Steemit New Motto: Earn Lots Of Money Launching Personal Attacks So We All Can Laugh At Others!!!!! It Is A Sure Winner

in steem •  7 years ago 

This is another post that I am extremely disappoint to write but I feel this behavior is deplorable.

There is nothing worse than a wolf in sheep's clothing. At least with a bankster, you know what you are dealing with. Here is a person who is going to rob you blind if allowed and, now matter what he says in public, bet the ranch he is doing the exact opposite in private.

With a bankster, at least it is genuine. Sadly, with what I am bringing up, there is no genuineness. Instead, it is just vile and toxic.

Yesterday I wrote about the attacks on @haejin and went through point-by-point, the justification that people use to validate their behavior. Of course, it means little that I was able to destroy every point they had since these people do not care.

That said, we hit a new level of pathetic behavior. Here is a post but up by @netuso. Before posting the link, I must state @netuso wants your vote as a witness, a rather valued position here on Steemit. Of course, after reading this, please tell me if you think this is someone who exemplifies the leadership qualities of this site....

Fuck, Donald Trump would be proud.

Doesn't that just make you wish we had 50 witnesses like this leading the way. Here is someone who attacks another man's work (actually it is an entire group of people) and he wants to be voted in as a witness? I guess launching attacks on the posts of others is perfectly acceptable and should be esteemed on here.

I am glad I know what this place is all about.

What is really sickening his this post garnered $166 in upvotes....for making fun of an individual or a group of individuals.

Of course it gets better, he followed this up with another post:

This has reached an all-time low. I wish I could say this is the notion of one, stand-alone, individual. However, when we look at the comments, you see people saying "hilarious". Oh really? Someone making fun of another and their work is "hilarious".

Great, I am glad to know that. I guess it is funny if I post an article making fun of:

-your artwork
-your writing skills
-the fact you work in retail
-your financial state
-where you live
-your house
-your clothing
-your music
-your videos

What the hell, let us not stop there, we should go for it all...let's post articles making fun of:

-the color of people's skin
-the lack of ability to write English properly
-the fact you are from a third world nation
-you gender
-that ugly mole on your face

Hell, we can really charge this up, let us make fun of:

-your kids
-your old mother or father
-the fact that you are too fat, short, or ugly
-that your wife/husband left you
-your special needs family member
-your sexuality
-your intelligence
-your dog
-the fact you were raped/molested

Is this what Steemit is all about?

Obviously, all these people think so.

Personally, I would hope it is a slip of the keyboard, but some of these people have been at it for three days. This isnt a one time thing.

What is really sad, and I think the quote is "forgive them for they know not what they do", is these people should know better. Many of the names on this list I recognize. They claim to be people of love; humanitarians; compassionate; helpers; spiritual; religious, giving...fully on board with caring about others.

And then you see their comments supporting activity like this.

Sorry, this is worse than banksters....nothing worse than a wolf in sheep's clothing....

Behavior like this makes one a hypocrite.

Where is the love, compassion, assistance, giving, spirit, and community in any of this?

Well actually, judging by the posse that formed, there is a community.

Honestly, if this is what being a Steemian is all about, count me out.

This is truly turns my stomach. Disgust is the only thing I feel over it all.

If you found this article helpful, albeit upsetting, then please give it an upvote and resteem.

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This is human nature....
Everything in life has a good side and a bad side.
We can't delete the bad side..
But we can only care about the good side and work on spreading and supporting this side.
. For me I am greatly disturbed by the sex photos... It made me not follow everyone who posted sex photos.

We don't need this. Here's a lot of nice things we have to keep.
Thank you @taskmaster4450 for this great post

Hi @taskmaster4450,

Just wanted to let you know you misspelled @netuoso in this post... the link to @netuso doesn't go anywhere. This type of behavior is nothing short of bullying... hopefully eventually this platform will be bigger than these types of individuals... Unfortunately humankind always acts this poorly, look at the number of truly hateful groups on Facebook... we as a Steem community need to stand up and say we don't support this.

We as steemians need to also recognize that there are going to be a tonnnnn of users on this platform bullying other users. Instead of bans we have to combat the issue logically and convince the general steemit population. I think this really will blow over as BS account will continue to target users.

I agree.... bringing over popular YouTubers will be good for the mass-adoption of the platform... but it'll also bring a fair chunk of toxicity. The difference is that new users won't initially get the eyeballs on their hate until they invest in the platform... but yes, this is always going to be an issue and we need an intelligent resolution.

I support removing one's witness vote for @netuoso. I let him know I had done so, and he then data-mined my wallet and accused me of "begging" @haejin! He is another one of those who accuses others of what he's doing, as he's begging for witness votes. And begging for attention, by acting like a jackass in public.

Is this (critiquing someone's Wallet page) acceptable behavior of, well, anyone, let alone a witness? Sure, Steemit is an open platform and the Wallet is visible to everyone. Just because one can do a thing doesn't mean it's right to do it. His was an unveiled, wrongly-described negative attack at me. I had only told him "I no longer support you" with my short comment, saying exactly: "Unfollowed, downvoted, and you just lost a witness vote."

I had noticed him at #18 here:

Yesterday I saw that he was #19. Today, he's back at #18. If you have voted for him as a witness and don't think this behavior is appropriate, you might consider removing your witness vote.

If a witness is in the "top 20" then it earns a lot more.

Below is his accusation, I was considering making a post out of it, but for now I just resteemed this post, and am leaving this comment.

Oh, and Steemit had a code update recently which broke internal URLs! Note that the below chops it about halfway through. The actual conversation can be accessed via this link.


Not being familiar with either of those two users I opend the post you took issue with and my thoughts where.

Wait whats the problem this is clearly satirical simply poking a bit of fun at what could be any of the hundreds of armchair investor's that believe that they have the numbers crunched on such a volatile market. He didn't name anyone no harm, no foul so whats the problem?

Then I went over to @haejin and the issue became clear the whole format and style had been ripped.

I'm still undecided tho.

  • Does it remain simple satire or is it an attack.
  • Is it plagiarism? Could a resonable person confuse one work for the other? Very likley.
  • If its genuine satire should it be condemned? Hell no, satire is important it helps us hold up a light to our behaviour and helps to break the echo chamber effect of social media.

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
Beatrice Evelyn Hall

I am with you with this one. The post for me is actually funny and I don't think is harmful. Coming from a person that follows @haejin.

I think the concern is that this hiajin guy is scamming. I can't say either way, because I think all technical analysis is a scam, so I don't know whether his is more of a scam because it's just so ridiculous. But look at it this way, if he really is scamming by printing totally bogus analysis, what would you expect others to do about it?

So you disagree with the merits of technical analysis? So state that. Then we can have a valid debate about it. Yet you simply call it a scam.

To be sure I looked it up....

a dishonst scheme; a fraud. swindle

Of course millions of traders all over the world use TA as do ALL computer algorithms. But you are entitled to your opinion, which it is just that.

if he really is scamming by printing totally bogus analysis

Show proof of that....where is the proof of totally bogus analysis? Because you and people who view it like you say so. There are tons who dont think it.

what would you expect others to do about it?

I would not expect the other members on this community to engage in censorship and that is exactly what is going on here. Without proof, the only think you have to hang your hat on is that you think it TA is a scam...

That is nothing more than dont like what he says or the fact that rachowhatever his name is upvoting him. If you can prove that @haejin is rancho and runs a con, then fine crucify him. But without that, sorry you are on a witchhunt to silence someone with a viewpoint you do not agree with.

Of course, this only because a problem when he started to get compensated. What happens to the next person who a whale happens to like and want to upvote regularly at full strength.

Show me one person who acted upon a shred of evidence that linked him to what he is accused of, and your opinion on TA is not evidence...then you have a case.

Short of that, sorry but it is nothing more than a witchhunt intent on censoring someone you disagree with.

To be clear, I'm not part of the group that is downvoting/mocking haejin. I'm just speculating why they might be doing it. If the guy really is a scammer, then I find it hard to feel sorry for a scammer being mocked.

Regarding TA more broadly, it's all a "scam" because it relies on a self-fulfilling prophecy to work. The only reason support lines (to name probably the most common analysis) work is because of the conditioning of the market participants to accept it as a valid method. It's a case of the tail wagging the dog, not the other way around. Now with more 'out there' analysis like haejin seems to be doing, the tail is going to be smaller, so it will be harder to wag the dog with it. But he does seem to have a lot of followers. He might very well be affecting the market with his proclamations. I don't know. Someone would have to look into the stats and numbers involved. One possibility is that his bizarre metrics are in fact a higher order abstraction of lower level conditioned behaviours that the more simpler metrics focus on. So in essence he might actually be successfully predicting how much and when the tail wags the dog. In which case, he's onto a good thing and if it makes his followers money, then who are we (collective) to say he can't get that much reward out of the reward pool? Unless he's using multiple accounts and bots etc to push his posts up into the trending pages.

Thank you @revo and I apologize to you for grouping you in there. That was presumptuous of me.

And I appreciate the explanation of your conclusion on TA. At least you have thought it out.

You call it a self fulfilling prophecy yet it could be simply a metric that monitors human behavior. Sure it is forward looking which is not exact, but then again nothing is. When a company grows at 5% a year for a decade and their next year's projections are for 5% growth, is that a self-fullfilling prophecy? Is that a scam to?

And let us go one step further, you mention support lines. Even if it is self-fulfilling, which in this era of computerized trading could be more likely, isnt the fact that it is forecasting, with reasonable accuracy, where the line is make it not a scam. I mean does not using TA mean that the price action is going to change? If millions of traders and their computers around the world believe a stock price is going to stop and reverse at $X, doesnt the fact that it close to said point fairly regularly add legitimacy to it.

And finally, using your logic, then all forecasting, projecting, charting, and goal setting in business or life is a scam because whenever a person or a group of people set quantify behavior either graphically or numerically, there is a degree of self-fulfilling prophecy?

And thus another battle happened in Steemit WWI.

Highly intelligent writers, writers, bloggers, edgelords and shitposters assembled on both sides.

Their goal?

To ascertain who is right and who is wrong about one of the most vital elements of Human Existence.... the reward pool.

As Steemit Shakespeare puts it "To Rape, or not to Rape".

One side shouted there's no rape! others say there are no breaks on the rape train, and that it is going to ChooChoo the minnow.

All utter bullshit.

Spiritual Max just watched from his isolated domain. He would not partake this useless war.
We would clean his guns vigorously instead, preparing a roll up of his favorite opiate concoction as he laughs at the hordes of shitposters riding as the fodder to entertain the all powerful leaders of both sides.

Max smiles, orders his meager regiment of 3 SP to separate and allow him to see.... and laughs at the battle until he runs out of ideas.


This shit really sucks. Once again thanks for posting these thoughts, and in an easy to understand post, as usual. This BS is leaving a shitty taste in my mouth and I'm not exactly sure how to deal with it.

so sad but seriously most people just don't care anymore they are to busy doing everything but the things they should really care and spend time on and that is how we treat each other and our family. Everyone's so rush rush not realizing that in the end they really ended up accomplishing nothing but living a lonely life that hurt others.

Upvoted and followed. Good luck to you in your future endeavors.

Don't fight with them bro ... everyone has their own opinions,,,,,

❤Yes, inappropriate behavior
This is really unfortunate
Thanks for the post
I have been upvote

If you want to condemn personal attacks you probably shouldn't call people out individually. I think we all need to focus on the issues more than the people involved.

You are too idealistic for your own good. You can not really expect everybody to be Mr. Perfect, because it is not possible. I see your point, it is kind of sad, but please lower your expectations for the "purity" of Steemit, because you will get a lot of disappointment.

Just my 2 cents.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's always been my motto to not trust the altruists. A person who doesn't care about rewards or gains can be a saint or an idiot. But a person who reject rewards and claim to live for others is always evil. In my life I have never found an exception to this rule.

It just takes a special event for these things to come out. I recommend you watch Green Inferno or at least some interviews about what experiences made Eli Roth make the movie (Hint: Occupy Wall ST was one of them.)

They claim to be people of love; humanitarians; compassionate; helpers; spiritual; religious, giving...fully on board with caring about others.

The keyword: Claim
Unlike many people I see statements like above as red flags and immediately go on to pick apart their actions to see what makes them tick.

A person who live for others will loose their reason to exist if everybody become well off. If @haejin declined payouts I wouldn't have stuck with him enough to learn TA.

NEVER Trust a Person who Live to Help Others; Only Trust those who just happen to Help Other people.

At such moments, I reassure myself that such people will be rewarded on their merits. The law of karma works, and it will definitely come back to them. Good luck to you and good.

В такие моменты я успокаиваю себя мыслю о том, что таким людям обязательно воздастся по заслугам. Закон кармы работает, и это им обязательно вернется. Удачи Вам и добра.

The law of karma works

For the first time on steemit, the socialist bullies failed. They used to nuke accounts left and right. Finally they attacked someone with just enough following to withstand the blows. 2K Followers in 3 days. about 1000 of them happened in about 18 hours or something. There are also decent rewards left in the posts after all the flagging.

Finally the bullies came to know despair.

I told you. Probably it's time for me to begin to follow you, it's painful we often crossing, maybe fate :)

I started following you after seeing one really intelligent comment of yours. Sometimes a great deal about the inter mechanics of a person's existence can be revealed in a one little moment.

Actually I find @netuso post to be quite funny. This is coming from a person that follows @haejin as I am checking how many of his predictions workout in real life.

Though I am not sure if they are down voting @haejin and reducing @haejin earnings. But I believe they are entitled to their opinion even if it is a bit crude. I am not from the US but I am an avid fan of Jhon Oliver and his insults to Donald Trump and I don't Think Jhon Oliver is bad. I am also a follower of Ben Shappirro and his Insults against Jhon Oliver I also don think its that he is that bad either. So in my humble opinion @haejin or any author will just have to take the up votes and the unfortunate down votes as is and just have to shake it off.

Thank you @yingstyle and you certainly are entitled to your opinion.

Perhaps when the "satire" is lauched against your work, or even your family, maybe you will find it less entertaining.

Probably! Like a lot of advice it is easier said than done. But I think that it just comes with the territory...

On a side note I could just hope that my work gets popular enough that it someone will waste their time to create a satire out of it...


On a side note I could just hope that my work gets popular enough that it someone will waste their time to create a satire out of it...

That was great! Gives me different perspective on Bernie's attack on me from a few months ago.

LOL! I don't think you, haejin, or anyone in this (War??) still remember a time when your post has only 1 views and 0 comments.

Ugh! Being a minnow sucks!!!

Oh, I do, believe me. Bernie attacked me several months ago and I moved some more coins over here (still at a loss, although just barely now).

yes, some of the users misusing Steemit community and it is our responsibility to highlight these kind of Issues to the community so that the new comers can educate about it. And I agreed with you when it comes to comments we should remember that all of us are humans and never to write something that will hurt them.

I always pay attention to your posts, because your post contains many important information that is very valuable to me. Thank you very much for sharing this valuable post with us. I hope that you will be with us for many more valuable posts like this. I hope you will succeed,

Just don't pay people that can not be civil. I think the Steemit format will fix this for us automatically, people will read what he has to say, some people will even up vote mean sarcasm, but more will ignore or flag it. I can't imagine this episode of bullying has helped his case for staying a witness. For my part I don't up-vote anything remotely rude. Lets stay polite and supportive of good people and ideas. How much does a witness make and how do I become one??

Could you link your point by point article? Couldnt find it

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

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