Learning Javascript - My Journey to Learn How to Create Websites on Top of the Steem Blockchain

in steemdev •  7 years ago  (edited)


Learning Javascript - My Journey Begins Here

All journey starts as the fool's journey.

6 years ago I was in a park, learning how to juggle. Anyone who ever tried learning how to juggle knows how much of a fool you look like when you start juggling. I couldn't keep the balls in the air and I bent over for hours picking up the balls that fell.

But after a few hours, I was able to notice that I was getting a little better than when I started.

3 years and 30hours/week of practice later, I was doing street performances, spitting fire, juggling and entertaining crowds in my home province.

I later moved on to other things but I'm incredibly grateful of what the discipline of juggling taught me:

"I can learn anything, no matter how difficult or complex, if I apply the correct attitude and learning strategies"

Right now, I suck at coding. I really do. But so was every great devs at one point when they started coding. It's just part of the price to pay to get a new skill. In one of my previous blogpost, I saw people in the comments saying: "I wish but I don't think I could". I'm sorry to break it to you but that's just a lame excuse. You either don't want it enough (which is fine) or give yourself an excuse because of your lack of confidence in your ability to learn something new.

I imagine thousands of people capable of learning how to code but too afraid to step out of their comfort zone out of fear to look like a fool. That is a terrible lost to the world. If you are one of those people, get your head out of your a** and get started...the world needs more coders.

Everything Complicated Is Made of Simple Building Blocks

That's one thing that I've learned from juggling. Whenever I was faced a new pattern of juggling with 3,4 or 5 balls, the first thing I did was to decompose it into it's most simple elements.

I practiced the simple elements or patterns one by one until I got them figured out enough to combine them together.

I don't see how code is different from this. (correct if I'm wrong devs!)

If you can learn simple things very well and slowly learn how to combine them in new ways through practice, you can learn to do pretty much anything.

Structured Learning

I see a lot of people having poor learning strategies...and then get discouraged when they don't remember certain concepts they've learned the week before.

It's easy to go through a course at record speed and then be left out not remembering half of what you've learned. But remembering and integrating everything you've learned requires that you have a strategy to integrate your learning.

Here is an example of what I do in term of "structured learning":

In previous modules I learned about HTML and Bootstrap/CSS and yesterday I learned about while and for loops, functions, return, console.log, etc

I created a project called "Portfolio", where I'm attempting to build a personal portfolio website with everything I learned so far. While I am learning about Javascript, I still have to practice my HTML/CSS so that I don't lose it in the process of learning something new.

This morning, I'm going to go over my notes and type out some exercices to remember what I've just learned yesterday in javascript. Unfortunately, I am not far enough into javascript to integrate it into my portfolio website but as soon as I can I will!

If anything, by doing this, I'm teaching to integrate my learning into something practical while not forgeting the first thing that I've learned.


Are you interested in me sharing what I'm learning in the process of becoming able to create websites on top of the steem blockchain? Let me know in the comment below.

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

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There’s this saying , the more we learn , we realize we do not really know anything . This is why I like learning new things and creating new hobbies to keep myself busy . Myself, I’d like to learn coding as a woman , I want to change things on this platform and hope to be another woman witness who is capable of a lot.

I bought books and I’m learning everyday online and I may take some classes to better myself because I can’t know everything on my own

I learned to identify clickbait. Thanks steemit! Yawn

So what exactly are you calling clickbait here?
Please, elaborate...

Wish you all the best with learnind Java!!

Do you mind sharing what resources you will be using and maybe post regular updates on how the learning is going!! Who knows, if it seems doable, I might just start trying all over again!!

P.S. : My first attempt was an absolute failure xD


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I imagine thousands of people capable of learning how to code but too afraid to step out of their comfort zone out of fear to look like a fool. That is a terrible lost to the world. If you are one of those people, get your head out of your a** and get started...the world needs more coders.

Ok. I really believe this advise is meant for me.

I learnt coding alone by reading and watching some YouTube videos, but then I gave up because at some point a lot of things became so confusing. I wanted to enroll in a programming course but the tuition was too expensive.

But right now, I think I'll start coding again. I'll prolly sign up on udemy and put my mind towards it.

The world is advancing and tech is becoming bigger and better and the world needs programmers to provide services and solve daily problems.

Thanks for sharing.

Happy Steeming

Yeah coding is bit difficult specially to me as I am from electronic department, when we are in first year we have few subject from computer department, I had to work hard to understand those subject, but I think you know about coding and can do wonders to support this platform through coding. Remember one thing successful people don't do different things but they do the things in different way. I can imagine very well from your words in this post that you are working hard for it, keep going. Good luck. Have a great day.

Also, its never late to learn a New skill. Its on my project to also start learning How to code. Even If i dont become a professional developer, this is one skill that nowdays is good to know at least the Basic stuff.

you are not only learning, you are practicing what you learned. when you learn something new, you re-run the process to genius in what you learned before. it's a valuable thing & a genius idea to in the process of learning. sharing what you learned & what you studies & what you experimented, you are inspiring us to do the same. brilliant idea & impressive thought. wish you all the best @cryptoctopus

resteemed & upvoted & commented & followed

I do not want to discourage you, but learning a coding language is not the hard part of what you want to achieve.

For me, the most difficult thing is to analyze any given problem and come with creative and elegant ways to solve them. Once you've done that, translating into code is just work.

I don’t know what your age is but I started learning code at 30, a few weeks ago infact. I also first learned HTML and CSS, did some Bootstrap and jquery thing and now working on PHP. And I watched this video one year ago, took me 8 months to decide whether I should change my career from accounting to coding and finally did it. I am also planning to learn JS and work on frameworks like node.js.
A whole new world is waiting for us.

I hadn't thought of this.

Programming comes easily to me. I learned by reading the manual that came with the TI-99/4A. But, I am methodical and do not forget what I learn.

I would guess, that if you tried to learn programming like most people learn in classes... well, then you would fail. Because getting a C, getting 70% of the code right doesn't work at all. Its 100% or nothing.

The other problem with learning programming is that most kids are never taught logic. And, you really need to understand logic before you can understand computer logic. It really is all 0s and 1s. There is no room for "sorta"

Thanks for reminding us we all have to start somewhere, but the importance part is getting started. I’m sure I will look back at my first streams and stuff with an extreme amount of cringing.

I like the learning strategies you shared, and when I get back into teaching myself, I will have to follow your studious example.

Thanks for the update into your progress!

A juggler? Nice!
But no you're very right. I've been reading a book recently that basically teaches that you have to choose your problems, since life will always have problems. Going against the grain is part of what makes life meaningful.
When it came to being good at something, the writer basically said you can choose to have the problem of not knowing that skill and not reaping the benefits of that skill, or you can learn that skill but have the problem of having to dedicate time and effort consistently to become fluent in that skill.

I wish you the best in learning code for future projects, you're definitely making me think about learning code, since that seems like a great skill to know for then future.

When it came to being good at something, the writer basically said you can choose to have the problem of not knowing that skill and not reaping the benefits of that skill, or you can learn that skill but have the problem of having to dedicate time and effort consistently to become fluent in that skill.

Oh! I like this....... am learning something at the moment but am worried because I felt I should have gone passed the level am in right now.
But am not relenting anyways......

Can you please tell me the title of the book?

The Art of Not Giving a **** by Mark Manson. A friend had recommended it to me. Overall the writing is decent (he overuses cussing to grab your attention I believe), but the overall message is good. Basically helping you figure out what exactly you care about, and not worrying about the details that really don't matter.

Definitely you must share it! Coz, it leads us to do the same! The inspiration is there! Moreover, not only coding, you have the concept. #Photofeed has been proven what you can do! For me without a proper knowledge in concept, coding is a BS! Most of the people mentioned in the video are great concept builders! Therefore, when you finish your learning curve of coding, we can see big projects build top of STEEM block chain! Keep update us! This is pretty amazing!


Thx for taking us in your journey for learning this skills. Yes Maybe i could do it myself Also and actually i wish i could contribute on top of steem. But the reality is a 50 hour it job already. A fantastic family with 2 kids.. and not finanxial independent yet.. So i have to wait a bit.. but i would love to give you functional support or ideas i have for steem.. Maybe 1 and 1 is 3 in that case. Contact me if you want to share Some ideas i have for smt for example..

@cryptoctopus - Sir until our death we learn every day, every minute... Therefore, this is a good idea Sir... You are written it on a Blockchain... So in future anyone can refer what you did & how you made your success Sir... I also learning from your articles Sir... This is a valuable treasure to all of us Sir... Nice thought to share your experiences with all of us...


The other element I believe involved in being successful at something new is to not quit when it gets hard. Do it until.

After seeing what you did with photofeed, can't wait to see what you come up with as a side chain. Don't quit. :)

Thank you for this post @cryptoctopus.

While I am not one for coding, I find extreme value in this article. What you describe is the process for learning anything. There is extreme value in that. No matter what the task, especially if we are single minded and focused, we can excel at it. It might take a couple years, or decades. But with persistence we can get there.

What you are embarking upon is interesting since we are going to need designers of sites on the blockchain. Since I believe this will be at the core of the economy, having one who can code sites to operate in this arena will really help push it forward.

You are an example of what occurs with decentralization. Something you create will never end up on Facebook yet it will on the blockchain if you so desire. The same is true for thousands, if not tens of thousands, of others. Anything they develop can end up here.

Yeah man of course I am interested in seeing what kinds of things do you end up learning!

What ideas do you have for those websites?

Rarely does one hear:

6 years ago I was in a park, learning how to juggle.

Nice. lOl

All learning is done this way, or should be. This is how we naturally learn when we aren't trying. As children leaning to talk, we learn little bits and put them together. We begin to learn reading by first learning the alphabet and then we learn phonics. Before we learn math we learn to count. Addition and subtraction are just counting in opposite directions.

I'm certainly interested in your journey. Perhaps it will inspire people to learn themselves. Let others see your simple progression so they can know the small steps required for a journey of a thousand miles.

Thanks for the post.

Keep Steeming!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

if i say true i dont know any thing about coding and java but i know its that if we apply the correct attitute and try to work hard with confidence and we stick on our aim always in any condition, sure we can do everything and if you see all these people which are in this video they was stick thier aims with correct attitude,confidence and a strong hope any time and in every condition and after a time they did it
so i think you are not too late you can learn it in some time because you have some good attitude and confidence this time and your basic is also good for learning this coding @cryptoctopus ,,you only need some time to stick with it

I have always had this feeling of not being seen as fool when learn, i think learning something new is great and in this modern age, coding is of great essence.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

well its more good you start your jouney to learn it now i also starat my learning again your journey give me new hope i also work html and some php first of all now i cmplete my php and some repeat html after i will start css and php and then i want to know your ideas when i will able to talk with you these high ideas and top website on blockchains make your practice some good and repeat it again and again and try to find some new in your lectures which they dont show ,,that thing give you some good result which many people dont know and not found in coding with a lot of correct attitude

Absolutely. It would be extremely helpful if you could share the information you have gained during the learning process. I'm trying to break into the coding space as well. I really appreciate your inspiration posts.

I really find your post very inspirational!
I'm trying to change some of my habits and learning something outside my comfort zone this is why I posted what I want to do in this blog as challenges and I follow the same process like you said in this post "decompose it into its most simple elements"
I just found your profile and Yes I'm interested to learn more from you!

Thanks for your work helping out photofeed. It’s great to see somewhere on Steemit that puts content first and helps out photographers .

Very inspirational post. I've thought about learning how to program myself because I feel I'm getting left behind by not knowing this technology. I've heard good things about Treehouse and that Python is the best programming language to learn first. Good luck to both of us in our journey.

This is actually pretty inspiring. I work in the IT field and have always been somewhat afraid to venture into coding even though long term it's probably best for my career. Keep us posted on how this goes for you and maybe you can help me learn a thing or two. :)

Good luck.

Computer programming is great skill to have and like you said, world needs more coders. But it is challenging. It takes time, energy, determination and emotional labour. This is the cost that you have to pay, but you will gain so much more. I am definitely interested, you sharing the journey of creating websites.

hi @cryptoctopus,great to know that you are learning javascript coding,It is a great scripting language.Almost all the browser use it.I also know the basic of javascript and jquery and basically I am a dot net developer and build website and javascript helps me very much when I want to update,delete and add data at client side,Because server side takes lots of time to process..all the best my good wishes are with us sir.You are a very great learner.Upvoted and resteemed.I am a big fan of you sir.

good strategy dear friend
nice story
keep doing hard work
you will become more master soon
god bless you

Learn JavaScript, a Web development programming language, to add interactivity to your Web pages, and become an expert Web developer ;)

@cryptoctopus They Way That I Devlope My Self in Programmation is with Practice .. Make mistakes and sit for hours looking for a solution ^^ , Usualy I Use multiple languages in one project This helps me to remember Most languages I have learned :)

You very clearly explain everything that I think, when you create a website that's the same way and explain what we learned :) Of course I'm interested.

wooow this is very amazing @cryptoctopus.
I think I will try to learn some of that.
I believe you will be mastering the creation of websites on top of Steem Blockchain.
I know you are this kind of humans who work hard all the time. Keep up the good work for u and for us

Javascript is not a big deal. If you are good with any other language then learning javascript is simple and easy. Grab on the pace and keep up running.

Very helpful post thanks @cryptoctopus

3 years of coding. but can not do anything

To code means to be creative. You have a really good feeling we you did something by yourself. @cryptoctopus your post is full of motivation. I really enjoyed it to read through.

This is very true. Everything that seems difficult to learn needs time and utmost attention to bits of information.
Am interested, please do share

i know its a great language but its rally hard .....i am your new follower but am allreday see your all post .....your every post quality really amazing but something worng .....
i think you need to boost your post its not promoting its a system ....
i think you can vote some people then everybody do follow you and also upvote and resteem .....best of luck and again your every post is amazing....

do you teach... i need to learn

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm working with java this time. And I wrote a coffee code like this myself. But it does not work: / :( lol

yep! That's part of the process!

Thank you very much for the comment and this informative sharing. @cryptoctopus

sugar != Sugar.

Using upper and lower case to denote a class and an object is nice, but it is very easy to mix the two. I would suggest better variable names. At least use sugar1. I prefer hungarian notation. pSugar1

It was not just for recreational purposes. I did not get caught in detail. :) But thanks for the advice :)

You will be become a good developer
keep learning.

Hi ,I'm new and I just have followed you and you make me feel
interested about javascript, your wish to become a
full-stack developer, I'm sure we can learn a superpower,
I also sure that the PhotoFeed project is gonna be a success,
and of course let me tell you i'm gonna be one of your true fan lover...
I'm thinking about to take a course of marketing digital (online of course because my baby boy is too small to leave him with someone else) and I'm learning with your posts. thanks<3

If there is anything I am not going to let my kids have in the future, it is the COMFORT ZONE..
Do not get me wrong, but then I have been in my comfort zone for so long that when I had to face the real world the realization that I was dumb hit me real hard but then I have to know what I have to in order to pass my grade and be a better person in life but instead of me to learn something new anytime it comes my way all I did back then was to give a lame excuse which hasn't paid off since and I am sure won't pay off at all... Thank you @cryptoctopus this write up would go a long way down with many people.
I hope it does, I really hope so.

Nice work of intrest you have..i am a developer of angulat java script .. if you want any questions are doubts feel free to ask bro...can you tell me which type of pages do you want to create ..is it static pages or dynamic pages...or application type single running type pages..angular js is very usefull for creating single application type pages like fb and and others...thank you for sharing with us..m

I remember myself juggling for the first time, I was in our house's porch and juggled the whole day long - my back hurt like hell and I though I would never have success - I didn't manage to do more than 4 jumps of 3 balls.

yeah - you sometimes don't even notice it - but the practice do make you better! I didn't reach the level you describe in juggling but I am pretty handy with 3 balls, tricks and all.

I can't emphasize enough how much this block on block and returning to previously learned material while integrating it with the new materials is important - all I can do is give my example - I learn medicine and there are courses to which the study material for the exam is about 500 4A pages. now - you can't really study it all in the 7 free days they let us have before the test - what you have to do is study during the whole semester and integrate the whole thing together, not just among the course material itself but also with older courses from previous years.

so I guess it's the same for every profession and study - learn things again and again, and in integration with the new materials. usually it will make you understand everything better and you'll be able to deduce new insights on new problem you encounter, as you know the whole building that brought you to this new build floor.

I would love to get a lesson from your experience. I had to learn what little html I know to be here on Steemit. I have been considering building my own website... but I have ZERO experience. I have enjoyed learning what little code I know... even when My brain is absolutely fried!

It would be great to get tips not only on the java and web building... but building on top of the blockchain as well! Count me in. I will leave you with this Tolkien Quote that came to mind as I read this post! Good Luck with your endeavors buddy!

"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;"

When I started learning to code, I was using this sites a lot at first:

Maybe it can help, have fun. It's one of the best coding webschools.

I did codeschool and I didn't like the format to be honest. Half way through the course I didn't even know I could use the console in a browser to do what they told me to do. I totally enjoy that Udemy course though...it's amazingly well structured. I will check out codeacademy.

Well, that's why I tried all basics there and went straight to learn from professional front-end developers)

Codeschool has very good jquery course. (But since you are interested in programming then you probably don't need it).

I personally didn't like codeacademy as it felt like the course was moving slowly and it took me a while to get to anything I found useful.

I really like Udemy. I took a couple Python courses and found them really helpful. I've just recently purchased a Javascript one, but haven't started it yet. So much to learn, so little time!

Put source code in github so we devs can help.

great information about javascript your post was informative and educational thanks for sharing upvoted and resteemed

Your post very nice bro I like it and thank you for sharing so please visit in my blog 👉@mdraihanhkn

@orine this is for you :)

Excellent working thank for the information

learning java script use to be my priority at first, but the language started getting me confused, then i wasn't a computer literate as i was always busy with other things and not so deep into the whole coding and programming things , i had to leave it as i saw it to be stressful,later in my life it started occurring to me that most of the activities that i do online need to have a little or full understanding of what coding computer, script and programming language is, then i was a blogger, i started attending courses to get my brain filled up, but everything change since i found steemit, as i also wanted to build a website of my project #PROJECT-ATLAS STEEMLANCER'S) On the steem blockchain in order to increase the value of steem and introduce freelancers into the platform and get them paid through the steem currency or sbd after completion of their job,with the complexity that the blockchain accrued i saw i learnt nothing then I'm tryna go back and start from square one.

, just like you, me also wants to learn how to build a site on the blockchain and may the force be with us.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's good you tried at first, he who fights and runs away live to fight another day. Bro go back to it as the reward outweighs the stress in it. Winners never quit

you are right about that, and you can say that again the rewards outweighs the stress, thanks for the encouragement.
the man above is your guild.

Yes! Please keep sharing. Very interested. #Following

Starting with JavaScript is a good decision. Nowadays you can do everything with it, from building web pages to native iPhone and Android apps.

I have written two tutorials here on Steemit, but they might be too advanced. Not sure. But you should check out the posts from @sambillingham. He has some ​great tutorials on using SteemJS to work with the Steem blockchain.

you've done really great job thanks a lot @crytoctopus sharing with your experience i really like that and I'll look forward next post

This is such an amiable qualities which i am looking to someday.... to add value to this platform by self development. This post inspires me greatly as a new steemian. Jst upvoted, resteemed and followed you.

Will definitely watch out for the journey as you learn. I also know basic html, but I can use some upgrading. The possibilities of integrating steeming blockchain into a website are limitless

Looking forward!

@cryptoctopus This is great video and professional work

As with anything you n life, if you don’t use it you lose it.
It may not be so much as people are afraid of failure or look stupid but, that one must be devoted to their desire to learn.
As you clearly found out juggling, you start out with as simple as it can get , then move on to the next level.
Coding is actually something I have wanted to learn, and with your inspiration , I may decide that take on the task.
Doing a lot of studying right now at other certification, so it’s not a want to or not right now but the dedication and time to be serious about it.
I will say this, I am going to follow and pay attention to the bits of information you put out there, and store them for later application for f use.

learning process never ever end!
I am happy for you that you learnt it ,

Great work

Learning how to develop websiteon top steem blockchain is quite a good innovative step my dear.wow! This is a welcome development.i am interested ,carry on .

3years to practise how to juggle

I have got to say
Maybe if had put more effort in learning coding and not psychologically thought to myself its too hard i might have been a great programmer

I've slowly become increasingly interested in coding in which I got my first hand experience with HTML when I started to blog in Steemit. I think because of you, @cryptoctopus, I'll finally start look into other languages as well. I'd love to see your progress with javascripth! Should I also start first with it? I really like the idea of being able to create something new, though not exactly sure what it would be but I guess javascript has potential since it's used for websites, it seems.

I learned how to juggle this summer, nothing special. Just basic juggling with 3 balls. I thought it would be a fun party trick or something, but I actually realised the same things as you did. Something that seemed so hard at first started to look simpler and simpler the more you practiced. You also get the effect with Rubik's cube - something that seems almost impossible to do at first, but when you know how, it's simple.
About the coding, it's something I've considered doing after high school. I mean it would be something I could do (atleast I guess so, I think I'm a good learner) and also might get a job in the future through different friends. BUT I don't know that how long could I do the same job? I do not want to make a bad decision.
To you, good luck in the coding world!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am motivated, I ounce wanted to take a php/html class but I was downgrading my ability to cope, so I went into template with blogger but when I started affiliate marketing where I have to place codes in my blog I felt bad for not knowing, how good will it be for you to carry us along, we could correct each other, I have a friend who codes I actually asked him to code a site for me but I think am ready to journey with you, watch YouTube tutorials and ask questions.....

Please carry us along......

Am sure a lot of viewers will support and learn from you, I personally is in support #codesteemit

Learning is a thing of the mind...... interest is important in learning. No matter how difficult no matter how complex it could be I believe one could achieve success if one's interest is it. Though it could take time but at the end when you succeed there's a joy of accomplishment and fulfilment.

Are you interested in me sharing what I'm learning in the process of becoming able to create websites on top of the steem blockchain? Let me know in the comment below.

I'd be glad if you share with me.

@cryptoctopus thanks for sharing your life story.

nice story

I am interested. I am an html/css coder, php developer and WordPress specialist. What I am lacking and am willing to learn is React and other JS frameworks as well as Python (already planned a series of posts on it). So it would be beneficial for me (as well as for many others as I believe) if you will share your progress, especially in relation to the blockchain specific.

I love the point you make where anyone can learn anything, if they really want to do it. I've seen a lot of people give up because they "can't" do it instead of applying persistence and will power to accomplish an end. In the end, they probably don't want it bad enough so they give up.

I love this post.

"I can learn anything, no matter how difficult or complex, if I apply the correct attitude and learning strategies"
This is so true. Once you learn how to learn, anything can be understood.

This is a really cool project. I was obliged, by necessity, to learn some CSS and HTML (and a tiny amount of php and jQuery) for a work project, and I’ve since started to try to figure out how to fit growth in coding into the roster of things I’m learning/doing-Outside-of-work-and-parenting-time.

I would love to read ongoing updates.

An excellent and challenging journey

I am absolutely interested in you sharing what you're learning. This is exactly the area that I'm interested in and will be going through myself once I get a couple of current projects under control.

I've worked with coders, and I have to say, their brains are very different from mine... they'll lock themselves away and work on a problem for 3 weeks and won't stop until they've got it... they can't stop until they've got it. The brains just follow logical processes... mine is far more erratic and distractable... but that said I've always enjoyed the coding I have done... and I love the transparent nature of the blockchain. I know I'm going to be so excited when I pull my first data from Steem and publish it to a website. I'm already using SQL tools and am loving them.

I am particularly inspired by the story of your Java Script education and the lessons learnt from the challenges that confronted you and how determination, passion and focus saw you through.

Even those who are not software-prone will find your 'journey' is exciting and inspiring. And as for whether I am interested in your sharing what you're learning in the process of becoming able to create websites on top of the steem blockchain, the answer is a huge YES!

Thank you. I am waiting.

wall i think this is amazing and i should start following your articles as i am too much intresting in all this and i want to learn how so far and i think you are the right perso to watch ..this amazing

"I can learn anything, no matter how difficult or complex, if I apply the correct attitude and learning strategies"

if we all understand this then i firmly believe that we can achieve anything we want no matter how impossible it seems..

i am also new to coding and really enjoy coding..and yest we would love to read about your journey in coding world.

Good job

Really looking forward to hearing about your experiences. And would highly recommend freeCodeCamp for learning JavaScript!

thanks. Many people recommended it so far :-)

Yees! Exactly, with the right attidute and strategies you can learn absolutely anything. It takes hard work and dedication but it's always worth it. Most people just give excuses of why they can't do this or that, but the reality is, they don't have enough discipline to do anything in their life.

In previous modules, you have learned about HTML and BootStrap / CSS and you are saying that you know many different types of loop, function, return, console.log etc.

We are here to build your "portfolio" projectWe want you to quickly open your PotoFoli website. You must be patient so that you do not forget to learn something new. You are being warned more so that you do not forget Javascript.thanks for sharing good news.upvote now done@cryptoctopus

I'm also pursuing learning to program with #javascript and #vuejs, with the ultimate goal of being able to contribute in some way to the blockchain revolution that's happening.

It's great that you are taking on this learning challenge. I started this last week and already made one post on my first steps with Vue.js.

Great post, I have been looking to learn javascript

man can do everything !

"I can learn anything, no matter how difficult or complex, if I apply the correct attitude and learning strategies".
Learning never stops. I have some new things i need to learn too both in my area of interest and also in area of "trend". When we learn things even things that are not in our area of interest, sometimes, due to necessity, it helps as well. Major thing is, it should improve us and make us better. Thank you so much.

Fabulous as the world of information technology is doing, seeing the video of creators of Facebook, Twitter started thus creating even

Steve Jobs nod says: That everyone should learn to program a computer because it does not teach as you think.

It is great that we share their concoimeinto learning programming and also I would like to leave us task or challenges to put into practice

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have tried the language once but didn't do it. It seems very difficult to me.but anyway best of luck to your new journey.

I think it would be cool to see your progress as you are learning to create websites. It might teach us a thing or two while you're doing it as well. Based on your juggling story, you definitely seem tenacious so I know you can do it :).

Practice makes perfect. Or Swedish version "övning ger färdighet" which translate to something like "with practice comes skill" or "skill comes with practice", which to me sounds a bit nicer. Aiming for perfect sounds as negative pressure, aiming for skill sounds positive. Anyway, keep it up!

Pretty an enjoying but stressful journey
All the same it's worth it
Great post

First, good luck with your learning and I wish you great progress.
And I hope you are sill young, then learning will be easy and fun.
I started learning Python now in my old senior years, and it is not that easy any more lol

But, programming on top of Steemit is so exciting, every time I see some Python code doing something with Steemit I get so excited and upbeat, motivated, seeing what extra power programming gives to you.

So i'm sure that those, who are learning Javascript, will appreciate your work and lessons just as well.

js is cool ;) welcome, hope you enjoy being part of community ;) i start learning js myself couple months ago, right now building a video recorder app on top of ipfs to send messages to yourself in 10 years time, if all go well will deploy and publish an article here about the process.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step" @cryptoctopus. You just took a bold step on a JavaScript journey! Good one👍

Thank you so much for sharing this nice post

Nice post. Its true we limit ourselves much more than we are limited in the first place.

I had a similar experience as a musician - You learn new intstruments or performances with the faith that you will get better, not by evaluating yourself at the beginning.

As a coder who has learned many languages over the years I found a mistake that is easy to make is to study the language and not write code, the mentality is like "I will understand it first and THEN write something when I know how" that will usually fail. Study is an important prerequisite but the results happen after you set a goal and awkwardly fumble your way to making something that works. Repeatedly.

In the musician analogy it would be the difference between memorizing the melody - and actually performing it which can only be learned by doing it.

great video sir.thanks for share.