Steem Basic Income - Frequently Asked Questions

in steembasicincome •  7 years ago  (edited)

What is Steem Basic Income (SBI)?

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

SBI Joining the Program.png

How do I join (or increase my shares)?

Just send 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome. Include the name of a Steemian to sponsor in the transaction memo (preceded by @). You and the person you sponsor will each receive 1 share in the program. You can sponsor any active Steemian, it does not have to be a current member of SBI.

To sponsor more than one member, or if you are unsure about how to join, please check our Full Transaction Memo Guidelines and let us know if you have any questions.

The official currency for enrollment is STEEM (STEEM Basic Income).
{We accept SBD at our discretion (usually when they're closely priced, or when SBD is stronger) but you do not receive extra value or any partial refund for paying in SBD instead of STEEM. If we choose to accept an SBD enrollment, we accept the entire amount. If we choose to reject it, we refund the entire amount and request you to send STEEM instead.}

You can trade between STEEM and SBD in your Wallet. Click the dropdown by STEEM or SteemDollars and click “Market”.

SBI Shares.png

I just sent a transaction sponsoring someone and I’m not seeing an upvote on my posts, did you miss my transaction?

A lot of the work is currently performed manually by @josephsavage. With over 2000 members, and more joining every day, it may take a couple days to process new enrollments. Rest assured your transaction will be taken care of soon. If more than 7 days go by, please drop us a message in our discord server and we will check the status.

How do I know how many shares I have?

Check your share counts and upvoting weight in our spreadsheet explained here. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section or join us in our discord server.

How long do my shares last?

Shares represent your level of subscription to this upvote service. Your existing shares do not need to be renewed and will last as long as we can foresee, subject to our plagiarism guidelines and return policy. You can either subscribe to shares or be gifted by a sponsor.

Can my subscription be terminated?

We look at a regular report that shows flags from anti-spam and anti-plagiarism accounts. If a member starts receiving flags, we evaluate the situation and determine whether a member should be paused or have their subscription terminated. If we do terminate a subscription, enrollments may be partially refunded, subject to our refund policy. (See below under ‘other questions’)

Can I sponsor anyone I want?

Yes. Who you sponsor is entirely up to you, they do not have to be a current member of SBI. (just not your own @ name)

I'm very low on STEEM but I want to join, can someone sponsor me?

There are many contests on steemit giving away shares. These contests are re-steemed on our page frequently. Most people holding contests with SBI shares as prizes use the #steembasicincome tag to make the contest easy to find.

I know I am enrolled and I didn’t get an upvote!

1 - Check for an upvote from sbi2, sbi3, sbi4... etc. (Different pools are upvoted from different Steem Basic Income accounts)
2 - After checking for an upvote from sbi2, sbi3, sbi4... etc., if there still isn’t one, send us a message in our Discord.

Why am I in a different pool than the person I sponsored?

Pools have a 400 member limit. When you sponsor someone new, their share(s) are added to a pool with room, which may or may not be the pool that you are in. Your new share(s) from sponsoring will be added to your existing share(s) in your existing pool. If you exceed 100 shares, your new shares will be added into a different pool and you will then start receiving upvotes from both pool accounts. (ex: sbi 2 & sbi 5)

My upvotes seem to be worth very little!

Your weekly support value is divided by your posting rate. If you post once a week your vote will be larger. If you post multiple times a day, your votes will be smaller on each post. Either way, your votes will add up to be consistent with your number of shares.

We want to support all of our members posting styles so no one feels obligated to do a daily post.

If you change your posting rate, you will see an adjustment to the upvote weight on your posts.

SBI Increasing Your Upvote.png

If you would like to get bigger upvotes on your posts, consider:

1 - Putting @steembasicincome on 100% auto upvotes to gain bonus weight.
2 - Participating in contests (resteemed by @steembasicincome and found under the tag: steembasicincome).
3 - Sponsoring more people into the program.

If I upvote @steembasicincome, do I get anything?

Upvotes given to @steembasicincome will increase your voting weight. It is easiest to get and keep this bonus by putting @steembasicincome on an auto voter such as steemvoter or steemauto.

See more in the Complete Overview under “Growing Your Steem Basic Income”.

Can I delegate STEEM POWER to @steembasicincome to get a bonus?

Yes, you get one bonus share for each 20SP delegated to @steembasicincome. When the delegation is removed, the bonus shares from delegation are removed.

See more about delegation here under “Delegation Bonus Shares”. If you delegate through the @minnowbooster delegation market instead, you do not receive bonus shares (as you are already compensated through their program).

What are the different types of shares?

  • Standard Share is what you get when you sponsor someone, or they sponsor you. These represent your subscription level to this upvote service.
  • Bonus Share is a temporary reward for delegation. They come from delegating SP. (see above)
  • Management Shares are rewarded to the management team. They are set at 5% of existing shares. (i.e. for every 100 standard shares, an additional 5 management shares are rewarded to the management team. No management shares are rewarded for bonus shares.)
  • Temp Shares are management shares that are temporarily awarded to members helping to improve the program. The term for temp shares is dependent on the agreement between those members and the management.

SBI Other Questions.png

Can I reach you on discord?

Yes. You can join us here:

I’m hosting a share giveaway contest. Do you have a banner I can use?

Yes, copy the code below and place it in your post.

<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener"><img src = ""></a><br>

The banner will look like this:

What is your refund policy?

Members that are terminated for plagiarism or other illegal activity will still receive a partial refund of any enrollment fee they have paid (enrollments paid by the member, not enrollments where the member was sponsored). We calculate the total STEEM value of upvotes received (assuming 50/50 distribution and using STEEM/SBD ratio from the date of each payout and refund any enrollment value not returned through upvotes. (In effect, members terminated for plagiarism are not entitled to any profit.)

If there is a material change to the program, we will offer a partial refund to members that disagree with the new terms of the program. (For example, there will be material changes when we finish the automation project, and an official announcement will be published before the changes go into effect).
This refund option is only valid for enrollments received before the official announcement of the new terms. In this case, the member is entitled to 200% of the enrollment fees they paid, minus the total STEEM value of upvotes received, but curation earned by @steembasicincome would be removed from the total.
In effect, members refunded through this method are entitled to upvotes worth 200% of their initial subscription payment. If the member has already received upvotes worth more than 200% of their enrollment fees, they would not be entitled to any refund. There may be a delay in processing refunds of this type if there is a high volume of requests, and members requesting refunds will not receive upvotes while their refund is pending.

We do not accept refund requests from members for any reason other than a material change to the program. If you want to stop receiving upvotes, you can request your subscription value (shares) to be reassigned to somebody else, but you will not receive any refund.

This policy is currently under review (October 2018), so please watch our upvote feed for upcoming announcements.

If you would like more information about the program, we have broken down the mechanics for how the program works in the complete overview.

Special thanks to @katysavage for all the hard work that she put into this FAQ, and to @kass-and-bax for providing an additional perspective from somebody that is not deeply steeped in discussion about Steem Basic Income on a daily basis

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Please don't expect the reward pool to be used for providing income in a reliable manner. Buying steem for the sole purpose or earning its share of the reward pool is a bad idea.

Steem accounts can by no mean be linked to unique individuals and steem stakeholder may not agree that just being a human being is a sufficient contribution deserving of any reward. I certainly don't.

can you explain more about that? im very interested in why you dont agree with the basic income, im not saying that is bad, i only want to know more your opinion

Since you have the technical understanding to grasp the mechanics of our program, can we please discuss your concerns (either in discord or, whichever you prefer) before you downvote our program any further?

It's structured a little differently, but the actual mechanics are very similar to what @qurator has done (especially after their recent tier changes).

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Keep in mind our members are manually reviewed and monitored to make sure the quality stay up. We do not view ourself as a income system but more of a support system to those who take the effort to post quality content. Community support. Featuring authors and providing support for all our members in Discord.

Not saying that Transisto is right/wrong, just saying our projects are quite different.

We recognize that the underlying philosophy is different, the comparison was more around the mechanics of the program. I really appreciate what you guys do.


Awesome program and thank you for putting in so much work into this! Good to know that the vote is weighted by how often I post as I post infrequently.

Can you sponsor the same person multiple times?

Yes you can, each steemit member can receive as many shares as desired.

Thanks, @giddyupgngo!

@motordrive, this is correct; you can sponsor the same person multiple times.

  ·  7 years ago 

I just being got enrolled into the program, thanks to my big bro @davidke20

I really love this idea! I think it will be an interesting experiment to be a part of and to follow! This is why I love Steemit. A community taking care of each other. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Thanks for your support!

yea .. i has a question btw, can i enroll someone who's most likely already enrolled, i did some digging and i think i know who did so i'd like to pay the favour back but if i do, does the guy get an extra share or does it make no difference, id like to check that first with you if you dont mind

i'll probably have lots of questions later as this steemthing rolls along and gains momentum

#borderlessnation ... or as you call it ... i see, yours is probably less confused with the religious claim

Yes, you can buy shares for people already in the program.

thats very good to hear !!!

As @tcpolymath said, you can sponsor people already in the program. Their shares will increase.

well, if you get to the question about me and my bot ... otherwise i wont do me and my bot ...

We try to catch up on all questions and comments at least once per day; a little more frequently on the weekends.

me too ... sounds like a fulltime job you got there lol, i hope i can get to the same. Actually another things but no rush ofcourse. Say i have now been enlisted with @ubasti , if one of your pools votes on it do you use the sb , no that's not what i was going to ask since you can use the sbd for steem on the exchange. What i WAS gonna ask (sorry) is , since i have this 10% pledge where i would enroll someone for every ten steem (/power) i get (so if i get to 20sp then the next 1 steem goes to an enrollment in @steembasicincome for someone who voted frequently or participated in @ubasti case)

the question euh actually was is there a point if keep your pools like sbi4 in the list because i would do random. So if i get 20 steem power with @ubasti and then enough spare sbd to exchange for 1 steem, and i roll my virtual dice AND it turns out to be sbi4 (or whatever bot is on that account) is there a point to me sending the 1 steem to @steembasicincome to enlist the bot (sbi_X) ?
otherwise i'll scrap it from the list ofcourse and just keep it in for the sbd re-distro on checkout time

am i making sense here , i know i can be hard to follow sometimes because i'm all over the place emojipanic.jpg

I think I understand what you're saying. And there is no point to enrolling @sbi4 for shares in @steembasicincome. Each of the pools upvote @steembasicincome's posts, but otherwise we try to use all the voting power from all the pools to distribute to the members in accordance with our distribution protocols.

Is there a way to have the headed in the spreadsheet stay put and the information scroll without the header . I'm not to informed about spreadsheets and I hope you understand my meaning

It's locked on my version, but the frozen top row doesn't hold in the published version. We are working on a better UI that we will release as part of our new system when all the pieces are finished and tested.

thanks . great job on steembasicincome I and my friend a really happy with it


I love it that Steembasicincome is getting larger every day. I like the idea so much I delegated some steempower. Keep up the good work!

Your delegation is updated on the sheet and will be reflected in the next delegation report.

friend I would like to be part of this project ... how do I do?

I'm glad you asked. Luckily, the answers are in this very post! Just click 'View Full Context' and then read it again.

Thank you for this opportunity that i am in right now. Thanks to my sponsor also. I would love to start working with you.

Are you wanting to get involved in a more significant way than just as a member?

Are there other things that i can do? Just let me know if i can manage to do.

Reach out to me in Discord and we can talk about your background and skills and whether we have anything that's a good fit for you.

I'm resteeming so more people see this. I also want to buy more shares. I'm going to sponsor one of my lucky followers: @stortebeker

Thanks for your support! Current delay on enrollment transaction is typically 2-3 days (although we're only one day behind right now!)

This is good for newbies to quickly adapt to this big community!Thanks!

It's a great program for newbies, especially since there are so many contests that our members hold to help newbies get started without even having to come up with STEEM.

I sponsored @cameronl.jull for 25 shares a couple of months back. He has decided not to open an account now. Would it be possible to trasfer those shares to @rogz06 as she is very active on the plateform. Thank you

Transferred in the sheet, but I didn't get the upvote rule adjusted yet.

Ok. Thank you

You answered alotta questions here. This is a great post to resteem so I can always refer back to it on my timeline. Thank you.

Thanks! Big shout-out to @katysavage as she put a lot of work into this for me and then I forgot to credit her at first.

We know that @katysavage is your rock, and we like to be reminded of it too. Great job. 👏

Hi, if the person I sponsored already been sponsored before?
What happened then? Thanks

They just get an increase in shares. Currently you can have a maximum of 700 shares. I don't believe anyone has that many yet.

Is there an introduction post?
If so what would be great is in every post have a link to that introduction in each post. I looked at several posts and never found a simple introduction post and while I may continue to search others will not.

We link to this FAQ in literally every single update. A new introduction is a good idea, though.

Ohhh your Faq is your present introduction? I was wondering what to share with people who are less familiar. I have seen the faq linked each time

Excuse my ignorance here but I'm not sure how I go about sending that 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome where do I go to send that and how do I do It. I'm pretty new and still trying to figure things out here. I'm grateful for @canadianrenade for sponsoring me and I'd like to pay it forward and sponsor someone else.

@steembasicincome I just figured it out and I sent the 1 Steem with a name of a Steamian to sponsor. All is good

hello a cordial greeting, I am amazed at your benefits, I have some questions; I was receiving from SBI8 votes, thanks to the inscription in @steembasicincome made by @charitybot and stop receiving I understood that it was for a month but I still have not fulfilled the month of services, I also won a contest made by @runicar of a PRIZE SBI1 and several days ago I understand that your verification process is manual but I think it has more than 15 days and I have not received any benefit from you for that award yet and I want you to include me please, I also understand that prize is to always receive it. I hope a quick response from you, thank you and they are excellent continue that way and that your project grows to a more

You do have our upvote on your most recent post:

We only send confirmation transaction on initial enrollment, so you would not have received a follow-up when you were enrolled by @runicar.

I can tell you that the date that won the contest of @runicar, the result of the competition was made 11 days ago, it had to be on July 27. I understand that the process is manual, I just want information.

If you were already receiving upvotes, then winning more SBI would just increase your value. You can see your share counts by using our lookup tools:

Thanks for the invite.

Once I have 1 Steem I'll subscribe. Still working on it!

You should check out the contest listing that we publish twice a week too! You may be able to pick up some shares to help you toward your goal.

Thanks so much !! 🇨🇦 😎 ​​

Seems interesting. Do I need to be sponsored by someone before I can sponsor someone?

Posted using Partiko Android

When you sponsor somebody, it automatically enrolls you too, you do not have to be sponsored by somebody else first. And you can sponsor anybody you like; it does not have to be an existing member.

Hi there. I think it's been over 3 days since I sent the 1 Steem. Hope you can look into it. Thanks!


We only send confirmation transactions on initial enrollment. Did you check the sheet to confirm that whether your share counts have been updated?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sorry I don't know where to check? Where to find the sheet?

Oh wait, someone replied to me and gave the link to the sheets. Upon checking yeah it looks like it's updated. Thank you! :D

I really appreciate your idea.i hope it will successful.keep in touch

Hello @steembasicincome you got an upvote for your post.. Nice Post...we should to help each other i hope you can understand. Can visit my profile also can follow me on @ekader ..can upvote and comment



The discord invite is invalid.

There is a current link on our profile:

Can you recommend someone(s) who posts regularly of good quality that has very few sponsors?

I haven't even got one steem yet but hope to soon as my account is picking up steAm :D

If you contact a contest curator they will happily give you a worth recipient. @thedarkhorse runs a weekly contests and has regular sponsors for the winners.

Ok, when I get the 1 Steem need I will do that.


I really like that Steembasicincome it's getting bigger every day! I love the idea so much that I delegated some SP. please keep up the good work! :)

Well explained. Thank you