Update on the house that Steem built.

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

This is what I love the most about this community! Generally the folks of Steemit are great, generous and encouraging.

We we’re going to rebuild the part of the house that fell into the sea. (See the photo and check out the original post by using the link below)

But the framing on the rest of the house was questionable so we opted to disassemble the house and use the good materials and purchase what was necessary to build a sound house in a new location. The new house is nicer and more sound than the original place.

Thank you to the Steemit community and money generated from my Steemit Blog. Really both is a tribute to the helping hand and Generosity of the folks of Steemit.

The New House


Photo of the broken House


Orginal post


We really use everything from this account to help the poor here. Thank you to everyone that sent me Steem, SBD and PayPal donations to help with this. We also purchased 10 sacks of rice to distribute to the extremely poor. Our focus is especially those with young children,

Thank you!
Daddy William

All proceeds from this account will be used to benefit the people of the Philippines and Eastern Asian Countries.

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Very happy for you all :D I hope everyone will feel happy and safe in the new home.

Thanks for sharing the story and update with us. It show's great strength within your community that this rebuild could be completed

Positive to you

Thank you!

That’s fantastic. Good on you brother.

All for Jesus! I hope you are well!

Amen. I’m doing well, thanks bro. Hope you are well too.

Posted using Partiko iOS

We cannot thank steemit enough. Steemit has contributed to my well being as an individual by improving my writing skill and ability to assimilate things faster

Posted using Partiko Android

That is a great way of looking at it!

good to see. :)

Yes brother! Thank you for your help!

Fantastic result well done to everyone involved.

Posted using Partiko Android


Thank for the update !!

May the Lord continue to bless your ministries...

Thank you!

I’m pleased with the update. More grace daddy Williams.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you! Blessings!

Great news, you are truly doing God's work Brother.

Bless you.

Thank you! Love God, love the ones He loves. And His people backing me up! It is a joint effort brother, thank you!