Introducing the Steem Business Alliance

in steemba •  5 years ago  (edited)

This post will briefly present the Steem Business Alliance (SBA) project currently being worked on jointly by @oracle-d, @steempress, @steemhunt, @fundition and @utopian-io. In this post, we want to share our motivation for creating such an organisation, the scope of activities we envision taking on, as well as the work we have already put in over the past months.

As emphasized to a greater extent later in the post, we want to be as transparent as possible with the community and make the most of your ideas and feedback in order to achieve our mission:

Working collectively to attract and build value-adding sustainable businesses on the Steem blockchain.

We are therefore excited to be sharing this first blog post with you!

A brief background

The idea of forming a Steem Businesses Alliance took place during Steemfest 3 in Krakow November 2018. There, our overall takeaway from the talks was that the future of Steem is one primarily centered around the creation of applications and businesses utilizing the blockchain. Considering this vision for Steem, as well as the current state of the blockchain, we agreed that it made sense for us to establish a more tangible form of collaboration to jointly build and share resources, establish and share best practices, as well as joining forces to promote Steem and attract new users, developers businesses and investors.

Following a meeting of @oracle-d, @steempress, @steemhunt, @fundition, @utopian-io and @sndbox in early November, we have since had weekly online meetings to define a vision and mission, scope of activities, organisational structure, as well as preparing a brand and website. We made the decision to keep the working group small initially, to ensure meetings stay focused and productive. Once the organisation is formed, the intention is to allow equal access to any other businesses on the blockchain.

What is the Steem Business Alliance

The SBA will be an organisation for any registered businesses involved in for-profit, sustainable use of the Steem blockchain. It will be a community-driven strategic alliance that shares resources, education and expertise while jointly developing best practice solutions for interested members to adopt. Once a rigid set of practices and a significant resource base is developed, the goal will be to attract new prospective clients and businesses to the Steem blockchain who may benefit from our joint experience.


Obviously, the main goal of the SBA is to achieve increased revenues for the members, while contributing positively to increase the value and utility of the STEEM token. The creation of the SBA is therefore motivated mostly by the shared understanding of its founders that by working collectively in this way, we can each benefit. Furthermore, we agree that all of our business can benefit from the individual success of other members. In particular, this would include helping each other succeed with regards to:

  • Onboarding and retaining new Steemians.
  • Attracting STEEM investment.
  • Contributing to a growing and retaining a pool of developer talent.
  • Helping Steem communities grow.
  • Marketing and promoting the Steem blockchain.

With all the members relying at least partially on the value of the STEEM token, we thus believe that if we can help each other successfully accomplish these goals independently, all members will benefit and the value of the SBA will be greater than the sum of its parts.

Finally, we observe that many tasks are currently carried out independently by different Steem projects with very little cross-coordination. This results in unnecessary repetition of work and expenditure of time and resources towards solving problems, or creating resources, which are simultaneously being worked on by other projects. The SBA will provide its members with a place to discuss ideas and identify synergies, coordinate efforts and thus reduce repeated work and increase development efficiency.


We currently have several ideas for the potential scope of the SBA in the long term. We also encourage everyone, especially other Steem-based businesses, to make suggestions as to what the final scope of the SBA ought to be.

Short term

  • Create and operate a landing Page for Business - A website where any business can see the prospects of building on or integrating Steem (coming soon).
  • Best Practise & Lessons Learned Sharing.

Medium term

  • Consult with, onboard and assist new businesses to integrate Steem while providing them valuable exposure to the Steem community.
  • Contribute to the infrastructure of Steem (Examples may include running a full node, or making joint donations through the proposed Steem DAO).
  • Intellectual Property sharing that benefits the community

Mid-to-long term

  • Organise a first SBA conference focused on Steem Business development and investment.
  • Bring together investors, clients, developers and Steeminans to run Steem blockchain hackerthons which apply blockchain solutions to solve business problems.

Transparency and community feedback

Similar to how we believe that businesses on Steem can benefit from engaging with the community and make use of their feedback and ideas, so too can the Steem Business Alliance itself. Therefore, we intend to share as much detail as possible regarding our plans for what we intend to create, how we want to structure the organisation, as well as why we believe the result will benefit Steem. Throughout the process, we invite the whole community to provide ideas and feedback as well as diligently scrutinize our posts and statements in order to help us improve, hold us to account and ensure a positive outcome for the community.

Concerns & Maintaining Decentralisation

One of the first concerns we have identified when discussing the consequences of a successfully established SBA is the risk of adding centralization to the blockchain. With one of the primary goals being exactly the opposite, to have a new organisation capable of funding and making blockchain development for the community, this is one thing we will try to avoid at all costs. While this concern will only be present in the long term once more members have joined and the combined stake of the SBA becomes significant, we want to discuss this early to ensure it is dealt with properly once relevant. The current agreement is that once the total stake of the SBA exceeds a certain amount (currently agreed as 15m SP) the members shall not run their own witnesses nor cast witness votes. We invite the community to present their opinions on the subject and how the SBA can contribute to increased decentralization of Steem rather than the opposite.

Other topics that have been discussed and/or partially completed

  • Writing a founding document.
  • Writing a governance document
  • Defining a token-based ownership and voting system of the SBA to reward contributions and agreeing on actions according to consensus.
  • Building a website introducing the SBA and member businesses

Again, we are eager to hear your thoughts on how we can ensure that the SBA adds value to Steem, and we look forward to sharing further updates with you soon!

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All the best. Looking forward for the success of your initiative

Thanks a lot!

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  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

This is a good initiative for the Steem community, towns and communities have a Chamber of Commerce for business and this can be the equivalent of that. Funding could also come from various advertising/promotion of member businesses to the entire member database.

@buildteam - represented by myself (@thecryptodrive), @reggaemuffin and @cryptomancer will be joining the Steem Business Alliance and hereby tender our intent.

Your comments are noted guys! very much appreciate the interest. We will be starting to bring new partners in over the coming weeks. We are establishing an basic operating framework so that we have some methods to our madness and community guidelines. Once we have the basis for these ready, we will bring others in and to help input to, expand and develop this.

Really great idea!

This is great. The bear market has forced a lot of good and exciting development on the steem blockchain. I am glad to be a witness to all of these. If all these developments had come before the late 2017/early 2018 bull, steem would never have gone back to its current value. All the same, it is better late than never. Kudos to you guys for your efforts and I am going to be with you all the way by contributing whatever I can that is within my capacity.

It's indeed easier to focus on hard work when it's quiet! Thank you for your eagerness to support!

Amazing work guys, I’m really looking forward to see this progress and know you have been working your bums off to make it happen. Proud of you guys and thankful for all you do!

Thanks a lot! And all the same back to you regarding @steemalliance. It's an exciting time for Steem and all communities/users on the platform.

Thanks very much @llfarms! Likewise for your Steem Foundation work as well!

As a business ourselves, we're highly interested in the development of the Steem Business Alliance and would love to see how we can play a part in making this a success.

If we're allowed to express our personal opinion on one issue raised:

...the risk of adding centralization to the blockchain...

At this juncture, the more pressing concern is the representation of the community as a united front to the rest of the world. If anything the word that should be appropriately used in this case should be "union" rather than "centralization".

It should not be cause for concern.

Looking forward to the fully laid-out plans of Steem Business Alliance.

Thrilled to hear that you're also excited about the SBA and what we can accomplish. I'm certain that we can invite you to be part of the conversation shortly. As @starkerz mentioned, we'll just have to progress in a way that stays as productive as we have been so far whilst including more voices.

I also agree with the idea that uniting stakeholders where we have a common interest and see a common potential is when we are the most powerful and can accomplish the biggest impact. The intention of that part of the post was mainly to ensure the community that we want to do so responsibly.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thank you @coingecko, we look forward to working with you and really appreciate your interest! We will be starting to bring new partners in over the coming weeks. We are establishing a basic operating framework so that we have some methods to our madness and community guidelines. Once we have the basis for these ready, we will bring others in and to help input to, expand and develop this.
Regarding potential 'centralisation' issue, we tend to agree with your sentiments here, the main thing for us is to start the discussion early with the community so that people can voice concerns and we can make sure they are addressed adequately by our actions.

Amazing work, seeing as all the players are major good actors in steem, we as infinite-block fully support this.

Considering that we also just opened up as a business, we are excited about the possibility that steemba has to offer, combine that with the announcement of our token yesterday, we at infinite-block hope we can be part of this new growth initiative.

Concerning centralization, the truth is, nothing can be fully decentralized as that empowers bad actors to cause havoc, humans will default to a power structure if a system is too decentralized, with bad actors ceasing power asap as can be seen with all the decentralized systems available today.

As long as certain major aspects of operation is achieved via community feedback, then it's ok.

  1. How do we join up?
  2. Will there be support for new fledging businesses no matter nationality?(racism and discrimination are silent evils that go on in steem it)

For anyone who wants to earn tokens as a writer or graphics designer, check our latest post, infinite blocks is hiring

We will be starting to bring new partners in over the coming weeks. We are establishing an basic operating framework so that we have some methods to our madness and community guidelines. Once we have the basis for these ready, we will bring others in and to help input to, expand and develop this.

Most certainly interested in writing gigs. Going to pop over now.

we are waiting the website :)

You shouldn't have to wait too long ;)

I’m not sure why members shouldn’t run witnesses or cast witnesses votes. It precisely the successful businesses on Steem that should be running witnesses, public full nodes and supporting the Steem blockchain infrastructure on which they rely.
Being part of a Steem Chamber of Commerce type organization does not create centralization.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I tend to agree with you. The main purpose of writing that part of the post was to stress the fact that we are aware of such a potential concern and would rather discuss it early rather than later.

Also, it may very well be that the different members, although working together in the SBA, have very different opinions on the ideal direction of Steem as a whole. So that even if the joint stake of the SBA members would eventually grow large, it wouldn't imply that witness votes would be centralized.

In any case, I am happy to have that discussion, especially now when we're also forming a foundation for Steem.

Yes, absolutely agree. The important thing is to have this discussion early, provide transparency and take on board input from the community

I'm liking the sound of this and am glad it's a join effort among some of the people making stuff happen on this blockchain.
One thing I can suggest focusing on is attracting investors to Steem. Since Steemit Inc.'s business model is just selling their own coin to pay their staff and developers... It's not sustainable.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm glad to hear that you like what we've been doing so far and I completely agree that the power in this lies in the fact that it is a joint effort by people who see mutual value in the SBA.

The idea of continuously selling initially held stake is more of a "long term ICO" model than a proper business model in my eyes. I have no issue with them doing it, but it for sure can't be the only example for others to follow. Helping improve the sustainability and scalability of the business models of the members through sharing advice, experience and best practice will indeed be a key component of our work going forward.

Great points @fredrikaa, @daveonarrival, I am looking forward to the day when the Steem blockchain has viable businesses, with which it can bring in an order of magnitude more money than it is selling

This is amazing, and I'm so so glad this happened and was able to 'spring' from SteemFest - proving how valuable it is if all our creative brilliant minds come together. A Steem Business development conference is therefore one of my dreams to see happen and I'm glad to see that one as one of your long-term goals.

Good luck and hard work guys! Thanks for pushing to make Steem better. Cheers!

We look forward to working with you to implement this @soyrosa

@jpbliberty should join this.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, @jpbliberty is about is issue tokens for the Crypto Class Action against Facebook & Google's Ad Ban on the Steem Engine platform and has many Steemians as class members who have signed up. Steem businesses are perfect examples of legitimate businesses in the Crypto space who have been harmed by the Ad Ban (not least because of the huge price drops caused by it).

very interesting point @jpbliberty

I must agree the digital marketing platforms are facing a rising surge in bans.

This is an amazing collaboration in the best interest of STEEM. I see a surging growth and expansion of the blockchain. The likes of @oracle-d, @steempress, @steemhunt, @fundition and @utopian-io is a quintubond that will really make #steem decentralized. I see a new and growing value for the blockchain.



Shared on Tweeter:

this is fantastic news. i’m a huge fan of getting business minds together. and i think steem will benefit from all your experience coming together.

looking forward to following this and helping out if you ever need an ol’ school internet marketer lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

@jongolson, apprecaite your offer, and will of course need help at some point. More to the point, I would be interested in talking to you about something slightly unrelated as well. Are you on discord?

on another separate point, but internet marketing related, do you know you can earn commission for recruiting new users via instant sign ups to steem through (

oh absolutely. it’ll be integrated into steem savvy as soon as i find a programmer lol

yeah man. i’ll drop you a line on discord

Posted using Partiko iOS

You should be just able to use the widget, no need for a programmer ;)

You have already proved that you know how to create viable products.

Create and operate a landing Page for Business

Definitely No.1 priority...

It should be up soon! And yes, with the large number of dApps and opportunities to launch business being the main selling point for Steem, we need to make sure the outside world knows what we are building!

I was wondering... Do you think it would be a good strategy/viable, to offer Steem to already established communities?

For example, SteemMonsters are currently ranked around position 120.000, by Alexa.
Erepublik, one of those "one-click-per-day" games, is ranked around the position 20.000.

Erepublik, was very popular while I was a student, some 10 years ago, and I was surprised to see that hardcore users are still active (22 min/day and 20% bounce rate - impressive...).

There is the internal in-game currency - why not replacing it with Steem?
Players can publish newspapers - I guess you could offer them SteemPress

Maybe such "strategic partnerships" could instantaneously boost the number of Steem users and bring some freshness to old games.

Great idea! Feel free to dump me more information on Discord or on email [email protected]

@steemba should certainly be approaching established communities with proposals and ideas about how it can improve their business using Steem!

Great to see the new announcement. I see this as a massive “accelerant“ to business opportunities on the Steem Blockchain. If you think about the founders here - they’ve all built business and communities on the Blockchain but it might have taken them an average of 9-12 months from when they joined ..... I’d like to bet SBA can half or third that time by helping new businesses onboard so that they can launch faster and make bigger strides forward into this great opportunity. Will be following with interest - let me know if I can help - I can see light at the end of the Fiat Work Tunnel.......

Posted using Partiko iOS

Very much appreciate the offer from a steemian of your caliber @cryptocurator!

I would like to introduce this project to Japan. Can I post a translation article?

Posted using Partiko iOS

You certainly can mr @yasu24!

I strongly believe there are lot more to be achieved from this new initiative by SBA. I would definitely support and play the necessary roles in ensuring all these become a success. Kudos team!

I translated this article into Japanese.

Posted using Partiko iOS

That very good news. Looking foward for it. If things continue to evolve. At least i will continue to buy more STEEM. I feel this is the project we should help to create a richer world.

This is what we propulse this chain to the moon and over 1 billion in market cap. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

nice to see something postive, very nice

Glad you like it @battleaxe :) take care!

Fabulous!!! Already looking forward to attending the first conference! It's exciting to be able to not just be at a conference for businesses, but for STEEM businesses! Like-minded individuals gathered together under a common goal and driving towards it!

Can we plan it for tomorrow?? 😉 Haha

Thanks for having the vision and providing an opportunity for us to be a part! Looking forward to seeing this come together for the health and strength of the platform!

Thanks for the awesome comment! Yes we're omega-excited too to say the least :)

Considering the names involved here, I am very hopeful that the Steem Business Alliance can push Steem forward. Good luck guys!

Thanks @abh12345, appreciate that, and hope we can work with you together on some of this stuff!

If you think I can help in any way then let me know :D

Thanks @abh12345! its an honor to hear people like you want to help out!

Great,I am excited to see this!Maybe WhereIN can do something together.

来自于WhereIn Android

I'm sure there is! Always welcomed to DM me on Discord or reach out to other representatives of the mentioned steem accounts in the post.

Very interesting and thanks for sharing! I'm running a new online business and just got on Steemit in the last month. At the moment I'm focusing on building community but I hope to launch some products next year and I'm planning on offering them through some sort of steem related system. I followed you and I look forward to seeing what you all do!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

This is great to hear! We look forward to working more closely with you as this progresses!
Alos, check out for services regarding payments, and instant account creation on steem for your business

Is it also meant for conventional / commodity business that intend to utilize the Steem (SBD) tokens / currency for let say a purchase of offered goods? Let say i want to put up a coffee shop that will sell a cup of coffee for 3 SBD. Or SBA is only meant to support businesses that involves frontend development, web app, or business for digital assets?

This is a very interesting point @funtraveller. I would propose that the scope of the SBA should also be to assist already established businesses that are selling products. I am sure that there will be a way to enlist members of the community to help expand a business such as this one!

Thanks! In past year I have seen Steemians who really setup local business that tried to utilize Steem tokens for any purchase of their tangible products. Let me cite @danielwong's Big hug burger, I wonder how do SBA look at this kind of initiative? If a cafe/bistro/local business can on-board someone/group of people through a purchase of their product, will it be a kind of project that will make sense with SBA?

I hope to hear some progress to SBA soon and how will it develop to address onboarding and retention. Exciting times ahead for Steem.

Everything you need for onboarding (sign up) is [here}( You can even earn a commission for each sign up you make

Thanks for the info, I heard about you before but have not really thought of a way to on-board users until now. I will definitely think about it and learn.

If the SBA can provide such businesses with easier access to the necessary information and resources required to integrate this with their normal business then that would be within the desired scope of activities.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

So much great development going on within our beloved Blockchain! Go get em!

Looking forward to it @kus-knee!

Yes! More People, and more Investors to Steem

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh yeah!

Good one. Glad to follow through to see where this leads. Hopefully, it works really well to make the chain attractive for businesses and new developers. Cheers!

This looks very promising, keep us updated! 😎

Posted using Partiko iOS

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

Its always an honor @pennsif!

The projects that make up this alliance are truly incredible, I trust that this alliance will make this community reach all corners of the world. Do you need a Spanish translation?

That would be awesome amigo!

Great 👍🏼 initiative. @SteemBA
Looking forward to your success.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Cool! This is great opportunity for the steem blockchain for grow up fast.
I really have a dream to build steem incubator, the startup for anyone/group in steem blockchain ecosystem

Looking forward to hearing your ideas as we progress @fararizky

Cool! Thanks for the chance

Posted using Partiko Android

Great initiative!
I hope this will also help the poor ones not only those huge businesses.
Good luck!
I wish you all the best!

There is much scope for smaller businesses here as well @ronel! with a community as large and active as Steem, I am sure that support for smaller businesses can be found as easily as for larger businesses!

Good to hear that.
Thank you!

Dear @steemba

Is there any way I could reach out and contact you (perhaps via telegram or email?). I really like what you're guys trying to achieve and I would be happy to support your efforts.

What I could do for you? Together with few other friends we've managed to build very strong community here on Steemit (mostly people sharing similar passion towards crypto). Very high engagement is a result of our efforts and I believe I managed to establish very strong and healthy relationship with most of my followers. I could simply help you guys get some extra exposure if you're interested.

You can contact me via telegram: crypto_piotr or perhaps drop an email to my business account: [email protected]


Thanks so much for your interest. I woud propose to stay close to these blogs for now and get involved here. We will start to expand the size of our group over the coming week as we lay the guideline and governance rules out. Please stay tuned!

Love to see how responsive you are @starkerz

I'm sorry that it took me so long to read it and reply.


This is a really cool project

This sounds spectacular however how will you handle idea hijacking when we use SBA developers.

Posted using Partiko Android

There is very little chance of idea hijacking. SBA does not necessarily have developers, itself, it will enlist the devs from the community, hopefully having agreed a deal with a client for those developers to receive a reasonable hourly rate to assist the client with its goals.

Sounds good but don't end up being another group/community to upvote each other within the community. Stay focused, committed and vocal on the updates.

Following now to get all futures posts.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! we appreciate that this chain needs to be sustainable. we will issue best practices and guidelines on ethical business practices on this blockchain in order to inspire others to either follow these practices or hold others to account if they are abusing these practices.

Wow Concerning centralization, the truth is, nothing can be fully decentralized as that empowers bad actors to cause havoc, humans will default to a power structure if a system is too decentralized, with bad actors ceasing power asap as can be seen with all the decentralized systems available today. Thanks for the post

Great initiative,
@askanything and @solarcoach are willing to join the SBA.


Thank you, as a representative of I can help startup's to raise cofunding and cofounding

me encanta de verdad esa informacion #vzla


We currently have several ideas for the potential scope of the SBA in the long term.


  • Onboarding and retaining new Steemians.
  • Attracting STEEM investment.
  • Contributing to a growing and retaining a pool of developer talent.
  • Helping Steem communities grow.
  • Marketing and promoting the Steem blockchain.


The current agreement is that once the total stake of the SBA exceeds a certain amount (currently agreed as 15m SP)...

Go big or go home?

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's the ambition! So yes, go big or go home. And also, with great power comes great responsibility ;)

What are the business alliance's plans for supporting budding businesses like @swapsteem?
Getting visibility for new projects is still a hard task without having funds to promote it to trending. Even when we give almost all of our time and money to build the project as developer, we still have to rely on whales to get us started. @utopian-io and @fundition are doing a great job job, but it's far less than enough.
Will the Business alliance address these issues? How?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I think having a forum to voice concerns and your potential solutions to those concerns and seeing what the business community can do to help with resources to implement these solutions is one possible outcome from this
There are many of us who un intentionally are loaded with new problems due to changes to the blockchain and eco system. Since business is so important here in order to generate an organic demand for the steem token, there will be some interesting views voiced and some interesting solutions to come from this

Hi, you mention "forum"; would be good to have a forum on tokenbb so that issues and important articles are easier to find beyond the 7-day rewards period.

Saya sangat senang tentang berkembang nya bisnis steem karena suatu maju promosi tersebut,,tentu kami para pecinta estemit sangat bahagia...kami keluarga esteemit ...salam kompak selalu.

Welcome to Steemit steemba feel free to explore post and enjoy


very uesfull post ur

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

'Working collectively to attract and build value-adding sustainable businesses on the Steem blockchain.'
I've seen exactly the same "mission" on 40 or 50 similar-sounding organizations, groups, collectives, communities, blockchain projects, initiatives, and so on, over the past few weeks. Blah, blah, blah. WE ARE HERE TO IMPROVE THE BLOCKCHAIN, says everyone. Similar-sounding names (always with the word STEEM in it, to sound official), with the same missions, always botted up to the top. How vague, how uninspired.
Surely, there is some good being done in all this, but wow, is there ever a lot of empty fluff, shenanigans, and outright fraud.
The mainstream would KILL to be this unregulated again.

I submit to you that virtually all mission statements are vague in that they don't explain exactly how it will accomplish what it states to achieve. If that was the case, the mission statement would turn out to be a strategy paper or in any case become far too long. The focus will always be on the key goals, in our case those are

  • collectively: Providing a structured organisation within Steem-based businesses can better collaborate.
  • attract: Doing work to bring new businesses to the Steem blockchain from the outside.
  • build: Investing time and resources to create tools and solutions benefiting members.
  • value-adding and sustainable: Describes that we will make it a priority to ensure that members develop business models that add value back to Steem and enables growth.
  • businesses on the Steem blockchain: Specifies that the SBA will only work with businesses, not any "project" or "app" and that they must be built on Steem.

These points all tell a lot about what the SBA will work to do. While you're absolutely right that it is easy to make promises without delivering, then all I can say is that you will have to wait and see further publications and outcomes. An initial mission statement is necessary for effective communication and to define a scope. I hope this has given some more meat to the bone and helped give a better picture of what we aim to accomplish. All I can say for now is that there is a lot more to come.

Yes, thanks. That's more descriptive and gives a bit more info now than it appeared to before. I still feel like a lot of these "initiatives" feel vague and similar to outsiders, but you're right that time will separate the grain from the chaff. Good luck all.

Will it be helpful?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes! It will improve the blockchain, grow the website, make everybody's experience better, create business opportunities, serve the people, make things better, and MANY other vague promises! ACT NOW!!


Buenas tardes, soy nuevo usuario en steemit. Soy venezolano y estoy participando a ver si logro nuevas fuentes de ingreso. Muchas gracias.

Hi @steemba

Extraordinary! The good news keeps coming to our platform! New alliances for the growth and strengthening of our chain of blocks! Best wishes for this alliance! May the objectives be achieved!

Muy buena idea esto sirve mucho de ayuda a las personas con grandes oportunidades de negocio,como en la cadena de blooques steem

I'm liking the sound of this and am glad it's a join effort among some of the people making stuff happen on this blockchain.
One thing I can suggest focusing on is attracting investors to Steem. Since Steemit Inc.'s business model is just selling their own coin to pay their staff and developers... It's not sustainable.

Yes, we all need to think about turning a profit in order to create a sustainable demand for the steem token. practically no project has managed to do this so far, we hope to be able to inspire other projects to follow best practices and create an organic demand for the steem token for the access of services, products, influence and experiences on the steem blockchain

"we need to create demand"
Hahah, this won't end badly or anything :D

This is a cool initiative, looking forward to what it will bring!

Some sound names here :)
Good luck!

I think you can improve it by hearing the thoughts of others and also by always updating it..But for me it will help to make new steemians attracted to be here in steemit,

And If we're allowed to express our personal opinion on one issue raised: black chain ,think u

A great initiative :)

excelente contenido felicitaciones

Congratulations @steemba!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following categories:

  • Comments - Ranked 7 with 65 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 1 with $ 225,02

interesting work they do, thank you very much for including us.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Salutations. This appears as a very promising independent effort and organically spawned from within the community. I personally believe that the continued success and long-term viability of the Steem blockchain will deeply depend on the well spring of innovative ideas and talented people within our community. Attracting, on-boarding and retaining highly skilled and motivated members is fundamental to success.

Perhaps the alliance will come to also serve as an incubator for the creation and development of new businesses as well as serve as the basis for a diverse and dynamic ecosystem.

Finally, I would hope that the alliance will serve as a resource repository that entrepreneurs can utilize to optimize their business processes and maximize growth potential. Again, this is a very good initiative and the Steemit team should look to provide the greatest support possible. I very much look forward to how things progress and wish your team much success.

Absolutely fundamental to attract the talented projects in.
the incubation model is basically what we are trying to do for new clients / projects coming to the blockchain
we will issue best practices in order to optimize business behaviors on this blockchain


Posted using Partiko Android

it is nice idea and article also .thanks a lot for this

I would be very much interested in joining this too, but due lack of time lately, not sure if I am able to help much. Either way, here is my expression of interest.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

No time now, @remind-me tomorrow


Posted using Partiko Messaging

All the best looking forward for the success of your initiativ.👍

This is a good initiative i must say. Bring such a brilliant idea is something great, spreading the tentacles from not been centralize on a particular niche is something.

steemians who are business oriented and passionate about how the business world operate will be able to have a spot to fill.

Following you right away, this is the kind of project i personally will Love to come into limelight. It will help wide my knowledge and help others too. Should I case there is anyway I can be of help, I will be glad to. Thanks

Thank you for your interest!

This is definitely a good initatives . Well done guys. On behalf of @steemxp, a community that focuses at southeast asia with similar goals as SBA. We support and love these good spirit and movement.

We would love to ne part of SBA and help accelerate our common goal. My best wishes.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is a great initiative as I want to evolve my experience here to evolve into a full entrepreneurial one over the long term. These names here are a great influence to making this possible given the success they have had as well.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Looking forward to having you on board here! :) please stay tuned to be part of the progression

Sweet! I definitely need to kick things in gear! Sharing so I can find this and come talk at you!

Blaze it!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great to see yet another initiative that will certainly aim to help businesses. Such initiatives are making steem a very outstanding blockchain.
Keep up the good work.

nice post,received_954460444746685.gif
You are a intaligent,. Looking forward for the success of your initiative.You will improve one day, there are many talents in you,bast pf luck with that.

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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:

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Great success and waiting eagerly for this project. Thanks again

Encouraging to see such alliance formed, meaning there are enthusiastic believers around that will make things happen. I myself have been staying on the platform since I joined as I do feel that I’m in the right circle. Anyway, doing my part to promote Steem whenever I could and hope it will attract more public attention.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is post sounds like something Steemit INC should have announced in the first day when this blockchain went live. Every business built on top of Steem should have the support that you guys going to provide in the above-mentioned. We as the new DAPP owner on Steem are glad to find out this amazing news. Can't wait for further information on how we can take part in this collaboration.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

this is very very very good news...
Steem will get high value if can connect to business market.
Because it will make a strong relationship, between Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Customer ( B2C ).
Very good effort team..

Posted using Partiko Android