminded me of a great path for all of us to take with our curation......

And how much of an asset it can be in creating a stream of SP flowing into our accounts on a daily basis.

We all want to swim with the Whales and take home what they do, but as you alluded, even a Dolphin upvote can get lost in a very popular post with the Orcas and Whales all upvoting.

even a Dolphin upvote can get lost in a very popular post with the Orcas and Whales all upvoting.

Yes very true, especially if we wish to share our votes out to many which as a #stewardsofgondor member, is something I think we should all be trying to do.

The SOG Stalking Program.

We stalk each other all over Steemit. 😀

It is unlikely there is a community that is more committed to engagement on the platform, and so very likely we will bump into each other often! :D

I already do...I cant go anywhere without slamming into @goldendawne.

She is everywhere on here.

I am still wrapping my head around all of this, but do you think it's for this reason that when a heavy hitter like berniesanders comments and upvotes his comment, it is an upvote of like 70 different "voters"? Is that so he doesn't have to share any of the curation rewards? Again I don't really understand how this works but I was curious as to why his upvote isn't just worth 1 upvote, haha.

Now i get it. I observed that i get larger curation rewards on comments that i upvoted than even some posts that have high pay out. Thanks for the light you throw here

Great :D I'm glad you have spotted this!

I didn't know that you get curation rewards for that. Thank you!

It is hard, as a smaller user...but that's to be expected. It comes down to attention, and how best to get it - and the comments section is a great place to start.

And I agree with you re: prioritising the comments over hoping to get a little back in curation for upvoting the original post. In the comments, you are at least visible - and it's what you do with that visibility which goes to determine your "success" (do you define success in $$ or attention).

Indeed. Most of us started with nothing, and are aware of the early struggles.

It takes time and commitment, plenty of comments are key for sure.

do you define success in $$ or attention

Attention will bring $$ in time, and they are part of being successful here I guess. It's nice to have your work appreciated and commented on, making friends with common interest I would also consider a success.

Good luck to you :)

Thank you.

I totally agree...attention brings $$, not the other way around. Too many people are chasing $$ when they should be chasing attention. Money always follows attention, no matter whether you're on Steemit, another social platform, TV, radio.

My pleasure, I'm with you 100% :D

Well I couldn't not read that article and not comment here and say. . . Great article, good tip, I'll try it right away.

Hi @abh12345 , this is Solid addition to @taskmaster4450 post! Thanks.

By the way, I replied to your comment in the 10 Examples to Add Value, and it would be great to get the information of what you did, so I added on the examples before the post expires in editing time.

Regards, @gold84


Yes, sorry about that - sometimes a reply does slip through the net - I've reprimanded myself accordingly, and sent you a reply :)

Interesting notion on curation rewards for comments and I sometimes upvote comments as well especially if it brings so much value to the discussion.

The more interactions we get and reward meaningful ones will encourage more people to be engaged.

Great point! Being a neophyte it's all very confusing. Is there a tool that can make clear how the rewards are being distributed? I'm forever confused as to why I get certain rewards for what. I've found Steemviz.com/pending payouts but that's only SBD. Where can I find the SP info and understand how that works a little better? Thanks for helping us newbies!


Yea, steem is about building ecosystems, and there are accounts who manage to make communties, as you do @taskmaster4450, to grow the value of content rewarding comments and encouraging the knowledge and discussion...

The most money i've made on Steemit was with a comment, i recevied a 56$ vote... i spended some time making the comment, but jeez, never as much time as i spend on my posts... so yea!

following your advice :)

I had a $40 comment one time...so I know what you are talking about...it is really mind blowing when that happens.

From a person who I am not sure has visited my blog since...

A vote of $56 on a comment, really will get your attention...hell it will on an article.

Dang, that's basically unheard of most of the time. I guess no one really writes long comments? I guess your comment was really, REALLY awesome.

Hehe, in my case, it was just the rigth moment in the rigth time... actually it was @dan who voted me... it was amazing :D

Not only is commenting a great way to make some money, it is also a path to getting some followers. Posting comments enables people to learn about you

I have found some of the best followers, friendships and interaction in the comments' section. I discovered steemit members I would have NEVER known about before. Believe it or not, most of my favorites have come from reading one of my following's posts, seeing ANOTHER member making a comment- so I comment back to the second person. Then I check out his or her page. It's almost as if steemit has a six degrees of separation or connection happening.

six degrees of separation

And you end up finding Kevin Bacon.

lol- wouldn't it be a hoot if the bacon man were on steemit?

Now I'm wondering... are there famous celebrities on steemit? That would be fun!

Not that I have seen...not to the degree you mentioned, not yet.

I have seen some from the alternative news world and one or two from MSNBC but nothing that is head turning.

Over time, this could change as things start to ramp up around here. I think one of the politico types who tend to be a bit out there for the mainstream like Alex Jones or Glenn Beck might be the first.

Maybe we will see Paris Hilton soon.

LOL...If Alex Jones comes to Steemit, that would be insane! What a s**tstorm he's create.

I did see Joe Rogan talking about Steemit a few days/week ago on his podcast/YouTube channel. He was told about it by his producer, and Joe was very positive on the idea, and said "if they did that with video, it would be great", but they didn't mention/know about DTube. And Joe Rogan is a MASSIVE online personality - he'd bring a tidal wave of attention with him.

Yes Jones would create that...as would many other divisive personalities...at some point they will arrive...not sure when but if STEEM keeps growing, it will happen.

Word is not out to the masses yet, that is obvious. When it does, we will see a flood of people on here. Of course, we need the automated sign up for that to happen. At some point, it all will come together and we will see an explosion.

As I surf the net I come across so many that I say to myself, this person needs to be on STEEM. How to get word to them?

I'm completely anonymous on steemit...just... Cuz. Lol

But it always makes people say but...whooooooooo are you?

And it makes me think...as far as anyone knows there COULD be celebrities here that are incognito!!! I kinda like writing without worrying about people in my real life reading and knowing details about me that would be easier to read (and write) from a stranger's perspective.

I think there ARE famous people already here... They're just not interested in using their name to gain anything.theyre using this more as a way to connect to people WITHOUT the fame attached.

Just my opinion.

But maybe I'm speaking from experience..... Maybe I'M famous

Hahahaha totally kidding. I'm not

Orrrrrrr am I???? 😂😂😂😂

Oh my gosh. I would make the worst spy in the world.



This is EXAAAAAAACTLY what I do too.... Lolol sooner or later the masses will catch on!!! We just need to all keep saying it lol

I've honestly never, ever thought to do this... what a great suggestion! As @abh12345 suggested, it makes sense that you could make a lot more in comment curation than you ever could in post curation. It would actually be totally worth figuring out who @crytoctopus upvotes on his blog and getting in first. Does anyone know if there is the same weird formula on comments as with posts, ie, 15 minutes = 50%, 30 minutes = 100%, etc?

More to your point TM, it really does help engagement and just overall friendliness and happiness on the Blockchain if we all upvoted each other's comments. I'd guess few people even read other people's comments...

I didnt think up the curation angle either but @abh12345 was very astute to point it out.

That is a way to really increase the amount someone brings in on his or her votes.

Commenting and supporting each other's comments is what creates community. That is the real value of any ecosystem.

It is also what makes STEEM very strong.

It would actually be totally worth figuring out who @crytoctopus upvotes on his blog and getting in first.

Yep, and you will notice accounts are on this already!

Does anyone know if there is the same weird formula on comments as with posts, ie, 15 minutes = 50%, 30 minutes = 100%, etc?

I believe the same rules apply to posts and comments.

it really does help engagement and just overall friendliness and happiness on the Blockchain if we all upvoted each other's comments. I'd guess few people even read other people's comments...

Absolutely, this is where the real interactions take place. Cheers!

Thanks so much for this dude, so a comment is just a tiny post basically... that's good to know . Your comments and TM's post are actually making me rethink my entire voting approach to Steem. I'm super excited to start to action this... thank you so much!

Good luck!

Check out my Curation league post if you wish to join a community striving to improve their curation, both financially and for the good of the platform.


I'd love to throw a few upvotes around on every post, but as I only have around 130SP, I don't have access to the slider-scale, allowing me to spread my voting around.

My upvote is only worth $0.04 at the moment, but there are so many who's upvote doesn't even register anything - $0.00. I found this so disheartening when I first joined.

Another "tactic" smaller accounts might want to take, is to comment on other people's comments within somebody else's post. That's a way to get more attention, with the poster of the comment, and possibly the author of the post.

But there really aren't any shortcuts. Hard work, consistantly posting great content and becoming a valuable [and authentic] member of the community is how to grow on ANY social platform. Steemit might have its differences, but it's still a social platform - people interacting with people.

The vote slider makes things much more interactive, but if you still comment people will notice. There have been plenty of times I've upvoted a lower rep person even if they didn't do any upvoting because I know what it's like to not have the slider and be running your VP down!

It sucks no having the slider. I hate it so much. I guess it incentives pushing to 500 SP, but I think that the slider could still be used by those who are lower than 500 SP.

Completely agree, with decimals it would still add up correctly, it really limits newcomers ability to show appreciation for content. Hoping they remedy this in updates.

The slider is kind of annoying anyways, scooting your mouse 1% is a pain. I bet they could come up with a similar system that would work for everyone.

Another "tactic" smaller accounts might want to take, is to comment on other people's comments within somebody else's post.

Not only does this garner more attention but it also helps to create interaction. There are some who will actually answer your comment on their comment. Sadly, this also is fewer than should but we have to start somewhere.

Great point.

I view this as a way of bringing additional value to the original poster, and their community (i.e. creating conversations around the post topic), but also as a way of getting on other people's radar. IBut you have to be authentic - throw-away comments and trying to "game the system" can be spotted a mile away.

Of course authenticity is vital. You cant fake this stuff.

I agree there are so many different levels where a conversation in a post can help. It is sad to see so many who just post a comment and move on. It is as if they dont even look at their reply category. I understand many are pressed for time but what is the goal on here.

To make a few comments to get upvoted upon or to start interactions....the first will net a few SP, the later much more SP over time.

Correct. That's the only problem with telling people this method lololl

You don't just give the tool to people who will use it correctly

You give it to everyooooone. And some people will abuse it because .... Well because they have no home training! Lololol
(I love that saying hahaha)

Just another point about votes and SP worth. @m-ssed-t and @taskmaster4450 ...I found a way around that temporarily... I use the tipu program. My 0.1 tip is worth FAR more financially than my vote would be. And it's manual! So I choose who I want to give to... And how much!
I love it and I'm trying to turn people onto it who are like me and can't wait for the VP to recharge lololol (I hover around 15-30% sheesh.)

It's interesting how different comments on steemit are because of that. It's really an incentive to create value and quality. . .
Content in general here is amazing, it must be a great feedback cycle to generate value in such a personal and creative way. My account feels frustrating sometimes but at least I'm seeing some awesome posts daily . . .
Going to try and respond more often in the comments now :)

Comments are the undervalued way to success here on steemit and you´re definitely the master in that discipline. I´m giving my best next to my day job but keep falling behind again and again. I hope that´ll finally change whenever I get more time to spend on steemit soon, cause in 2 months I´ll go "full steem" :)

You and me both @steembusiness.

I am looking at a similar time frame....although I am not sure if my company might have different plans.

Either way, I do not believe it is a long process for me.

Comments are extremely undervalued on here. I guess it is like someone mentioned below, on traditional sites they tend to be cesspits. Too many trollers.

Unlike there, comments actually add to the conversation.

Absolutely! I won't re-write what I already commented below hahahhaa but I'm so excited to see.so many people on the same page!!!!

THIS is the way to fight the negativity that is becoming rampant on steemit.

Don't get frustrated and give up.... Find your tribe and contribute to it!!!! I hope more people see this post.
As a matter of fact I'm resteeming it lol

the upvoting of comments was something I learned about a week ago from someone else. If someone replies to me, I upvote that comment, even though I do not have much steempower to give a dollar value, it is a habit I wish to practice for when I have a greater steempower; it shows that persons reply was valuable to you

That is the big thing @lemondropsblue.

Creating habits that carry forward when we have more SP. Doing it from the beginning will make it much easier down the road.

yes it will. Thank-you

Yeah that's true

it shows that persons reply was valuable to you

the person will always come back to comment when you do this

yes, it promotes engagement, a win win!

What's the phrase - it goes along the lines of:

Most people think if I HAVE xyz, then I will DO xyz and then I will BE that person.

Whereas it should be in reverse:


Having said that, I'm guilty of not up voting other's comments as much as I should and will aim to redress the balance.

We all are @stevelivingston.

It is not something we commonly think about....hence we do not do it....yet it is a great way for those with smaller accounts to really make a difference.

Never thought about this. Certainly in posts with lots of comments, it is sometimes harder to read through the comments. I cannot remember upvoting a comment but to tap myself on the shoulder a little bit. I do react sometimes on comments. Even if they aren't posted in a post of me :)
For the minnows it is hard not to run out of Voting Power. When we vote more than 20 times a day, we ran out. We can still up-vote but without making a difference.

A question: whats your opinion about posting a comment without up-voting the post? I do find this hard to do, so I don't. But like told before I quickly ran out of ammo.

IMO, whether I'm a small fish, or when I become larger, if you commented on a post of mine, but didn't upvote the post, I'd be glad to have your input, and thankfull for your attention. There'll always be some people motivated by, and only caring about the $$, but thankfully many Steemians are this way. Do what feels right.

I do feel the same. I rather have a genuine comment that an meaningless up-vote. Both are great but cause I'm still in plankton phase I can understand it.
Also rather have an upvote from somebody who does appreciate my post, than somebody who is it for the curation. (Not that they are getting any with my number).
What I also noticed is that a lot of really big whales aren't posting anymore but still hauling over 300SP a week by curation.

There is nothing wrong with posting a comment without upvoting.

We all know that people, especially those sub 500 SP, run into voting power issues.

You should not limit your commenting simply because you lack the voting power. I would much rather have your comment and not and upvote than neither. With a voting limit, commenting is the other way you can contribute, and you can do that on an unlimited basis.

I Never thought of this. I thought my vp was too low to try that. Though I sometimes upvote replies to my comments. But I think I'll start expanding with this idea. Thanks @taskmaster4450. If minnows are to follow the tips you dropped here on regular basis, am sure they will find their ride on this platform smoother.

I agree too that minnows will have a better time upvoting comments and also starting conversations in comment sections of articles they have read. For me, I'm used to YouTube comment sections, where there is no incentive to write thoughtful or genuine comments. I have still had a few good conversations there, but no as much as here.

I started following your posts because of a couple of friends of mine and I've gotta say im glad I did. Your posts add a lot if value to newer folks lime myself ans many others im sure.

I started following him too because of my friends. They even said that he'd teach me a lot, and he has.

Thanks for your follow @rodthrower18.

I appreciate it and I am glad you find them informative and helpful.

We are all in this together and it is going to take all of us to help STEEM reach its potential.

Great advice, I comment a lot everyday and a daily post (sometimes more) and I can´t say I´am doing bad in steemit, but it could be better, because reputation is a thing that comes with time and effort, and that´s why I always bring the best posts I can to the community.

I´m going to give it a try, and I can see already that a lot of this comments below are being much more upvoted than normal!

I too, do daily commenting and posting, but never thought to start conversations in comment sections of articles I've read. It's something that I think is probably "out of the ordinary," and no one thinks about.

Thinking "out of the box" is one of the qualities that entrepreneurs need to have to be successful.
So even knowing that the idea was not mine, it doesn't hurt to be one of the first to start using it; Just like every user of Steemit right now, early adopters that will see their effort being "paid" latter.

Be different and go for the "out of the ordinary" is a great advice! @pacific-yt

Thank you for the advice!

Commenting has in fact become one of my most important source of getting about 20-25 sbd almost every week!! It's almost one-third of my total weekly sbd earnings and when i'm having a bad week on my blog, the comments in fact become the major source of payouts for that week!!

Upvoting comments is actually a wonderful idea I never gave much thought to!! I sporadically upvote comments, but never really thought of the implications of it and how I can maximize my benefits from it...so thanks for pointing that out!!

Didn't know busy.org solves the voting slider problem damn it....but thanks to you I have finally powered up and stand around 700 sp and have that awesome voting slider :D

One tiny correction on the first line....

There is a principle that many success experts suggest called "act is if".

.....Should be act "as" if.

Thanks for catching the typo corrected.

Np :)

@taskmaster4450, totally agree with you. After I started to think and act like a dolphin, my rewards increased a lot, besides my daily readers. I think that change of mindset is huge for us, minnows and redfishes, which are trying to grow up in the ecosystem. Oh, also, I started to do that because of your posts, so thank you!

It really does work @robertouerti.

The biggest obstacle is often in between our ears.

Think like one, act like one, and work on becoming one.

It is a proven model of success.

This blockchain is a great example of how to apply it because there is one system to work. Upvote, comment, post...that is what it always comes down to. Sure there are many different variations about what people focus upon and how they go about things.

Yet there is a system in place that we all should follow.

@taskmaster4450, that is correct, the problem is change our way to see and act.
I think that people needs to change their paradigms, as like I changed. First, I start to comment more and more, and them I saw the increase of people who follow me, and them after a few months the rewards starts to increase. People needs to stop think in instant reward, this doesn't exist!

People needs to stop think in instant reward, this doesn't exist!

Very true.

One of the biggest challenges is that we promote steemit and d.tube as means of making money. From what I can see, that is what the marketing focuses upon. Ultimately, we should focus upon other things.

Nevertheless, I agree with you 1000%. The paradigm does require changing. People need to get involved and get active...this is what creates results.

Commenting is the involved and active part....that is where it all should start for people.

People who start with 15 SP usually skip upvoting other's. They think that their upvote is worthless for the author. In reality the opposite is true. On steemit Only the person posting blog isn't counted as author, even a person making comment is counted as author. So if 10 people with 15 SP upvoted a valuable comment, then that comment author will earn atleast 0.10 including curation. This would greatly benefit everyone involved in it by further increasing the followers of upvoter. The person you upvoted might return the gesture and upvote your post.

My best advise for people with less sp would be to upvote people with less sp instead of going after whales. What this would do is that it will you earn more curation reward. Not just this but it will also help you get more followers and you might even end up forming or becoming a part of a new community.

Great advice! Enjoy tuning in every morning to hear what you have to say. Steemians like yourself are leading the way and giving smaller minnows a window into what it takes to succeed.

RE: comments. My background is in traditional media, and the "comments" sections there are usually toxic. In fact, many media organizations simply turn off comments after a certain point (or strictly limit who can comment) because they provide such little value. But that's one thing that I really like about Steemit -- the comments are generally positive/supportive and filled with unique insights. They are worth "upvoting" because they really do provide value.

You bring up a valid point. Most comment sections are whine and bitchfests.

Not on Steemit. Comments are meant to add to the conversation. Trolling tends not to get too far since we see people jump all over that person. In that regard, the downvote button is very helpful.

You are right, comment plays a very important role

Not only is commenting a great way to make some money, it is also a path to getting some followers. Posting comments enables people to learn about you. Through some interaction, people will visit your blog. This all aids in helping your account grow.

I notice most of my followers came as a result of me commenting on peoples blogs. Each time I spend an hour or two to comment, I get an increase in my followers base.

I have never thought of this

If you truly want to be recognized as someone different from the masses, start upvoting the comments of other people. This is something that is rarely done by minnows yet it is one of the easiest ways to stand out.

But from you explicit eplanation, I must tell it is true and should be adopted by minnows and this will help them grow.

Thanks for sharing, It is really educative.

I have been upvoting comments in my posts lately because i can now use a 5% upVote and it will have .03-.05 cent and higher if it's an exceptional comment.

This has shown to have a positive effect on Engagement because they know that the better Comment they give the more that I would reward.

As for Comments I have started upvoting those comments that add value and add my own comment to it.

Not a lot of people do that among red fishes and minnows like me because of the limited VP and value.

Goes back to a scarcity mindset of some people that they want their own comment to go up so they feel that if they would upVote on others techy will have a less of a chance to get their own comment upvoted.

I've heard many times in life

Fake it till you make it.

I think the sentiment behind your article is very similar. Act as if ... you've already made it. It's really just a fast-track to manifesting. How do you manifest something? You do it.

  • Day after day.
  • Even when it's hard.
  • Even when you don't see results.

Until one day... it is your lived experienced. There really are no short cuts, but BELIEF is one of the largest boons. And thanks for the insight into upvoting comments - hadn't though of it that way before. Best to you!

There you go teaching us Steemit 101 again Task. Every day you spew this great advice, I feel like I'm in college again, where are all the girls!

You dropped the hint about Busy.org, now I have to go there and see what it's all about, esp. if it helps my slider problem. You're the man Task. 😎

Oh, and I'll be back to comment on comments. 😎

Let me know what you think of busy...it takes a bit to get use to the different UI and how things are laid out.

One thing I didnt like in the past is I could not figure out how to copy/paste pictures.

Well, that could be a problem... hopefully they fixed that issue, I needs my photos. 🖼

Thanks again for a great tip and another great post.

I didnt say they didnt allow it, just that I couldnt figure it out. LOL

I found the slider in the busy.org settings. I'm going to try to comment on some comments when my VP goes up. I set it at 50%, that would get me 10 extra comments. Thanks again for the suggestion. I'll keep you apprised of my findings and opinion of Busy. 😎

Well you are unlimited with your commenting...you can comment without upvoting...in fact it is suggested....do not let your commenting be hindered by the amount of votes you get....

But it is good that you now have the slider bar...so you can alter how much you vote each time.

That's true, I just have to have the mindset that my comment would be worth more to all your reader's, than me not making it because of low VP. 😎

Awesome point, which I already discovered. You may have noticed my actions during our conversation in your previous article. But yes, I need to do this with much more regularity.

A conversation I believe that will give you a bit of SP in 7 days.

Not enough to retire upon but a nice return for an enjoyable exchange back and forth for a few moments.

sure it will, but often enough such nice & real conversations have more value, much more the SP earned :)

Yeah your consistency will definitely pay off.

I sure hope so, @samiwhyte

welll thanks for sharing this post look intresting i will read it all as in pa your posts lways help us in steemit

If you’re passionate about what you do you will stand out for it. Think independently and let your views and opinions be known, and people will be interested to hear what you have to say.

I totally agree with that. Beyond it, since there are upvotes on the line, they may take extra time to write out thoughtful and meaningful comments instead of be a "yes" man or just spew hate.

This is a place where you have an intimate environment. and I agree with you. I am drawing. I have my share on it. people who are interested in this issue always give a boost. :) @taskmaster4450

I like how people who like you have easy access to support you here. Upvoting is really easy, and makes a big impact on those who you support.

Since I started increasing my comments and replies, my followers started to rise in number, it's a sign that they want to know me. It's not magic or trick, it's just interaction. People want to interact with each other, discuss opinions and different angles.

I totally agree with you, this also worked with me too, commenting has really helped me

That is wonderful and, to me, not surprising.

When one acts "social", remembering this is a social media site, then things start to happen.

Isolation is the enemy for anyone who is seeking success on here.

I agree with everything you say. Sometimes I do. If I do not share, I win followers only with comments I throw. There is a generous relationship between the users on the same side. This is very rare. If shares are liked by other users, users reward them with pleasure. Sharing content is also very important. And Steemit is the best quality platform I see as content.

I see a few of us already put the idea into practice. Brilliant advice as always, o master of tasks. I wonder how much we'd make if everyone started upvoting each other's comments.

I mean, it'd probably be around 1-2$ a post minimum, and that's at the current price of Steem!

agreed with you ! great post thanks for sharing it with us ! liked it and following you

Beautiful post,i love it,good work

"Act as if" can also be referred to as mirroring. You mirror what you want to be to achieve great success. I learnt some tips here that I'll start implementing asap. Thank you for sharing @taskmaster4450

I also upvoted, resteemed, and followed you.

I just got a slider bar and it has made comment voting so much easier! I always upvote comments made on my posts, and replies to my comments, but I never even thought of upvoting comments that I just thought were good! I will start doing that too! (I have even gotten to a point where I kind of lose respect for authors who have the capacity to, but don't upvote any comments on their posts. Granted no one should expect an upvote, but I always feel like I "reward" my followers who take the time to post a meaningful comment by giving them an upvote. Actually there is one follower who comments heartily on all my posts, and told me I am a huge part of the wage he now makes for his family, he lives in Africa. That makes me feel so great, as my upvote isn't even worth very much!!!) It's so cool what a difference we can make by just being kind and using our SP to the best of our ability!

^^ This! Even a small vote can make a big difference to people in different situations. So glad you pointed this out!

I'm looking for exactly this type of information that makes sense when I want to get started effectively. What would you recommend me?

This is really nice and informative.. Surely resteeming this

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

really great post @taskmaster i agree with everything you said, comments also has a great role in making new great followers. sharing other's content is smetimes really great also, that what i've just learned lately. thank you again.

Great post.
I appreciate your post.
Thanks for sharing this post.
Best of luck.

Try to find something specific to comment about, really. Now I'm not sure if you're a spammer or not. Too bad, you might have gotten my 2 cents upvote, instead you got my 2 cents in advice. But that could help you more. Now read this beautiful post again and be specific.

It seems like all the top people use bots especially all of the trending posts. Hopefully I can be successful without using bots. We shall see. Sometimes the easy way is not the best way to go.

I agree with you. Its proof, I myself. I got approved my steemit account only 9 days ago. Now my reputation power is 41 only for 9 days. We have earned it commenting in other post. Now my followers is 86. You have to do a relevent comment according to post. When you want to do a relevant comment then you have to read that post. When you will read that post, you will also gather knowledge that post. Relevent and appropriate comment is always admired by all. This post of @taskmaster4450 is really effective and truth and very helpful for us. If don't believe, You can visit my blog and you will see and get proof. Thank you for sharing this informative post.

You have really achieved a milestone in just a short time,

I agree with you. Its proof, I myself. I got approved my steemit account only 9 days ago. Now my reputation power is 41 only for 9 days. We have earned it commenting in other post. Now my followers is 86. You have to do a relevent comment according to post.

This is great, you have the experience of one who has been here for years, you must have earned this by reading and commenting on blogs I guess, I am sure you will go far.
Steem on

Before making my first post on Steemit I read that you should upvote every comment on your feed (other than the bots or "good post" ones). I just figured it's what you do. I have done it since day one and have some great people and followers here. I think making good content is actually about 30% of the work. Commenting is definitely as valuable if not more. Thanks for spreading the word so others start out right.

This is so true, some people think the way to getting attention from whales is by spamming and begging for upvotes.

Making good Comment is just one of the best ways

This is a very commonly used technique - Tony Robbins a others are frequently talking for this in their books and seminars, itnis known as NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). But be careful when you copy someones behaviour, you have to be sure that this is what you want.

Well written article ! Keep it up :)

I used to do this when I got started here in Steem but stopped it somehow as I thought my vote weight is too low and they wouldn't make a difference. Seems like I gotta rethink this decision, thanks for the tip bro.

It's not about the amount of your upvote

I used to do this when I got started here in Steem but stopped it somehow as I thought my vote weight is too low and they wouldn't make a difference

But the act of voting, just maintain the act irrespective of what you are giving out

Thanks for this eye opener post @taskmaster4450

Steemit is wide and many people really want to catch the attention of those that have really made it in this community. I learnt that the best way to do this is through commenting which is a means of appreciating their effort as no one will drop good content without first read the post and get the gist.

Now am guided to put in another effort by upvoting comments. I know with this, apart from earning cent of curation reward, it is also an opportunity to create a good relationship that last.

Thats great...i will do that also.. And i will always follow your blogs.. God bless

Yeah, it's good to change your focus from the (often tiny) curation rewards of posts to comments. There is lots of potential (and money) in the depths. I really like to interact and discuss topics with other commenters - especially on some bigger fish posts. Also some of the highest upvotes I got was on comments - a 80$ and a 30$ upvote by @Dan on 2 comments I made at his (probably) last post here on Steemit for example.
I recently also began to reward resteems with a 50% upvote when people also commented, since I still think, that resteems are way undervalued. So yes, the money/attention lies in the interaction and comment section.

This is a really great article, thanks for posting!
I hadn't thought of the comment vs. post up vote.
Its true that I do tend to look into people that comment and usually upvost/follow them. 🙏
Thanks for sharing!

love u steem..
thanks for sharing..

You're just reading my mind. I wanted to ask you to give a few tips and today I see this post. This is really a way to stand out if we're talking about account development through comments. I'd be interested to hear your success story on Steemit.

I get more SP from comments than I do from my blogs!

Talking about upvoting comments; that's a call to in-depth and thorough reading. For one, I don't like upvoting until I have read, understood, and agree with the ideas shared in the post! So, if I have to upvote comments, then I must be ready to read, sometimes, 100 come to and repeat the same process before upvoting! That's some though job but it is worth it!

Thanks for this.

Good advice. The only thing is that your voting power will run down fast and you will not be able to upvote enough post has you want. But I will still try it from time to time even though I do it from time to time. 😎

Man. You are on a creative tear. Back to back to back.

I do not have the slider yet (I'm close) but this is surely part of my overall strategy. I fully intend to comment on a minimum of 30 and vote 100 times per day. I do the commenting part now.

And I make it a specific comment on the post. If I like the post and read it carefully it's just easy. The engagement with good authors is just incredible. Really satisfying on it's own merits, let alone the delayed potential.

Thanks for another terrific post. I really do appreciate them.

Great post, I like to upvote people that comment on my blog to show I appreciate their effort to interact and engage.

If you truly want to be recognized as someone different from the masses, start upvoting the comments of other people. This is something that is rarely done by minnows yet it is one of the easiest ways to stand out.

Thats is one of the first lessons I learnt on steemit. I can't remember the author but the stuck. One of the reasons i make sure I have delegated steem power always.

There is some deep truth to acting as if you already were something. It's a hard thing to do sometimes as we relate to our past most often.

And man this is some awesome advice, I need to start voting and commenting other people's comments more frequently. It's something I know I need to do and just haven't prioritized.

Yes it really is a golden way to do things. Most overlook it as a means of improving one's account.

It also is a way to help one's own curation rewards. It is something that people need to remember as a revenue source...I often forget about it too.

Thanks to @abh12345 for that reminder.

Ya, not something I usually think about, he deserves some upvote for that

i learned about your post on @flauwy's account. great info! i just applied this and already had some great answers by people who would normally never even know my posts existed :D

Thanks a lot for this exposure, but some people find it difficult to up vote your comments on their post..... Even when someone takes time to read their post and comment. If this is actually done it really drops people to your blog. Or what do you think??

It's not just about the upvote

but some people find it difficult to up vote your comments on their post..... Even when someone takes time to read their post and comment

You can earn friendship which will pay off later

Every time I begin upvoting comments I find myself with VP of <30%. I either need to make friends with Busy.org or get myself enough SP for a slider.

Either will work...yes using the Busy.org will work well from what I hear...I havent used it in a while.

Amazing insights for minnows @taskmaster4450 ! Really well thought post on how to help minnows do some actions reraly done in the platform. Uptvoting comments on posts!

Regards, @gold84

Steemit is like a new and complex social game. It will take time for all the meta strategies to develop, like upvoting comments that are not replies to your post. Even so, few minnows and dolphins even upvote those who comment on their post.
Very cool concept though, and a nice way of standing out.

You opened my eyes to success with a very positive post you made yesterday about commenting , and today, this! You are turning my life 360 and you don't even know it.
Thank God i found you

Thank you for this information. I am still trying to figure out how I can fit into this platform and enjoy the journey. I know for me, if it's not fun or easy to figure out, it won't get done. That's my ADD, hot mess brain at work. ha-ha Thanks again for sharing. Many Blessings.

Love this article and I do believe this principle. Also known as manifestation :-)

Great piece of advice! Never thought of grabbing people's attention by upvoting their comments. Good sharing, resteemed!

Lol. My problem right now is i need to stop upvoting. I am at like 40% but i feel guilty not rewarding people who help me on my posts and people who engage in actual conversations in posts.

This is brilliant. I had never even considered the effects of upvoting comments.. but it makes so much sense considering how little most people actually do that! Thanks for writing this. super informative!

24d8cj.jpg Ok, I just learned something, you have to add the photo first, before the comments, because it just deleted my first comment. I scrolled forever to find my original post. The text is really large, I may have to post this way soon. 😂

I guess it didn't post as a reply to you either. 😂

Are you using Busy?

I did. I think when I added the photo to the comment, it came off as a reply to you. I'm posting this the old way, because I wanted to see where the photo ended up.

I came off as a reply in my repiles section but not to a particular comment....

I dont know if you were trying to reply to a comment or just posting one.

It was mainly the article post that I was unable to determine how to add a photo.

I should take a look at busy.org again.

They may have changed it. I haven't tried creating a post yet.

Once again, great advice, not just for us little guys but for the community as a whole. The comments section for this post is massive, so I don't know if you will read this @taskmaster4450 but thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting such well written and researched pieces.

I have noticed that a lot of comment sections are full of commentors talking with authors, but not commentors to commentors. I think that we need to start cultivating a culture of discussion within our own comment sections, so that all the commnetors can interact. We'll also get more view points that way.

I couldn't do a lot of upvoting on comments espeicially on my posts before because I was saving a lot of my VP to voting for other people's post but recently with the delegations that I got I have been able to become more generous.

I still try to keep my VP at above 70-80% to keep the value.

Good to keep in mind.

Brilliant. And this is so stupid simple I'm blown away I never thought of it but I've never claimed to be the smart guy here. Seriously though, this will allow you to stick out and get noticed more than most on this platform.

I know for me, when I see someone upvote y comment...It grabs my attention much more than just my blog content. Not saying I don't love the upvotes on my stuff though LOL

Awesome tip! I'm going to try to implement this much more going forward.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice post friend, I like, thanks you for sharing

I am in the process of growing, I try to improve my content day by day.
I've never received a cure reward, the truth is I still do not know how to win it

This is the second post in two days that I have read from you in two days of total interaction. I cannot thank you enough for spreading such a positive word. I try to do the same and with a fair bit of success as well.

I have always been voting on comments on my blogs. Seldom, I do that on other posts as well. Yesterday, the top comment on your $230 from comments post received some love from me as well. It is something I am looking forward to doing more often.

Good habits will lead to good results. I have experienced that and I will totally vouch for what you have said in this post. Act as if is such a powerful paradigm!

Congratulations @taskmaster4450!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 10 with 167 comments

Hi @taskmaster4450, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Thursdays for Pimp Your Post Thursday at 11am EST or 7PM EST in the Steemit Ramble Discord or:

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

I cannot agree more. I tell people this all the time and they refuse to believe me! Lol I love that the tides are turning!!!! (I saw your post in @shadowspub curation... I'm the one doing the contest today that she mentioned in her post. I'm trying to REWARD comments and readers, along with posters!! hehehe)

The comments section is the most undervalued place on steemit!!! It's where I make all.my best connections!! (And that's not regarding monetary value!) Some of my most valuable friends here are minnows like me!!!

I've never stopped to track how much money I make on comments... but now I'm curious! Lol but I'm there to find out who on steemit is like me! And then I follow them to the spots that they love and the steemians that they love... And before you know it... You've found your tribe!

And that's when the magic starts happening! Posts become a place where your friends gather to laugh and joke and bring insight and draw in MORE potential friends (and followers!)

Ive been preaching it for a few weeks now and ...now I'm ready to put my money where my mouth is hahaha

I want to prove to people that the comments are more valuable than they appear and I'm willing to kick on my own small meager amounts of SBD to do it! Hahahaha

When I talk about my contest on PYPT today I will mention your article too.... You have a great way of explaining it! Maybe you'll get some more activity here! (And collect some new kindred spirits along the way!) Actually..I may even pimp your post for you instead of pimping mine! Win/win! hehehehe

Thanks for this post, I will give it a try. I also signed up for Mannacoin, looks interesting!

thank you for highlighting for us @taskmaster4450 !

Wow. Great advice about upvoting comments. I always upvote comments of those who comment on my blog but I never taught about upvoting comments of other people on other blogs which I read daily. Thanks for the tip.

I agree, upvoting comments is an excellent way to communicating gratitude towards interactions on our posts. It also encourages others to continue clicking on your posts and build a recognition of quality content. Excellent advice. @ironshield

I continuously find myself pressed for time throughout the day and struggle with finding a "rythmn" on Steemit and other Steem apps. What I will say is that I find it more enjoyable to read and comment on posts that actually creating blog posts myself :-) Thanks for sharing this and reminding us of what Steemit is about.