RE: If You Really Want To Stand Out On Steemit, Do This!!!!

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If You Really Want To Stand Out On Steemit, Do This!!!!

in steem •  7 years ago 

I already do...I cant go anywhere without slamming into @goldendawne.

She is everywhere on here.

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Who's stalking who? lol

Since I am so innocent, it must be you stalking me.

I would never do something like that.....

Well there was that one time but I just really wanted my harmonica back.

And there was the other time....

Oh never mind.

One of the finest engagers on the platform, and I have the stats to prove it :D

She is my idol. I want to be @goldendawne when I grow up (I can say that since she is older than me..I believe).

Lol- yeah I am older.. .turning the BIG 50 this year... eek!

And thank you for the idol comment! Made me smile HUGE!

I turned the big 48 yesterday so I am hot on your trail....

Getting to the age where I am following the longevity initiatives and regenerative medicines....going to need it here soon.

Good I am glad I could make you was needed today.

Can vouch for @goldendawne being everywhere, I'm a new SOG and even I have already stumbled upon this Steemian a number of times.... and @cranium... well that guy is something else.