The mystery of the tiki doll 001 - Steem your own adventure

in steemadventures •  6 years ago  (edited)

I found it at a garage sale, it called to me from across the street. It's Ruby eyes caught mine as I was riding past on my bicycle.

Maybe 6 inches tall, I thought it would be perfect for my living room. Something about it caught my attention and instantly I thought, that would be perfect.

I talked to the owner and asked how much it would be. They said $3.50 so I reached into my pocket and I pulled out the change. What a steal! I never seen anything like it.

All my friends would be jealous, when I invite them over this weekend they will see. Where did you find it they will ask? And I will tell them on an adventure! On a tropical Cruise or in some mysterious shop. I would never tell them I found it at a garage sale, it was too unique to plainly say I found it down the street.

I took it home and placed it on my coffee table. As I stared into its eyes I found myself imagining tropical Safari, cutting through the jungle and fighting wild tigers. I could almost feel the humidity and hear the animals around me. Time passed and I forgot, I had somewhere to be.

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@steemadventures @thejbullfrog

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