Madefax Gospel : Stronger Than The Mountains

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Morning my steemit friends, learn this following from Madefax Gospel.
Theme: Stronger than mountains
Text: Isaiah 40:28-3


  • Proverbs 9:9- If you give
    instruction to the wise man he
    will yet become wiser.
  • Psalm 42:7- Deep called I do
  • 1Cor 8:2- The one whose think
    he knows doesn't know as much
    as he ought to know.
  • Proverbs 24:5- A wise man is
    strong but a man with
    knowledge increaseth strength

what be a mountain?

  • A mountain is an obstruction to a
    desire goal.
  • External - Children of Israel
  • Wall of Jericho
  • Goliath was an obstruction to
    David's throne- 1Samuel 17:8-9

Internal Mountain dwelling in you

  • Root of bitterness- Hebrews
  • The strong hold of the enemy in
    you life- 2Cor 10:3-6
  • Evil imaginations
  • Evil thought
  • Incomplete obedience
  • Uncontroled anger- Exodus
    2:11-12, Numbers 20:1-13
  • Eyes not focus on God- Judges
    14:1, 16:1

*** You know your own mountains
It could be

  • Inability to control your stomach
  • Unforgiving spirit
  • Ability to tell half truth

Seven ways to deal with your

  1. To turn back from the

  2. Go round it

  3. To climb it

  4. To blast it.

  5. To drill a hold through it

  6. To sit on it

  7. To fly over it.

  8. Turning back from your

  • Another word for turning back is
  • It is possible to backslide -
    2Peters 2:20-22, Gal 5:4,
  • 1Samuel 16:14- A former
    prophet or king can end up
    demon possess. 1Sam 10:1-11

There are many dangers in backsliding

  • We are saved by grace no doubt
  • No body can snatch you out of
    the of God but you can
    withdraw- John 10:29
  • Demas forsook God after loving
    the things of this world.
  • The gift of God can remain but
    the giver could depart. Judge
  • We are already called but we are
    talking about he caller. Romans
  • Luke 9:62- Any man haven put
    his hand of the plough and look
    back is fit for the kingdom of

Horrors of backsliding

  1. Horrors of darkness-Col
    1:12-13, 1Peters 2:9
  • Darkness is reserve for the
    fruitless servant Mathew 25:30,
    Judges 16:18-21
  1. Horrors of being an ex-
    champion- Samson
  • No more vision and dreams
    Proverbs 29:18
  • It is better to die than to
  • A backslider sooner or later will
    dance for the devil.
  • A backslider will cause other god
    to say where is your God.Judges
  1. Danger of a very fearful
    future- Hebrews 10:26-27
  2. Danger of the name of the
    name written in the book of life
    been blotted out- Rev 3:5
  3. Danger of loosing your crown
    Rev 3:11
  • 1Cor 10:12- He who thinks he
    stand take heed less he falls- - - Proverbs 16:18- Pride
    Mark 14:27-31
  • Until you cross the finishing line,
    there is a possibility of
  • The good news is that we are
    kept by the power of God

Father help me not to backslide
Father please keep me from falling.
Father keep from turning back.
Study the word of God to show yourself approved.
Credit :all image sources
Thanks for visiting my blog @madefax007

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