RE: Why I won't support Jerry Banfield anymore - JerryCoin

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Why I won't support Jerry Banfield anymore - JerryCoin

in steem •  6 years ago 

He has been kicked off almost every platform he has been on.

He has said he doesn't even write his own posts. Who knows who is pulling the strings to run the Jerry puppet.

He is constantly coming up with ideas that are not only not very well thought out but are very scammy.

He has been orally satisfying himself for 17 years, so long in fact that his back has scars and the back pain in the only reason he stopped.

Full Version

He believes flagging should be removed from the platform so everyone is free to make money however they want without anyone interfering.

Why everyone is so excited to make him a top 20 witness?

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Jerry has been promoting money-making scams on the internet for so many years now I can't believe people still fall for it.

He did do a post a while back explaining that he doesn't write his own posts. What he does is make videos and pays someone to transcribe them then uses that as his post. That technique is very effective for ranking on the first page of Google for a topic. A 15-20 minute video transcribed creates a huge amount of text. Sprinkle it in with a bunch of keywords you want to rank for and do it consistently and before long you're ranking on the top page, especially if it's a fairly new topic like Steemit for example.

He has used this method before to gain traffic and position himself as an expert on money-making opportunities and it does work. The thing is, Steemit is different and better than that, focusing on building real value and communities. His pitch always seems to revolve around getting rich quick and he builds a sales funnel to lure people in, first with free content, then with paid content. It's as old as the internet really.

I'm sure his idea to charge people $50 to sign up to a free site was just another one of his scams to leverage anonsteem to sign people up who may not know about it and pocket the difference. That's just what internet scammers do. But he must have know about anonsteem and talked about it in his video or it would not have been transcribed into his post.

While I personally have nothing against Jerry when I saw him on Steemit and saw how popular he was becoming it did make me a bit sad because I really didn't want that kind of promotion being done about Steem. It just makes it look scammy and we don't need that. Steemit is better than all that noise.

That's why he's never had my vote as a witness. I did try to say hi to him at Steemfest last year but he ran away from me like I was the devil himself when he saw my name tag, Luzcypher! Muahahaha!

Jerry is looking for a way to cash in on new people coming to Steemit. It's just the way he operates. Though he may have a lot of YouTube followers that will come to Steemit because of him being here do we really want those kinds of people gravitating to the platform?

Anyway there is to make money on the internet is going to attract a certain level of scammers, but do we have to help them and fall for their BS? I don't think so. Of course, he believes flagging should be removed so he can't be called out on his scams.

What he calls helping people is really helping himself first. I have helped people create instant accounts on Steemit using AnonSteem more times than I can count, but I do it completely differently than Jerry.

What I do is sign them up with AnonSteem and pay for it myself. Then I make a post about them and direct my followers to their intro post. Once my post pays out I transfer the SBD it earned to their new account. That's helping people. And when they ask me why I would that my answer is always the same, "Because I can and that's how Steemit rolls."

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Aside from the cringe things you've shared here (which I'm still processing a week later) I can't disagree in the slightest with you.

I don't understand it, I simply don't... I applauded @pharesim when he voted his conscience and stopped playing politics on this issue.

We can't as stake holders, no matter your wallet size... we can't be so myopic. This is not about today, this is not about next week... this thing we are working for is for years to come.

I had to process this too and you inspired a post out me about it you can read here:

How To Charge $50 To Help People Get A Free Steemit Account --- by @luzcypher

Hahaha Senpai, a minute after you posted I was already reading!!


This post needs to sit aside his on the trending tab. Great work and I couldn't have said it better myself.
Except, no one probably noticed Jerry hasn't been on trending for a while, because he was in the top 20 witnesses.

Now he's dropped out of the Top20 again he's back.

He has a method to his madness, it's just a numbers game to him.



wait I have one more lol :)


I can't understand that people fall for his shit

Most new people here on steemit, they don't know something like this, especially for someone that just enter the cryptoworld, so they're easy to manipulated by someone like jerry.

They thought a post with $1k++ rewards and long words is a good post, so they will follow advices from someone who created that post because they want to get big rewards too.

It's like phishing attempts, make ridiculous claims to sell ebooks or online courses, and the more retardedly scammy they sound the better, that way you filter out any people with enough intelligence to stay the fuck away.

I promise you he is not powered by the Tooth Fairy's dust.

People fall for Nigerian scams, why not his too :-)

I think from someone who hasn't been around as long he seems like a go getter and if they don't know that much about crypto investments or the STEEM platform he is able to seem harmless enough to pull enough mental strings for people to think that he is leading the way to profitability for them.

I looked in @jerrybanfields wallet to see who sent him money for that SMT and was embarrassed to see some of the usernames in there.

I hope you can get into a top 20 Witness position but a lot of what goes on here doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

100% agreed dude.

I just learned something today that I never wanted or needed to know. Ever.

Damn you freedom of expression! Is it too late to eat that blue pill?

beats me, always had a weary air around him, I can't stand fake positivity,

out of him I got 2 things, I will paraphrase in my words:

If your conscious is killing you, do positive gratitude in the morning and thank everyone and anything that you are alive ....

If you want to live through the crypto dip, buy bot upvotes and pat yourself on the back, preferable, use his bot...

I don't know how he got there and who actually saw something beneficial, I mean hype is nice, but it's as nice as there are stupid people around to buy it.... also called suckers ....

This. comedy. is. deplorable.

It isn’t really comedy.

Here, I improved it slightly.

Because people are stupid.
That's one thing I learned the time I am on steem.
They seem to falm for every trap there is.
Because, well, in real life there is government to protect them.
Here they are on their own and open to... Attacks from quacks and snake oil sellers like Jerrybanfield.

You know best what stupid things users are upvoting. And this will not change. It seems te be in human nature to fall for scams and such.


Steemit was actively marketing to populations that are economically disadvantaged and people that have low skills/IQ. Hopefully the South Korean market balances this out

This kind of marketing makes it tough to curate and help people....sigh

So many things wrong with this picture... i do think the solution though is around the corner.

I hope so; I am keeping an eye on developments, that is why I am posting on this kind of article @migcrypto.

tbh i believe that the solution has more to do with abandoning steemit as the dominant social media platform of the STEEM blockchain and using one from of the coming wave of SMTs

That is what I see as well @mlgcrypto, many times sites have tried to pay bloggers, and they have failed. I've always seen our social media site as a test for scalability, documentation, and lighting fast transactions. Steem Inc has one of the best Blockchains out there. I do hope our social media site improves its user interface and develops and sound economic plan with free markets. That's why I came here because I am an artist and I want to sell my paintings and other artwork for cryptocurrency and get out of the mafia banking system.

I forget how long ago but the core team actually announced that they were going to stop focusing on improving steemit the social media platform and instead focus on improving the STEEM ecosystem; improving things such as scalability and modularization. Combine that with the advances that BTS is making and Id honestly say that this is easily the biggest sleeper among the top 100 right now.

Thanks for you

super disappointing that once someone brainwashes their way far enough into the community it is very hard for us as a community to get rid of him. Even with all the hate etc against him now hes still peddling in hordes of money

herd mentality and general disconnection, nobody around here bothers with anything, except the fact they could be making more money .... 70% of people are lazy to even care about anything ...

That's why I wouldn't say there is a community, there might be a subconscious arising from the trending page people seem to be frequenting for some retarded reason, ...

His Autofellatio is probably his "own business" ..

Rest is on point !!

Well I've been "kicked" out of YouTube because I was telling hard truth and some people put feelings over facts. Well... FUCK your feelings.
FACT: clicked one of his videos and what I heard was some nonsense and ass licking (mostly his).
50 $ to make an account?? Either he is a scammer or an idiot... Not sure which maybe both.

If I remember correctly, it was 50 STEEM plus a high pressure 10-20 STEEM "optional" donation.

optional donations are always nice to hear, we kind of have an optional mandatory tax .... very funny when I heard of it ... double speak ftw...

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

He put up a sob story how much work it was and how he was doing such a great thing and that it's good to help out with a donation. He sold it pretty hard.

The great thing about dang is I never know if he's being serious or it's perfect deadpan.

Oh shit... i thought that the "sucking his own dick" thing was something like a metaphor...

Oh shit... can't take that image from my mind now...

Yeah I thought it was all just smack talk but it seems like Jerry repeatedly fucked up his back sucking himself off and then would pray to the Lords of Cobol to make himself stop but he kept doing it. I guess he only hurt himself though. lol


I just laughed my ass off. I'm surprised Jerry didn't end up in a wheel chair trying to deep throat himself. I could see his rib cage crushing under the pressure and then him puking on his own dick when his ribs and lungs imploded.

where did that come from .... too much maybe :D

That is funny!

WTF!!! How could someone be suspended from LinkedIn, for "actively using"?! It's clear that this is a turning point in the Steem community and we all should take action to discourage this type of behavior/thinking. Spreading this word out will save many innocent people from being fouled.

I feel bad for some reason for laughing too much about Jerry's self servicing habits. If he got a sex change people would be saying he was "brave". Since he folded himself in two and sucked himself dry for 17 years he is looked at as a sick perverted savage. LOL

I honestly think his Steemfest 2.5 pitch and this SMT pitch is worse than him draining his own balls into his own mouth. Hhahahah. At least I was entertained listening to his admission of this. I was all frowns when I read about the SMT pitch.

yeah everything else was like.... "dude you're a fucking idiot" but now its just impossible for anyone who can view things objectively to defend.

Yeah...... Like before we would hear his pitches and thing he is probably a delusional geek but there is too much of a pattern. The SMT pitch takes the cake.

He is lucky he didn't land himself in a wheelchair folding himself in half to suck on himself and ultimately he just hurt himself. With the SMT and these other pitches are worse because he is hurting others financially.

If his rib cage imploded and he choked on his own dick that would be a Darwin Award right? LOL

Thats another things that too many of these blockchain dev turned thieves dont realize is that there are serious consequences for stealing the kind of money that they are taking. Personally I would look at money that I got scammed out of as a lesson learned but there are plenty of people here hat would not be so nice if they lost enough

Yeah a lot of these ICO scammers make me want to puke and gurgle my own puke and spit it in their faces.

Like I want to launch my own project but one of the reason I don't is for a few reasons. I want to know 100% I can deliver on the promise and also I want to make sure that it doesn't somehow land me in Club FED for breaking some obscure law.

I'm surprised Jerry didn't think of that more when he made the SMT post. I mean he was basically going to take everyone's money and make more money with it while pitching the future promise built on a mechanism that doesn't exist at this point yet.

I'm no legal expert but that kind of sounds like a security if you are taking people's money for the promise of something in the future especially when there is no existing code for what he is pitching.

Because I'm not willing to be a greedy little savage I feel like that is why my STEEM wallet isn't as fat....... but oh well I guess.

yeah same. I almost came to that point but id rather make my money honestly. At least my first billion.

It is tough to not break bad for sure. I have seen so many sketch balls getting rich right before my eyes. Sometimes it is so clear they are shady scammers but it is like they just make a living taking advantage of people and lying right to their faces.

I just can't do it and I can't keep my mouth shut when I see bullshit scammers at work. A lot of times there is no reward to call it how it is unfortunately.

wait, what????? "orally satisfying himself?" How did this get drudged up? I am scared to click on that link.

its just audio... but its real unfortunately.

He did an hour audio blog where he talks about it, he also came on to voice chat and "came out".

He did it from 13-30 and had to stop because it hurt his back too much and gave him scars. Occasionally he does a “test drive” and prays he doesn’t finish.

whaaaaaat are we talking about, is this really important, why do we care....

anyone asking those questions,

still cut the guy some slack, let him rest in pepeorni ... and learn from your mistakes, because 80% of people here hopefully haven't voted him in, but there seems to be a silent majority of stupid that is kind of running half the platform...

I shouldn't have listened to Jerry's comedy routine, I stopped looking when he mentioned self-pleasuring. I kept having intrusive images pushing their way into my mind when I was trying to paint yesterday. The link should come with a warning. @themarkymark. Funny how my gut knew about the character of this person just listening to his first video's when he first made trending.

usually, but most people are quite disconnected from their "gut feelings" usually over stimulated to feel the slighter sensations.

I think I watched 5 minutes of one video once... and once I think I skimmed a post from him, then decided to not ruin my day and hate on a bullshit excuse,

I think the common perception, or misconception, is that Top 20 is consisted of a circlejerk.

Somehow, a lot of Steemians thought Jerry would be some sort of "wild card" to upset the balance of that circle. Unfortunately, his history disqualifies him from being such dark horse.

@themarkymark Speechless.